{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils

       -- * Managing the GHC / project environment
       , loadModuleGraphGhc
       , getModuleGhc
       , parseSourceFileGhc
       , getModuleDetails

       -- * The bits that do the work
       , runRefacSession
       , applyRefac
       , refactDone
       , ApplyRefacResult
       , RefacSource(..)

       , update
       -- , writeRefactoredFiles
       -- , Refact -- ^ deprecated
       , fileNameToModName
       , fileNameFromModSummary
       , getModuleName
       , clientModsAndFiles
       , serverModsAndFiles
       , getCurrentModuleGraph
       , sortCurrentModuleGraph

       -- * For testing
       -- , initGhcSession
       -- , prettyprint
       , pwd
       ) where

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod
import Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcModuleGraph
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeUtils
import System.Directory

-- import qualified Bag           as GHC
-- import qualified BasicTypes    as GHC
-- import qualified Coercion      as GHC
import qualified Digraph       as GHC
import qualified DynFlags      as GHC
-- import qualified ErrUtils      as GHC
import qualified FastString    as GHC
-- import qualified ForeignCall   as GHC
import qualified GHC
-- import qualified GHC           as GHC
-- import qualified GHC.Paths     as GHC
-- import qualified HsSyn         as GHC
-- import qualified InstEnv       as GHC
-- import qualified Module        as GHC
-- import qualified MonadUtils    as GHC
-- import qualified NameSet       as GHC
-- import qualified OccName       as GHC
import qualified Outputable    as GHC
-- import qualified RdrName       as GHC
-- import qualified SrcLoc        as GHC
-- import qualified StaticFlags   as GHC
-- import qualified TcEvidence    as GHC
-- import qualified TcType        as GHC
-- import qualified TypeRep       as GHC
-- import qualified Var           as GHC

import qualified Data.Generics as SYB
import qualified GHC.SYB.Utils as SYB

import Debug.Trace

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Term defined in ../StrategyLib-4.0-beta/models/deriving/TermRep.hs

-- type PosToken = (Token, (Pos, String))
--       -- Defined at ../tools/base/parse2/Lexer/HsLayoutPre.hs:14:6
-- data Pos
--   = Pos {HsLexerPass1.char :: !Int, line :: !Int, column :: !Int}
--      -- Defined at ../tools/base/parse2/Lexer/HsLexerPos.hs:3:6
-- data Token
--      -- Defined at ../tools/base/parse2/Lexer/HsTokens.hs:5:6

-- GHC version
-- getRichTokenStream :: GhcMonad m => Module -> m [(Located Token, String)]

-- getStartEndLoc ::
--   forall t.
--   (Term t, StartEndLoc t, Printable t) =>
--   [PosToken] -> t -> (SimpPos, SimpPos)
--       -- Defined at RefacLocUtils.hs:1188:1

-- type HsExpP = HsExpI PNT     -- Defined at RefacTypeSyn.hs:17:6

-- data PNT = PNT PName (IdTy PId) OptSrcLoc
--       -- Defined at ../tools/base/defs/PNT.hs:23:6

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

pwd = getCurrentDirectory

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | From file name to module name.
fileNameToModName :: FilePath -> RefactGhc GHC.ModuleName
fileNameToModName fileName = do
  graph <- GHC.getModuleGraph

  let mm = filter (\(mfn,_ms) -> mfn == Just fileName) $
        map (\m -> (GHC.ml_hs_file $ GHC.ms_location m, m)) graph

  case mm of
    [] -> error $ "Can't find module name"
    _ ->  return $ GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod $ snd $ head mm

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Extract the module name from the parsed source, if there is one
getModuleName :: GHC.ParsedSource -> Maybe (GHC.ModuleName,String)
getModuleName (GHC.L _ modn) =
  case (GHC.hsmodName modn) of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just (GHC.L _ modname) -> Just $ (modname,GHC.moduleNameString modname)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Load a module graph into the GHC session, starting from main
loadModuleGraphGhc ::
  Maybe FilePath -> RefactGhc ()
loadModuleGraphGhc maybeTargetFile = do
  case maybeTargetFile of
    Just targetFile -> do
      -- Prefix with * to force interpretation, for inscopes
      target <- GHC.guessTarget ("*" ++ targetFile) Nothing
      GHC.setTargets [target]
      GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets
      return ()
    Nothing -> return ()
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Once the module graph has been loaded, load the given module into
-- the RefactGhc monad
getModuleGhc ::
  -- FilePath -> RefactGhc (ParseResult,[PosToken])
  FilePath -> RefactGhc ()
getModuleGhc targetFile = do
  graph <- GHC.getModuleGraph

  let mm = filter (\(mfn,_ms) -> mfn == Just targetFile) $
       map (\m -> (GHC.ml_hs_file $ GHC.ms_location m, m)) graph

  case mm of
    [(_,modSum)] -> getModuleDetails modSum
    _            -> parseSourceFileGhc targetFile

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | In the existing GHC session, put the requested TypeCheckedModule
-- into the RefactGhc monad

-- TODO: rename this function, it is not clear in a refactoring what
-- it does
getModuleDetails :: GHC.ModSummary -> RefactGhc ()
getModuleDetails modSum = do
      p <- GHC.parseModule modSum
      t <- GHC.typecheckModule p

      -- GHC.setContext [GHC.IIModule (GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod modSum)]
      setGhcContext modSum

      tokens <- GHC.getRichTokenStream (GHC.ms_mod modSum)
      mtm <- gets rsModule
      case mtm of
        Just tm -> if ((rsStreamModified tm == False)
                      && ((GHC.mkFastString $ fileNameFromModSummary modSum) ==
                          (fileNameFromTok $ ghead "getModuleDetails" tokens)))
                     then return ()
                     else error "getModuleDetails: trying to load a module without finishing with active one"

        Nothing -> putParsedModule t tokens

      return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Parse a single source file into a GHC session
parseSourceFileGhc ::
  String -> RefactGhc ()
parseSourceFileGhc targetFile = do
      target <- GHC.guessTarget ("*" ++ targetFile) Nothing -- The *
                                     -- is to force interpretation, for inscopes
      GHC.setTargets [target]
      GHC.load GHC.LoadAllTargets -- Loads and compiles, much as calling ghc --make

      graph <- GHC.getModuleGraph

      let mm = filter (\(mfn,_ms) -> mfn == Just targetFile) $
           map (\m -> (GHC.ml_hs_file $ GHC.ms_location m, m)) graph

      -- let modSum = head g
      let [(_,modSum)] = mm
      getModuleDetails modSum

getExports (GHC.L _ hsmod) =
  case hsmod of
    GHC.HsModule _ (Just exports) _ _ _ _ -> exports
    _                                     -> []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The result of a refactoring is the file, a flag as to whether it
-- was modified, the updated token stream, and the updated AST
type ApplyRefacResult = ((FilePath, Bool), ([PosToken], GHC.RenamedSource))

-- | Manage a whole refactor session. Initialise the monad, load the
-- whole project if required, and then apply the individual
-- refactorings, and write out the resulting files.
-- It is intended that this forms the umbrella function, in which
-- applyRefac is called
runRefacSessionOld :: Maybe RefactSettings
         -> Maybe FilePath -- ^ main module for the project being refactored
         -> RefactGhc [ApplyRefacResult] -- ^ The computation doing
                                         -- the refactoriing
         -> IO [FilePath]
runRefacSessionOld settings maybeMainFile comp = do
   initialState = RefSt
        { rsSettings = fromMaybe defaultSettings settings
        , rsUniqState = 1
        , rsFlags = RefFlags False
        , rsStorage = StorageNone
        , rsModule = Nothing
  (refactoredMods,_s) <- runRefactGhc (initGhcSession >>
                                       loadModuleGraphGhc maybeMainFile >>
                                       comp) initialState

  let verbosity = rsetVerboseLevel (rsSettings initialState)
  writeRefactoredFiles verbosity refactoredMods
  return $ modifiedFiles refactoredMods
-- -------------

runRefacSession :: RefactSettings
    -> Cradle                       -- ^ Identifies the surrounding
                                    -- project
    -> RefactGhc [ApplyRefacResult] -- ^ The computation doing the
                                    -- refactoring. Normally created
                                    -- via 'applyRefac'
    -> IO [FilePath]
runRefacSession settings cradle comp = do
   initialState = RefSt
        { rsSettings = settings
        , rsUniqState = 1
        , rsFlags = RefFlags False
        , rsStorage = StorageNone
        , rsModule = Nothing

   maybeMainFile = rsetMainFile settings
  -- readLog <- initializeFlagsWithCradle opt cradle options True
  -- setTargetFile fileName

  (refactoredMods,_s) <- runRefactGhc (initGhcSession cradle (rsetImportPaths settings) >>
                                       loadModuleGraphGhc maybeMainFile >>
                                       comp) initialState

  let verbosity = rsetVerboseLevel (rsSettings initialState)
  writeRefactoredFiles verbosity refactoredMods
  return $ modifiedFiles refactoredMods

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data RefacSource = RSFile FilePath
                 | RSMod GHC.ModSummary
                 | RSAlreadyLoaded

-- TODO: the module should be stored in the state, and returned if it
-- has been modified in a prior refactoring, instead of being parsed
-- afresh each time.

-- | Apply a refactoring (or part of a refactoring) to a single module
    :: RefactGhc a       -- ^ The refactoring
    -> RefacSource        -- ^ where to get the module and toks
    -> RefactGhc (ApplyRefacResult,a)

applyRefac refac source = do

    -- TODO: currently a temporary, poor man's surrounding state
    -- management: store state now, set it to fresh, run refac, then
    -- restore the state. Fix this to store the modules in some kind of cache.

    fileName <- case source of
         RSFile fname    -> do getModuleGhc fname
                               return fname
         RSMod  ms       -> do getModuleGhc $ fileNameFromModSummary ms
                               return $ fileNameFromModSummary ms
         RSAlreadyLoaded -> do mfn <- getRefactFileName
                               case mfn of
                                 Just fname -> return fname
                                 Nothing -> error "applyRefac RSAlreadyLoaded: nothing loaded"

    res <- refac  -- Run the refactoring, updating the state as required

    mod'  <- getRefactRenamed
    toks' <- fetchToksFinal
    m     <- getRefactStreamModified

    -- Clear the refactoring state

    return (((fileName,m),(toks', mod')),res)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Returns True if any of the results has its modified flag set
refactDone :: [ApplyRefacResult] -> Bool
refactDone rs = any (\((_,d),_) -> d) rs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

applyRefacToClientMods refac fileName
   = do clients <- clientModsAndFiles =<< fileNameToModName fileName
        mapM (applyRefac refac Nothing) (map snd clients)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

modifiedFiles :: [((String, Bool), ([PosToken], GHC.RenamedSource))] -> [String]
modifiedFiles refactResult = map (\((s,_),_) -> s)
                           $ filter (\((_,b),_) -> b) refactResult

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

{- ++AZ++ TODO: replace this with a single function -}

-- | Update the occurrence of one syntax phrase in a given scope by
-- another syntax phrase
updateR :: (SYB.Data t,SYB.Data t1, GHC.OutputableBndr t)
         => t     -- ^ The syntax phrase to be updated.
         -> t     -- ^ The new syntax phrase.
         -> t1    -- ^ The contex where the old syntax phrase occurs.
         -> RefactGhc t1  -- ^ The result.
updateR old new t
  = everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM inExp) t
        inExp :: GHC.Located t -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
        -- inExp (e::(GHC.OutputableBndr n, SYB.Data n) => GHC.Located n)
        -- inExp (e@(GHC.L l _)::(GHC.OutputableBndr n, SYB.Data n) => GHC.Located n)
        inExp (e@(GHC.L l _))
          | sameOccurrence e old
               = do (new', _) <- updateToks old new prettyprint
                -- error "update: updated tokens" -- ++AZ++ debug
                    return new'
          | otherwise = return e

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

fileNameFromModSummary :: GHC.ModSummary -> FilePath
fileNameFromModSummary modSummary = fileName
    -- TODO: what if we are loading a compiled only client and do not
    -- have the original source?
    Just fileName = GHC.ml_hs_file (GHC.ms_location modSummary)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

class (SYB.Data t, SYB.Data t1) => Update t t1 where

  -- | Update the occurrence of one syntax phrase in a given scope by
  -- another syntax phrase of the same type
  update::  t     -- ^ The syntax phrase to be updated.
         -> t     -- ^ The new syntax phrase.
         -> t1    -- ^ The contex where the old syntax phrase occurs.
         -> RefactGhc t1  -- ^ The result.

instance (SYB.Data t, GHC.OutputableBndr n, SYB.Data n) => Update (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr n)) t where
    update oldExp newExp t
           = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inExp) t
        inExp (e::GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr n))
          | sameOccurrence e oldExp
               = do 
                    drawTokenTree "update Located HsExpr starting" -- ++AZ++
                    _ <- updateToks oldExp newExp prettyprint False
                    drawTokenTree "update Located HsExpr done" -- ++AZ++

                -- error "update: updated tokens" -- ++AZ++ debug
                    -- TODO: make sure to call syncAST
                    return newExp
          | otherwise = return e

instance (SYB.Data t, GHC.OutputableBndr n, SYB.Data n) => Update (GHC.LPat n) t where
    update oldPat newPat t
           = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inPat) t
          inPat (p::GHC.LPat n)
            | sameOccurrence p oldPat
                = do
                     _ <- updateToks oldPat newPat prettyprint False
                     -- TODO: make sure to call syncAST
                     return newPat
            | otherwise = return p

instance (SYB.Data t, GHC.OutputableBndr n, SYB.Data n) => Update (GHC.LHsType n) t where
     update oldTy newTy t
           = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inTyp) t
          inTyp (t::GHC.LHsType n)
            | sameOccurrence t oldTy
                = do
                     _ <- updateToks oldTy newTy prettyprint False
                     -- TODO: make sure to call syncAST
                     return newTy
            | otherwise = return t

instance (SYB.Data t, GHC.OutputableBndr n1, GHC.OutputableBndr n2, SYB.Data n1, SYB.Data n2) => Update (GHC.LHsBindLR n1 n2) t where
       update oldBind newBind t
             = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inBind) t
            inBind (t::GHC.LHsBindLR n1 n2)
              | sameOccurrence t oldBind
                  = do
                       _ <- updateToks oldBind newBind prettyprint False
                       -- TODO: make sure to call syncAST
                       return newBind
              | otherwise = return t

{- instance (SYB.Data t, GHC.OutputableBndr n, SYB.Data n) => Update [GHC.LPat n] t where
    update oldPat newPat t
           = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inPat) t
          inPat (p::[GHC.LPat n])
            | and $ zipWith sameOccurrence p oldPat
                = do _ <- {- zipUpdateToks -} updateToks oldPat newPat prettyprint
                     return newPat
            | otherwise = return p -}

zipUpdateToks f [] [] c = return []
zipUpdateToks f [] _ _  = return []
zipUpdateToks f _ [] _  = return []
zipUpdateToks f (a:as) (b:bs) c = do res <- f a b c
                                     rest <- zipUpdateToks f as bs c
                                     return (res:rest)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: ++AZ++ get rid of the following instances, merge them into a
-- single function above
instance (SYB.Data t) => Update (GHC.Located HsExpP) t where
    update oldExp newExp t
           = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inExp) t
        inExp (e::GHC.Located HsExpP)
          | sameOccurrence e oldExp
               = do (newExp', _) <- updateToks oldExp newExp prettyprint
                -- error "update: up`dated tokens" -- ++AZ++ debug
                    return newExp'
          | otherwise = return e

{- ++AZ++ comment out for now, see what breaks
instance (SYB.Data t) => Update (GHC.Located HsPatP) t where
    update oldPat newPat t
        = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inPat) t
        inPat (p::GHC.Located HsPatP) -- = error "here"
            | sameOccurrence p oldPat
                = do (newPat', _) <- updateToksList [oldPat] newPat (prettyprintPatList prettyprint False)
                     return $ head newPat'
            | otherwise = return p

instance (SYB.Data t) => Update [GHC.Located HsPatP] t where
 update oldPat newPat  t
   = everywhereMStaged SYB.Parser (SYB.mkM inPat) t
    inPat (p::[GHC.Located HsPatP])
     | and $ zipWith sameOccurrence p oldPat
        =  do  liftIO $ putStrLn (">" ++ SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 p ++ "<")
               (newPat', _) <- (updateToksList oldPat newPat (prettyprintPatList prettyprint False))
               liftIO $ putStrLn (">" ++ SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 newPat' ++ "<") 
               return newPat'
    inPat p = return p
--++AZ++ comment out for now ends -}

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getDynFlags :: IO GHC.DynFlags
getDynFlags = getDynamicFlags
    initialState = RefSt
      { rsSettings = RefSet [] Normal
      , rsUniqState = 1
      , rsFlags = RefFlags False
      , rsStorage = StorageNone
      , rsModule = Nothing
  (df,_) <- runRefactGhc GHC.getSessionDynFlags initialState
  return df

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Write refactored program source to files.
writeRefactoredFiles::Bool   -- ^ True means the current refactoring is a sub-refactoring
            --  ^ String: the file name; Bool: True means the file has
            --  been modified.[PosToken]: the token stream; HsModuleP:
            --  the module AST.
         -> m ()
-- writeRefactoredFiles (isSubRefactor::Bool) (files::[((String,Bool),([PosToken], HsModuleP))])
writeRefactoredFiles ::
  VerboseLevel -> [((String, Bool), ([PosToken], GHC.RenamedSource))] -> IO ()
writeRefactoredFiles verbosity files
  = do let filesModified = filter (\((_f,m),_) -> m == modified) files

       -- TODO: restore the history function
       -- ++AZ++ PFE0.addToHistory isSubRefactor (map (fst.fst) filesModified)
       sequence_ (map modifyFile filesModified)
       -- mapM_ writeTestDataForFile files   -- This should be removed for the release version.

       modifyFile ((fileName,_),(ts,renamed)) = do
           -- let source = concatMap (snd.snd) ts

           -- The bug fix only works if we strip any empty tokens
           -- let ts' = bypassGHCBug7351 $ filter (\t -> not $ isEmpty t) ts
           let ts' = bypassGHCBug7351 ts
           let source = GHC.showRichTokenStream ts'

           -- (Julien personnal remark) seq forces the evaluation of
           -- its first argument and returns its second argument. It
           -- is unclear for me why (length source) evaluation is
           -- forced.
           seq (length source) (writeFile (fileName ++ ".refactored") source)

           when (verbosity == Debug) $
               writeFile (fileName ++ ".tokens") (showToks ts')
               writeFile (fileName ++ ".renamed_out") (showGhc renamed)
               writeFile (fileName ++ ".AST_out") $ ((showGhc renamed) ++
                      "\n\n----------------------\n\n" ++
                      (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed))

-- http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/7351
bypassGHCBug7351 :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
bypassGHCBug7351 ts = map go ts
   go :: (GHC.Located GHC.Token, String) -> (GHC.Located GHC.Token, String)
   go rt@(GHC.L (GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _) _t,_s) = rt
   go    (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan l) t,s) = (GHC.L (fixCol l) t,s)

   fixCol l = GHC.mkSrcSpan (GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile l) (GHC.srcSpanStartLine l) ((GHC.srcSpanStartCol l) - 1)) 
                            (GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile l) (GHC.srcSpanEndLine l) ((GHC.srcSpanEndCol l) - 1)) 

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return the client modules and file names. The client modules of
-- module, say m, are those modules which directly or indirectly
-- import module m.

-- TODO: deal with an anonymous main module, by taking Maybe GHC.ModuleName
  :: GHC.GhcMonad m => GHC.ModuleName -> m [GHC.ModSummary]
clientModsAndFiles m = do
  ms <- GHC.getModuleGraph
  modsum <- GHC.getModSummary m
  let mg = getModulesAsGraph False ms Nothing
      rg = GHC.transposeG mg
      modNode = fromJust $ find (\(msum,_,_) -> mycomp msum modsum) (GHC.verticesG rg)
      clientMods = filter (\msum -> not (mycomp msum modsum))
                 $ map summaryNodeSummary $ GHC.reachableG rg modNode

  return clientMods

-- TODO : find decent name and place for this.
mycomp :: GHC.ModSummary -> GHC.ModSummary -> Bool
mycomp ms1 ms2 = (GHC.ms_mod ms1) == (GHC.ms_mod ms2)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return the server module and file names. The server modules of
-- module, say m, are those modules which are directly or indirectly
-- imported by module m. This can only be called in a live GHC session
  :: GHC.GhcMonad m => GHC.ModuleName -> m [GHC.ModSummary]
serverModsAndFiles m = do
  ms <- GHC.getModuleGraph
  modsum <- GHC.getModSummary m
  let mg = getModulesAsGraph False ms Nothing
      modNode = fromJust $ find (\(msum,_,_) -> mycomp msum modsum) (GHC.verticesG mg)
      serverMods = filter (\msum -> not (mycomp msum modsum))
                 $ map summaryNodeSummary $ GHC.reachableG mg modNode

  return serverMods

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance (Show GHC.ModuleName) where
  show = GHC.moduleNameString

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if the given module name exists in the project.
--isAnExistingMod::( ) =>ModuleName->PFE0MT n i ds ext m Bool

isAnExistingMod::(PFE0_IO err m,IOErr err,HasInfixDecls i ds,QualNames i m1 n, Read n,Show n)=>
                  ModuleName->PFE0MT n i ds ext m Bool

isAnExistingMod m
  =  do ms<-allModules
        return (elem m ms)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Get the current module graph, provided we are in a live GHC session
getCurrentModuleGraph :: RefactGhc GHC.ModuleGraph
getCurrentModuleGraph = GHC.getModuleGraph

sortCurrentModuleGraph :: RefactGhc [GHC.SCC GHC.ModSummary]
sortCurrentModuleGraph = do
  -- g <- GHC.getModuleGraph
  g <- getCurrentModuleGraph
  let scc = GHC.topSortModuleGraph False g Nothing
  return scc

-- getSubGraph optms = concat # getSortedSubGraph optms
-- getSortedSubGraph optms = flip optSubGraph optms # sortCurrentModuleGraph
-- allModules = moduleList # sortCurrentModuleGraph
-- moduleList g = [m|scc<-g,(_,(m,_))<-scc]