--#include "alfa/Test1.alfa" open Module_Prelude use List, map, id, Bool, (..), not, Int open Module_Test1 use f, IsId, IdIsId, g, Id_g, MapIdIsId, NotNotIsId, Reflexive, EqReflBool, AllBools, h, tr, fa, T, F, ExcludedMiddle open Identity use Identical, refl, cong proofIdIsId ::IdIsId = \(t5::Star) -> \(x::t5) -> let ndgoal ::Identical t5 (id t5 x) x = refl t5 (id t5 x) in ndgoal proofMapIdIsId ::MapIdIsId = \(t11::Star) -> \(x::Module_Prelude.List t11) -> let lemma (xs::List t11) :: Identical (Module_Prelude.List t11) (map t11 t11 (id t11) xs) xs = case xs of { (Nil) -> Ref@_; (Cons x' xs') -> cong (List t11) (Module_Prelude.List t11) (map t11 t11 (id t11) xs') xs' ( \(h::List t11) -> Cons@_ x' h) (lemma xs');} in lemma x proofId_g ::Id_g = \(t16::Star) -> refl t16 proofNotNotIsId ::NotNotIsId = \(x::Module_Prelude.Bool) -> case x of { (False) -> Ref@_; (True) -> Ref@_;} proofEqReflBool ::EqReflBool = \(x::Module_Prelude.Bool) -> case x of { (False) -> Ref@_; (True) -> Ref@_;} proofExcludedMiddle ::ExcludedMiddle = \(b::Module_Prelude.Bool) -> case b of { (False) -> orI1@_ Ref@_; (True) -> orI2@_ Ref@_;} {-# Alfa unfoldgoals off brief on hidetypeannots on wide nd hiding on #-}