{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams, ViewPatterns, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} import Control.Concurrent import Control.Applicative ((<$)) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Exception (try) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL (pack) import Data.Char (isSpace) import qualified Data.Digest.Pure.MD5 as MD5 (md5) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import System.IO.Error (userError) import qualified Httpd import Network.Browser import Network.HTTP import Network.HTTP.Base import Network.HTTP.Auth import Network.HTTP.Headers import Network.Stream (Result) import Network.URI (uriPath, parseURI) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.IO (getChar) import Test.Framework (defaultMainWithArgs, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit basicGetRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion basicGetRequest = do response <- simpleHTTP (getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get")) code <- getResponseCode response assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code body <- getResponseBody response assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "It works." body basicGetRequestLBS :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion basicGetRequestLBS = do response <- simpleHTTP (mkRequest GET (fromJust (parseURI (?testUrl ("/basic/get"))))) code <- getResponseCode response assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code body <- getResponseBody response assertEqual "Receiving expected response" (BL.pack "It works.") body basicHeadRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion basicHeadRequest = do response <- simpleHTTP (headRequest (?testUrl "/basic/head")) code <- getResponseCode response assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code body <- getResponseBody response -- the body should be empty, since this is a HEAD request assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "" body basicExample :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion basicExample = do result <- -- sample code from Network.HTTP haddock, with URL changed -- Note there's also a copy of the example in the .cabal file simpleHTTP (getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/example")) >>= fmap (take 100) . getResponseBody assertEqual "Receiving expected response" (take 100 haskellOrgText) result secureGetRequest :: (?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion secureGetRequest = do response <- try $ simpleHTTP (getRequest (?secureTestUrl "/anything")) assertEqual "Threw expected exception" (Left (userError "https not supported")) (fmap show response) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq basicPostRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion basicPostRequest = do let sendBody = "body" response <- simpleHTTP $ postRequestWithBody (?testUrl "/basic/post") "text/plain" sendBody code <- getResponseCode response assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code body <- getResponseBody response assertEqual "Receiving expected response" (show (Just "text/plain", Just "4", sendBody)) body basicAuthFailure :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion basicAuthFailure = do response <- simpleHTTP (getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/basic")) code <- getResponseCode response body <- getResponseBody response assertEqual "HTTP status code" ((4, 0, 1), "Nothing") (code, body) credentialsBasic :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Authority credentialsBasic = AuthBasic "Testing realm" "test" "password" (fromJust . parseURI . ?testUrl $ "/auth/basic") basicAuthSuccess :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion basicAuthSuccess = do let req = getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/basic") let authString = withAuthority credentialsBasic req let reqWithAuth = req { rqHeaders = mkHeader HdrAuthorization authString:rqHeaders req } response <- simpleHTTP reqWithAuth code <- getResponseCode response body <- getResponseBody response assertEqual "Receiving expected response" ((2, 0, 0), "Here's the secret") (code, body) utf8URLEncode :: Assertion utf8URLEncode = do assertEqual "Normal URL" (urlEncode "what-a_mess.com") "what-a_mess.com" assertEqual "Chinese URL" (urlEncode "好") "%E5%A5%BD" assertEqual "Russian URL" (urlEncode "ололо") "%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE" utf8URLDecode :: Assertion utf8URLDecode = do assertEqual "Normal URL" (urlDecode "what-a_mess.com") "what-a_mess.com" assertEqual "Mixed URL" (urlDecode "UTFin进入-wow") "UTFin进入-wow" assertEqual "Chinese URL" (urlDecode "%E5%A5%BD") "好" assertEqual "Russian URL" (urlDecode "%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE") "ололо" browserExample :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserExample = do result <- -- sample code from Network.Browser haddock, with URL changed -- Note there's also a copy of the example in the .cabal file do (_, rsp) <- Network.Browser.browse $ do setAllowRedirects True -- handle HTTP redirects request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/example") return (take 100 (rspBody rsp)) assertEqual "Receiving expected response" (take 100 haskellOrgText) result -- A vanilla HTTP request using Browser shouln't send a cookie header browserNoCookie :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserNoCookie = do (_, response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/no-cookie") let code = rspCode response assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code -- Regression test -- * Browser sends vanilla request to server -- * Server sets one cookie "hello=world" -- * Browser sends a second request -- -- Expected: Server gets single cookie with "hello=world" -- Actual: Server gets 3 extra cookies, which are actually cookie attributes: -- "$Version=0;hello=world;$Domain=localhost:8080\r" browserOneCookie :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserOneCookie = do (_, response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) setMaxPoolSize (Just 0) -- TODO remove this: workaround for github issue 14 -- This first requests returns a single Set-Cookie: hello=world _ <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/one-cookie/1") -- This second request should send a single Cookie: hello=world request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/one-cookie/2") let body = rspBody response assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "" body let code = rspCode response assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code browserTwoCookies :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserTwoCookies = do (_, response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) setMaxPoolSize (Just 0) -- TODO remove this: workaround for github issue 14 -- This first request returns two cookies _ <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/two-cookies/1") -- This second request should send them back request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/two-cookies/2") let body = rspBody response assertEqual "Receiving expected response" "" body let code = rspCode response assertEqual "HTTP status code" (2, 0, 0) code browserFollowsRedirect :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Int -> Assertion browserFollowsRedirect n = do (_, response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) setMaxPoolSize (Just 0) -- TODO remove this: workaround for github issue 14 request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/redirect/relative/" ++ show n ++ "/basic/get") assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server" ((2, 0, 0), "It works.") (rspCode response, rspBody response) browserReturnsRedirect :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Int -> Assertion browserReturnsRedirect n = do (_, response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) setMaxPoolSize (Just 0) -- TODO remove this: workaround for github issue 14 request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/redirect/relative/" ++ show n ++ "/basic/get") assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server" ((n `div` 100, n `mod` 100 `div` 10, n `mod` 10), "") (rspCode response, rspBody response) authGenBasic _ "Testing realm" = return $ Just ("test", "password") authGenBasic _ realm = fail $ "Unexpected realm " ++ realm browserBasicAuth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserBasicAuth = do (_, response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) setMaxPoolSize (Just 0) -- TODO remove this: workaround for github issue 14 setAuthorityGen authGenBasic request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/basic") assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server" ((2, 0, 0), "Here's the secret") (rspCode response, rspBody response) authGenDigest _ "Digest testing realm" = return $ Just ("test", "digestpassword") authGenDigest _ realm = fail $ "Unexpected digest realm " ++ realm browserDigestAuth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserDigestAuth = do (_, response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) setMaxPoolSize (Just 0) -- TODO remove this: workaround for github issue 14 setAuthorityGen authGenDigest request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/auth/digest") assertEqual "Receiving expected response from server" ((2, 0, 0), "Here's the digest secret") (rspCode response, rspBody response) browserAlt :: (?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserAlt = do (response) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get") return response1 assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server" ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.") (rspCode response, rspBody response) -- test that requests to multiple servers on the same host -- don't get confused with each other browserBoth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserBoth = do (response1, response2) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get") (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get") return (response1, response2) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server" ((2, 0, 0), "It works.") (rspCode response1, rspBody response1) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server" ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.") (rspCode response2, rspBody response2) -- test that requests to multiple servers on the same host -- don't get confused with each other browserBothReversed :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserBothReversed = do (response1, response2) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get") (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get") return (response1, response2) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server" ((2, 0, 0), "It works.") (rspCode response1, rspBody response1) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server" ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.") (rspCode response2, rspBody response2) browserSecureRequest :: (?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserSecureRequest = do res <- try $ browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) request $ getRequest (?secureTestUrl "/anything") assertEqual "Threw expected exception" (Left (userError "https not supported")) (fmap show res) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq -- in case it tries to reuse the connection browserSecureRequestAfterInsecure :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserSecureRequestAfterInsecure = do res <- try $ browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get") request $ getRequest (?secureTestUrl "/anything") assertEqual "Threw expected exception" (Left (userError "https not supported")) (fmap show res) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq browserRedirectToSecure :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserRedirectToSecure = do res <- try $ browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) setErrHandler fail request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/browser/redirect/secure/301/anything") assertEqual "Threw expected exception" (Left (userError $ "Unable to handle redirect, unsupported scheme: " ++ ?secureTestUrl "/anything")) (fmap show res) -- fmap show because Response isn't in Eq browserTwoRequests :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserTwoRequests = do (response1, response2) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get") (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get2") return (response1, response2) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server" ((2, 0, 0), "It works.") (rspCode response1, rspBody response1) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server" ((2, 0, 0), "It works (2).") (rspCode response2, rspBody response2) browserTwoRequestsAlt :: (?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserTwoRequestsAlt = do (response1, response2) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get") (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get2") return (response1, response2) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server" ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.") (rspCode response1, rspBody response1) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server" ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server (2).") (rspCode response2, rspBody response2) browserTwoRequestsBoth :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?altTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Assertion browserTwoRequestsBoth = do (response1, response2, response3, response4) <- browse $ do setOutHandler (const $ return ()) (_, response1) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get") (_, response2) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get") (_, response3) <- request $ getRequest (?testUrl "/basic/get2") (_, response4) <- request $ getRequest (?altTestUrl "/basic/get2") return (response1, response2, response3, response4) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server" ((2, 0, 0), "It works.") (rspCode response1, rspBody response1) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server" ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server.") (rspCode response2, rspBody response2) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from main server" ((2, 0, 0), "It works (2).") (rspCode response3, rspBody response3) assertEqual "Receiving expected response from alternate server" ((2, 0, 0), "This is the alternate server (2).") (rspCode response4, rspBody response4) hasPrefix :: String -> String -> Maybe String hasPrefix [] ys = Just ys hasPrefix (x:xs) (y:ys) | x == y = hasPrefix xs ys hasPrefix _ _ = Nothing maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a maybeRead s = case reads s of [(v, "")] -> Just v _ -> Nothing splitFields = map (toPair '=' . trim isSpace) . splitOn "," toPair c str = case break (==c) str of (left, _:right) -> (left, right) _ -> error $ "No " ++ show c ++ " in " ++ str trim f = dropWhile f . reverse . dropWhile f . reverse isSubsetOf xs ys = all (`elem` ys) xs -- first bits of result text from haskell.org (just to give some representative text) haskellOrgText = "\ \\ \\t\ \\t\t\ \\t\t\t\t" digestMatch username realm password nonce opaque method relativeURI makeAbsolute headers = common `isSubsetOf` headers && (relative `isSubsetOf` headers || absolute `isSubsetOf` headers) where common = [("username", show username), ("realm", show realm), ("nonce", show nonce), ("opaque", show opaque)] md5 = show . MD5.md5 . BL.pack ha1 = md5 (username++":"++realm++":"++password) ha2 uri = md5 (method++":"++uri) response uri = md5 (ha1 ++ ":" ++ nonce ++ ":" ++ ha2 uri) mkUncommon uri hash = [("uri", show uri), ("response", show hash)] relative = mkUncommon relativeURI (response relativeURI) absoluteURI = makeAbsolute relativeURI absolute = mkUncommon absoluteURI (response absoluteURI) processRequest :: (?testUrl :: ServerAddress, ?secureTestUrl :: ServerAddress) => Httpd.Request -> IO Httpd.Response processRequest req = do case (Httpd.reqMethod req, Network.URI.uriPath (Httpd.reqURI req)) of ("GET", "/basic/get") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "It works." ("GET", "/basic/get2") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "It works (2)." ("GET", "/basic/head") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Body for /basic/head." ("HEAD", "/basic/head") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Body for /basic/head." ("POST", "/basic/post") -> let typ = lookup "Content-Type" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) len = lookup "Content-Length" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) body = Httpd.reqBody req in return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] (show (typ, len, body)) ("GET", "/basic/example") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] haskellOrgText ("GET", "/auth/basic") -> case lookup "Authorization" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of Just "Basic dGVzdDpwYXNzd29yZA==" -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Here's the secret" x -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 401 [("WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"Testing realm\"")] (show x) ("GET", "/auth/digest") -> case lookup "Authorization" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of Just (hasPrefix "Digest " -> Just (splitFields -> items)) | digestMatch "test" "Digest testing realm" "digestpassword" "87e4" "057d" "GET" "/auth/digest" ?testUrl items -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "Here's the digest secret" x -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 401 [("WWW-Authenticate", "Digest realm=\"Digest testing realm\", opaque=\"057d\", nonce=\"87e4\"")] (show x) ("GET", "/browser/example") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] haskellOrgText ("GET", "/browser/no-cookie") -> case lookup "Cookie" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of Nothing -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "" Just s -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] s ("GET", "/browser/one-cookie/1") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [("Set-Cookie", "hello=world")] "" ("GET", "/browser/one-cookie/2") -> case lookup "Cookie" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of Just "hello=world" -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "" Just s -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] s Nothing -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] (show $ Httpd.reqHeaders req) ("GET", "/browser/two-cookies/1") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [("Set-Cookie", "hello=world") ,("Set-Cookie", "goodbye=cruelworld")] "" ("GET", "/browser/two-cookies/2") -> case lookup "Cookie" (Httpd.reqHeaders req) of -- TODO generalise the cookie parsing to allow for whitespace/ordering variations Just "goodbye=cruelworld; hello=world" -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "" Just s -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] s Nothing -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] (show $ Httpd.reqHeaders req) ("GET", hasPrefix "/browser/redirect/relative/" -> Just (break (=='/') -> (maybeRead -> Just n, rest))) -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse n [("Location", rest)] "" ("GET", hasPrefix "/browser/redirect/absolute/" -> Just (break (=='/') -> (maybeRead -> Just n, rest))) -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse n [("Location", ?testUrl rest)] "" ("GET", hasPrefix "/browser/redirect/secure/" -> Just (break (=='/') -> (maybeRead -> Just n, rest))) -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse n [("Location", ?secureTestUrl rest)] "" _ -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] "Unknown request" altProcessRequest :: Httpd.Request -> IO Httpd.Response altProcessRequest req = do case (Httpd.reqMethod req, Network.URI.uriPath (Httpd.reqURI req)) of ("GET", "/basic/get") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "This is the alternate server." ("GET", "/basic/get2") -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 200 [] "This is the alternate server (2)." _ -> return $ Httpd.mkResponse 500 [] "Unknown request" maybeTestGroup True name xs = testGroup name xs maybeTestGroup False name _ = testGroup name [] basicTests = testGroup "Basic tests" [ testCase "Basic GET request" basicGetRequest , testCase "Basic GET request (lazy bytestring)" basicGetRequestLBS , testCase "Network.HTTP example code" basicExample , testCase "Secure GET request" secureGetRequest , testCase "Basic POST request" basicPostRequest , testCase "Basic HEAD request" basicHeadRequest , testCase "Basic Auth failure" basicAuthFailure , testCase "Basic Auth success" basicAuthSuccess , testCase "UTF-8 urlEncode" utf8URLEncode , testCase "UTF-8 urlDecode" utf8URLDecode ] browserTests = testGroup "Browser tests" [ testGroup "Basic" [ -- github issue 14 -- testCase "Two requests" browserTwoRequests testCase "Network.Browser example code" browserExample ] , testGroup "Secure" [ testCase "Secure request" browserSecureRequest , testCase "After insecure" browserSecureRequestAfterInsecure , testCase "Redirection" browserRedirectToSecure ] , testGroup "Cookies" [ testCase "No cookie header" browserNoCookie , testCase "One cookie" browserOneCookie , testCase "Two cookies" browserTwoCookies ] , testGroup "Redirection" [ -- See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#3xx_Redirection -- 300 Multiple Choices: client has to handle this testCase "300" (browserReturnsRedirect 300) -- 301 Moved Permanently: should follow , testCase "301" (browserFollowsRedirect 301) -- 302 Found: should follow , testCase "302" (browserFollowsRedirect 302) -- 303 See Other: should follow (directly for GETs) , testCase "303" (browserFollowsRedirect 303) -- 304 Not Modified: maybe Browser could do something intelligent based on -- being given locally cached content and sending If-Modified-Since, but it -- doesn't at the moment , testCase "304" (browserReturnsRedirect 304) -- 305 Use Proxy: test harness doesn't have a proxy (yet) -- 306 Switch Proxy: obsolete -- 307 Temporary Redirect: should follow , testCase "307" (browserFollowsRedirect 307) -- 308 Resume Incomplete: no support for Resumable HTTP so client has to handle this , testCase "308" (browserReturnsRedirect 308) ] , testGroup "Authentication" [ testCase "Basic" browserBasicAuth , testCase "Digest" browserDigestAuth ] ] port80Tests = testGroup "Multiple servers" [ testCase "Alternate server" browserAlt , testCase "Both servers" browserBoth , testCase "Both servers (reversed)" browserBothReversed -- github issue 14 -- , testCase "Two requests - alternate server" browserTwoRequestsAlt -- , testCase "Two requests - both servers" browserTwoRequestsBoth ] urlRoot :: Int -> String urlRoot 80 = "http://localhost" urlRoot n = "http://localhost:" ++ show n secureRoot :: Int -> String secureRoot 443 = "https://localhost" secureRoot n = "https://localhost:" ++ show n type ServerAddress = String -> String httpAddress, httpsAddress :: Int -> ServerAddress httpAddress port p = urlRoot port ++ p httpsAddress port p = secureRoot port ++ p main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let servers = [("httpd-shed", Httpd.shed), ("warp", Httpd.warp)] basePortNum, altPortNum :: Int basePortNum = 5812 altPortNum = 80 numberedServers = zip [basePortNum..] servers let setupNormalTests = do flip mapM numberedServers $ \(portNum, (serverName, server)) -> do let ?testUrl = httpAddress portNum ?secureTestUrl = httpsAddress portNum _ <- forkIO $ server portNum processRequest return $ testGroup serverName [basicTests, browserTests] let setupAltTests = do let (portNum, (_, server)) = head numberedServers let ?testUrl = httpAddress portNum ?altTestUrl = httpAddress altPortNum _ <- forkIO $ server altPortNum altProcessRequest return port80Tests case args of ["server"] -> do -- run only the harness servers for diagnostic/debug purposes -- halt on any keypress _ <- setupNormalTests _ <- setupAltTests _ <- getChar return () ("--withport80":args) -> do normalTests <- setupNormalTests altTests <- setupAltTests _ <- threadDelay 1000000 -- Give the server time to start :-( defaultMainWithArgs (normalTests ++ [altTests]) args args -> do -- run the test harness as normal normalTests <- setupNormalTests _ <- threadDelay 1000000 -- Give the server time to start :-( defaultMainWithArgs normalTests args