### See also README.html TARGETS=tstModules tstTI HMAKE=ghumake -batch HFLAGS= ### Optimization? OPT= #OPT=-O2 RM=rm -f ################################################################################ ### Rules for compiling the programs nothing: all: $(TARGETS) tstTI:: cd parse2; make $(HMAKE) $(OPT) $(HFLAGS) tstTI tstModules:: cd parse2; make $(HMAKE) $(OPT) $(HFLAGS) tstModules ################################################################################ ### Rule for creating the cross ref info and HTML version of the base sources. ### These assume that tstModules and hs2html have already been compiled and ### installed. xrefs:: hi/ModuleSourceFiles.txt hi/ModuleSourceFiles.txt:: tstTI.srclist tstModules xrefs `cat tstTI.srclist` tstTI.srclist: echo "$@ has to be created manually (for the time being)." html: hi/modules hs2html all2html hi/modules: hi/ModuleSourceFiles.txt hs2html modules >hi/modules ################################################################################ ### Rules for cleaning up clean: cd parse2; make clean $(RM) -r $(TARGETS) hi find . '(' -name '*.o' -o -name '*.hi' ')' -exec $(RM) '{}' ';' cleanrefs: $(RM) -f hi/*.refs