module RefacDuplicates(detectDuplicates,detectSpecDuplicates) where import PrettyPrint import PosSyntax import Maybe import TypedIds import UniqueNames hiding (srcLoc) import PNT import TiPNT import List import RefacUtils import PFE0 (findFile, getCurrentModuleGraph) import AbstractIO import Prelude hiding (putStrLn, putStr) import Char import Time type Drip = (String, LocInfo) type ExpDrip = (HsExpP, LocInfo) type Bucket = [Drip] type ExpBucket = [ExpDrip] type BucketGroup = [Bucket] type ExpBucketGroup = [ExpBucket] type LocInfo = (String, Int, Int) -- ************************************************** -- ***** ***** -- ***** File: RefacDuplicates.hs ***** -- ***** Module Name: RefacDuplicates ***** -- ***** Author: Jonathan Cowie ***** -- ***** Email: ***** -- ***** ***** -- ***** Created as a summer internship project ***** -- ***** between July and August 2004 ***** -- ***** ***** -- ************************************************** detectDuplicates args = do let fileName = args!!0 timeone <- AbstractIO.getClockTime modName <- fileNameToModName fileName (inscps, exps, mod, tokList) <- parseSourceFile fileName putStrLn "\nComputing list of duplicates from the following files..." servers<-serverModsAndFiles modName let directory = getDirectory fileName servers' = stripServers servers directory -- mods <- getModules putStrLn $ show servers' expmods <- makeFullASTList (map snd servers') let dups = getDuplicates expmods displayDuplicates dups putStrLn "Duplicate code refactoring complete!\n" timetwo <- AbstractIO.getClockTime putStrLn $ show $ diffClockTimes timetwo timeone getDirectory :: String -> String getDirectory f = reverse $ dropWhile (=='/') (dropWhile (/='/') (reverse f)) -- stripServers :: [(ModuleName, String)] -> String -> [(ModuleName, String)] stripServers [] d = [] stripServers (a@(x,y):xs) d | d == getDirectory y = a : stripServers xs d | otherwise = stripServers xs d detectSpecDuplicates args = do let fileName = args!!0 beginRow = read (args!!1)::Int beginCol = read (args!!2)::Int endRow = read (args!!3)::Int endCol = read (args!!4)::Int timeone <- AbstractIO.getClockTime modName <- fileNameToModName fileName (inscps, exps, mod, tokList) <- parseSourceFile fileName let exp=findExp tokList (beginRow, beginCol) (endRow, endCol) mod if exp/=defaultExp then -- (mod',((tokList',_),_))<- detectDuplicates' fileName (beginRow,beginCol)(endRow,endCol) mod tokList -- writeRefactoredFiles [((fileName,True), (tokList',mod'))] do putStrLn "\nComputing list of duplicates from the following files..." mods <- getModules putStrLn $ show mods expmods <- makeFullASTList mods let dups = getSpecificDupls exp expmods displayDuplicates dups putStrLn "Duplicate code refactoring complete!\n" else putStrLn "You have not selected a valid expression!\n" timetwo <- AbstractIO.getClockTime putStrLn $ show $ diffClockTimes timetwo timeone where findExp toks beginPos endPos t =fromMaybe defaultExp (applyTU (once_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` exp)) t) where exp (e::HsExpP) |inScope (getStartEndLoc toks e)=Just e exp _ =Nothing inScope (startLoc,endLoc) =startLoc>=beginPos && endLoc<=endPos -- *********************************************************** -- ***** HashTable construction & manipulation functions ***** -- *********************************************************** --Takes an AST and returns a bucket containing (for each drip) the string of the Expression --name, and the start & finish locations of the Expression makeBucket :: Term t => t -> Bucket makeBucket ast = ghead "makeBucket" $ applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` addHash)) ast where addHash (a::HsExpP)= return [(showExp a,getSrcLoc a)] --Simple hash function, Takes a String and returns an Int --Currently not used, but left in just in case hashString :: String -> Int hashString = fromIntegral . foldr f 0 where f c m = ord c + (m * 128) `rem` 1500007 --Takes an AST of Type Exp and returns its start location getSrcLoc :: (Term t) => t -> LocInfo getSrcLoc exp = if length lexp == 0 then ("",0,0) else ghead "getSrcLoc" lexp where lexp = allSortedLocsRev exp --Takes an AST and returns the AST with all SrcLocs replaced with loc0 removeSrcLocs :: Term t => t -> t removeSrcLocs ast = ghead "removeSrcLocs" $ applyTP (full_tdTP (idTP `adhocTP` noSrc)) ast where noSrc (a::SrcLoc) = return loc0 --Takes a single Drip parameter, a Bucket and returns the Bucket with --all occurences of the Drip parameter removed removeHashElement :: Drip -> Bucket -> Bucket removeHashElement (x,y) xs = [(a,b) | (a,b) <- xs, a /= x] --Takes an expression and returns a string containing the data constructor name showExp :: HsExpP -> String showExp exp = case exp of (Exp (HsId (HsVar _))) -> "HsVar" (Exp (HsId (HsCon _))) -> "HsCon" (Exp (HsLit _ _)) -> "HsLit" (Exp (HsInfixApp _ _ _)) -> "HsInfixApp" (Exp (HsApp _ _)) -> "HsApp" (Exp (HsNegApp _ _)) -> "HsNegApp" (Exp (HsLambda _ _)) -> "HsLambda" (Exp (HsLet _ _)) -> "HsLet" (Exp (HsIf _ _ _)) -> "HsIf" (Exp (HsCase _ _)) -> "HsCase" (Exp (HsDo _)) -> "HsDo" (Exp (HsTuple _)) -> "HsTuple" (Exp (HsList _)) -> "HsList" (Exp (HsParen _)) -> "HsParen" (Exp (HsLeftSection _ _)) -> "HsLeftSection" (Exp (HsRightSection _ _)) -> "HsRightSection" (Exp (HsRecConstr _ _ _)) -> "HsRecConstr" (Exp (HsRecUpdate _ _ _)) -> "HsRecUpdate" (Exp (HsEnumFrom _)) -> "HsEnumFrom" (Exp (HsEnumFromTo _ _)) -> "HsEnumFromTo" (Exp (HsEnumFromThen _ _)) -> "HsEnumFromThen" (Exp (HsEnumFromThenTo _ _ _)) -> "HsEnumFromThenTo" (Exp (HsListComp _)) -> "HsListComp" (Exp (HsExpTypeSig _ _ _ _)) -> "HsExpTypeSig" (Exp (HsAsPat _ _)) -> "HsAsPat" (Exp (HsWildCard)) -> "HsWildCard" (Exp (HsIrrPat _)) -> "HsIrrPat" --Takes an AST and returns a list of tuples containing the string equivalent of the -- Expression name, and the start & finish locations of the Expression genExpList :: (Term t) => t -> [HsExpP] genExpList ast = ghead "genExpList" $ applyTU (stop_tdTU ( failTU `adhocTU` isExp)) ast where isExp (a::HsExpP)= return [a] --Modified version of allSortedLocs to include Filename allSortedLocsRev t =(sort.nub.getSrcLocsRev) t --Modified version of getSrcLocs to include Filename getSrcLocsRev=runIdentity.(applyTU (full_tdTU (constTU [] `adhocTU` pnt `adhocTU` literalInExp `adhocTU` literalInPat))) where pnt (PNT pname _ (N (Just (SrcLoc f c row col))))=return [(f,row,col)] pnt _=return [] literalInExp ((Exp (HsLit (SrcLoc f c row col) _))::HsExpP) = return [(f,row,col)] literalInExp (Exp _) =return [] literalInPat ((Pat (HsPLit (SrcLoc f c row col) _))::HsPatP) = return [(f,row,col)] literalInPat (Pat (HsPNeg (SrcLoc f c row col) _)) = return [(f,row,col)] literalInPat _ =return [] -- ********************************************************** -- ***** Initial duplicate list construction functions ***** -- ********************************************************** --Takes a Bucket, a DuplicateData List and populates the list with all duplicates --found in the Bucket constructBucketGroup :: Bucket -> BucketGroup -> BucketGroup constructBucketGroup hshtbl dupl = case hshtbl of [] -> dupl (x:xs) -> if (dripOccurences x xs) > 1 then (addAllOcc x xs dupl) ++ (constructBucketGroup (removeHashElement x xs) []) else dupl ++ (constructBucketGroup xs []) --Takes a single Drip parameter, a Bucket and returns the number of times --the Drip parameter occurs in the Bucket dripOccurences :: Drip -> Bucket -> Int dripOccurences (x,y) xs = 1 + length [a | (a,b) <- xs, a == x] --Takes a single Drip parameter, a Bucket and a BucketGroup and populates it --with all occurences of Drip in Bucket addAllOcc :: Drip -> Bucket -> BucketGroup -> BucketGroup addAllOcc (x,y) xs dupl = ((x,y) : [(a,b) | (a,b) <- xs, a == x]) : dupl -- ********************************************************* -- ***** Initial duplicate list verification functions ***** -- ********************************************************* --Takes a BucketGroup parameter and populates it with full expressions from the --HsExpP list taken as the first parameter --Returns ExpBucketGroup populateBucketGroup :: [HsExpP] -> BucketGroup -> ExpBucketGroup populateBucketGroup expl [] = [] populateBucketGroup expl (x:xs) = map (getExp expl) x : populateBucketGroup expl xs where getExp ast dupl = ghead "populateBucketGroup" (catMaybes $ map (getMatch dupl) ast) getMatch (strexp, locinfo) exp | (getSrcLoc exp) == locinfo && strexp == showExp exp = Just ((removeSrcLocs exp), locinfo) | otherwise = Nothing --Takes an ExpBucket (second param is list to store intermediate results) --and groups the elements according to duplicate matches --Returns ExpBucket groupDupls :: ExpBucket -> ExpBucket -> ExpBucket groupDupls y []= y groupDupls ys (x:xs) = let r = xmatches x xs in groupDupls (ys++r) (xs\\r) where xmatches x xs = x:filter (\y->(show (fst x)) == (show (fst y))) xs --Given an ExpBucketGroup paramater, returns a grouped list of --duplicate Expressions in ExpBucketGroup form. elemCheck :: ExpBucketGroup -> ExpBucketGroup elemCheck xs = List.groupBy (\x y ->(show(fst x)) == (show(fst y))) (groupDupls [] (concat xs)) --Takes a list of HsExpP and a BucketGroup list and verifies the duplicates in the BucketGroup list --against the HsExpP list verifyBucketGroup :: [HsExpP] -> BucketGroup -> ExpBucketGroup verifyBucketGroup ast dupl = do let expast = populateBucketGroup ast dupl [ x | x <- elemCheck expast, length x > 1] -- ******************************************************* -- ***** Module list related functions called by the ***** -- ***** refactor interface ***** -- ******************************************************* --Takes a single parameter containing a list of all the modules to be --expanded into ASTs makeFullASTList gf= do gh <- (mapM parseSourceFile gf) return [mod | (inscps, exps, mod, tokList) <- gh] --Returns a list of all modules used in the program which are in the --same directory as the initial file to be refactored getModules = do gf <- getCurrentModuleGraph return (filterNames [ f | (f, (m,_)) <- gf]) --Takes a single parameter containing a list of strings and returns --the list with all strings containing the '/' character removed filterNames :: [String] -> [String] filterNames xs = [ x | x <- xs, containsSlash x == False] --Takes a single string paramater and returns a boolean value --depending on whether or not the string contains the '/' character containsSlash :: String -> Bool containsSlash x = if gx x == 0 then False else True where gx xs = length [ x | x <- xs, x == '/'] -- ************************************************************** -- ***** Top level functions called by refactorer interface ***** -- ************************************************************** --Takes an AST and returns a list of duplicate information (Type ExpBucketGroup) getDuplicates :: Term t => t -> ExpBucketGroup getDuplicates ast = verifyBucketGroup (genExpList ast) (constructBucketGroup (makeBucket ast) []) --Takes an AST and returns a bucket containing (for each drip) the string of the Expression --name, and the start & finish locations of the Expression getSpecificDupls :: Term t => HsExpP -> t -> ExpBucketGroup getSpecificDupls exp ast = [catMaybes $ ghead "getSpecificDupls" $ (applyTU (full_tdTU (constTU [] `adhocTU` findMatches)) ast)] where findMatches (a::HsExpP)= if show(removeSrcLocs exp) == show(removeSrcLocs a) then return [Just (a,getSrcLoc a)] else return [Nothing] --Function to display duplicates returned by getDuplicates in a readable format displayDuplicates dupls = do putStrLn $ "The following duplicates have been identified (File,Line,Char):" ++ "\n" mapM putStrLn (map displayElement dupls) where displayElement xs = if length xs == 1 then "No duplicates found.\n" else (render.ppi) (fst(ghead "displayElement" xs)) ++ " at location(s) " ++ show (nub [snd x | x <- xs]) ++ "\n" --Simple function to display the raw data output by getDuplicates displayDuplicates1 dupls = putStrLn $ show dupls