-- | This module abstracts the differences between implementations of 
-- Haskell (e.g., GHC, Hugs, and NHC).

module Test.HUnit.Lang

-- When adapting this module for other Haskell language systems, change
-- the imports and the implementations but not the interfaces.

-- Imports
-- -------

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) || defined(__HUGS__)
import Data.Dynamic
import Control.Exception as E
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import System.IO.Error (ioeGetErrorString, try)

-- Interfaces
-- ----------

-- | When an assertion is evaluated, it will output a message if and only if the
-- assertion fails.  
-- Test cases are composed of a sequence of one or more assertions.

type Assertion = IO ()

-- | Unconditionally signals that a failure has occured.  All
-- other assertions can be expressed with the form:
-- @
--    if conditionIsMet 
--        then IO () 
--        else assertFailure msg
-- @ 

assertFailure :: String -- ^ A message that is displayed with the assertion failure 
              -> Assertion

-- | Performs a single test case.  The meaning of the result is as follows:
--     [@Nothing@]           test case success
--     [@Just (True,  msg)@] test case failure with the given message
--     [@Just (False, msg)@] test case error with the given message

performTestCase :: Assertion -- ^ an assertion to be made during the test case run 
                -> IO (Maybe (Bool, String))

-- Implementations
-- ---------------

#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) || defined(__HUGS__)
data HUnitFailure = HUnitFailure String
    deriving Show

hunitFailureTc :: TyCon
hunitFailureTc = mkTyCon "HUnitFailure"
{-# NOINLINE hunitFailureTc #-}
instance Typeable HUnitFailure where
    typeOf _ = mkTyConApp hunitFailureTc []
#ifdef BASE4
instance Exception HUnitFailure

assertFailure msg = E.throw (HUnitFailure msg)

performTestCase action = 
    do action
       return Nothing
      [E.Handler (\(HUnitFailure msg) -> return $ Just (True, msg)),
       E.Handler (\e -> return $ Just (False, show (e :: E.SomeException)))]
assertFailure msg = E.throwDyn (HUnitFailure msg)

performTestCase action = 
    do r <- E.try action
       case r of 
         Right () -> return Nothing
         Left e@(E.DynException dyn) -> 
             case fromDynamic dyn of
               Just (HUnitFailure msg) -> return $ Just (True, msg)
               Nothing                 -> return $ Just (False, show e)
         Left e -> return $ Just (False, show e)
hunitPrefix = "HUnit:"

nhc98Prefix = "I/O error (user-defined), call to function `userError':\n  "

assertFailure msg = ioError (userError (hunitPrefix ++ msg))

performTestCase action = do r <- try action
                            case r of Right () -> return Nothing
                                      Left  e  -> return (Just (decode e))
  decode e = let s0 = ioeGetErrorString e
                 (_, s1) = dropPrefix nhc98Prefix s0
             in            dropPrefix hunitPrefix s1
  dropPrefix pref str = if pref `isPrefixOf` str
                          then (True, drop (length pref) str)
                          else (False, str)