HaLeX-1.1: HaLeX enables modelling, manipulation and animation of regular languagesSource codeContentsIndex

The Class of Finite Automaton in Haskell

Code Included in the Lecture Notes on Language Processing (with a functional flavour).

class Fa fa st sy where
accept :: fa st sy -> [sy] -> Bool
sizeFa :: fa st sy -> Int
equiv :: fa st sy -> fa st sy -> Bool
minimize :: fa st sy -> Dfa [[st]] sy
reverseFa :: fa st sy -> Ndfa st sy
deadstates :: fa st sy -> [st]
toHaskell' :: fa st sy -> String -> IO ()
toGraph :: fa st sy -> String -> String
toGraphIO :: fa st sy -> String -> IO ()
unionFa :: fa st sy -> fa st sy -> Ndfa st sy
concatFa :: fa st sy -> fa st sy -> Ndfa st sy
starFa :: fa st sy -> Ndfa st sy
plusFa :: fa st sy -> Ndfa st sy
class Fa fa st sy whereSource
Class of Finite automaton
accept :: fa st sy -> [sy] -> BoolSource
sizeFa :: fa st sy -> IntSource
equiv :: fa st sy -> fa st sy -> BoolSource
minimize :: fa st sy -> Dfa [[st]] sySource
reverseFa :: fa st sy -> Ndfa st sySource
deadstates :: fa st sy -> [st]Source
toHaskell' :: fa st sy -> String -> IO ()Source
toGraph :: fa st sy -> String -> StringSource
toGraphIO :: fa st sy -> String -> IO ()Source
unionFa :: fa st sy -> fa st sy -> Ndfa st sySource
concatFa :: fa st sy -> fa st sy -> Ndfa st sySource
starFa :: fa st sy -> Ndfa st sySource
plusFa :: fa st sy -> Ndfa st sySource
show/hide Instances
(Show st, Show sy, Ord st, Ord sy) => Fa Dfa st sy
(Show st, Show sy, Ord st, Ord sy) => Fa Ndfa st sy
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