{- | Very basic support for diffing with HUnit.


  * Prints the whole value, not just the difference with a few lines of

  * Relies on the similarity of pretty-printed 'show' results which
    sorta-kinda works much of the time but may sometimes highlight
    differences too eagerly.

  * Always colors the differences for ANSI terminals, regardless of output

Despite these limitations, I find it more useful than HUnit's defaults.

module Test.HUnit.Diff ((@?==), (@==?)) where

import Data.Functor        ( (<$>) )

import Data.Algorithm.Diff ( getDiff, DI(B, F, S) )
import System.Console.ANSI ( Color(Green, Red), ColorIntensity(Dull)
                           , ConsoleLayer(Foreground), SGR(SetColor, Reset)
                           , setSGRCode )
import Test.HUnit          ( Assertion, assertBool, (@?=), (@=?) )
import Text.Groom          ( groom )

-- | Like '@?=' but producing a colored diff on failure.
(@?==) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
x @?== y =
    assertBool ('\n':msg) (x == y)
    msg       = unlines $ fmt <$> getDiff (lines . groom $ x)
                                          (lines . groom $ y)
    fmt (B,s) =               ' ' : s
    fmt (F,s) = color Green $ '+' : s
    fmt (S,s) = color Red   $ '-' : s
    color c s = setSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Dull c]
                ++ s ++
                setSGRCode [Reset]

-- | Like '@=?' but producing a colored diff on failure.
(@==?) :: (Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion
y @==? x = x @?== y