{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- Module      : TypeUtils

-- Maintainer  : refactor-fp\@kent.ac.uk
-- |
-- This module contains a collection of program analysis and
-- transformation functions (the API) that work over the Type
-- Decorated AST. Most of the functions defined in the module are
-- taken directly from the API, but in some cases are modified to work
-- with the type decorated AST.
-- In particular some new functions have been added to make type
-- decorated AST traversals easier.
-- In HaRe, in order to preserve the comments and layout of refactored
-- programs, a refactoring modifies not only the AST but also the
-- token stream, and the program source after the refactoring is
-- extracted from the token stream rather than the AST, for the
-- comments and layout information is kept in the token steam instead
-- of the AST. As a consequence, a program transformation function
-- from this API modifies both the AST and the token stream (unless
-- explicitly stated). So when you build your own program
-- transformations, try to use the API to do the transformation, as
-- this can liberate you from caring about the token stream.
-- This type decorated API is still in development. Any suggestions
-- and comments are very much welcome.

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeUtils
 -- * Program Analysis
    -- ** Imports and exports
   inScopeInfo, isInScopeAndUnqualified, isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc, inScopeNames
   -- , hsQualifier, {-This function should be removed-} rmPrelude
   {-,exportInfo -}, isExported, isExplicitlyExported, modIsExported

    -- ** Variable analysis
    , isFieldName
    , isClassName
    , isInstanceName
    ,hsPNs -- ,hsDataConstrs,hsTypeConstrsAndClasses, hsTypeVbls
    {- ,hsClassMembers -} , hsBinds, replaceBinds, HsValBinds(..)
    ,hsFreeAndDeclaredPNsOld, hsFreeAndDeclaredNameStrings
    ,getFvs, getFreeVars, getDeclaredVars -- These two should replace hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs

    ,hsVisiblePNs {- , hsVisiblePNsOld -}, hsVisibleNames
    ,hsFDsFromInside, hsFDNamesFromInside

    -- ** Property checking
    ,isVarId,isConId,isOperator,isTopLevelPN,isLocalPN,isNonLibraryName -- ,isTopLevelPNT
    ,isQualifiedPN {- , isFunName, isPatName-}, isFunOrPatName {-,isTypeCon-} ,isTypeSig
    ,isComplexPatBind,isFunOrPatBindP,isFunOrPatBindR -- ,isClassDecl,isInstDecl -- ,isDirectRecursiveDef
    ,usedWithoutQualR {- ,canBeQualified, hasFreeVars -},isUsedInRhs
    ,findPNs, findEntity, findEntity'
    ,defines, definesP,definesTypeSig -- , isTypeSigOf
    -- ,HasModName(hasModName), HasNameSpace(hasNameSpace)
    {- ,usedByRhs -},UsedByRhs(..)

    -- ** Modules and files
    -- ,clientModsAndFiles,serverModsAndFiles,isAnExistingMod
    -- ,fileNameToModName, strToModName, modNameToStr
    , isMainModule
    , getModule

    -- ** Locations
    ,defineLoc, useLoc, locToExp  -- , getStartEndLoc
    ,locToName, locToRdrName

 -- * Program transformation
    -- ** Adding
    ,addDecl, addItemsToImport, addHiding --, rmItemsFromImport, addItemsToExport
    ,addParamsToDecls, addActualParamsToRhs {- , addGuardsToRhs-}, addImportDecl, duplicateDecl -- , moveDecl
    -- ** Removing
    ,rmDecl, rmTypeSig, rmTypeSigs -- , commentOutTypeSig, rmParams
    -- ,rmItemsFromExport, rmSubEntsFromExport, Delete(delete)

    -- ** Updating
    -- ,Update(update)
    {- ,qualifyPName-},rmQualifier,qualifyToplevelName,renamePN {- ,replaceNameInPN -},autoRenameLocalVar

    -- * Miscellous
    -- ** Parsing, writing and showing
    {- ,parseSourceFile,writeRefactoredFiles-}, showEntities,showPNwithLoc -- , newProj, addFile, chase
    -- ** Locations
    -- ,toRelativeLocs, rmLocs
    -- ** Default values
   ,defaultPN {- ,defaultPNT -},defaultName {-,defaultModName-},defaultExp -- ,defaultPat, defaultExpUnTyped

    -- ** Identifiers, expressions, patterns and declarations
    ,ghcToPN,lghcToPN, expToName
    {- ,expToPNT, expToPN, nameToExp,pNtoExp -},patToPNT {- , patToPN --, nameToPat -},pNtoPat
    {- ,definingDecls -}, definedPNs
    ,definingDeclsNames, definingDeclsNames', definingSigsNames
    , allNames
    -- ,simplifyDecl

    -- ** Others
    , mkRdrName,mkNewGhcName,mkNewName,mkNewToplevelName

    -- The following functions are not in the the API yet.
    , causeNameClashInExports {- , inRegion , unmodified -}, prettyprint, prettyprint2

    , removeOffset

    -- * Typed AST traversals (added by CMB)
    -- * Miscellous
    -- ,removeFromInts, getDataName, checkTypes, getPNs, getPN, getPNPats, mapASTOverTAST

    -- * Debug stuff
    , getDeclAndToks, getSigAndToks
    , getToksForDecl, removeToksOffset -- ++AZ++ remove this after debuggging
    , getParsedForRenamedLPat
    , getParsedForRenamedName
    , getParsedForRenamedLocated
    -- , allPNT
    --  , allPNTLens
    , newNameTok
    , stripLeadingSpaces
    -- , lookupNameGhc
 ) where

import Exception
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtilsTypes
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn

-- Modules from GHC
import qualified Bag           as GHC
import qualified BasicTypes    as GHC
-- import qualified DataCon       as GHC
-- import qualified DynFlags      as GHC
-- import qualified ErrUtils      as GHC
-- import qualified FamInstEnv    as GHC
import qualified FastString    as GHC
import qualified GHC           as GHC
-- import qualified HscMain       as GHC
-- import qualified HsPat         as GHC
-- import qualified HscTypes      as GHC
-- import qualified Id            as GHC
-- import qualified InstEnv       as GHC
import qualified Lexer         as GHC hiding (getSrcLoc)
import qualified Module        as GHC
import qualified Name          as GHC
-- import qualified NameEnv       as GHC
import qualified NameSet       as GHC
import qualified Outputable    as GHC
-- import qualified PrelNames     as GHC
import qualified RdrName       as GHC
-- import qualified RnBinds       as GHC
-- import qualified RnEnv         as GHC
-- import qualified RnPat         as GHC
-- import qualified RnSource      as GHC
import qualified SrcLoc        as GHC
-- import qualified SysTools      as GHC
-- import qualified TcEnv         as GHC
-- import qualified TcEvidence    as GHC
-- import qualified TcExpr        as GHC
-- import qualified TcHsSyn       as GHC
-- import qualified TcMType       as GHC
-- import qualified TcRnDriver    as GHC
-- import qualified TcRnMonad     as GHC
-- import qualified TcRnTypes     as GHC
-- import qualified TcSimplify    as GHC
-- import qualified TcType        as GHC
-- import qualified TyCon         as GHC
import qualified UniqSet       as GHC
import qualified Unique        as GHC
-- import qualified Util          as GHC
-- import qualified VarEnv        as GHC
-- import qualified VarSet        as GHC

import qualified Data.Generics as SYB
import qualified GHC.SYB.Utils as SYB
-- import qualified Data.Generics.Zipper as Z

import Data.Generics.Strafunski.StrategyLib.StrategyLib
-- import Data.IORef

-- import Debug.Trace
-- debug = flip trace

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | For free variables
data FreeNames = FN [GHC.Name]

-- | For declared variables
data DeclaredNames = DN [GHC.Name]

instance Show FreeNames where
  show (FN ls) = "FN " ++ showGhc ls

instance Show DeclaredNames where
  show (DN ls) = "DN " ++ showGhc ls

instance Monoid FreeNames where
  mempty = FN []
  mappend (FN a) (FN b) = FN (a `mappend` b)

instance Monoid DeclaredNames where
  mempty = DN []
  mappend (DN a) (DN b) = DN (a `mappend` b)

emptyFD :: (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
emptyFD = (FN [], DN [])

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Process the inscope relation returned from the parsing and module
-- analysis pass, and return a list of four-element tuples. Each tuple
-- contains an identifier name, the identifier's namespace info, the
-- identifier's defining module name and its qualifier name.
-- The same identifier may have multiple entries in the result because
-- it may have different qualifiers. This makes it easier to decide
-- whether the identifier can be used unqualifiedly by just checking
-- whether there is an entry for it with the qualifier field being
-- Nothing.
inScopeInfo :: InScopes                                      -- ^ The inscope relation .
           ->[(String, GHC.NameSpace, GHC.ModuleName, Maybe GHC.ModuleName)] -- ^ The result
inScopeInfo names = nub $  map getEntInfo $ names
     getEntInfo name
       =(showGhc name,
         GHC.occNameSpace $ GHC.nameOccName name,
         GHC.moduleName $ GHC.nameModule name,
         getQualMaybe $ GHC.nameRdrName name)

     getQualMaybe rdrName = case rdrName of
       GHC.Qual modName _occName -> Just modName
       _                         -> Nothing

     -- getEntInfo (qual, ent@(Ent modName ident _))
     --   =(identToName ident, hasNameSpace ent,  modName, getQualifier qual)

-- | Process the export relation returned from the parsing and module analysis pass, and
--   return a list of trhee-element tuples. Each tuple contains an identifier name, the
--   identifier's namespace info, and the identifier's define module.
exportInfo::Exports                             -- ^ The export relation.
          -> [(String, NameSpace, ModuleName)]  -- ^ The result
exportInfo exports = nub $ map getEntInfo  exports
    getEntInfo (_, ent@(Ent modName ident _))
      =(identToName ident, hasNameSpace ent,  modName)

-- | Return True if the identifier is inscope and can be used without
-- a qualifier.
isInScopeAndUnqualified::String       -- ^ The identifier name.
                       ->InScopes     -- ^ The inscope relation
                       ->Bool         -- ^ The result.
isInScopeAndUnqualified n names
 = isJust $ find (\ (x, _,_, qual) -> x == n && isNothing qual ) $ inScopeInfo names

-- isInScopeAndUnqualified id inScopeRel
--  = isJust $ find (\ (x, _,_, qual) -> x == id && isNothing qual ) $ inScopeInfo inScopeRel

-- | Return True if the identifier is inscope and can be used without
-- a qualifier. The identifier name string may have a qualifier
-- already
-- NOTE: may require qualification based on name clash with an
-- existing identifier.
isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc ::
     String           -- ^ The identifier name.
  -> (Maybe GHC.Name) -- ^ Existing name, to be excluded from test, if
                      --   known
  -> RefactGhc Bool   -- ^ The result.
isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc n maybeExising = do
  names <- ghandle handler (GHC.parseName n)
  logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc:(n,(maybeExising,names))=" ++ (show n) ++ ":" ++  (showGhc (maybeExising,names))
  ctx <- GHC.getContext
  logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc:ctx=" ++ (showGhc ctx)
  let nameList = case maybeExising of
                  Nothing -> names
                  -- Just n' -> filter (\x -> (GHC.nameUnique x) /= (GHC.nameUnique n')) names
                  Just n' -> filter (\x -> (showGhc x) /= (showGhc n')) names
  logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc:(n,nameList)=" ++ (show n) ++ ":" ++  (showGhc nameList)
  return $ nameList /= []

    handler:: SomeException -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name]
    handler e = do
      logm $ "isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc.handler e=" ++ (show e)
      return []

inScopeNames :: String         -- ^ The identifier name.
             -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name] -- ^ The result.
inScopeNames n = do
  names <- ghandle handler (GHC.parseName n)
  logm $ "inScopeNames:(n,names)=" ++ (show n) ++ ":" ++  (showGhc names)
  return $ names

    handler:: SomeException -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name]
    handler e = do
      logm $ "inScopeNames.handler e=" ++ (show e)
      return []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Return True if the identifier is inscope and can be used without
-- a qualifier. The identifier name string may have a qualifier already
lookupNameGhc :: String         -- ^ The identifier name.
                           -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name] -- ^ The result.
lookupNameGhc n = do
  names <- ghandle handler (GHC.parseName n)
  nameInfo <- mapM GHC.lookupName names
  let nameList = map (\(GHC.AnId n) -> GHCV.varName n) $ filter isId $ catMaybes nameInfo
  return nameList

    isId (GHC.AnId _) = True
    isId _            = False

    -- handler:: (Exception e,GHC.GhcMonad m) => e -> m [GHC.Name]
    handler:: (GHC.GhcMonad m) => SomeException -> m [GHC.Name]
    handler _ = return []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Show a PName in a format like: 'pn'(at row:r, col: c).
showPNwithLoc:: GHC.Located GHC.Name -> String
showPNwithLoc pn@(GHC.L l _n)
  = let (r,c) = getGhcLoc l
    -- in  " '"++pNtoName pn++"'" ++"(at row:"++show r ++ ",col:" ++ show c ++")"
    in  " '"++showGhc pn++"'" ++"(at row:"++show r ++ ",col:" ++ show c ++")"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

{- ++AZ++ getting rid of PNT
-- | Default identifier in the PNT format.
-- defaultPNT:: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan GHC.RdrName   -- GHC.RdrName
defaultPNT:: PNT
defaultPNT = PNT (GHC.L GHC.noSrcSpan (mkRdrName "nothing"))

defaultPN :: PName
defaultPN = PN (mkRdrName "nothing")

defaultName :: GHC.Name
defaultName = n
    un = GHC.mkUnique 'H' 0 -- H for HaRe :)
    n = GHC.localiseName $ GHC.mkSystemName un (GHC.mkVarOcc "nothing")

-- | Default expression.
-- defaultExp=Exp (HsId (HsVar defaultPNT))
defaultExp=GHC.HsVar $ mkRdrName "nothing"

mkRdrName :: String -> GHC.RdrName
mkRdrName s = GHC.mkVarUnqual (GHC.mkFastString s)

-- | Make a new GHC.Name, using the Unique Int sequence stored in the
-- RefactState.
mkNewGhcName :: Maybe GHC.Module -> String -> RefactGhc GHC.Name
mkNewGhcName maybeMod name = do
  s <- get
  u <- gets rsUniqState
  put s { rsUniqState = (u+1) }

  let un = GHC.mkUnique 'H' (u+1) -- H for HaRe :)
      -- n = GHC.mkSystemName un (GHC.mkVarOcc name)
      n = case maybeMod of
               Nothing -> GHC.localiseName $ GHC.mkSystemName un (GHC.mkVarOcc name)
               Just modu -> GHC.mkExternalName un modu (GHC.mkVarOcc name) nullSrcSpan
  return n

mkNewToplevelName :: GHC.Module -> String -> GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc GHC.Name
mkNewToplevelName modid name defLoc = do
  s <- get
  u <- gets rsUniqState
  put s { rsUniqState = (u+1) }

  let un = GHC.mkUnique 'H' (u+1) -- H for HaRe :)
      -- n = GHC.mkSystemName un (GHC.mkVarOcc name)
      -- n = GHC.localiseName $ GHC.mkSystemName un (GHC.mkVarOcc name)

        -- mkExternalName :: Unique -> Module -> OccName -> SrcSpan -> Name
      n = GHC.mkExternalName un modid (GHC.mkVarOcc name) defLoc
  return n


-- |Create a new name base on the old name. Suppose the old name is 'f', then
--  the new name would be like 'f_i' where 'i' is an integer.
mkNewName::String      -- ^ The old name
          ->[String]   -- ^ The set of names which the new name cannot take
          ->Int        -- ^ The posfix value
          ->String     -- ^ The result
mkNewName oldName fds suffix
  =let newName=if suffix==0 then oldName
                            else oldName++"_"++ show suffix
   in if elem newName fds
        then mkNewName oldName fds (suffix+1)
        else newName

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if the current module is exported either by default
-- or by specifying the module name in the export.
modIsExported:: GHC.ModuleName       -- ^ The module name
               -> GHC.RenamedSource  -- ^ The AST of the module
               -> Bool               -- ^ The result
modIsExported modName (_g,_emps,mexps,_mdocs)
   = let
       modExported (GHC.L _ (GHC.IEModuleContents name)) = name == modName
       modExported _ = False

       moduleExports = filter modExported $ fromMaybe [] mexps

     in if isNothing mexps
           then True
           else (nonEmptyList moduleExports)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if an identifier is exported by the module currently
-- being refactored.
isExported :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc Bool
isExported n = do
  typechecked <- getTypecheckedModule
  let modInfo = GHC.tm_checked_module_info typechecked
  return $ GHC.modInfoIsExportedName modInfo n

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if an identifier is explicitly exported by the module.
isExplicitlyExported::GHC.Name           -- ^ The identifier
                     ->GHC.RenamedSource -- ^ The AST of the module
                     ->Bool              -- ^ The result
isExplicitlyExported pn (_g,_imps,exps,_docs)
  = findEntity pn exps

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Check if the proposed new name will conflict with an existing export
causeNameClashInExports::  GHC.Name          -- ^ The original name
                        -> GHC.Name          -- ^ The new name
                        -> GHC.ModuleName    -- ^ The identity of the module
                        -> GHC.RenamedSource -- ^ The AST of the module
                        -> Bool              -- ^ The result

-- Note that in the abstract representation of exps, there is no qualified entities.
causeNameClashInExports pn newName modName renamed@(_g,imps,maybeExps,_doc)
  = let exps = fromMaybe [] maybeExps
        varExps = filter isImpVar exps
        -- TODO: make withoutQual part of the API
        withoutQual n = showGhc $ GHC.localiseName n
        modNames=nub (concatMap (\(GHC.L _ (GHC.IEVar x))->if withoutQual x== withoutQual newName
                                                        then [GHC.moduleName $ GHC.nameModule x]
                                                        else []) varExps)
        res = (isExplicitlyExported pn renamed) &&
               ( any (modIsUnQualifedImported renamed) modNames
                 || elem modName modNames)
    in res
    -- in error $ "causeNameClashInExports:modNames=" ++ (showGhc modNames)
    -- in error $ "causeNameClashInExports:explicitlyExported=" ++ (showGhc (isExplicitlyExported pn renamed))
    -- in error $ "causeNameClashInExports:any unqualImp=" ++ (showGhc (any (modIsUnQualifedImported renamed) modNames))
    isImpVar (GHC.L _ x) = case x of
      GHC.IEVar _ -> True
      _           -> False

    modIsUnQualifedImported _mod' modName'
     =let -- imps =hsModImports mod
       -- imp@(GHC.L _ (GHC.ImportDecl (GHC.L _ modName) qualify _source _safe isQualified _isImplicit as h))
      in isJust $ find (\(GHC.L _ (GHC.ImportDecl (GHC.L _ modName1) _qualify _source _safe isQualified _isImplicit _as _h))
                                -> modName1 == modName' && (not isQualified)) imps
      -- in isJust $ find (\(HsImportDecl _ (SN modName1 _) qualify  _ h) -> modName == modName1 && (not qualify)) imps

-- Original seems to be
--   1. pick up any module names in the export list with same unQual
     --   part as the new name
--   2. Check if the old is exported explicitly
--   3.  if so, if the new module is exported unqualified
--        or belongs to the current module
--       then it will cause a clash

modNames capture potential clashes e.g.

module Exports (head) where

import Data.Text (head)

So if the new name was 'head', then the modNames would be


{- ++AZ++ Original

-- Note that in the abstract representation of exps, there is no qualified entities.
causeNameClashInExports  pn newName mod exps
  = let modNames=nub (concatMap (\(x, Ent modName _ _)->if show x==show newName
                                                        then [modName]
                                                        else []) exps)
    in (isExplicitlyExported pn mod) &&
        ( any (modIsUnQualifedImported mod) modNames
            || elem (let (SN modName1 _) =hsModName mod
                     in modName1)  modNames)
    modIsUnQualifedImported mod modName
     =let imps =hsModImports mod
      in isJust $ find (\(HsImportDecl _ (SN modName1 _) qualify  _ h)->modName==modName1 && (not qualify)) imps


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Collect the free and declared variables (in the GHC.Name format)
-- in a given syntax phrase t. In the result, the first list contains
-- the free variables, and the second list contains the declared
-- variables.
-- Expects RenamedSource
hsFreeAndDeclaredPNsOld:: (SYB.Data t) => t -> ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
hsFreeAndDeclaredPNsOld t = res
    fd = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' t
    (f,d) = fromMaybe ([],[]) fd
    res = (f \\ d, d)

hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs':: (SYB.Data t) => t -> Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' t = do
      (f,d) <- hsFreeAndDeclared'
      let (f',d') = (nub f, nub d)
      -- return (f' \\ d',d')
      return (f',d')
          -- hsFreeAndDeclared'=applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU  `adhocTU` exp

          -- cc :: Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name]) -> Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name]) -> Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
          -- cc = mappend
          -- cc Nothing Nothing = Nothing
          -- -- cc (Just (f1,d1)) (Just (f2,d2)) = Just (f1++f2,d1++d2)
          -- cc (Just (f1,d1)) (Just (f2,d2)) = Just (f1,d1)
          -- cc Nothing x = x
          -- cc x Nothing = x
          -- hsFreeAndDeclared' :: RefactGhc (Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name]))
          hsFreeAndDeclared' :: Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
          hsFreeAndDeclared' = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing
          -- hsFreeAndDeclared' = everythingStaged SYB.Renamer cc Nothing
                                           `SYB.mkQ` expr
                                           `SYB.extQ` pattern
                                           `SYB.extQ` bindList
                                           `SYB.extQ` binds
                                           `SYB.extQ` match
                                           `SYB.extQ` stmts
                                           `SYB.extQ` rhs
                                       ) t

          hsFreeAndDeclared' = applyTU (stop_tdTUGhc (failTU
                                                         `adhocTU` expr
                                                         `adhocTU` pattern
                                                         `adhocTU` binds
                                                         `adhocTU` bindList
                                                         `adhocTU` match
                                                         `adhocTU` stmts
                                                         `adhocTU` rhs
                                                          )) t

          -- TODO: ++AZ++ Note:After renaming, HsBindLR has field bind_fvs
          --       containing locally bound free vars

          -- expr --
          expr (GHC.HsVar n) = return ([n],[])

          expr (GHC.OpApp e1 (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsVar n)) _ e2) = do
              -- (ef,ed) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' [e1,e2]
              -- (f,d)   <- addFree n (ef,ed)
              efed <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' [e1,e2]
              fd   <- addFree n efed
              return fd

          expr ((GHC.HsLam (GHC.MatchGroup matches _)) :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) =
             hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' matches

          expr ((GHC.HsLet decls e) :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) =
              (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' decls
              (ef,_)  <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' e
              return ((df `union` (ef \\ dd)),[])

          expr (GHC.RecordCon (GHC.L _ n) _ e) = do
            fd <- (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' e)
            addFree n fd   --Need Testing

          expr (GHC.EAsPat (GHC.L _ n) e) = do
            fd <- (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' e)
            addFree n fd

          expr _ = mzero

          -- rhs --
          rhs ((GHC.GRHSs g ds) :: GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name)
            = do (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' g
                 (ef,ed) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' ds
                 return (df ++ ef, dd ++ ed)

          -- rhs _ = mzero

          -- pat --
          pattern (GHC.VarPat n) = return ([],[n])
          -- It seems all the GHC pattern match syntax elements end up
          -- with GHC.VarPat

          pattern _ = mzero
          -- pattern _ = return ([],[])

          bindList (ds :: [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name])
            =do (f,d) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredList ds
                return (f\\d,d)
          -- bindList _ = mzero

          -- match and patBind, same type--
          binds ((GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ n) _ (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) _ _fvs _) :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name)
            = do
                (pf,_pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' matches

                -- ((pf `union` ((rf `union` df) \\ (dd `union` pd `union` [fun]))),[fun])
                -- return ((GHC.uniqSetToList fvs),[n])
                return (pf \\ [n] ,[n])

          -- patBind --
          binds (GHC.PatBind pat prhs _ ds _) =
              (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' pat
              (rf,rd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' prhs
              return (pf `union` (rf \\pd),pd ++ GHC.uniqSetToList ds ++ rd)

          binds _ = mzero

          match ((GHC.Match pats _mtype mrhs) :: GHC.Match GHC.Name )
            = do
              (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' pats
              (rf,rd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' mrhs
              return ((pf `union` (rf \\ (pd `union` rd))),[])

          -- stmts --
          stmts ((GHC.BindStmt pat expre _bindOp _failOp) :: GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) = do
            -- TODO ++AZ++ : Not sure it is meaningful to pull
            --               anything out of bindOp/failOp
            (pf,pd)  <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' pat
            (ef,_ed) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' expre
            -- sf_sd <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' [bindOp,failOp]
            -- let (sf,_sd) = fromMaybe ([],[]) sf_sd
            let sf1 = []
            return (pf `union` ef `union` (sf1\\pd),[]) -- pd) -- Check this

          stmts ((GHC.LetStmt binds') :: GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) =
            hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' binds'

          stmts _ = mzero

          addFree :: GHC.Name -> ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
                  -> Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
          addFree free (fr,de) = return ([free] `union` fr, de)

          hsFreeAndDeclaredList l=do fds<-mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs' l
                                     return (foldr union [] (map fst fds),
                                             foldr union [] (map snd fds))

hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs:: (Term t, MonadPlus m)=> t-> m ([PName],[PName])
hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs t=do (f,d)<-hsFreeAndDeclared' t
                          return (nub f, nub d)
          hsFreeAndDeclared'=applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU  `adhocTU` exp
                                                         `adhocTU` pat
                                                         `adhocTU` match
                                                         `adhocTU` patBind
                                                         `adhocTU` alt
                                                         `adhocTU` decls
                                                         `adhocTU` stmts
                                                         `adhocTU` recDecl))

          exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsId (HsVar (PNT pn _ _))))=return ([pn],[])
          exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsId (HsCon (PNT pn _ _))))=return ([pn],[])
          exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsInfixApp e1 (HsVar (PNT pn _ _)) e2))
              =addFree pn (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs [e1,e2])
          exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsLambda pats body))
              = do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
                   (bf,_) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs body
                   return ((bf `union` pf) \\ pd, [])
          exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsLet decls exp))
              = do (df,dd)<- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                   (ef,_)<- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs exp
                   return ((df `union` (ef \\ dd)),[])
          exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsRecConstr _  (PNT pn _ _) e))
               =addFree  pn  (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs e)   --Need Testing
          exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsAsPat (PNT pn _ _) e))
              =addFree  pn  (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs e)
          exp _ = mzero

          pat (TiDecorate.Pat (HsPId (HsVar (PNT pn _ _))))=return ([],[pn])
          pat (TiDecorate.Pat (HsPInfixApp p1 (PNT pn _ _) p2))=addFree pn (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs [p1,p2])
          pat (TiDecorate.Pat (HsPApp (PNT pn _ _) pats))=addFree pn (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats)
          pat (TiDecorate.Pat (HsPRec (PNT pn _ _) fields))=addFree pn (hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs fields)
          pat _ =mzero

          match ((HsMatch _ (PNT fun _ _)  pats rhs  decls)::HsMatchP)
            = do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
                 (rf,rd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
                 (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                 return ((pf `union` ((rf `union` df) \\ (dd `union` pd `union` [fun]))),[fun])

         -------Added by Huiqing Li-------------------------------------------------------------------

          patBind ((TiDecorate.Dec (HsPatBind _ pat (HsBody rhs) decls))::HsDeclP)
             =do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                 (rf,rd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
                 (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                 return (pf `union` ((rf `union` df) \\(dd `union` pd)),pd)
          patBind _=mzero

          alt ((HsAlt _ pat exp decls)::(HsAlt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) HsDeclsP))
             = do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                  (ef,ed) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs exp
                  (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                  return (pf `union` (((ef \\ dd) `union` df) \\ pd),[])

          decls (ds :: [HsDeclP])
             =do (f,d) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredList ds
                 return (f\\d,d)

          stmts ((HsGenerator _ pat exp stmts) :: HsStmt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) HsDeclsP) -- Claus
             =do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                 (ef,ed) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs exp
                 (sf,sd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs stmts
                 return (pf `union` ef `union` (sf\\pd),[]) -- pd) -- Check this 

          stmts ((HsLetStmt decls stmts) :: HsStmt (HsExpP) (HsPatP) HsDeclsP)
             =do (df,dd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                 (sf,sd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs stmts
                 return (df `union` (sf \\dd),[])
          stmts _ =mzero

          recDecl ((HsRecDecl _ _ _ _ is) :: HsConDeclI PNT (HsTypeI PNT) [HsTypeI PNT])
                =do let d=map pNTtoPN $ concatMap fst is
                    return ([],d)
          recDecl _ =mzero

          addFree free mfd=do (f,d)<-mfd
                              return ([free] `union` f, d)

          hsFreeAndDeclaredList l=do fds<-mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs l
                                     return (foldr union [] (map fst fds),
                                             foldr union [] (map snd fds))

-- |The same as `hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs` except that the returned
-- variables are in the String format.
hsFreeAndDeclaredNameStrings::(SYB.Data t,GHC.Outputable t) => t -> RefactGhc ([String],[String])
hsFreeAndDeclaredNameStrings t = do
  (f1,d1) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs t
  return ((nub.map showGhc) f1, (nub.map showGhc) d1)

-- hsFreeAndDeclaredNames::(Term t, MonadPlus m)=> t->m([String],[String])
-- hsFreeAndDeclaredNames t =do (f1,d1)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs t
--                              return ((nub.map pNtoName) f1, (nub.map pNtoName) d1)

-- | Collect the free and declared variables (in the GHC.Name format)
-- in a given syntax phrase t. In the result, the first list contains
-- the free variables, and the second list contains the declared
-- variables.
-- Expects RenamedSource
hsFreeAndDeclaredPNsOld2 :: (HsValBinds t) => t -> ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
hsFreeAndDeclaredPNsOld2 t = res
    bs = hsBinds t

    getFd :: (GHC.NameSet,[GHC.Name]) -> GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> (GHC.NameSet,[GHC.Name])
    getFd (facc,dacc) b = (GHC.unionNameSets facc f,dacc ++ d)
        [(d,f)] = getFvs [b]

    tds = concatMap getDeclaredTypes $ concat $ hsTyDecls t
    (fs,ds) = foldl' getFd (GHC.emptyNameSet,[]) bs

    fs' = GHC.nameSetToList $ GHC.minusNameSet fs (GHC.mkNameSet (ds ++ tds))
    res = (fs',ds ++ tds)

hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs :: (SYB.Data t, GHC.Outputable t) => t -> RefactGhc ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs t = do
  logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs:t=" ++ (showGhc t)
  (FN f,DN d) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc t
  return (f,d)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Collect the free and declared variables (in the GHC.Name format)
-- in a given syntax phrase t. In the result, the first list contains
-- the free variables, and the second list contains the declared
-- variables.
-- TODO: use GHC.NameSet instead of lists for FreeNames/DeclaredNames
-- NOTE: The GHC fvs fields only carry non-GHC values, as they are
-- used in the renaming process
hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc :: (SYB.Data t, GHC.Outputable t) => t -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc t = do
  -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc:t=" ++ showGhc t
  (FN f,DN d) <- res
  -- let f' = nub $ filter isNonLibraryName f
  -- let d' = nub $ filter isNonLibraryName d
  let f' = nub f
  let d' = nub d
  -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc:res=" ++ showGhc (f',d')
  return (FN (f' \\ d'), DN d')

    res = (const err -- emptyFD
          `SYB.extQ` renamed
          `SYB.extQ` lhsbind
          `SYB.extQ` hsbind
          `SYB.extQ` lhsbinds
          `SYB.extQ` lhsbindslrs
          `SYB.extQ` lhsbindslr
          `SYB.extQ` hslocalbinds
          `SYB.extQ` hsvalbinds
          `SYB.extQ` lpats
          `SYB.extQ` lpat
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
          `SYB.extQ` bndrs
          `SYB.extQ` ltydecls
          `SYB.extQ` ltydecl
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
          `SYB.extQ` lfaminstdecls
          `SYB.extQ` lfaminstdecl
          `SYB.extQ` lsigs
          `SYB.extQ` lsig
          `SYB.extQ` lexprs
          `SYB.extQ` lexpr
          `SYB.extQ` expr
          `SYB.extQ` name
          `SYB.extQ` lstmts
          `SYB.extQ` lstmt
          `SYB.extQ` lhstype
          `SYB.extQ` hstype
          `SYB.extQ` grhs_s
          `SYB.extQ` grhs
          `SYB.extQ` grhsss
          `SYB.extQ` grhss
          `SYB.extQ` matchgroup
          `SYB.extQ` lmatches
          `SYB.extQ` lmatch
          `SYB.extQ` hsrecordbinds
          `SYB.extQ` hsrecordbind
          ) t

    renamed :: GHC.RenamedSource ->  RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    renamed (g,_i,_e,_d) = do
      gfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc $ GHC.hs_valds g
      let tds = concatMap getDeclaredTypes $ concat (GHC.hs_tyclds g)
      return $ gfds <> (FN [],DN tds)

    lhsbinds :: [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lhsbinds bs = do
      (FN fn,DN dn) <- recurseList bs
      let r = (FN (fn \\ dn),DN dn)
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbinds:r=" ++ (show r)
      return r

    lhsbind :: GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lhsbind (GHC.L _ b) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc b

    -- -----------------------

    hsbind :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    hsbind b@(GHC.FunBind _n _ (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) _ _ _) = do
        -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbind:b=" ++ (showGhc b)
        let d = GHC.collectHsBindBinders b
        -- let pats = concatMap (\(GHC.L _ (GHC.Match pat _ _)) -> pat) matches
        (fp,_dp) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc matches
        -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbind:(fp,_dp)=" ++ (show (fp,_dp))
        -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbind:(d)=" ++ (showGhc (d))
        let r = (fp,DN []) <> (FN [],DN d)
        -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbind:r=" ++ (show (r))
        return $ r
    hsbind b@(GHC.PatBind pa rhs _ _ _) = do
        -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbind.PatBind:b=" ++ (showGhc b)
        let d = GHC.collectHsBindBinders b
        (FN fr,DN _dr) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc rhs
        (fp,_) <- lpat pa
        -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbind.PatBind:f=" ++ (showGhc fr)
        return $ (fp,DN []) <> (FN fr,DN d)
    hsbind b = do
        -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.hsbind:b=" ++ (showGhc b)
        let d = GHC.collectHsBindBinders b
        return (FN [],DN d)

    -- -----------------------

    lhsbindslrs :: [GHC.LHsBindsLR GHC.Name GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lhsbindslrs bs = recurseList bs

    -- -----------------------

    lhsbindslr :: GHC.LHsBindsLR GHC.Name GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lhsbindslr bs = do
      hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc $ GHC.bagToList bs

    hslocalbinds :: GHC.HsLocalBinds GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    hslocalbinds (GHC.HsValBinds binds) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc binds
    hslocalbinds (GHC.HsIPBinds binds)  = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc binds
    hslocalbinds GHC.EmptyLocalBinds    = return emptyFD

    hsvalbinds :: GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    hsvalbinds (GHC.ValBindsIn binds sigs) = do
      bfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc binds
      sfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc sigs
      return $ bfds <> sfds
    hsvalbinds (GHC.ValBindsOut binds sigs) = do
      bfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc $ map snd binds
      sfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc sigs
      return $ bfds <> sfds

    -- -----------------------

    lpats :: [GHC.LPat GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lpats xs = recurseList xs

    -- -----------------------

    lpat :: GHC.LPat GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lpat lp@(GHC.L _ p) = do
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lpat:" ++ (showGhc lp)
        dn = GHC.collectPatBinders lp

      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lpat p=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 p)

      (FN fn,DN _dn) <- pat p
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lpat:(fn,dn)=" ++ (showGhc (fn,dn))
      return (FN fn,DN dn)

    pat :: GHC.Pat GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    pat (GHC.WildPat _) = return emptyFD
    pat (GHC.VarPat n) = return (FN [],DN [n])
    pat (GHC.LazyPat (GHC.L _ p)) = pat p
    pat (GHC.AsPat (GHC.L _ n) (GHC.L _ p)) = do
      fd <- pat p
      return $ (FN [], DN [n]) <> fd
    pat (GHC.ParPat (GHC.L _ p)) = pat p
    pat (GHC.BangPat (GHC.L _ p)) = pat p
    pat (GHC.ListPat ps _) = do
      fds <- mapM pat $ map GHC.unLoc ps
      return $ mconcat fds
    pat (GHC.TuplePat ps _ _) = do
      fds <- mapM pat $ map GHC.unLoc ps
      return $ mconcat fds
    pat (GHC.PArrPat ps _) = do
      fds <- mapM pat $ map GHC.unLoc ps
      return $ mconcat fds
    pat (GHC.ConPatIn (GHC.L _ n) det) = do
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.pat.ConPatIn:details=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 det)
      (FN f,DN _d) <- details det
      return $ (FN [n],DN []) <> (FN [],DN f)
    -- pat (GHC.ConPatOut )
    pat (GHC.ViewPat e (GHC.L _ p) _) = do
      fde <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
      fdp <- pat p
      return $ fde <> fdp
    -- pat (GHC.QuasiQuotePat _)
    pat (GHC.LitPat _) = return emptyFD
    pat (GHC.NPat _ _ _) = return emptyFD
    pat (GHC.NPlusKPat (GHC.L _ n) _ _ _) = return (FN [],DN [n])
    pat _p@(GHC.SigPatIn (GHC.L _ p) b) = do
      fdp <- pat p
      (FN fb,DN _db) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc b
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.pat.SigPatIn:p=" ++ showGhc _p
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.pat.SigPatIn:(fdp,(FN fb,DN db))=" ++ show (fdp,(FN fb,DN db))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
      return $ fdp <> (FN fb,DN [])
      return $ fdp <> (FN _db,DN [])
    pat (GHC.SigPatOut (GHC.L _ p) _) = pat p
    pat (GHC.CoPat _ p _) = pat p

    pat p = error $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.pat:unimplemented:" ++ (showGhc p)

    --  HsConDetails (LPat id) (HsRecFields id (LPat id))
    details :: GHC.HsConPatDetails GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    details (GHC.PrefixCon  args) = do
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.details:args=" ++ (showGhc args)
      fds <- mapM pat $ map GHC.unLoc args
      return $ mconcat fds
    details (GHC.RecCon recf) =
      recfields recf
      -- error $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.pat:unimplemented:" ++ (showGhc recf)
      -- error $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.pat:unimplemented:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 recf)
    details (GHC.InfixCon arg1 arg2) = do
      fds <- mapM pat $ map GHC.unLoc [arg1,arg2]
      return $ mconcat fds

    -- Note: this one applies to HsRecFields in LPats
    recfields :: (GHC.HsRecFields GHC.Name (GHC.LPat GHC.Name)) -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    recfields (GHC.HsRecFields fields _) = do
      let args = map (\(GHC.HsRecField _ (GHC.L _ arg) _) -> arg) fields
      fds <- mapM pat args
      return $ mconcat fds

    -- -----------------------

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    bndrs :: GHC.HsWithBndrs (GHC.LHsType GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    bndrs (GHC.HsWB (GHC.L _ thing) _kindVars _typeVars) = do
      (_ft,DN dt) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc thing
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.bndrs (_ft,dt)=" ++ show (_ft,DN dt)
      return (FN dt,DN [])

    -- -----------------------

    ltydecls :: [GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    ltydecls ds = do
      fds <- mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc ds
      return $ mconcat fds

    ltydecl :: GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    ltydecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.ForeignType (GHC.L _ n) _)) = return (FN [],DN [n])

    ltydecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.TyFamily _ (GHC.L _ n) _bndrs _)) = return (FN [],DN [n])
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    ltydecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.TyDecl (GHC.L _ n) _bndrs _defn fvs))
        = return (FN (GHC.nameSetToList fvs),DN [n])
    ltydecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.TyData _ _ctx (GHC.L _ n) _vars _pats _kind _cons _derivs)) 
        = return (FN [],DN [n]) -- TODO: calc fvs for cons
    ltydecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.TySynonym (GHC.L _ n) _vars _pats _rhs))
        = return (FN [],DN [n]) -- TODO fvs?
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    ltydecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ctx (GHC.L _ n) _tyvars
                     _fds _sigs meths ats atds _docs fvs)) = do
    ltydecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ctx (GHC.L _ n) _tyvars
                     _fds _sigs meths ats atds _docs)) = do
       -- (_,td) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc tyvars
       (_,md) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc meths
       (_,ad) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc ats
       (_,atd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc atds
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
       return (FN (GHC.nameSetToList fvs),DN [n] <> md <> ad <> atd)
       return (FN [],DN [n] <> md <> ad <> atd) -- TODO: fvs

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    lfaminstdecls :: [GHC.LFamInstDecl GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lfaminstdecls ds = do
      fds <- mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc ds
      return $ mconcat fds

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    lfaminstdecl :: GHC.LFamInstDecl GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lfaminstdecl _f@(GHC.L _ (GHC.FamInstDecl (GHC.L _ n) _pats _defn fvs)) = do
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lfaminstdecl:" ++ showGhc _f
      return (FN (GHC.nameSetToList fvs), DN [n])
    -- lfaminstdecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.InstDecl typ binds sigs decls))

    -- -----------------------

    lsigs :: [GHC.LSig GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lsigs ss = do
      fds <- mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc ss
      return $ mconcat fds

    -- -----------------------

    lsig :: GHC.LSig GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig ns typ)) = do
      tfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
      return $ (FN [],DN (map GHC.unLoc ns)) <> tfds
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.GenericSig n typ)) = do
      tfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
      return $ (FN [],DN (map GHC.unLoc n)) <> tfds
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.IdSig _)) = return emptyFD
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.InlineSig _ _)) = return emptyFD
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.SpecSig n typ _)) = do
      tfds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
      return $ (FN [],DN [GHC.unLoc n]) <> tfds
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.SpecInstSig _)) = return emptyFD
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.FixSig _)) = return emptyFD

    -- -----------------------

    lexprs :: [GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lexprs es = recurseList es

    -- -----------------------

    lexpr :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lexpr (GHC.L _ e) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    -- -----------------------

    expr :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    expr ((GHC.HsVar n)) = return (FN [n],DN [])

    expr ((GHC.HsIPVar _)) = return emptyFD

    expr ((GHC.HsOverLit _)) = return emptyFD

    expr ((GHC.HsLit _)) = return emptyFD

    expr ((GHC.HsLam mg)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc mg

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    expr ((GHC.HsLamCase _ mg)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc mg

    expr ((GHC.HsApp e1 e2)) = do
      fde1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fde2 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e2
      return $ fde1 <> fde2

    expr ((GHC.OpApp e1 eop _fix e2)) = do
      fde1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fdeop <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc eop
      fde2 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e2
      return $ fde1 <> fdeop <> fde2

    expr ((GHC.NegApp e _)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.HsPar e)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.SectionL e1 e2)) = do
      fde1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fde2 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e2
      return $ fde1 <> fde2

    expr ((GHC.SectionR e1 e2)) = do
      fde1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fde2 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e2
      return $ fde1 <> fde2

    expr ((GHC.ExplicitTuple args _boxity)) = do
      let argse = concatMap bb args
          bb (GHC.Missing _) = []
          bb (GHC.Present a) = [a]

      fds <- mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc argse
      return $ mconcat fds

    expr ((GHC.HsCase e body)) = do
       fdes <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
       fdbs <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc body
       return $ fdes <> fdbs

    expr ((GHC.HsIf _ms e1 e2 e3)) = do
      fde1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fde2 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e2
      fde3 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e3
      return $ fde1 <> fde2 <> fde3

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    expr ((GHC.HsMultiIf _typ rhs))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc rhs

    expr ((GHC.HsLet binds e)) = do
      fdb <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc binds
      fde <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
      return $ fdb <> fde

    expr ((GHC.HsDo _ctx stmts _typ))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc stmts

    expr ((GHC.ExplicitList _typ es))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc es

    expr ((GHC.ExplicitPArr _typ es))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc es

    expr ((GHC.RecordCon (GHC.L _ n) _typ binds)) = do
      fdb <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc binds
      return $ (FN [],DN [n]) <> fdb

    expr ((GHC.RecordUpd e1 binds _cons _typ1 _typ2)) = do
      fde <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fdb <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc binds
      return $ fde <> fdb

    expr ((GHC.ExprWithTySig e _typ))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.ExprWithTySigOut e _typ))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.ArithSeq _typ as)) = do
      fds <- case as of
        GHC.From e -> hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
        GHC.FromThen e1 e2      -> recurseList [e1,e2]
        GHC.FromTo e1 e2        -> recurseList [e1,e2]
        GHC.FromThenTo e1 e2 e3 -> recurseList [e1,e2,e3]
      return fds

    expr ((GHC.PArrSeq _typ as))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc as

    expr ((GHC.HsSCC _ e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.HsCoreAnn _ e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.HsBracket b))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc b

    expr ((GHC.HsBracketOut b _ps))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc b

    expr ((GHC.HsSpliceE e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.HsQuasiQuoteE q))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc q

    expr ((GHC.HsProc pa cmd)) = do
      fdp <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc pa
      fdc <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc cmd
      return $ fdp <> fdc

    expr ((GHC.HsArrApp e1 e2 _typ _atyp _)) = do
      fd1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fd2 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e2
      return $ fd1 <> fd2

    expr ((GHC.HsArrForm e1 _fix cmds)) = do
      fd1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fdc <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc cmds
      return $ fd1 <> fdc

    expr ((GHC.HsTick _ e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.HsBinTick _ _ e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.HsTickPragma _ e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.EWildPat)) = return emptyFD

    expr ((GHC.EAsPat (GHC.L _ n) e)) = do
      fde <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
      return $ (FN [],DN [n]) <> fde

    expr ((GHC.EViewPat e1 e2)) = do
      fd1 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e1
      fd2 <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e2
      return $ fd1 <> fd2

    expr ((GHC.ELazyPat e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    expr ((GHC.HsType typ))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ

    expr ((GHC.HsWrap _wrap e))
      = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e

    -- expr e = error $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.expr: unimplemented for"
    --               ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 e)

    -- -----------------------

    name :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    name n = return (FN [],DN [n])

    -- -----------------------
    lstmts :: [GHC.LStmt GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lstmts ss = recurseList ss

    lstmt :: GHC.LStmt GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.LastStmt e _)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.BindStmt pa e _ _)) = do
      fdp <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc pa
      fde <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
      return (fdp <> fde)
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.ExprStmt e _ _ _)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.LetStmt bs)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc bs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.ParStmt ps _ _)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc ps
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.ParStmt ps _ _ _)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc ps
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.TransStmt _ stmts _ using mby _ _ _)) = do
      fds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc stmts
      fdu <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc using
      fdb <- case mby of
        Nothing -> return emptyFD
        Just e -> hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
      return $ fds <> fdu <> fdb
    lstmt (GHC.L _ (GHC.RecStmt stmts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc stmts

    -- -----------------------

    lhstype :: GHC.LHsType GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lhstype (GHC.L _ typ) = hstype typ

    -- -----------------------

    hstype :: GHC.HsType GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    hstype (GHC.HsForAllTy _ _ _ typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
    hstype (GHC.HsTyVar n) = return (FN [],DN [n])
    hstype (GHC.HsAppTy t1 t2) = recurseList [t1,t2]
    hstype (GHC.HsFunTy t1 t2) = recurseList [t1,t2]
    hstype (GHC.HsListTy typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
    hstype (GHC.HsPArrTy typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
    hstype (GHC.HsTupleTy _ typs) = recurseList typs
    hstype (GHC.HsOpTy t1 _ t2) = recurseList [t1,t2]
    hstype (GHC.HsParTy typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
    hstype (GHC.HsIParamTy _ typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
    hstype (GHC.HsEqTy t1 t2) = recurseList [t1,t2]
    hstype (GHC.HsKindSig t1 t2) = recurseList [t1,t2]
    hstype (GHC.HsQuasiQuoteTy _) = return emptyFD
    hstype (GHC.HsSpliceTy _ fvs _) = return (FN (GHC.nameSetToList fvs),DN [])
    hstype (GHC.HsDocTy _ typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
    hstype (GHC.HsBangTy _ typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ
    hstype (GHC.HsRecTy cons) = recurseList cons
    hstype (GHC.HsCoreTy _) = return emptyFD
    hstype (GHC.HsExplicitListTy _ typs) = recurseList typs
    hstype (GHC.HsExplicitTupleTy _ typs) = recurseList typs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    hstype (GHC.HsTyLit _) = return emptyFD
    hstype (GHC.HsWrapTy _ typ) = hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc typ

    -- -----------------------

    grhs_s :: [GHC.LGRHS GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    grhs_s gs = recurseList gs

    -- -----------------------

    grhs :: GHC.LGRHS GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    grhs (GHC.L _ (GHC.GRHS stmts e)) = do
      fds <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc stmts
      fde <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
      return $ fds <> fde

    -- -----------------------

    grhsss :: [GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    grhsss gs = recurseList gs

    -- -----------------------

    grhss :: GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    grhss (GHC.GRHSs g binds) = do
      (fg,_dg) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc g
      fdb <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc binds
      return $  (fg,DN[]) <> fdb

    -- -----------------------

    matchgroup :: GHC.MatchGroup GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    matchgroup (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) = recurseList matches

    -- -----------------------

    lmatches :: [GHC.LMatch GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lmatches ms = recurseList ms

    -- -----------------------

    lmatch :: GHC.LMatch GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    lmatch (GHC.L _ _m@(GHC.Match pats _ rhs)) = do
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lmatch for:" ++ (showGhc _m)
      (fp,DN dp) <- recurseList pats
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lmatch pats done"
      (FN fr,DN dr) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc rhs
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lmatch:(fp,dp)=" ++ (show (fp,DN dp))
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lmatch:fdr=" ++ (showGhc (fr,dr))
      let r = (fp,DN []) <> (FN (fr \\ (dr ++ dp)), DN [])
      -- logm $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc.lmatch end:r=" ++ (show r)
      return $ r

    -- -----------------------

    hsrecordbinds :: (GHC.HsRecordBinds GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    hsrecordbinds (GHC.HsRecFields fields _) = recurseList fields

    hsrecordbind :: (GHC.HsRecField GHC.Name (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)) -> RefactGhc (FreeNames,DeclaredNames)
    hsrecordbind (GHC.HsRecField (GHC.L _ n) arg _) = do
      fda <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc arg
      return $ (FN [n],DN []) <> fda

    -- -----------------------

    err = error $ "hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc:not matched:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 t)

    -- ---------------------------------

    recurseList xs = do
      fds <- mapM hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc xs
      return $ mconcat fds

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

inRnM2 :: GHC.HscEnv -> GHC.GlobalRdrEnv -> GHC.TcRn r -> IO (GHC.Messages, Maybe r)
inRnM2 hsc_env glbRdrEnv fn = do
  let ictxt = (GHC.hsc_IC hsc_env) { GHC.ic_rn_gbl_env = glbRdrEnv }
  GHC.initTcPrintErrors hsc_env GHC.iNTERACTIVE $ setInteractiveContext hsc_env ictxt fn

inRnM :: GHC.HscEnv -> GHC.GlobalRdrEnv {- -> GHC.Module -} -> GHC.TcRn r -> IO (GHC.Messages, Maybe r)
inRnM hsc_env glbRdrEnv {- modu -} fn = do
  GHC.initTc hsc_env GHC.HsSrcFile True GHC.iNTERACTIVE fn
-- initTc :: HscEnv -> HscSource -> Bool -> Module -> TcM r -> IO (Messages, Maybe r)
-- inRnM3 :: GHC.HscEnv -> GHC.GlobalRdrEnv -> GHC.LocalRdrEnv -> GHC.TcRnIf GHC.GlobalRdrEnv GHC.LocalRdrEnv a -> IO a
inRnM3 :: GHC.HscEnv -> GHC.TcGblEnv -> GHC.TcRn a -> IO (GHC.Messages,Maybe a)
inRnM3 hsc_env glbRdrEnv do_this = do

  errs_var     <- newIORef (GHC.emptyBag, GHC.emptyBag) ;
  meta_var     <- newIORef GHC.initTyVarUnique ;
  tvs_var      <- newIORef GHC.emptyVarSet ;
  -- keep_var     <- newIORef GHC.emptyNameSet ;
  -- used_rdr_var <- newIORef Set.empty ;
  -- th_var       <- newIORef False ;
  -- th_splice_var<- newIORef False ;
  -- infer_var    <- newIORef True ;
  lie_var      <- newIORef GHC.emptyWC ;
  -- dfun_n_var   <- newIORef GHC.emptyOccSet ;
  type_env_var <- case hsc_type_env_var hsc_env of {
                     Just (_mod, te_var) -> return te_var ;
                     Nothing             -> newIORef emptyNameEnv } ;

  let lcl_env = GHC.TcLclEnv {
     GHC.tcl_errs       = errs_var,
     GHC.tcl_loc        = GHC.mkGeneralSrcSpan (GHC.fsLit "Top level"),
     GHC.tcl_ctxt       = [],
     GHC.tcl_rdr        = GHC.emptyLocalRdrEnv,
     -- GHC.tcl_rdr        = localRdrEnv
     GHC.tcl_th_ctxt    = GHC.topStage,
     GHC.tcl_arrow_ctxt = GHC.NoArrowCtxt,
     GHC.tcl_env        = GHC.emptyNameEnv,
     GHC.tcl_tidy       = GHC.emptyTidyEnv,
     GHC.tcl_tyvars     = tvs_var,
     GHC.tcl_lie        = lie_var,
     GHC.tcl_meta       = meta_var,
     GHC.tcl_untch      = GHC.initTyVarUnique

  -- putStrLn $ "inRnM3: about to do it"

  maybe_res <- GHC.initTcRnIf 'a' hsc_env glbRdrEnv lcl_env $
               do { r <- GHC.tryM do_this
                  ; case r of
                    Right res -> return (Just res)
                    Left _    -> return Nothing } ;
  putStrLn $ "inRnM3: done"

  -- Collect any error messages
  msgs <- readIORef errs_var ;

  let { dflags = GHC.hsc_dflags hsc_env
      ; final_res | GHC.errorsFound dflags msgs = Nothing
                  | otherwise                   = maybe_res } ;

  return (msgs,final_res)
-- initTcRnIf :: Char -> HscEnv -> gbl -> lcl -> TcRnIf gbl lcl a -> IO a
-- type TcRn a = TcRnIf TcGblEnv TcLclEnv a
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Given a RenamedSource LPAT, return the equivalent
-- ParsedSource part.
-- NOTE: returns pristine ParsedSource, since HaRe does not change it
getParsedForRenamedLPat :: GHC.ParsedSource -> GHC.LPat GHC.Name -> GHC.LPat GHC.RdrName
getParsedForRenamedLPat parsed lpatParam@(GHC.L l _pat) = r
    mres = res parsed
    r = case mres of
      Just rr -> rr
      Nothing -> error $ "HaRe error: could not find Parsed LPat for"
                 ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 lpatParam)

    res t = somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` lpat) t

    lpat :: (GHC.LPat GHC.RdrName) -> (Maybe (GHC.LPat GHC.RdrName))
    lpat p@(GHC.L lp _)
       | lp == l ||
         stripForestLineFromGhc lp == stripForestLineFromGhc l  = Just p
    lpat _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Given a RenamedSource Located name, return the equivalent
-- ParsedSource part.
-- NOTE: returns pristine ParsedSource, since HaRe does not change it
getParsedForRenamedLocated :: ({- SYB.Typeable a, SYB.Data a, -} SYB.Typeable b {- , SYB.Data b -})
  => GHC.Located a -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located b)
getParsedForRenamedLocated (GHC.L l _n) = do
  parsed <- getRefactParsed
    mres = res parsed
    r = case mres of
      Just rr -> rr
      Nothing -> error $ "HaRe error: could not find Parsed Location for"
                 ++ (showGhc l)

    res t = somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` lname) t

    lname :: (GHC.Located b) -> (Maybe (GHC.Located b))
    lname p@(GHC.L lp _)
       | lp == l ||
         stripForestLineFromGhc lp == stripForestLineFromGhc l  = Just p
    lname _ = Nothing

  return r

-- | Given a RenamedSource Located name, return the equivalent
-- ParsedSource part.
-- NOTE: returns pristine ParsedSource, since HaRe does not change it
getParsedForRenamedName :: GHC.ParsedSource -> GHC.Located GHC.Name -> GHC.Located GHC.RdrName
getParsedForRenamedName parsed n@(GHC.L l _n) = r
    mres = res parsed
    r = case mres of
      Just rr -> rr
      Nothing -> error $ "HaRe error: could not find Parsed LPat for"
                 ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 n)

    res t = somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` lname) t

    lname :: (GHC.Located GHC.RdrName) -> (Maybe (GHC.Located GHC.RdrName))
    lname p@(GHC.L lp _)
       | lp == l ||
         stripForestLineFromGhc lp == stripForestLineFromGhc l  = Just p
    lname _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getDeclaredTypes :: GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name -> [GHC.Name]
getDeclaredTypes (GHC.L _ (GHC.ForeignType (GHC.L _ n) _)) = [n]
getDeclaredTypes (GHC.L _ (GHC.TyFamily _ (GHC.L _ n) _bs _)) = [n]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
getDeclaredTypes (GHC.L _ (GHC.TyDecl (GHC.L _ n) _vars defn _fvs)) = nub $ [n] ++ dsn
    dsn = getHsTyDefn defn
-- data,
getDeclaredTypes (GHC.L _ (GHC.TyData _ _ctx (GHC.L _ n) _vars _pats _kind cons _derivs)) 
  = nub $ [n] ++ cs
    getConDecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.ConDecl (GHC.L _ n2) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) = n2
    cs = map getConDecl cons
-- synonym
getDeclaredTypes (GHC.L _ (GHC.TySynonym (GHC.L _ n) _vars _pats _rhs)) = [n]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
getDeclaredTypes (GHC.L _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ (GHC.L _ n) _vars _fds sigs meths ats _atdefs _ _fvs))
getDeclaredTypes (GHC.L _ (GHC.ClassDecl _ (GHC.L _ n) _vars _fds sigs meths ats _atdefs _))
  = nub $ [n] ++ ssn ++ msn ++ asn
    getLSig :: GHC.LSig GHC.Name -> [GHC.Name]
    getLSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig ns _)) = map GHC.unLoc ns
    getLSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.GenericSig ns _)) = map GHC.unLoc ns
    getLSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.IdSig _n)) = []
    getLSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.InlineSig (GHC.L _ n2) _)) = [n2]
    getLSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.SpecSig (GHC.L _ n2) _ _)) = [n2]
    getLSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.SpecInstSig _)) = []
    getLSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.FixSig _)) = []

    ssn = concatMap getLSig sigs
    msn = getDeclaredVars $ hsBinds meths
    asn = concatMap getDeclaredTypes ats

-- -------------------------------------

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
getHsTyDefn :: GHC.HsTyDefn GHC.Name -> [GHC.Name]
getHsTyDefn (GHC.TySynonym _) = []
getHsTyDefn (GHC.TyData _ _  _ _ cons _) = r
    getConDecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.ConDecl (GHC.L _ n) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) = n
    r = map getConDecl cons

-- -------------------------------------
getDeclaredTyVarBndrs :: [GHC.LHsTyVarBndrs GHC.Name] -> [GHC.Name]
getDeclaredTyVarBndrs bs = r

    r = []
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Experiment with GHC fvs stuff
getFvs :: [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> [([GHC.Name], GHC.NameSet)]
getFvs bs = concatMap binds bs
      binds :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) -> [([GHC.Name],GHC.NameSet)]
      binds (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ fvs _)) = [([pname],     fvs)]
      binds (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty fvs _))            = [((hsNamess p),fvs)]
      binds _ = []

getFreeVars :: [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> [GHC.Name]
getFreeVars bs = concatMap binds bs
      binds :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) -> [GHC.Name]
      binds (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ _pname) _ _ _ fvs _)) = (GHC.nameSetToList fvs)
      binds (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind _p _rhs _ty fvs _))            = (GHC.nameSetToList fvs)
      binds _ = []

getDeclaredVars :: [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> [GHC.Name]
getDeclaredVars bs = concatMap vars bs
      vars :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) -> [GHC.Name]
      vars (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ _fvs _)) = [pname]
      vars (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _))            = (hsNamess p)
      vars _ = []

-- | Same as `hsVisiblePNs' except that the returned identifiers are
-- in String format.
hsVisibleNames:: (FindEntity t1, SYB.Data t1, SYB.Data t2,HsValBinds t2,GHC.Outputable t1)
  => t1 -> t2 -> RefactGhc [String]
hsVisibleNames e t = do
    d <- hsVisiblePNs e t
    return ((nub . map showGhc) d)

-- | Given syntax phrases e and t, if e occurs in t, then return those
-- variables which are declared in t and accessible to e, otherwise
-- return [].
hsVisiblePNsOld :: (FindEntity e, SYB.Data e, SYB.Data t,HsValBinds t)
             => e -> t -> [GHC.Name]
hsVisiblePNsOld e t = res
    {- -}
          r = (applyTU (full_tdTUGhc (constTU [] `adhocTU` top
                                           `adhocTU` expr
                                           `adhocTU` decl
                                           `adhocTU` match
                                           `adhocTU` stmts)) t) :: Maybe [GHC.Name]
   {- -}
    r <- SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) []
                  ([] `SYB.mkQ`  top
                      `SYB.extQ` expr
                      `SYB.extQ` decl
                      `SYB.extQ` match
                      `SYB.extQ` stmts) t
          res =  fromMaybe [] r
      -- where
          top :: (MonadPlus m) => GHC.RenamedSource -> m [GHC.Name]
          top ((groups,_,_,_) :: GHC.RenamedSource)
            | findEntity e (GHC.hs_valds groups) = do -- ++AZ++:TODO: Should be GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name, not groups
             let (_df,dd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs (GHC.hs_valds groups)
             return dd
          top _ = return []

          expr ((GHC.HsLet decls e1) :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)
             |findEntity e e1 || findEntity e decls = do
              let (_df,dd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
              return dd

          expr ((GHC.HsDo _ctx ss _) :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)
             | findEntity e ss = do
              let (_df,dd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs ss
              return dd

          expr _ = return []

          decl ((GHC.FunBind n _ matches _ _fvs _) :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name)
            |findEntity e matches = do
             let (_pf,pd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs matches
             return (pd)

          decl ((GHC.PatBind pat rhs _ _ _) :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name)
            |findEntity e rhs = do
             let (_pf,pd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
             let (_df,dd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
             return (pd `union` dd)
          decl _ = return []

          -- Pick up from HsAlt etc
          match ((GHC.Match pats _ rhs) :: GHC.Match GHC.Name)
            |findEntity e rhs = do
             let (_pf,pd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
             let (_df,dd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
             return (pd `union` dd)
          match _ = return []

          stmts ((GHC.LetStmt binds) :: GHC.Stmt GHC.Name)
            | findEntity e binds = do
             let (_df,dd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs binds
             return dd

          stmts ((GHC.BindStmt pat rhs _ _) :: GHC.Stmt GHC.Name)
            | findEntity e rhs = do
             let (_df,dd) = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
             return dd

          stmts _ = return []

{- ++ original ++
-- | Given syntax phrases e and t, if e occurs in  t, then return those vairables
--  which are declared in t and accessible to e, otherwise return [].
hsVisiblePNs :: (Term t1, Term t2, FindEntity t1, MonadPlus m) => t1 -> t2 -> m [PName]
hsVisiblePNs e t =applyTU (full_tdTU (constTU [] `adhocTU` mod
                                                  `adhocTU` exp
                                                  `adhocTU` match
                                                  `adhocTU` patBind
                                                  `adhocTU` alt
                                                  `adhocTU` stmts)) t
          mod ((HsModule loc modName exps imps decls)::HsModuleP)
            |findEntity e decls
           =do (df,dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
               return dd
          mod _=return []

          exp ((Exp (HsLambda pats body))::HsExpP)
            |findEntity e body
             = do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
                  return pd

          exp (Exp (HsLet decls e1))
             |findEntity e e1 || findEntity e decls
             = do (df,dd)<- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                  return dd
          exp _ =return []

          match (m@(HsMatch _ (PNT fun _ _)  pats rhs  decls)::HsMatchP)
            |findEntity e rhs || findEntity e decls
            = do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
                 (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                 return  (pd `union` dd `union` [fun])
          match _=return []

          patBind (p@(Dec (HsPatBind _ pat rhs decls))::HsDeclP)
            |findEntity e rhs || findEntity e decls
             =do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                 (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                 return (pd `union` dd)
          patBind _=return []

          alt ((HsAlt _ pat exp decls)::HsAltP)
             |findEntity e exp || findEntity e decls
             = do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                  (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                  return (pd `union` dd)
          alt _=return []

          stmts ((HsGenerator _ pat exp stmts) :: HsStmtP)
            |findEntity e stmts
             =do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                 return pd

          stmts (HsLetStmt decls stmts)
            |findEntity e decls || findEntity e stmts
             =do (df,dd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                 return dd
          stmts _ =return []



-- | Given syntax phrases e and t, if e occurs in t, then return those
-- variables which are declared in t and accessible to e, otherwise
-- return [].
hsVisiblePNs :: (FindEntity e, SYB.Data e, SYB.Data t,HsValBinds t,GHC.Outputable e)
             => e -> t -> RefactGhc [GHC.Name]
hsVisiblePNs e t = do
  (DN dn) <- hsVisibleDs e t
  return dn


-- | Given syntax phrases e and t, if e occurs in t, then return those
-- variables which are declared in t and accessible to e, otherwise
-- return [].
hsVisibleDs :: (FindEntity e, SYB.Data e, SYB.Data t,HsValBinds t,GHC.Outputable e)
             => e -> t -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
hsVisibleDs e t = do
  -- logm $ "hsVisibleDs:(e,t)=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 (e,t))
  (DN d) <- res
  return (DN (nub d))
    -- TODO: this is effectively a recursive descent approach, where
    --       each syntax element processor knows exactly what it needs
    --       in terms of sub-elements. Hence as an optimisation,
    --       consider calling the relevent element directly, instead
    --       of looping back into the main function.
    res = (const err -- (DN [])
          `SYB.extQ` renamed
          `SYB.extQ` valbinds
          `SYB.extQ` lhsbindslr
          `SYB.extQ` hsbinds
          `SYB.extQ` hsbind
          `SYB.extQ` hslocalbinds
          `SYB.extQ` lmatch
          `SYB.extQ` grhss
          `SYB.extQ` lgrhs
          `SYB.extQ` lexpr
          `SYB.extQ` tycldeclss
          `SYB.extQ` tycldecls
          `SYB.extQ` tycldecl
          `SYB.extQ` instdecls
          `SYB.extQ` instdecl
          `SYB.extQ` lhstype
          `SYB.extQ` lsigs
          `SYB.extQ` lsig
          ) t

    renamed :: GHC.RenamedSource -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    renamed (g,_i,_ex,_d)
      | findEntity e g = do
         dfds <- hsVisibleDs e $ GHC.hs_valds g
         tfds <- hsVisibleDs e $ GHC.hs_tyclds g
         ifds <- hsVisibleDs e $ GHC.hs_instds g
         return $ dfds <> tfds <> ifds
    renamed _ = return (DN [])

    valbinds :: (GHC.HsValBindsLR GHC.Name GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    valbinds vb@(GHC.ValBindsIn bindsBag sigs)
      | findEntity e vb = do
          fdsb <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) $ hsBinds bindsBag
          fdss <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) sigs
          return $ mconcat fdss <> mconcat fdsb
    valbinds vb@(GHC.ValBindsOut binds sigs)
      | findEntity e vb = do
          logm $ "hsVisibleDs.valbinds:ValBindsOut"
          fdsb <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) $ map snd binds
          fdss <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) sigs
          return $ mconcat fdss <> mconcat fdsb

    valbinds _ = do
      logm $ "hsVisibleDs.valbinds:not matched"
      return (DN [])

    lhsbindslr :: GHC.LHsBindsLR GHC.Name GHC.Name -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    lhsbindslr bs = do
      fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) $ GHC.bagToList bs
      return $ mconcat fds

    hsbinds :: [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    hsbinds ds
      | findEntity e ds = do
        fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) ds
        return $ mconcat fds
    hsbinds _ = return (DN [])

    hsbind :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    hsbind ((GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _n _ (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) _ _ _)))
      | findEntity e matches = do
          fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) matches
          logm $ "hsVisibleDs.hsbind:fds=" ++ show fds
          return $ mconcat fds
    hsbind _ = return (DN [])

    hslocalbinds :: (GHC.HsLocalBinds GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    hslocalbinds (GHC.HsValBinds binds)
      | findEntity e binds = hsVisibleDs e binds
    hslocalbinds (GHC.HsIPBinds binds)
      | findEntity e binds = hsVisibleDs e binds
    hslocalbinds (GHC.EmptyLocalBinds) = return (DN [])
    hslocalbinds _ = return (DN [])

    lmatch :: (GHC.LMatch GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    lmatch (GHC.L _ (GHC.Match pats _mtyp rhs))
      | findEntity e pats = do
           logm $ "hsVisibleDs.lmatch:in pats="
           return (DN []) -- TODO: extend this
      | findEntity e rhs = do
           ( pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc pats
           logm $ "hsVisibleDs.lmatch:(pf,pd)=" ++ (show (pf,pd))
           (    rd) <- hsVisibleDs e rhs
           return (pd <> rd)
    lmatch _ =return  (DN [])

    grhss :: (GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    grhss (GHC.GRHSs guardedRhss lstmts)
      | findEntity e guardedRhss = do
          fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) guardedRhss
          return $ mconcat fds
      | findEntity e lstmts = hsVisibleDs e lstmts
    grhss _ = return (DN [])

    lgrhs :: GHC.LGRHS GHC.Name -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    lgrhs (GHC.L _ (GHC.GRHS stmts ex))
      | findEntity e stmts = hsVisibleDs e stmts
      | findEntity e ex    = hsVisibleDs e ex
    lgrhs _ = return (DN [])

    lexpr :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    lexpr (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsVar n))
      | findEntity e n  = return (DN [n])
    lexpr (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsLet lbinds expr))
      | findEntity e lbinds || findEntity e expr  = do
        (_,lds) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc lbinds
        (_,eds) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc expr
        return $ lds <> eds

    lexpr expr
      | findEntity e expr = do
        -- logm $ "hsVisibleDs.lexpr.e1:" ++ (showGhc (e1,_eOp,e2))
        (FN efs,_) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc expr
        (FN _eefs,DN eeds) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc e
        -- return (DN e1fs <> DN eofs <> DN e2fs)
        return (DN (efs \\ eeds))

    lexpr _ = return (DN [])

    tycldeclss :: [[GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name]] -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    tycldeclss tcds
      | findEntity e tcds = do
        fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) tcds
        return $ mconcat fds
    tycldeclss _ = return (DN [])

    tycldecls :: [GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    tycldecls tcds
      | findEntity e tcds = do
        fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) tcds
        return $ mconcat fds
    tycldecls _ = return (DN [])

    tycldecl :: GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    tycldecl tcd
      | findEntity e tcd = do
        (_,ds) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredGhc tcd
        return ds
    tycldecl _ = return (DN [])

    instdecls :: [GHC.LInstDecl GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    instdecls ds
      | findEntity e ds = do
        fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) ds
        return $ mconcat fds
    instdecls _ = return (DN [])

    instdecl :: GHC.LInstDecl GHC.Name -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    instdecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.ClsInstD polytyp binds sigs faminsts))
    instdecl (GHC.L _ (GHC.InstDecl polytyp binds sigs faminsts))
      | findEntity e polytyp  = hsVisibleDs e polytyp
      | findEntity e binds    = hsVisibleDs e binds
      | findEntity e sigs     = hsVisibleDs e sigs
      | findEntity e faminsts = hsVisibleDs e faminsts
    instdecl _ = return (DN [])

    lhstype :: GHC.LHsType GHC.Name -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    lhstype tv@(GHC.L _ (GHC.HsTyVar n))
      | findEntity e tv = return (DN [n])
    lhstype _ = return (DN [])

    -- -----------------------

    lsigs :: [GHC.LSig GHC.Name] -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    lsigs ss = do
      fds <- mapM (hsVisibleDs e) ss
      return $ mconcat fds

    -- -----------------------

    lsig :: GHC.LSig GHC.Name -> RefactGhc DeclaredNames
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig _ns typ))
      | findEntity e typ = hsVisibleDs e typ
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.GenericSig _n typ))
      | findEntity e typ = hsVisibleDs e typ
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.IdSig _)) = return (DN [])
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.InlineSig _ _)) = return (DN [])
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.SpecSig _n typ _))
      | findEntity e typ = hsVisibleDs e typ
    lsig (GHC.L _ (GHC.SpecInstSig _)) = return (DN [])

    lsig _ = return (DN [])

    -- -----------------------
    err = error $ "hsVisibleDs:no match for:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 t)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO:Drive parts of the renamer to pull out free variables
--  See GHC source for TcRnDriver.tcRnDeclsi
-- driverRenamer = do

-- =======================================================================
-- This next section is taken from the GHC compiler (7.6.3), as it is
-- not all exposed in the GHC API.
-- The intention is to use it as a reference, and put in a stripped
-- down one doing only what we need.

tcRnDeclsi :: GHC.HscEnv
           -> GHC.InteractiveContext
           -> [GHC.LHsDecl GHC.RdrName]
           -> IO (GHC.Messages, Maybe GHC.TcGblEnv)

tcRnDeclsi hsc_env ictxt local_decls =
    -- ictxt = GHC.emptyInteractiveContext
    GHC.initTcPrintErrors hsc_env GHC.iNTERACTIVE $
    setInteractiveContext hsc_env ictxt $ do

    ((tcg_env, tclcl_env), lie) <-
        GHC.captureConstraints $ tc_rn_src_decls GHC.emptyModDetails local_decls
    GHC.setEnvs (tcg_env, tclcl_env) $ do

    new_ev_binds <- GHC.simplifyTop lie
    let GHC.TcGblEnv { GHC.tcg_type_env  = type_env,
                       GHC.tcg_binds     = binds,
                       GHC.tcg_sigs      = sig_ns,
                       GHC.tcg_ev_binds  = cur_ev_binds,
                       GHC.tcg_imp_specs = imp_specs,
                       GHC.tcg_rules     = rules,
                       GHC.tcg_vects     = vects,
                       GHC.tcg_fords     = fords } = tcg_env
        all_ev_binds = cur_ev_binds `GHC.unionBags` new_ev_binds

    (bind_ids, ev_binds', binds', fords', imp_specs', rules', vects')
        <- GHC.zonkTopDecls all_ev_binds binds sig_ns rules vects imp_specs fords

    let --global_ids = map globaliseAndTidyId bind_ids
        final_type_env = GHC.extendTypeEnvWithIds type_env bind_ids --global_ids
        tcg_env' = tcg_env { GHC.tcg_binds     = binds',
                             GHC.tcg_ev_binds  = ev_binds',
                             GHC.tcg_imp_specs = imp_specs',
                             GHC.tcg_rules     = rules',
                             GHC.tcg_vects     = vects',
                             GHC.tcg_fords     = fords' }

    tcg_env'' <- GHC.setGlobalTypeEnv tcg_env' final_type_env

    return tcg_env''

-- --------------------

-- From GHC TcRnDriver

setInteractiveContext :: GHC.HscEnv -> GHC.InteractiveContext -> GHC.TcRn a -> GHC.TcRn a
setInteractiveContext hsc_env icxt thing_inside
  = let -- Initialise the tcg_inst_env with instances from all home modules.
        -- This mimics the more selective call to hptInstances in tcRnImports
        (home_insts, home_fam_insts) = GHC.hptInstances hsc_env (\_ -> True)
        (ic_insts, ic_finsts) = GHC.ic_instances icxt

        -- Note [GHCi temporary Ids]
        -- Ideally we would just make a type_env from ic_tythings
        -- and ic_sys_vars, adding in implicit things.  However, Ids
        -- bound interactively might have some free type variables
        -- (RuntimeUnk things), and if we don't register these free
        -- TyVars as global TyVars then the typechecker will try to
        -- quantify over them and fall over in zonkQuantifiedTyVar.
        -- So we must add any free TyVars to the typechecker's global
        -- TyVar set.  This is what happens when the local environment
        -- is extended, so we use tcExtendGhciEnv below which extends
        -- the local environment with the Ids.
        -- However, any Ids bound this way will shadow other Ids in
        -- the GlobalRdrEnv, so we have to be careful to only add Ids
        -- which are visible in the GlobalRdrEnv.
        -- Perhaps it would be better to just extend the global TyVar
        -- list from the free tyvars in the Ids here?  Anyway, at least
        -- this hack is localised.
        -- Note [delete shadowed tcg_rdr_env entries]
        -- We also *delete* entries from tcg_rdr_env that we have
        -- shadowed in the local env (see above).  This isn't strictly
        -- necessary, but in an out-of-scope error when GHC suggests
        -- names it can be confusing to see multiple identical
        -- entries. (#5564)
        (tmp_ids, types_n_classes) = GHC.partitionWith sel_id (GHC.ic_tythings icxt)
          where sel_id (GHC.AnId id) = Left id
                sel_id other     = Right other

        type_env = GHC.mkTypeEnvWithImplicits
                       (map GHC.AnId (GHC.ic_sys_vars icxt) ++ types_n_classes)

        visible_tmp_ids = filter visible tmp_ids
          where visible id = not (null (GHC.lookupGRE_Name (GHC.ic_rn_gbl_env icxt)
                                                           (GHC.idName id)))

        con_fields = [ (GHC.dataConName c, GHC.dataConFieldLabels c)
                     | GHC.ATyCon t <- types_n_classes
                     , c <- GHC.tyConDataCons t ]
    GHC.updGblEnv (\env -> env {
          GHC.tcg_rdr_env      = GHC.delListFromOccEnv (GHC.ic_rn_gbl_env icxt)
                                                       (map GHC.getOccName visible_tmp_ids)
                                 -- Note [delete shadowed tcg_rdr_env entries]
        , GHC.tcg_type_env     = type_env
        , GHC.tcg_insts        = ic_insts
        , GHC.tcg_inst_env     = GHC.extendInstEnvList
                                  (GHC.extendInstEnvList (GHC.tcg_inst_env env) ic_insts)
        , GHC.tcg_fam_insts    = ic_finsts
        , GHC.tcg_fam_inst_env = GHC.extendFamInstEnvList
                                  (GHC.extendFamInstEnvList (GHC.tcg_fam_inst_env env)
        , GHC.tcg_field_env    = GHC.RecFields (GHC.mkNameEnv con_fields)
                                       (GHC.mkNameSet (concatMap snd con_fields))
             -- setting tcg_field_env is necessary to make RecordWildCards work
             -- (test: ghci049)
        , GHC.tcg_fix_env      = GHC.ic_fix_env icxt
        , GHC.tcg_default      = GHC.ic_default icxt
        }) $

        GHC.tcExtendGhciEnv visible_tmp_ids $ -- Note [GHCi temporary Ids]
-- ----------------------
rnTopSrcDecls :: [GHC.Name] -> GHC.HsGroup GHC.RdrName -> GHC.TcM (GHC.TcGblEnv, GHC.HsGroup GHC.Name)
-- Fails if there are any errors
rnTopSrcDecls extra_deps group
 = do { -- Rename the source decls
        GHC.traceTc "rn12" GHC.empty ;
        (tcg_env, rn_decls) <- GHC.checkNoErrs $ GHC.rnSrcDecls extra_deps group ;
        GHC.traceTc "rn13" GHC.empty ;

        -- save the renamed syntax, if we want it
        let { tcg_env'
                | Just grp <- GHC.tcg_rn_decls tcg_env
                  = tcg_env{ GHC.tcg_rn_decls = Just (GHC.appendGroups grp rn_decls) }
                | otherwise
                   = tcg_env };

                -- Dump trace of renaming part
        rnDump (GHC.ppr rn_decls) ;

        return (tcg_env', rn_decls)

checkMain :: GHC.TcM GHC.TcGblEnv
-- If we are in module Main, check that 'main' is defined.
  = do { tcg_env   <- GHC.getGblEnv ;
         dflags    <- GHC.getDynFlags ;
         check_main dflags tcg_env

check_main :: GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.TcGblEnv -> GHC.TcM GHC.TcGblEnv
check_main dflags tcg_env
 | mod /= main_mod
 = GHC.traceTc "checkMain not" (GHC.ppr main_mod GHC.<+> GHC.ppr mod) >>
   return tcg_env

 | otherwise
 = do   { mb_main <- GHC.lookupGlobalOccRn_maybe main_fn
                -- Check that 'main' is in scope
                -- It might be imported from another module!
        ; case mb_main of {
             Nothing -> do { GHC.traceTc "checkMain fail" (GHC.ppr main_mod GHC.<+> GHC.ppr main_fn)
                           ; complain_no_main
                           ; return tcg_env } ;
             Just main_name -> do

        { GHC.traceTc "checkMain found" (GHC.ppr main_mod GHC.<+> GHC.ppr main_fn)
        ; let loc = GHC.srcLocSpan (GHC.getSrcLoc main_name)
        ; ioTyCon <- GHC.tcLookupTyCon GHC.ioTyConName
        ; res_ty <- GHC.newFlexiTyVarTy GHC.liftedTypeKind
        ; main_expr
                <- GHC.addErrCtxt mainCtxt    $
                   GHC.tcMonoExpr (GHC.L loc (GHC.HsVar main_name)) (GHC.mkTyConApp ioTyCon [res_ty])

                -- See Note [Root-main Id]
                -- Construct the binding
                --      :Main.main :: IO res_ty = runMainIO res_ty main
        ; run_main_id <- GHC.tcLookupId GHC.runMainIOName
        ; let { root_main_name =  GHC.mkExternalName GHC.rootMainKey GHC.rOOT_MAIN
                                   (GHC.mkVarOccFS (GHC.fsLit "main"))
                                   (GHC.getSrcSpan main_name)
              ; root_main_id = GHC.mkExportedLocalId root_main_name
                                                    (GHC.mkTyConApp ioTyCon [res_ty])
              ; co  = GHC.mkWpTyApps [res_ty]
              ; rhs = GHC.nlHsApp (GHC.mkLHsWrap co (GHC.nlHsVar run_main_id)) main_expr
              ; main_bind = GHC.mkVarBind root_main_id rhs }

        ; return (tcg_env { GHC.tcg_main  = Just main_name,
                            GHC.tcg_binds = GHC.tcg_binds tcg_env
                                            `GHC.snocBag` main_bind,
                            GHC.tcg_dus   = GHC.tcg_dus tcg_env
                                            `GHC.plusDU` GHC.usesOnly (GHC.unitFV main_name)
                        -- Record the use of 'main', so that we don't
                        -- complain about it being defined but not used
    mod          = GHC.tcg_mod tcg_env
    main_mod     = GHC.mainModIs dflags
    main_fn      = getMainFun dflags

    complain_no_main | GHC.ghcLink dflags == GHC.LinkInMemory = return ()
                     | otherwise = GHC.failWithTc noMainMsg
        -- In interactive mode, don't worry about the absence of 'main'
        -- In other modes, fail altogether, so that we don't go on
        -- and complain a second time when processing the export list.

    mainCtxt  = GHC.ptext (GHC.sLit "When checking the type of the") GHC.<+> pp_main_fn
    noMainMsg = GHC.ptext (GHC.sLit "The") GHC.<+> pp_main_fn
                GHC.<+> GHC.ptext (GHC.sLit "is not defined in module") GHC.<+> GHC.quotes (GHC.ppr main_mod)
    pp_main_fn = ppMainFn main_fn

rnDump :: GHC.SDoc -> GHC.TcRn ()
-- Dump, with a banner, if -ddump-rn
rnDump doc = do { GHC.dumpOptTcRn GHC.Opt_D_dump_rn (GHC.mkDumpDoc "Renamer" doc) }

ppMainFn :: GHC.RdrName -> GHC.SDoc
ppMainFn main_fn
  | main_fn == GHC.main_RDR_Unqual
  = GHC.ptext (GHC.sLit "function") GHC.<+> GHC.quotes (GHC.ppr main_fn)
  | otherwise
  = GHC.ptext (GHC.sLit "main function") GHC.<+> GHC.quotes (GHC.ppr main_fn)

-- | Get the unqualified name of the function to use as the \"main\" for the main module.
-- Either returns the default name or the one configured on the command line with -main-is
getMainFun :: GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.RdrName
getMainFun dflags = case (GHC.mainFunIs dflags) of
    Just fn -> GHC.mkRdrUnqual (GHC.mkVarOccFS (GHC.mkFastString fn))
    Nothing -> GHC.main_RDR_Unqual
-- ========================================================================


{- ++ replaced by usedWithoutQualR
-- | Return True if the identifier is unqualifiedly used in the given
-- syntax phrase.
usedWithoutQual :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t -> RefactGhc Bool
usedWithoutQual name renamed = do
  logm $ "usedWithoutQual:name="  ++ (showGhc (name,GHC.nameUnique name))
  -- logm $ "usedWithoutQual:t="  ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed)
  let names = findAllNameOccurences name renamed
  logm $ "usedWithoutQual:names=" ++ (showGhc names)

  -- let allNames = findAllNames renamed
  -- logm $ "usedWithoutQual:allNames=" ++ (showGhc $ map (\(GHC.L _ n) -> (n,GHC.nameUnique n)) allNames)

  toks <- fetchToks
  res <- mapM (isUsedWithoutQual toks) names
  return $ or res
    isUsedWithoutQual toks (GHC.L l _) = do
       logm ("usedWithoutQual") -- ++AZ++ debug
       let (_,s) = ghead "usedWithoutQual" $ getToks (getGhcLoc l, getGhcLocEnd l) toks
       return $ not $ elem '.' s

{- ++original++
-- | Return True if the identifier is unqualifiedly used in the given
-- syntax phrase.
usedWithoutQual :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t -> RefactGhc Bool
usedWithoutQual name renamed = do
  logm $ "usedWithoutQual:name="  ++ (showGhc name)
  -- logm $ "usedWithoutQual:t="  ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed)
  case res of
     Just (GHC.L l _) -> do
       logm ("usedWithoutQual") -- ++AZ++ debug
       toks <- fetchToks

       let (_,s) = ghead "usedWithoutQual"  $ getToks (getGhcLoc l, getGhcLocEnd l) toks
       return $ not $ elem '.' s
     Nothing -> return False
     res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing
            (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker
            `SYB.extQ` workerBind
            `SYB.extQ` workerExpr
            ) renamed

     worker  (pname :: GHC.Located GHC.Name) =
       checkName pname

     workerBind (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat n) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.Name))) =
       checkName (GHC.L l n)
     workerBind _ = Nothing

     workerExpr ((GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar n)) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)))
       = checkName (GHC.L l n)
     workerExpr _ = Nothing

     -- ----------------

     checkName (pname@(GHC.L _l pn)::GHC.Located GHC.Name)
        | ((GHC.nameUnique pn) == (GHC.nameUnique name)) &&
          isUsedInRhs pname renamed = Just pname
     checkName _ = Nothing


-- | Return True if the identifier is unqualifiedly used in the given
-- syntax phrase.
-- usedWithoutQualR :: GHC.Name -> GHC.ParsedSource -> Bool
usedWithoutQualR ::  (SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t -> Bool
usedWithoutQualR name parsed = fromMaybe False res
     res = somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing
            (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker
            `SYB.extQ` workerBind
            `SYB.extQ` workerExpr
            ) parsed

     worker  (pname :: GHC.Located GHC.RdrName) =
       checkName pname

     workerBind (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat n) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.RdrName))) =
       checkName (GHC.L l n)
     workerBind _ = Nothing

     workerExpr ((GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar n)) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.RdrName)))
       = checkName (GHC.L l n)
     workerExpr _ = Nothing

     -- ----------------

     checkName ((GHC.L l pn)::GHC.Located GHC.RdrName)
        | ((GHC.rdrNameOcc pn) == (GHC.nameOccName name)) &&
          -- isUsedInRhs pname parsed &&
          isUsedInRhs (GHC.L l name) parsed &&
          GHC.isUnqual pn     = Just True
     checkName _ = Nothing

   =(fromMaybe False) (applyTU (once_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` worker)) t)
         worker (pnt::PNT)
           |pNTtoName pnt ==name && isUsedInRhs pnt t && not (isQualifiedPN (pNTtoPN pnt)) 
          = Just True
         worker _ =Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |`hsFDsFromInside` is different from `hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs` in
-- that: given an syntax phrase t, `hsFDsFromInside` returns not only
-- the declared variables that are visible from outside of t, but also
-- those declared variables that are visible to the main expression
-- inside t.
-- NOTE: Expects to be given RenamedSource
hsFDsFromInside:: (SYB.Data t) => t-> RefactGhc ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
hsFDsFromInside t = do
   r <- hsFDsFromInside' t
   return r
     -- (f,d) = fromMaybe ([],[]) $ hsFDsFromInside' t
     -- res = (nub f, nub d)

     -- hsFDsFromInside' :: (SYB.Data t) => t -> Maybe ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
     hsFDsFromInside' :: (SYB.Data t) => t -> RefactGhc ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
     hsFDsFromInside' t1 = do
          r1 <- applyTU (once_tdTU (failTU  `adhocTU` renamed
                                            `adhocTU` decl
                                            `adhocTU` match
                                            `adhocTU` expr
                                            `adhocTU` stmts )) t1
          -- let (f',d') = fromMaybe ([],[]) r1
          let (f',d') = r1
          return (nub f', nub d')

     renamed :: GHC.RenamedSource -> RefactGhc ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
     renamed ((grp,_,_,_)::GHC.RenamedSource)
        = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs $ GHC.hs_valds grp

 {-    decls (ds::[HsDeclP])                    --CHECK THIS.
       = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
     -- Match [LPat id] (Maybe (LHsType id)) (GRHSs id)
     match :: GHC.Match GHC.Name -> RefactGhc ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
     match ((GHC.Match pats _type rhs):: GHC.Match GHC.Name ) = do
       (pf, pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
       (rf, rd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
       return (nub (pf `union` (rf \\ pd)),
               nub (pd `union` rd))

     -- ----------------------

     decl :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name -> RefactGhc ([GHC.Name],[GHC.Name])
     decl ((GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ _) _ (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) _ _ _) :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) =
         fds <- mapM hsFDsFromInside' matches
         -- error (show $ nameToString n)
         return (nub (concatMap fst fds), nub (concatMap snd fds))

     decl ((GHC.PatBind p rhs _ _ _) :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) =
         (pf, pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs p
         (rf, rd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
           (nub (pf `union` (rf \\ pd)),
            nub (pd `union` rd))

     decl ((GHC.VarBind p rhs _) :: GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) =
         (pf, pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs p
         (rf, rd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
           (nub (pf `union` (rf \\ pd)),
            nub (pd `union` rd))

     decl _ = return ([],[])

     -- ----------------------

     expr ((GHC.HsLet decls e) :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) =
         (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
         (ef,_)  <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs e
         return (nub (df `union` (ef \\ dd)), nub dd)

     expr ((GHC.HsLam (GHC.MatchGroup matches _)) :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) =
       hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs matches

     expr ((GHC.HsCase e (GHC.MatchGroup matches _)) :: GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) =
         (ef,_)  <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs e
         (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs matches
         return (nub (df `union` (ef \\ dd)), nub dd)

     -- expr _ = return ([],[])
     expr _ = mzero

     stmts ((GHC.BindStmt pat e1 e2 e3) :: GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) =
         (pf,pd)  <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
         (ef,_ed) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs e1
         (df,dd)  <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs [e2,e3]
           (nub (pf `union` (((ef \\ dd) `union` df) \\ pd)), nub (pd `union` dd))

     stmts ((GHC.LetStmt binds) :: GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) =
       hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs binds

     -- stmts _ = return ([],[])
     stmts _ = mzero

-- -----

hsFDsFromInside:: (Term t, MonadPlus m)=> t-> m ([PName],[PName])
hsFDsFromInside t = do (f,d)<-hsFDsFromInside' t
                       return (nub f, nub d)
     hsFDsFromInside' = applyTU (once_tdTU (failTU  `adhocTU` mod
                                                    -- `adhocTU` decls
                                                     `adhocTU` decl
                                                     `adhocTU` match
                                                     `adhocTU` exp
                                                     `adhocTU` alt
                                                     `adhocTU` stmts ))

     mod ((HsModule loc modName exps imps ds)::HsModuleP)
        = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs ds

 {-    decls (ds::[HsDeclP])                    --CHECK THIS.
       = hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
     match ((HsMatch loc1 (PNT fun _ _) pats rhs ds) ::HsMatchP)
       = do (pf, pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
            (rf, rd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
            (df, dd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs ds
            return (nub (pf `union` ((rf `union` df) \\ (dd `union` pd `union` [fun]))), 
                    nub (pd `union` rd `union` dd `union` [fun]))

     decl ((TiDecorate.Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds))::HsDeclP)
      = do (pf, pd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs p
           (rf, rd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
           (df, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs ds
           return (nub (pf `union` ((rf `union` df) \\ (dd `union` pd))),
                   nub ((pd `union` rd `union` dd)))

     decl (TiDecorate.Dec (HsFunBind loc matches))
         =do fds <-mapM hsFDsFromInside matches
             return (nub (concatMap fst fds), nub(concatMap snd fds))

     decl _ = mzero

     exp ((TiDecorate.Exp (HsLet decls exp))::HsExpP)
          = do (df,dd)<- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
               (ef,_)<- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs exp
               return (nub (df `union` (ef \\ dd)), nub dd)
     exp (TiDecorate.Exp (HsLambda pats body))
            = do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
                 (bf,_) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs body
                 return (nub ((bf `union` pf) \\ pd), nub pd)
     exp _ = mzero

     alt ((HsAlt _ pat exp decls)::HsAltP)
         = do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
              (ef,ed) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs exp
              (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
              return (nub (pf `union` (((ef \\ dd) `union` df) \\ pd)), nub (pd `union` dd))      

     stmts ((HsLetStmt decls stmts)::HsStmtP)
          = do (df,dd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
               (sf,sd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs stmts
               return (nub (df `union` (sf \\dd)),[]) -- dd)

     stmts (HsGenerator _ pat exp stmts)
          = do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
               (ef,ed) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs exp
               (sf,sd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs stmts
               return (nub (pf `union` ef `union` (sf\\pd)),[]) -- pd)

     stmts _ = mzero

-- | The same as `hsFDsFromInside` except that the returned variables
-- are in the String format
hsFDNamesFromInside::(SYB.Data t) => t -> RefactGhc ([String],[String])
hsFDNamesFromInside t = do
  (f,d) <- hsFDsFromInside t
    ((nub.map showGhc) f, (nub.map showGhc) d)
-- hsFDNamesFromInside::(Term t, MonadPlus m)=>t->m ([String],[String])
-- hsFDNamesFromInside t =do (f,d)<-hsFDsFromInside t
--                           return ((nub.map pNtoName) f, (nub.map pNtoName) d)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | True if the name is a field name
isFieldName :: GHC.Name -> Bool
isFieldName _n = error "undefined isFieldName"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | True if the name is a field name
isClassName :: GHC.Name -> Bool
isClassName _n = error "undefined isClassName"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | True if the name is a class instance
isInstanceName :: GHC.Name -> Bool
isInstanceName _n = error "undefined isInstanceName"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Collect the identifiers (in PName format) in a given syntax phrase.

hsPNs::(SYB.Data t)=> t -> [PName]
hsPNs t = (nub.ghead "hsPNs") res
     res = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Parser (++) [] ([] `SYB.mkQ` inPnt) t

     inPnt (pname :: GHC.RdrName) = return [(PN pname)]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get all the names in the given syntax element
hsNamess :: (SYB.Data t) => t -> [GHC.Name]
-- hsNamess t = (nub.ghead "hsNamess") res
hsNamess t = nub $ concat res
     res = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) [] ([] `SYB.mkQ` inName) t

     inName (pname :: GHC.Name) = return [pname]

-- | Collect the identifiers (in PNT format) in a given syntax phrase.
hsPNTs ::(Term t)=>t->[PNT]
hsPNTs =(nub.ghead "hsPNTs").applyTU (full_tdTU (constTU [] `adhocTU` inPnt))
     inPnt pnt@(PNT _  _ _) = return [pnt]


getModule :: RefactGhc GHC.Module
getModule = do
  typechecked <- getTypecheckedModule
  return $ GHC.ms_mod $ GHC.pm_mod_summary $ GHC.tm_parsed_module typechecked

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if a string is a lexically  valid variable name.
isVarId :: String -> Bool
isVarId mid = isId mid && isSmall (ghead "isVarId" mid)
     where isSmall c=isLower c || c=='_'

-- | Return True if a string is a lexically valid constructor name.
isConId :: String -> Bool
isConId mid = isId mid && isUpper (ghead "isConId" mid)

-- | Return True if a string is a lexically valid operator name.
isOperator :: String->Bool
isOperator mid = mid /= [] && isOpSym (ghead "isOperator" mid) &&
                isLegalOpTail (tail mid) && not (isReservedOp mid)
    isOpSym mid' = elem mid' opSymbols
       where opSymbols = ['!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', '+','.','/','<','=','>','?','@','\'','^','|','-','~']

    isLegalOpTail tail' = all isLegal tail'
       where isLegal c = isOpSym c || c==':'

    isReservedOp mid' = elem mid' reservedOps
       where reservedOps = ["..", ":","::","=","\"", "|","<-","@","~","=>"]

-- | Returns True if a string lexically is an identifier.
-- *This function should not be exported.*
isId mid = mid/=[] && isLegalIdTail (tail mid) && not (isReservedId mid)
    isLegalIdTail tail' = all isLegal tail'
        where isLegal c=isSmall c|| isUpper c || isDigit c || c=='\''

    isReservedId mid' = elem mid' reservedIds
      where reservedIds=["case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving","do","else" ,"if",
                         "import", "in", "infix","infixl","infixr","instance","let","module",
                         "newtype", "of","then","type","where","_"]

    isSmall c=isLower c || c=='_'


-- |Return True if a PName is a toplevel PName.
isTopLevelPN::GHC.Name -> RefactGhc Bool
isTopLevelPN n = do
  typechecked <- getTypecheckedModule
  let maybeNames = GHC.modInfoTopLevelScope $ GHC.tm_checked_module_info typechecked
  let names = fromMaybe [] maybeNames
  return $ n `elem` names

-- |Return True if a PName is a local PName.
isLocalPN::GHC.Name -> Bool
isLocalPN = GHC.isInternalName
-- isLocalPN (PN i (UniqueNames.S _)) = True
-- isLocalPN _ = False

-- |Return True if the name has a @GHC.SrcSpan@, i.e. is declared in
-- source we care about
isNonLibraryName :: GHC.Name -> Bool
isNonLibraryName n = case (GHC.nameSrcSpan n) of
  GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _ -> False
  _                   -> True

-- |Return True if a PName is a qualified PName.
isQualifiedPN (PN (Qual mod id) _)=True
isQualifiedPN _ =False

-- |Return True if an PNT is a toplevel PNT.
isTopLevelPNT = isTopLevelPN.pNTtoPN

-- |Return True if a PName is a function\/pattern name defined in t.
isFunOrPatName::(SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t -> Bool
isFunOrPatName pn
   =isJust.somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker)
        -- worker (decl::HsDeclP)
        worker (decl::GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name)
           | defines pn decl = Just True
        worker _ = Nothing

-- |Return True if a PNT is a function name defined in t.
isFunPNT::(Term t)=>PNT -> t -> Bool
isFunPNT pnt t = isFunName (pNTtoPN pnt) t

isFunName::(Term t)=>PName->t->Bool
isFunName pn
   =isJust.(applyTU (once_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` worker)))
        worker (decl::HsDeclP)
           | isFunBind decl && defines pn decl =Just True
        worker _ =Nothing

-- |Return True if a PName is a pattern name defined in t.
isPatName::(Term t)=>PName->t->Bool
isPatName pn
   =isJust.(applyTU (once_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` worker)))
        worker (decl::HsDeclP)
           | isPatBind decl && defines pn decl =Just True
        worker _ =Nothing
-- |Return True if a PName is a qualified PName.
--  AZ:NOTE: this tests the use instance, the underlying name may be qualified.
--           e.g. used name is zip, GHC.List.zip
--     NOTE2: not sure if this gives a meaningful result for a GHC.Name
isQualifiedPN :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc Bool
isQualifiedPN name = return $ GHC.isQual $ GHC.nameRdrName name

isQualifiedPN' :: GHC.Name -> Bool
isQualifiedPN' name = GHC.isQual $ GHC.nameRdrName name

  = case (GHC.nameModule_maybe name) of
      Just _ -> True
      _      -> False

-- | Return True if a PNT is a type constructor.
isTypeCon :: PNT -> Bool
isTypeCon (PNT pn (Type typeInfo) _) = defType typeInfo == Just TypedIds.Data
isTypeCon _ = False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a type signature declaration.
isTypeSig ::HsDeclP->Bool
isTypeSig (TiDecorate.Dec (HsTypeSig loc is c tp))=True
isTypeSig _=False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a type signature declaration.
-- isTypeSig ::HsDeclP->Bool
-- isTypeSig (TiDecorate.Dec (HsTypeSig loc is c tp))=True
isTypeSig :: GHC.Located (GHC.Sig a) -> Bool
isTypeSig (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig _ _)) = True
isTypeSig _ = False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a function definition.
isFunBindP::HsDeclP -> Bool
isFunBindP (GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind _ _ _ _ _ _))) = True
isFunBindP _ =False

isFunBindR::GHC.LHsBind t -> Bool
isFunBindR (GHC.L _l (GHC.FunBind _ _ _ _ _ _)) = True
isFunBindR _ =False

-- | Returns True if a declaration is a pattern binding.
isPatBindP (GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind _ _ _ _ _))) = True
isPatBindP _=False

isPatBindR::GHC.LHsBind t -> Bool
isPatBindR (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind _ _ _ _ _)) = True
isPatBindR _=False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a pattern binding which only
-- defines a variable value.
isSimplePatBind :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.LHsBind t-> Bool
isSimplePatBind decl = case decl of
     (GHC.L _l (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _)) -> hsPNs p /= []
     _ -> False
-- isSimplePatBind :: HsDeclP -> Bool
-- isSimplePatBind decl = case decl of
--      (GHC.L l (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind p rhs ty fvs _))) -> hsPNs p /= []
--      _ -> False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a pattern binding but not a simple one.
isComplexPatBind::GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> Bool
isComplexPatBind decl = case decl of
     (GHC.L _l (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _)) -> patToPNT p /= Nothing
     _ -> False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a function\/pattern definition.
isFunOrPatBindP decl = isFunBindP decl || isPatBindP decl

-- | Return True if a declaration is a function\/pattern definition.
isFunOrPatBindR::GHC.LHsBind t -> Bool
isFunOrPatBindR decl = isFunBindR decl || isPatBindR decl

-- | Return True if a declaration is a Class declaration.
isClassDecl :: HsDeclP ->Bool
isClassDecl (TiDecorate.Dec (HsClassDecl _ _ _ _ _)) = True
isClassDecl _ = False

-- | Return True if a declaration is a Class instance declaration.
isInstDecl :: HsDeclP -> Bool
isInstDecl (TiDecorate.Dec (HsInstDecl _ _ _ _ _)) = True
isInstDecl _ = False
-- | Return True if a function is a directly recursive function.
isDirectRecursiveDef (TiDecorate.Dec (HsFunBind loc ms))
   = any isUsedInDef ms
   isUsedInDef (HsMatch loc1 fun pats rhs ds)
     = findEntity (pNTtoPN fun) rhs
isDirectRecursiveDef _ = False

{- ++AZ++ This class is being removed
{- | The HsDecls class -}
class (SYB.Data t) => HsDecls t where

    -- | Return the declarations that are directly enclosed in the
    -- given syntax phrase.
    hsDecls :: t -> [HsDeclP]

    -- | Replace the directly enclosed declaration list by the given
    --  declaration list. Note: This function does not modify the
    --  token stream.
    -- replaceDecls :: t -> HsDeclsP -> t -- ++AZ++ TODO: what are HsDeclsP?

    -- | Return True if the specified identifier is declared in the
    -- given syntax phrase.
    isDeclaredIn :: PName -> t -> Bool

instance HsDecls GHC.ParsedSource where
   hsDecls (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsModule _ _ _ ds _ _)) = ds

   isDeclaredIn pn (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsModule _ _ _ ds _ _))
     = length (definingDecls [pn] ds False False) /= 0
++AZ++ end -}

-- | Replace the directly enclosed declaration list by the given
--  declaration list. Note: This function does not modify the
--  token stream.
replaceDecls :: [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
replaceDecls t decls = decls

Note re ValBindsOut in the GHC source

 | ValBindsOut            -- After renaming RHS; idR can be Name or Id
        [(RecFlag, LHsBinds idL)]       -- Dependency analysed, later bindings
                                        -- in the list may depend on earlier
                                        -- ones.
        [LSig Name]

getValBinds :: GHC.HsValBinds t -> [GHC.LHsBind t]
getValBinds binds = case binds of
    GHC.ValBindsIn   binds _sigs -> GHC.bagToList binds
    GHC.ValBindsOut rbinds _sigs -> GHC.bagToList $ GHC.unionManyBags $ map (\(_,b) -> b) rbinds

getValBindSigs :: GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name -> [GHC.LSig GHC.Name]
getValBindSigs binds = case binds of
    GHC.ValBindsIn  _ sigs -> sigs
    GHC.ValBindsOut _ sigs -> sigs

emptyValBinds :: GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name
emptyValBinds = GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag []) []

unionBinds :: [GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name] ->  GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name
unionBinds [] = emptyValBinds
unionBinds [x] = x
unionBinds (x1:x2:xs) = unionBinds ((mergeBinds x1 x2):xs)
    mergeBinds :: GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name -> GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name -> GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name
    mergeBinds (GHC.ValBindsIn b1 s1) (GHC.ValBindsIn b2 s2) = (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.unionBags b1 b2) (s1++s2))
    mergeBinds (GHC.ValBindsOut b1 s1) (GHC.ValBindsOut b2 s2) = (GHC.ValBindsOut (b1++b2) (s1++s2))
    mergeBinds y1@(GHC.ValBindsIn _ _) y2@(GHC.ValBindsOut _  _) = mergeBinds y2 y1
    mergeBinds    (GHC.ValBindsOut b1 s1) (GHC.ValBindsIn b2 s2) = (GHC.ValBindsOut (b1++[(GHC.NonRecursive,b2)]) (s1++s2))

-- NOTE: ValBindsIn are found before the Renamer, ValBindsOut after

hsBinds :: (HsValBinds t) => t -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
hsBinds t = case hsValBinds t of
  GHC.ValBindsIn binds _sigs -> GHC.bagToList binds
  GHC.ValBindsOut bs _sigs -> concatMap (\(_,b) -> GHC.bagToList b) bs

replaceBinds :: (HsValBinds t) => t -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> t
-- replaceBinds t bs = replaceValBinds t (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag bs) [])
replaceBinds t bs = replaceValBinds t (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag bs) sigs)
    sigs = case hsValBinds t of
      GHC.ValBindsIn  _ s -> s
      GHC.ValBindsOut _ s -> s

-- This class replaces the HsDecls one
class (SYB.Data t) => HsValBinds t where

    -- | Return the binds that are directly enclosed in the
    -- given syntax phrase.
    -- hsValBinds :: t -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
    hsValBinds :: t -> GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name

    -- | Replace the directly enclosed bind list by the given
    --  bind list. Note: This function does not modify the
    --  token stream.
    -- replaceBinds :: t -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -> t
    replaceValBinds :: t -> GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name -> t

    -- | Return True if the specified identifier is declared in the
    -- given syntax phrase.
    -- isDeclaredIn :: GHC.Name -> t -> Bool

    -- | Return the type class definitions that are directly enclosed
    -- in the given syntax phrase. Note: only makes sense for
    -- GHC.RenamedSource
    hsTyDecls :: t -> [[GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name]]

-- ++AZ++ see if we can get away with one only..
isDeclaredIn :: (HsValBinds t) => GHC.Name -> t -> Bool
isDeclaredIn name t = nonEmptyList $ definingDeclsNames [name] (hsBinds t) False True

instance HsValBinds (GHC.RenamedSource) where
  hsValBinds (grp,_,_,_) = (GHC.hs_valds grp)

  replaceValBinds (grp,imps,exps,docs) binds = (grp',imps,exps,docs)
      grp' = grp {GHC.hs_valds = binds}

  hsTyDecls (grp,_,_,_) = (GHC.hs_tyclds grp)

instance HsValBinds (GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds vb = vb
  replaceValBinds _old new = new
  hsTyDecls _ = []

instance HsValBinds (GHC.HsGroup GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds grp = (GHC.hs_valds grp)

  replaceValBinds (GHC.HsGroup b t i d f de fo w a r v doc) binds
    = (GHC.HsGroup b' t i d f de fo w a r v doc)
       where b' = replaceValBinds b binds

  hsTyDecls _ = []

instance HsValBinds (GHC.HsLocalBinds GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds lb = case lb of
    GHC.HsValBinds b    -> b
    GHC.HsIPBinds _     -> emptyValBinds
    GHC.EmptyLocalBinds -> emptyValBinds

  replaceValBinds (GHC.HsValBinds _b) new    = (GHC.HsValBinds new)
  replaceValBinds (GHC.HsIPBinds _b) _new    = error "undefined replaceValBinds HsIPBinds"
  replaceValBinds (GHC.EmptyLocalBinds) new  = (GHC.HsValBinds new)

  hsTyDecls _ = []

instance HsValBinds (GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.GRHSs _ lb) = hsValBinds lb

  replaceValBinds (GHC.GRHSs rhss b) new = (GHC.GRHSs rhss (replaceValBinds b new))

  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.MatchGroup GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) = hsValBinds matches

  replaceValBinds (GHC.MatchGroup matches a) newBinds
               = (GHC.MatchGroup (replaceValBinds matches newBinds) a)

  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.LMatch GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds ms = unionBinds $ map (\m -> hsValBinds $ GHC.unLoc m) ms

  replaceValBinds [] _        = error "empty match list in replaceValBinds [GHC.LMatch GHC.Name]"
  replaceValBinds ms newBinds = (replaceValBinds (ghead "replaceValBinds" ms) newBinds):(tail ms)

  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LMatch GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds m = hsValBinds $ GHC.unLoc m

  replaceValBinds (GHC.L l m) newBinds = (GHC.L l (replaceValBinds m newBinds))

  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.Match GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.Match _ _ grhs) = hsValBinds grhs

  replaceValBinds (GHC.Match p t (GHC.GRHSs rhs _binds)) newBinds
    = (GHC.Match p t (GHC.GRHSs rhs binds'))
        binds' = (GHC.HsValBinds newBinds)

  hsTyDecls _ = []

instance HsValBinds (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.PatBind _p rhs _typ _fvs _) = hsValBinds rhs

  -- TODO: ++AZ++ added for compatibility with hsDecls.
  hsValBinds (GHC.FunBind _ _ matches _ _ _) = hsValBinds matches
  hsValBinds other = error $ "hsValBinds (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc other)

  replaceValBinds (GHC.PatBind p (GHC.GRHSs rhs _binds) typ fvs pt) newBinds
    = (GHC.PatBind p (GHC.GRHSs rhs binds') typ fvs pt)
        binds' = (GHC.HsValBinds newBinds)
  replaceValBinds x _newBinds
      = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc x)

  hsTyDecls _ = []

instance HsValBinds (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.HsLet ds _) = hsValBinds ds
  hsValBinds x = error $ "TypeUtils.hsValBinds undefined for:" ++ showGhc x

  replaceValBinds (GHC.HsLet binds ex) new = (GHC.HsLet (replaceValBinds binds new) ex)
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "undefined replaceValBinds (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) for:" ++ (showGhc old)

  hsTyDecls _ = []

instance HsValBinds (GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.LetStmt ds) = hsValBinds ds
  hsValBinds other = error $ "hsValBinds (GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc other)
  replaceValBinds (GHC.LetStmt ds) new = (GHC.LetStmt (replaceValBinds ds new))
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)

  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LHsBinds GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds binds = hsValBinds $ GHC.bagToList binds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LHsBinds GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind _ _ matches _ _ _)) = hsValBinds matches
  hsValBinds (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind _ rhs _ _ _))       = hsValBinds rhs
  hsValBinds (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarBind _ rhs _))           = hsValBinds rhs
  hsValBinds (GHC.L _ (GHC.AbsBinds _ _ _ _ binds))    = hsValBinds binds

  replaceValBinds (GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind a b matches c d e)) newBinds
               = (GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind a b (replaceValBinds matches newBinds) c d e))
  replaceValBinds (GHC.L l (GHC.PatBind a rhs b c d)) newBinds
               = (GHC.L l (GHC.PatBind a (replaceValBinds rhs newBinds) b c d))
  replaceValBinds (GHC.L l (GHC.VarBind a rhs b)) newBinds
               = (GHC.L l (GHC.VarBind a (replaceValBinds rhs newBinds) b))
  replaceValBinds (GHC.L l (GHC.AbsBinds a b c d binds)) newBinds
               = (GHC.L l (GHC.AbsBinds a b c d (replaceValBinds binds newBinds)))

  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds ([GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]) where
  -- hsValBinds xs = concatMap hsValBinds xs -- As in original
  hsValBinds xs = GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag xs) []

  replaceValBinds _old (GHC.ValBindsIn b _sigs) = GHC.bagToList b
  replaceValBinds _old (GHC.ValBindsOut rbinds _sigs) = GHC.bagToList $ GHC.unionManyBags $ map (\(_,b) -> b) rbinds

  -- replaceValBinds old new = error ("replaceValBinds (old,new)=" ++ (showGhc (old,new)))

  hsTyDecls _ = []

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsLet binds _ex)) = hsValBinds binds
  hsValBinds _                               = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.LGRHS GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds xs = unionBinds $ map hsValBinds xs
  replaceValBinds _old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds [GHC.LGRHS GHC.Name] undefined for:" -- ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LGRHS GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.L _ (GHC.GRHS stmts _expr)) = hsValBinds stmts
  replaceValBinds _old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LHGRHS GHC.Name) undefined for:" -- ++ (showGhc _old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.LStmt GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds xs = unionBinds $ map hsValBinds xs
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds [GHC.LStmt GHC.Name] undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LStmt GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds (GHC.L _ (GHC.LetStmt binds)) = hsValBinds binds
  hsValBinds _                             = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LStmt GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.LPat GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LPat GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LPat GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LPat GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.SyntaxExpr GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.SyntaxExpr GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [[GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name]] where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds [[GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name]] undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds [GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name] undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = error $ "hsValBinds (GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name) must pull out tcdMeths"
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LTyClDecl GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.LInstDecl GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds [GHC.LInstDecl GHC.Name] undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LInstDecl GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LInstDecl GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LHsType GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LHsType GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds [GHC.LSig GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds [GHC.LSig GHC.Name] undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.LSig GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LSig GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
instance HsValBinds [GHC.LFamInstDecl GHC.Name] where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds [GHC.LFamInstDecl GHC.Name] undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
instance HsValBinds (GHC.LFamInstDecl GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.LFamInstDecl GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsValBinds (GHC.HsIPBinds GHC.Name) where
  hsValBinds _ = emptyValBinds
  replaceValBinds old _new = error $ "replaceValBinds (GHC.HsIPBinds GHC.Name) undefined for:" ++ (showGhc old)
  hsTyDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance HsDecls HsMatchP where
    hsDecls (HsMatch loc1 fun pats rhs ds@(Decs x y))=x

    replaceDecls (HsMatch loc1 fun pats rhs ds) ds'
      =(HsMatch loc1 fun pats rhs ds')

    isDeclaredIn  pn match@(HsMatch loc1 (PNT fun _ _) pats rhs ds)
       =fromMaybe False ( do (_,d)<-hsFDsFromInside match
                             Just (elem pn (d \\ [fun])))
instance HsDecls HsDeclP where
    hsDecls (TiDecorate.Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds@(Decs x y)))=x
    hsDecls (TiDecorate.Dec (HsFunBind loc matches))=concatMap hsDecls matches
    hsDecls _ =[]

    replaceDecls (TiDecorate.Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds)) ds'
        =TiDecorate.Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds')
    replaceDecls x ds' =x

    isDeclaredIn pn (TiDecorate.Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds))
      = fromMaybe False (do (_, rd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs rhs
                            (_, dd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs ds
                            Just (elem pn (rd `union` dd)))
    isDeclaredIn pn _ =False

instance HsDecls HsDeclsP where
    hsDecls ds@(Decs x y) = concatMap hsDecls x
    replaceDecls ds _ = ds
    isDeclaredIn _ ds@(Decs x y) = False

instance HsDecls [HsDeclP] where
    hsDecls ds= concatMap hsDecls ds
    replaceDecls ds _ = ds             -- This should not happen.
    isDeclaredIn _ ds = False            -- This should not happen.

instance HsDecls HsModuleP where
    hsDecls (HsModule loc modName exps imps ds@(Decs x y))=x

    replaceDecls (HsModule loc modName exps imps ds) ds'
       = HsModule loc modName exps imps ds'

    isDeclaredIn pn (HsModule loc modName exps imps ds)
       =fromMaybe False  (do (rf,rd)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs ds
                             Just (elem pn rd))

instance HsDecls RhsP where
    hsDecls rhs=fromMaybe [] (applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` inLet
                                                                        `adhocTU` inAlt
                                                                        `adhocTU` inStmt)) rhs) 
             where inLet ((TiDecorate.Exp (HsLet ds@(Decs x y) e)) ::HsExpP)=Just x
                   inLet _ =mzero

                   inAlt ((HsAlt _ p rhs ds@(Decs x y))::HsAlt HsExpP HsPatP HsDeclsP)=Just x

                   inStmt ((HsLetStmt ds@(Decs x y) _)::HsStmt HsExpP HsPatP HsDeclsP)=Just x
                   inStmt _=mzero

    replaceDecls rhs _ = rhs           -- This should not happen.
    isDeclaredIn _ _  = False            -- This should not happen.

instance HsDecls HsExpP where
    hsDecls rhs=fromMaybe [] (applyTU (stop_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` inLet
                                                         `adhocTU` inAlt
                                                         `adhocTU` inStmt)) rhs)
             where inLet ((TiDecorate.Exp (HsLet ds@(Decs x y) e)) ::HsExpP)=Just x
                   inLet (TiDecorate.Exp (HsListComp (HsLetStmt ds@(Decs x y) stmts)))=Just x
                   inLet (TiDecorate.Exp (HsDo (HsLetStmt ds@(Decs x y) stmts)))=Just x
                   inLet _ =Nothing

                   inAlt ((HsAlt _ p rhs ds@(Decs x y))::HsAlt HsExpP HsPatP HsDeclsP)=Just x

                   inStmt ((HsLetStmt ds@(Decs x y) _)::HsStmt HsExpP HsPatP HsDeclsP)=Just x
                   inStmt _=Nothing

    replaceDecls (TiDecorate.Exp (HsLet ds e)) ds'
            =if ds'== Decs [] ([], [])
                then e
                else (TiDecorate.Exp (HsLet ds' e))

    replaceDecls (TiDecorate.Exp (HsListComp (HsLetStmt ds stmts))) ds'@(Decs x y)
            =if x==[] && isLast stmts
               then (TiDecorate.Exp (HsList [fromJust (expInLast stmts)]))
               else (TiDecorate.Exp (HsListComp (HsLetStmt ds' stmts)))
         isLast (HsLast e)=True
         isLast _=False

         expInLast (HsLast e)=Just e
         expInLast _=Nothing

    replaceDecls (TiDecorate.Exp (HsDo (HsLetStmt ds stmts))) ds'@(Decs x y)
            =if x==[]
                then (TiDecorate.Exp (HsDo stmts))
                else (TiDecorate.Exp (HsDo (HsLetStmt ds' stmts)))
    replaceDecls x ds'=x

    isDeclaredIn pn (TiDecorate.Exp (HsLambda pats body))
            = fromMaybe False (do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pats
                                  Just (elem pn  pd))

    isDeclaredIn pn (TiDecorate.Exp (HsLet decls e))
           =fromMaybe False (do (df,dd)<- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                                Just (elem pn dd))

    isDeclaredIn pn _=False

instance HsDecls HsStmtP where
    hsDecls (HsLetStmt ds@(Decs x y) stmts)=x
    hsDecls  _ = []

    replaceDecls (HsLetStmt ds stmts) ds'@(Decs x y)
     = if x/=[] then  HsLetStmt ds' stmts
                  else stmts

    isDeclaredIn pn (HsGenerator _ pat exp stmts) -- Claus
        =fromMaybe False (do (pf,pd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                             Just (elem pn pd))

    isDeclaredIn pn (HsLetStmt decls stmts)
        =fromMaybe False (do (df,dd) <-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                             Just (elem pn dd))

    isDeclaredIn pn _=False

instance HsDecls HsAltP where
    hsDecls (HsAlt _ p rhs ds@(Decs x y))=x

    replaceDecls (HsAlt loc p rhs ds) ds'=HsAlt loc p rhs ds'

    isDeclaredIn pn (HsAlt _ pat exp decls)
       =fromMaybe False ( do (pf,pd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs pat
                             (df,dd) <- hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs decls
                             Just (elem pn (pd `union` dd)))


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

class (SYB.Data a, SYB.Typeable a) => FindEntity a where

  -- | Returns True is a syntax phrase, say a, is part of another
  -- syntax phrase, say b.
  -- NOTE: very important: only do a shallow check
  findEntity:: (SYB.Data b, SYB.Typeable b) => a -> b -> Bool

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance FindEntity GHC.Name where

  findEntity n t = fromMaybe False res
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker) t

    worker (name::GHC.Name)
      | n == name = Just True
    worker _ = Nothing
    res = Just $ any (==True) $ catMaybes
         $ onelayerStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` hsbind) t
    -- res = error $ "findEntity:n:res=" ++ (show $ onelayerStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker) t)

    hsbind ((GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ n') _ (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) _ _ _))::GHC.Located (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name))
      | n' == n || isInMatch = Just True
        isInMatch = any (==True) $ map (\(GHC.L _ (GHC.Match pats _mtyp _rhs)) -> findPN n pats) matches
    hsbind _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: should the location be matched too in this case?
instance FindEntity (GHC.Located GHC.Name) where

  findEntity n t = fromMaybe False res
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker) t

    worker (name::GHC.Located GHC.Name)
      | n == name = Just True
    worker _ = Nothing

    res = Just $ any (==True) $ catMaybes
         $ onelayerStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` hsbind) t
    -- res = error $ "findEntity:ln:res=" ++ (show $ onelayerStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` hsbind) t)

    hsbind ((GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind n' _ (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) _ _ _))::GHC.Located (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name))
      | n' == n || isInMatch = Just True
        isInMatch = any (==True) $ map (\(GHC.L _ (GHC.Match pats _mtyp _rhs)) -> findPNT n pats) matches
    hsbind _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance FindEntity (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)) where

  findEntity e t = fromMaybe False res
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker) t

    worker (expr::GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))
      | sameOccurrence e expr = Just True
    worker _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

instance FindEntity (GHC.Located (GHC.HsBindLR GHC.Name GHC.Name)) where
  findEntity e t = fromMaybe False res
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker) t

    worker (expr::(GHC.Located (GHC.HsBindLR GHC.Name GHC.Name)))
      | sameOccurrence e expr = Just True
    worker _ = Nothing

instance FindEntity (GHC.Located (GHC.HsDecl GHC.Name)) where
  findEntity d t = fromMaybe False res
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker) t

    worker (decl::(GHC.Located (GHC.HsDecl GHC.Name)))
      | sameOccurrence d decl = Just True
    worker _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Returns True is a syntax phrase, say a, is part of another syntax
-- phrase, say b.
-- Expects to be at least Parser output
findEntity:: (SYB.Data a, SYB.Data b)=> a -> b -> Bool
findEntity a b = fromMaybe False res
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing worker b

    worker :: (SYB.Typeable b, SYB.Data b) => b -> Maybe Bool
    worker b = if SYB.typeOf a == SYB.typeOf b
                 -- then Just (getStartEndLoc b == getStartEndLoc a)
                 then Just True -- ++AZ++ test for now
                 else Nothing
findEntity':: (SYB.Data a, SYB.Data b)
              => a -> b -> Maybe (SimpPos,SimpPos)
findEntity' a b = res
    -- ++AZ++ do a generic traversal, and see if it matches.
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing worker b

    worker :: (SYB.Typeable c,SYB.Data c)
           => c -> Maybe (SimpPos,SimpPos)
    worker x = if SYB.typeOf a == SYB.typeOf x
                 -- then Just (getStartEndLoc b == getStartEndLoc a)
                 then Just (getStartEndLoc x)
                 else Nothing

    worker :: ( SYB.Typeable a{-, SYB.Typeable b-})
      => Maybe Bool
      -- -> (b -> r)
      -> a
      -> Maybe Bool
    worker a = case SYB.cast a of
               Just b -> Just True
               Nothing -> r

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Find those declarations(function\/pattern binding) which define
-- the specified GHC.Names. incTypeSig indicates whether the
-- corresponding type signature will be included.
            [GHC.Name]   -- ^ The specified identifiers.
            ->[GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -- ^ A collection of declarations.
            ->Bool       -- ^ True means to include the type signature.
            ->Bool       -- ^ True means to look at the local declarations as well. 
            ->[GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]  -- ^ The result.
definingDeclsNames pns ds _incTypeSig recursive = concatMap defining ds
   defining decl
     = if recursive
        then SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) [] ([]  `SYB.mkQ` defines') decl
        else defines' decl
      defines' :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
      defines' decl'@(GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ _ _))
        |isJust (find (==(pname)) pns) = [decl']

      defines' decl'@(GHC.L _l (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _))
        |(hsNamess p) `intersect` pns /= [] = [decl']

      defines' _ = []

-- |Find those declarations(function\/pattern binding) which define
-- the specified GHC.Names. incTypeSig indicates whether the
-- corresponding type signature will be included.
definingDeclsNames':: (SYB.Data t)
            => [GHC.Name]   -- ^ The specified identifiers.
            -> t -- ^ A collection of declarations.
            ->[GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]  -- ^ The result.
definingDeclsNames' pns t = defining t
   defining decl
     = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) [] ([]  `SYB.mkQ` defines') decl
      defines' :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
      defines' decl'@(GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ _ _))
        |isJust (find (==(pname)) pns) = [decl']

      defines' decl'@(GHC.L _l (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _))
        |(hsNamess p) `intersect` pns /= [] = [decl']

      defines' _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Find those type signatures for the specified GHC.Names.
definingSigsNames :: (SYB.Data t) =>
            [GHC.Name] -- ^ The specified identifiers.
            ->t        -- ^ A collection of declarations.
            ->[GHC.LSig GHC.Name]  -- ^ The result.
definingSigsNames pns ds = def ds
   def decl
     = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) [] ([]  `SYB.mkQ` inSig) decl
      inSig :: (GHC.LSig GHC.Name) -> [GHC.LSig GHC.Name]
      inSig (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig ns t))
       | defines' ns /= [] = [(GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig (defines' ns) t))]
      inSig _ = []

      defines' (p::[GHC.Located GHC.Name])
        = filter (\(GHC.L _ n) -> n `elem` pns) p

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: AZ: pretty sure this can be simplified, depends if we need to
--          manage transformed stuff too though.

-- | Return True if syntax phrases t1 and t2 refer to the same one.
sameOccurrence :: (GHC.Located t) -> (GHC.Located t) -> Bool
sameOccurrence (GHC.L l1 _) (GHC.L l2 _)
 = l1 == l2

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if the function\/pattern binding defines the
-- specified identifier.
defines:: GHC.Name -> GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> Bool
defines n (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ _ _))
 = pname == n
defines n (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _))
 = elem n (hsNamess p)
defines _ _= False

definesP pn (GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ _ _)))
 = PN pname == pn
definesP pn (GHC.L _ (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _)))
 = elem pn (hsPNs p)
definesP _ _= False

-- defines::PName->HsDeclP->Bool
-- defines pn (GHC.L l (GHC.ValD (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ _ _)))
--  = PN pname == pn
-- defines pn (GHC.L l (GHC.ValD (GHC.PatBind p rhs ty fvs _)))
--  = elem pn (hsPNs p)
-- defines _ _= False

-- | Return True if the declaration defines the type signature of the
-- specified identifier.
definesTypeSig :: GHC.Name -> GHC.LSig GHC.Name -> Bool
definesTypeSig pn (GHC.L _ (GHC.TypeSig names _typ)) = elem pn $ map (\(GHC.L _ n)->n) names
definesTypeSig _  _ =False

-- | Return True if the declaration defines the type signature of the specified identifier.
isTypeSigOf :: PNT -> HsDeclP -> Bool
isTypeSigOf pnt (TiDecorate.Dec (HsTypeSig loc is c tp))= elem pnt is
isTypeSigOf _  _ =False

-- | Return the list of identifiers (in PName format) defined by a function\/pattern binding.
definedPNs::GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> [GHC.Name]
definedPNs (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ pname) _ _ _ _ _)) = [pname]
definedPNs (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ty _fvs _))         = (hsNamess p)
definedPNs (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarBind pname _rhs _))              = [pname]

-- TODO: what about GHC.AbsBinds?
definedPNs  _ = []

-- |Return True if the given syntax phrase contains any free variables.
hasFreeVars::(Term t)=>t->Bool
hasFreeVars t = fromMaybe False (do (f,_)<-hsFreeAndDeclaredPNs t
                                    if f/=[] then Just True
                                             else Nothing)


sameBind :: GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> Bool
sameBind b1 b2 = (definedPNs b1) == (definedPNs b2)
sameBind b1 b2 = (definesNames b1) == (definesNames b2)
    definesNames (GHC.L _ (GHC.PatBind p _rhs _ _ _))             = hsNamess p
    definesNames (GHC.L _ (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L _ name) _ _ _ _ _)) = [name]
    definesNames (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarBind name _ _))                 = [name]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: is this the same is isUsedInRhs?
class (SYB.Data t) => UsedByRhs t where

    -- | Return True if any of the GHC.Name's appear in the given
    -- syntax element
    usedByRhs:: t -> [GHC.Name] -> Bool

instance UsedByRhs GHC.RenamedSource where

   -- Defined like this in the original
   usedByRhs _renamed _pns = False
   -- usedByRhs renamed pns = usedByRhs (hsValBinds renamed) pns -- ++AZ++

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.LHsBinds GHC.Name) where
  usedByRhs binds pns = or $ map (\b -> usedByRhs b pns) $ GHC.bagToList binds

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsValBinds GHC.Name) where
  usedByRhs (GHC.ValBindsIn binds _sigs) pns  = usedByRhs (GHC.bagToList binds) pns
  usedByRhs (GHC.ValBindsOut binds _sigs) pns = or $ map (\(_,b) -> usedByRhs b pns) binds

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.Match GHC.Name) where
  usedByRhs (GHC.Match _ _ rhs) pns = usedByRhs (hsValBinds rhs) pns

instance UsedByRhs [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] where
  usedByRhs binds pns = or $ map (\b -> usedByRhs b pns) binds

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) where
  usedByRhs (GHC.FunBind _ _ matches _ _ _) pns = findPNs pns matches
  usedByRhs (GHC.PatBind _ rhs _ _ _)       pns = findPNs pns rhs
  usedByRhs (GHC.VarBind _ rhs _)           pns = findPNs pns rhs
  usedByRhs (GHC.AbsBinds _ _ _ _ _)       _pns = False

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name) where
  usedByRhs (GHC.L _ bind) pns = usedByRhs bind pns

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) where
  usedByRhs (GHC.HsLet _lb e) pns = findPNs pns e
  usedByRhs e                _pns = error $ "undefined usedByRhs:" ++ (showGhc e)

instance UsedByRhs (GHC.Stmt GHC.Name) where
  usedByRhs (GHC.LetStmt lb) pns = findPNs pns lb
  usedByRhs s               _pns = error $ "undefined usedByRhs:" ++ (showGhc s)

{- ++ original
class (Term t) =>UsedByRhs t where

    usedByRhs:: t->[PName]->Bool

instance UsedByRhs HsExpP where
    usedByRhs (Exp (HsLet ds e)) pns = or $ map (flip findPN e) pns

instance UsedByRhs HsAltP where
    usedByRhs (HsAlt _ _ rhs _) pns  =or $ map (flip findPN rhs) pns

instance UsedByRhs HsStmtP where
    usedByRhs (HsLetStmt _ stmt) pns =or $ map (flip findPN stmt) pns

instance UsedByRhs HsMatchP where
    usedByRhs (HsMatch loc1 fun pats rhs ds) pns =or $ map (flip findPN rhs) pns

instance UsedByRhs  HsDeclP where
    usedByRhs (Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds)) pns =or $ map (flip findPN rhs) pns
    usedByRhs _ pn=False

instance UsedByRhs HsModuleP where
    usedByRhs mod pns=False


-- |Find the identifier(in GHC.Name format) whose start position is
-- (row,col) in the file specified by the fileName, and returns
-- `Nothing` if such an identifier does not exist.
locToName::(SYB.Data t)
                    =>SimpPos          -- ^ The row and column number
                    ->t                -- ^ The syntax phrase
                    -> Maybe (GHC.Located GHC.Name)  -- ^ The result
locToName (row,col) t = locToName' SYB.Renamer (row,col) t

-- |Find the identifier(in GHC.RdrName format) whose start position is
-- (row,col) in the file specified by the fileName, and returns
-- `Nothing` if such an identifier does not exist.
locToRdrName::(SYB.Data t)
                    =>SimpPos          -- ^ The row and column number
                    ->t                -- ^ The syntax phrase
                    -> Maybe (GHC.Located GHC.RdrName)  -- ^ The result
locToRdrName (row,col) t = locToName' SYB.Parser (row,col) t

-- |Worker for both locToName and locToRdrName.
-- NOTE: provides for FunBind MatchGroups where only the first name is
-- retained in the AST
locToName'::(SYB.Data t, SYB.Data a, Eq a,GHC.Outputable a)
                    ->SimpPos          -- ^ The row and column number
                    ->t                -- ^ The syntax phrase
                    -> Maybe (GHC.Located a)  -- ^ The result
locToName' stage (row,col) t =
      if res1 /= Nothing
        then res1
        else res2
        res1 = somethingStaged stage Nothing
            (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker
                     `SYB.extQ` workerBind
                     `SYB.extQ` workerExpr
                     `SYB.extQ` workerLIE
                     `SYB.extQ` workerHsTyVarBndr
                     `SYB.extQ` workerLHsType
                     ) t

        res2 = somethingStaged stage Nothing
            (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` workerFunBind) t

        res = reverse $ everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) []
            ([] `SYB.mkQ` workerFunBind `SYB.extQ` worker `SYB.extQ` workerBind `SYB.extQ` workerExpr) t

        res' = case res of
          [] -> Nothing
          xs -> Just (head xs)
        -- A FunBind has a MatchGroup, which lists all the possible
        -- bindings. Hence
        --   x 0 = 0
        --   x y = 2 * y
        -- Will have a single FunBind, with name x and using the
        -- specific (GHC.L l GHC.Name) of the x on the first line.
        -- Attempting to find the variable x on the second line will
        -- fail, it needs to be deduced from a FunBind having more
        -- than one match. The Located Match includes the original
        -- variable name in the location, but not in the match contents
        workerFunBind ((GHC.FunBind pnt _ (GHC.MatchGroup matches _) _ _ _) :: (GHC.HsBindLR a a))
          | nonEmptyList match = Just pnt
            -- match = error $ "locToName':matches=" ++ (showGhc $ map (\(GHC.L l _) -> l) matches)
            match = filter inScope (tail matches)
            -- match = filter inScope (matches)
        workerFunBind _ = Nothing

        worker (pnt :: (GHC.Located a))
          | inScope pnt = Just pnt
        worker _ = Nothing

        workerBind pnt@(GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat name) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat a)))
          | inScope pnt = Just (GHC.L l name)
        workerBind _ = Nothing

        workerExpr (pnt@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar name)) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr a)))
          | inScope pnt = Just (GHC.L l name)
        workerExpr _ = Nothing

        workerLIE (pnt@(GHC.L l (GHC.IEVar name)) :: (GHC.LIE a))
          | inScope pnt = Just (GHC.L l name)
        workerLIE _ = Nothing

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
        workerHsTyVarBndr (pnt@(GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar name))::  (GHC.LHsTyVarBndr a))
        workerHsTyVarBndr (pnt@(GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar name _typ))::  (GHC.LHsTyVarBndr a))
          | inScope pnt = Just (GHC.L l name)
        workerHsTyVarBndr _ = Nothing

        workerLHsType (pnt@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsTyVar name)):: (GHC.LHsType a))
          | inScope pnt = Just (GHC.L l name)
        workerLHsType _ = Nothing

        inScope :: GHC.Located e -> Bool
        inScope (GHC.L l _) =
          case l of
            (GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _) -> False
            (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss)  ->
              -- (GHC.srcSpanFile ss == fileName) &&
              (GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss <= row) &&
              (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss   >= row) &&
              (col >= (GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss)) &&
              (col <= (GHC.srcSpanEndCol   ss))


-- |Find all Located Names in the given Syntax phrase.
allNames::(SYB.Data t)
       =>t                      -- ^ The syntax phrase
       ->[GHC.Located GHC.Name] -- ^ The result
allNames t
  = res
        res = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Parser (++) []
            ([] `SYB.mkQ` worker `SYB.extQ` workerBind `SYB.extQ` workerExpr) t

        worker (pnt :: (GHC.Located GHC.Name))
          = [pnt]
        -- worker _ = []

        workerBind (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat name) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.Name)))
          = [(GHC.L l name)]
        workerBind _ = []

        workerExpr ((GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar name)) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)))
          = [(GHC.L l name)]
        workerExpr _ = []


-- |Find the identifier with the given name. This looks through the
-- given syntax phrase for the first GHC.Name which matches. Because
-- it is Renamed source, the GHC.Name will include its defining
-- location. Returns Nothing if the name is not found.

getName::(SYB.Data t)=> String           -- ^ The name to find
                     -> t                -- ^ The syntax phrase
                     -> Maybe GHC.Name   -- ^ The result
getName str t
  = res
        res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing
            (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker `SYB.extQ` workerBind `SYB.extQ` workerExpr) t

        worker ((GHC.L _ n) :: (GHC.Located GHC.Name))
          | showGhc n == str = Just n
        worker _ = Nothing

        workerBind (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarPat name) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.Name)))
          | showGhc name == str = Just name
        workerBind _ = Nothing

        workerExpr ((GHC.L _ (GHC.HsVar name)) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)))
          | showGhc name == str = Just name
        workerExpr _ = Nothing


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Add identifiers to the export list of a module. If the second argument is like: Just p, then do the adding only if p occurs
-- in the export list, and the new identifiers are added right after p in the export list. Otherwise the new identifiers are add
-- to the beginning of the export list. In the case that the export list is emport, then if the third argument is True, then create
-- an explict export list to contain only the new identifiers, otherwise do nothing.
addItemsToExport::( )
                 => HsModuleP                           -- The module AST.
                   -> Maybe PName                       -- The condtion identifier.
                   -> Bool                              -- Create an explicit list or not
                   -> Either [String] [HsExportEntP]    -- The identifiers to add in either String or HsExportEntP format.
                   -> m HsModuleP                       -- The result.
addItemsToExport::(MonadState (([PosToken],Bool), t1) m)
                 => HsModuleP                           -- The module AST.
                   -> Maybe PName                       -- The condtion identifier.
                   -> Bool                              -- Create an explicit list or not
                   -> Either [String] [HsExportEntP]    -- The identifiers to add in either String or HsExportEntP format.
                   -> m HsModuleP                       -- The result.

addItemsToExport mod _  _ (Left [])  = return mod
addItemsToExport mod _  _ (Right []) = return mod
addItemsToExport mod@(HsModule loc modName exps imps ds) (Just pn) _ ids
  =  case exps  of
       Just ents ->let (e1,e2) = break (findEntity pn) ents
                   in if e2 /=[]
                        then do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                                let e = (ghead "addVarItemInExport" e2)
                                    es = case ids of
                                          (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
                                          (Right es') -> es'
                                let (_,endPos) = getStartEndLoc toks e
                                    (t, (_,s)) = ghead "addVarItemInExport" $ getToks (endPos,endPos) toks
                                    newToken = mkToken t endPos (s++","++ showEntities (render.ppi) es) 
                                    toks' = replaceToks toks endPos endPos [newToken]
                                put ((toks',modified),others)
                                return (HsModule loc modName (Just (e1++(e:es)++tail e2)) imps ds)
                        else return mod
       Nothing   -> return mod

addItemsToExport mod@(HsModule _ _ (Just ents) _ _) Nothing createExp ids
    = do ((toks,_),others)<-get
         let es = case ids of
                    (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
                    (Right es') -> es'
             (t, (pos,s))=fromJust $ find isOpenBracket toks  -- s is the '('
             newToken = if ents /=[] then  (t, (pos,(s++showEntities (render.ppi) es++",")))
                                     else  (t, (pos,(s++showEntities (render.ppi) es)))
             pos'= simpPos pos
             toks' = replaceToks toks pos' pos' [newToken]
         put ((toks',modified),others)
         return mod {hsModExports=Just (es++ ents)}

addItemsToExport mod@(HsModule _  (SN modName (SrcLoc _ c row col))  Nothing _ _)  Nothing createExp ids
  =case createExp of
       True ->do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                 let es = case ids of
                               (Left is' ) ->map (\x-> (EntE (Var (nameToPNT x)))) is'
                               (Right es') -> es'
                     pos = (row,col)
                     newToken = mkToken Varid pos (modNameToStr modName++ "("
                                         ++ showEntities (render.ppi) es++")")
                     toks' = replaceToks toks pos pos [newToken]
                 put  ((toks', modified), others)
                 return mod {hsModExports=Just es}
       False ->return mod

addItemsToImport::( )
                 =>ModuleName                  -- ^ The imported module name.
                 ->Maybe PName                 -- ^ The condition identifier.
                 ->Either [String] [EntSpecP]  -- ^ The identifiers to add in either String or EntSpecP format.
                 ->t                           -- ^ The given syntax phrase.
                 ->m t                         -- ^ The result.

addItemsToImport::(Term t,MonadState (([PosToken],Bool),t1) m)
                 =>ModuleName                  -- ^ The imported module name.
                 ->Maybe PName                 -- ^ The condition identifier.
                 ->Either [String] [EntSpecP]  -- ^ The identifiers to add in either String or EntSpecP format.
                 ->t                           -- ^ The given syntax phrase.
                 ->m t                         -- ^ The result.

addItemsToImport serverModName pn (Left [])  t = return t
addItemsToImport serverModName pn (Right []) t = return t
addItemsToImport serverModName pn ids t
 =applyTP (full_buTP (idTP `adhocTP` inImport)) t
    inImport (imp@(HsImportDecl loc m@(SN modName _) qual  as h):: HsImportDeclP)
      | serverModName == modName && (if isJust pn then findPN (fromJust pn) h else True)
       = case h of
           Nothing        -> return imp
           Just (b, ents) -> do let ents'=case ids of
                                          Left  is'  -> map (\x-> Var (nameToPNT x)) is'
                                          Right es   -> es
                                let (_,endPos)=getStartEndLoc toks (glast "addItemsToImport" ents)
                                    (t,(_,s))=ghead "addItemsToImport" $ getToks (endPos,endPos) toks
                                    newToken = mkToken t endPos (s++","++showEntities (render.ppi) ents')
                                    toks'=replaceToks toks endPos endPos [newToken]
                                put ((toks',modified),others)
                                return (HsImportDecl loc m qual as (Just (b, ents++ents')))
    inImport imp = return imp

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

addImportDecl ::
    -> GHC.ModuleName
    -> Maybe GHC.FastString -- ^qualifier
    -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
    -> Maybe String         -- ^alias
    -> Bool
    -> [GHC.Name]
    -> RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource
addImportDecl (groupedDecls,imp, b, c) modName pkgQual source safe qualify alias hide idNames
  = do
       toks <- fetchToks
       let toks1
               =if length imps' > 0
                   then let (_startLoc, endLoc) = getStartEndLoc $ last imps'
                            toks1' = getToks ((1,1),endLoc) toks
                        in toks1'
                   else if not $ isEmptyGroup groupedDecls
                               let startLoc = fst $ startEndLocIncComments toks groupedDecls
                                   (toks1', _toks2') = break (\t ->tokenPos t==startLoc) toks
                               in toks1'
                          else toks

       drawTokenTreeDetailed "before starting"
       logm $ "addImportDecl:toks =" ++ show toks
       logm $ "addImportDecl:toks1=" ++ show toks1

       let lastTok = ghead "addImportDecl" $ dropWhile isWhiteSpace $ reverse toks1
       let startPos = tokenPos    lastTok
       let endPos   = tokenPosEnd lastTok

       newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (showGhc impDecl)
       logm $ "addImportDecl:newToks=" ++ (show newToks) -- ++AZ++
       void $ putToksAfterPos (startPos,endPos) (PlaceOffset 1 0 1) newToks
       return (groupedDecls, (imp++[(mkNewLSomething impDecl)]), b, c)

     alias' = case alias of
                  Just stringName -> Just $ GHC.mkModuleName stringName
                  _               -> Nothing

     impDecl = GHC.ImportDecl {
                        GHC.ideclName        = mkNewLModuleName modName
                        , GHC.ideclPkgQual   = pkgQual
                        , GHC.ideclSource    = source
                        , GHC.ideclSafe      = safe
                        , GHC.ideclQualified = qualify
                        , GHC.ideclImplicit  = False
                        , GHC.ideclAs        = alias'
                        , GHC.ideclHiding    =
                                      (if idNames == [] && hide == False then
                                            (Just (hide, map mkNewEnt idNames)))
     imps' = rmPreludeImports imp

     mkNewLSomething :: a -> GHC.Located a
     mkNewLSomething a = (GHC.L l a) where
        filename = (GHC.mkFastString "f")
        l = GHC.mkSrcSpan (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename 1 1) (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename 1 1)

     mkNewLModuleName :: GHC.ModuleName -> GHC.Located GHC.ModuleName
     mkNewLModuleName moduName = mkNewLSomething moduName

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

isEmptyGroup :: GHC.HsGroup id -> Bool
isEmptyGroup x = (==0) $ sum $
   [valds, tyclds, instds, derivds, fixds, defds, fords, warnds, annds, ruleds, vects, docs]
    valds = size $ GHC.hs_valds x

    size :: GHC.HsValBindsLR idL idR -> Int
    size (GHC.ValBindsIn lhsBinds sigs) = (length sigs) + (length . GHC.bagToList $ lhsBinds)
    size (GHC.ValBindsOut recFlags lsigs) = (length lsigs) + (length recFlags)

    tyclds = length $ GHC.hs_tyclds x

    instds = length $ GHC.hs_instds x

    derivds = length $ GHC.hs_derivds x

    fixds = length $ GHC.hs_fixds x

    defds = length $ GHC.hs_defds x

    fords = length $ GHC.hs_fords x

    warnds = length $ GHC.hs_warnds x

    annds = length $ GHC.hs_annds x

    ruleds = length $ GHC.hs_ruleds x

    vects = length $ GHC.hs_vects x

    docs = length $ GHC.hs_docs x

-- | Remove ImportDecl from the imports list, commonly returned from a RenamedSource type, so it can
-- be further processed.
--rmPreludeImports :: [GHC.Located (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.Name)] -> [GHC.Located (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.Name)]
rmPreludeImports ::
  [GHC.Located (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.Name)]
  -> [GHC.Located (GHC.ImportDecl GHC.Name)]
rmPreludeImports = filter isPrelude where
            isPrelude = (/="Prelude") . GHC.moduleNameString . GHC.unLoc . GHC.ideclName . GHC.unLoc

{-addImportDecl mod@(HsModule _ _ _ imp decls) moduleName qualify alias hide idNames
  = do ((toks, _),(v,v1)) <- get
       let (toks1, toks2)
               =if imps' /= []
                   then let (startLoc, endLoc) = startEndLocIncComments toks (last imps')
                            (toks1, toks2)= break (\t->tokenPos t==endLoc) toks
                        in (toks1 ++ [ghead "addImportDecl1" toks2], tail toks2)
                   else if decls /=[]
                          then let startLoc = fst $ startEndLocIncComments toks (ghead "addImportDecl1" decls)
                                   (toks1, toks2) = break (\t ->tokenPos t==startLoc) toks
                               in (toks1,  toks2)
                          else (toks,[])
           before = if toks1/=[] && endsWithNewLn (glast "addImportDecl1" toks1) then "" else "\n"
           after  = if (toks2 /=[] && startsWithNewLn (ghead "addImportDecl1" toks2)) then "" else "\n"
           colOffset = if imps'==[] && decls==[]
                        then 1
                        else getOffset toks
                                $ if imps'/=[] then fst $ startEndLoc toks  (ghead "addImportDecl1" imps')
                                               else fst $ startEndLoc toks  (ghead "addImportDecl1" decls)
           impToks =tokenise (Pos 0 v1 1) (colOffset-1) True
                      $ before++(render.ppi) impDecl++"\n" ++ after  --- refactorer this
       (impDecl', _) <- addLocInfo (impDecl,impToks)
       let toks' = toks1++impToks++toks2
       put ((toks',modified), ((tokenRow (glast "addImportDecl1" impToks) - 10,v1)))  -- 10: step ; generalise this.
       return (mod {hsModImports = imp ++ [impDecl']})
     alias' = case alias of
                  Just m -> Just $ SN (PlainModule m) loc0
                  _      -> Nothing
     impDecl = HsImportDecl loc0 (SN (PlainModule moduleName) loc0) qualify alias'
                      (if idNames==[] && hide==False
                          then Nothing
                          else  (Just (hide, map nameToEnt idNames)))  -- what about "Main"
     imps' = imp \\ prelimps
     nameToEnt name = Var (nameToPNT name)-}

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Make a new set of tokens, originating at (0,0), for a given
-- declaration and optional signature.
-- NOTE: This function returns tokens originating at (0,0), to be
-- stitched in at the right place by TokenUtils
makeNewToks :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name, [GHC.LSig GHC.Name], Maybe [PosToken])
              -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
makeNewToks (decl, maybeSig, declToks) = do
     declStr = case declToks of
                Just ts -> "\n" ++ (unlines $ dropWhile (\l -> l == "") $ lines $ GHC.showRichTokenStream $ reAlignMarked ts)
                Nothing -> "\n"++(prettyprint decl)++"\n\n"
     sigStr  = case declToks of
                Just _ts -> ""
                Nothing -> "\n" ++ (intercalate "\n" $ map prettyprint maybeSig)
   -- logm $ "makeNewToks:declStr=[" ++ declStr ++ "]"
   newToks <- liftIO $ tokenise (realSrcLocFromTok mkZeroToken) 0 True (sigStr ++ declStr)
   return newToks

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Adding a declaration to the declaration list of the given syntax
-- phrase. If the second argument is Nothing, then the declaration
-- will be added to the beginning of the declaration list, but after
-- the data type declarations is there is any.
addDecl:: (SYB.Data t,HsValBinds t)
        => t              -- ^The AST to be updated
        -> Maybe GHC.Name -- ^If this is Just, then the declaration
                          -- will be added right after this
                          -- identifier's definition.
        -> (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name, [GHC.LSig GHC.Name], Maybe [PosToken])
             -- ^ The declaration with optional signatures to be added,
             -- in both AST and Token stream format (optional). If
             -- signature and tokens provided, the tokens should
             -- include the signature too
        -> Bool              -- ^ True means the declaration is a
                             -- toplevel declaration.
        -> RefactGhc t --[GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]

addDecl parent pn (decl, msig, declToks) topLevel
 = if isJust pn
     then appendDecl parent (gfromJust "addDecl" pn) (decl, msig, declToks)
     else if topLevel
            then addTopLevelDecl (decl, msig, declToks) parent
            else addLocalDecl parent (decl,msig,declToks)

  -- ^Add a definition to the beginning of the definition declaration
  -- list, but after the data type declarations if there is any. The
  -- definition will be pretty-printed if its token stream is not
  -- provided.
  addTopLevelDecl :: (SYB.Data t, HsValBinds t)
       => (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name, [GHC.LSig GHC.Name], Maybe [PosToken])
       -> t -> RefactGhc t
  addTopLevelDecl (newDecl, maybeSig, maybeDeclToks) parent'
    = do let binds = hsValBinds parent'
             decls = hsBinds parent'
             (decls1,decls2) = break (\x->isFunOrPatBindR x {- was || isTypeSig x -}) decls

         newToks <- makeNewToks (newDecl,maybeSig,maybeDeclToks)
         logm $ "addTopLevelDecl:newToks=" ++ (show newToks)

         let Just sspan = if (emptyList decls2)
                            then getSrcSpan (glast "addTopLevelDecl" decls1)
                            else getSrcSpan (ghead "addTopLevelDecl" decls2)

         decl' <- putDeclToksAfterSpan sspan newDecl (PlaceOffset 2 0 2) newToks

         return (replaceValBinds parent' (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag (decls1++[decl']++decls2)) (maybeSig++(getValBindSigs binds))))

  appendDecl :: (SYB.Data t, HsValBinds t)
      => t        -- ^Original AST
      -> GHC.Name -- ^Name to add the declaration after
      -> (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name, [GHC.LSig GHC.Name], Maybe [PosToken]) -- ^declaration and maybe sig/tokens
      -> RefactGhc t -- ^updated AST
  appendDecl parent' pn' (newDecl, maybeSig, declToks')
    = do let binds = hsValBinds parent'
         -- logm $ "appendDecl:declToks=" ++ (show declToks')
         newToks <- makeNewToks (newDecl,maybeSig,declToks')
         -- logm $ "appendDecl:newToks=" ++ (show newToks)

         let Just sspan = getSrcSpan $ ghead "appendDecl" after
         decl' <- putDeclToksAfterSpan sspan newDecl (PlaceOffset 2 0 2) newToks

         let decls1 = before ++ [ghead "appendDecl14" after]
             decls2 = gtail "appendDecl15" after
         case maybeSig of
           Nothing  -> return (replaceBinds    parent (decls1++[decl']++decls2))
           Just sig -> return (replaceValBinds parent (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag (decls1++[decl']++decls2)) (sig:(getValBindSigs binds))))
         return (replaceValBinds parent' (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag (decls1++[decl']++decls2)) (maybeSig++(getValBindSigs binds))))
        decls = hsBinds parent'
        (before,after) = break (defines pn') decls -- Need to handle the case that 'after' is empty?

  addLocalDecl :: (SYB.Data t, HsValBinds t)
               => t -> (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name, [GHC.LSig GHC.Name], Maybe [PosToken])
               -> RefactGhc t
  addLocalDecl parent' (newFun, maybeSig, newFunToks)
        let binds = hsValBinds parent'

        let (startLoc,endLoc)
             = if (emptyList localDecls)
                 then getStartEndLoc parent'
                 else getStartEndLoc localDecls

        newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise newSource

        (newFun',_) <- addLocInfo (newFun, newToks)

        let colIndent = if (emptyList localDecls) then 4 else 0
            rowIndent = 1

        if (emptyList localDecls)
            void $ putToksAfterPos (startLoc,endLoc) (PlaceOffset rowIndent colIndent 2) newToks
            -- putToksAfterPos (startLoc,endLoc) (PlaceAbsolute (r+1) c) newToks
            void $ putToksAfterPos (startLoc,endLoc) (PlaceIndent rowIndent colIndent 2) newToks
            -- void $ putToksAfterPos (startLoc,endLoc) (PlaceIndent rowIndent colIndent 3) newToks

        case maybeSig of
           Nothing  -> return (replaceBinds parent ((hsBinds parent ++ [newFun']) ))
           Just sig -> return (replaceValBinds parent (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag ((hsBinds parent ++ [newFun']))) (sig:(getValBindSigs binds))))
        return (replaceValBinds parent' (GHC.ValBindsIn (GHC.listToBag ((hsBinds parent' ++ [newFun']))) (maybeSig++(getValBindSigs binds))))
         localDecls = hsBinds parent'

         -- TODO: where tokens are passed in, first normalise them to
         -- the left column before adding in the where clause part
         newSource = if (emptyList localDecls)
                       then "where\n"++ concatMap (\l-> "   "++l++"\n") (lines newFun')
                       else ("" ++ newFun'++"\n")
            newFun' = unlines $ stripLeadingSpaces $ lines $ sigStr ++ newFunBody
            newFunBody = case newFunToks of
                           Just ts -> unlines $ dropWhile (\l -> l == "") $ lines $ GHC.showRichTokenStream $ reAlignMarked ts
                           Nothing -> prettyprint newFun

            sigStr  = case newFunToks of
                        Just _ts -> ""
                        Nothing -> case maybeSig of
                                     Just sig -> (prettyprint sig) ++ "\n"
                                     Nothing -> ""
                        Nothing -> if (emptyList maybeSig)
                                     then ""
                                     else (intercalate "\n" $ map prettyprint maybeSig) ++ "\n"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Take a list of strings and return a list with the longest prefix
-- of spaces removed
stripLeadingSpaces :: [String] -> [String]
stripLeadingSpaces xs = map (drop n) xs
    n = minimum $ map oneLen xs

    oneLen x = length prefix
        (prefix,_) = break (/=' ') x

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | add items to the hiding list of an import declaration which
-- imports the specified module.
    GHC.ModuleName       -- ^ The imported module name
  ->GHC.RenamedSource    -- ^ The current module
  ->[GHC.Name]           -- ^ The items to be added
  ->RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource -- ^ The result (with token stream updated)
addHiding a b c = addItemsToImport' a b c Hide

-- | Creates a new entity for hiding a name in an ImportDecl.
mkNewEnt :: GHC.Name -> GHC.LIE GHC.Name
mkNewEnt pn = (GHC.L l (GHC.IEVar pn))
   filename = (GHC.mkFastString "f")
   l = GHC.mkSrcSpan (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename 1 1) (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename 1 1)

-- | Represents the operation type we want to select on addItemsToImport'
data ImportType = Hide     -- ^ Used for addHiding
                | Import   -- ^ Used for addItemsToImport

-- | Add identifiers (given by the third argument) to the explicit entity list in the declaration importing the
--   specified module name. This function does nothing if the import declaration does not have an explicit entity list. 
    GHC.ModuleName       -- ^ The imported module name
  ->GHC.RenamedSource    -- ^ The current module
  ->[GHC.Name]           -- ^ The items to be added
--  ->Maybe GHC.Name       -- ^ The condition identifier.
  ->RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource -- ^ The result (with token stream updated)
addItemsToImport a b c = addItemsToImport' a b c Import

-- | Add identifiers (given by the third argument) to the explicit entity list in the declaration importing the
--   specified module name. If the ImportType argument is Hide, then the items will be added to the "hiding"
--   list. If it is Import, they will be added to the explicit import entries. This function does nothing if 
--   the import declaration does not have an explicit entity list and ImportType is Import.
    GHC.ModuleName       -- ^ The imported module name
  ->GHC.RenamedSource    -- ^ The current module
  ->[GHC.Name]           -- ^ The items to be added
--  ->Maybe GHC.Name       -- ^ The condition identifier.
  ->ImportType           -- ^ Whether to hide the names or import them. Uses special data for clarity.
  ->RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource -- ^ The result (with token stream updated)
addItemsToImport' serverModName (g,imps,e,d) pns impType = do
    imps' <- mapM inImport imps
    return (g,imps',e,d)
    isHide = case impType of
             Hide   -> True
             Import -> False

    inImport :: GHC.LImportDecl GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (GHC.LImportDecl GHC.Name)
    inImport imp@(GHC.L _ (GHC.ImportDecl (GHC.L _ modName) _qualify _source _safe isQualified _isImplicit _as h))
      | serverModName == modName  && not isQualified -- && (if isJust pn then findPN (gfromJust "addItemsToImport" pn) h else True)
       = case h of
           Nothing              -> insertEnts imp [] True
           Just (_isHide, ents) -> insertEnts imp ents False
    inImport x = return x

    insertEnts ::
      GHC.LImportDecl GHC.Name
      -> [GHC.LIE GHC.Name]
      -> Bool
      -> RefactGhc ( GHC.LImportDecl GHC.Name )
    insertEnts imp ents isNew =
        if isNew && not isHide then return imp
        else do
            toks <- fetchToks
            let (startPos,endPos) = getStartEndLoc imp
                ((GHC.L l t),s) = ghead "addHiding" $ reverse $ getToks (startPos,endPos) toks
                start = getGhcLoc l
                end   = getGhcLocEnd l

                beginning =
                        if isNew then
                            s ++ (if isHide then " hiding " else " ")++"("
                        else ","
                ending = if isNew then ")" else s

                newToken=mkToken t start (beginning++showEntities showGhc pns ++ending)
                -- toks'=replaceToks toks start end [newToken]
                -- toks'=replaceTok toks start newToken

            void $ putToksForPos (start,end) [newToken]

            return (replaceHiding imp  (Just (isHide, (map mkNewEnt  pns)++ents)))

    replaceHiding (GHC.L l (GHC.ImportDecl mn q src safe isQ isImp as _h)) h1 =
         (GHC.L l (GHC.ImportDecl mn q src safe isQ isImp as h1))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

        [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -- ^ A declaration list where the function is defined and\/or used.
      ->GHC.Name    -- ^ The function name.
      ->[GHC.Name]  -- ^ The parameters to be added.
      ->Bool        -- ^ Modify the token stream or not.
      ->RefactGhc [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name] -- ^ The result.

addParamsToDecls decls pn paramPNames modifyToks = do
  logm $ "addParamsToDecls (pn,paramPNames,modifyToks)=" ++ (showGhc (pn,paramPNames,modifyToks))
  if (paramPNames/=[])
        then mapM addParamToDecl decls
        else return decls
   addParamToDecl :: GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name)
   -- addParamToDecl (TiDecorate.Dec (HsFunBind loc matches@((HsMatch _ fun pats rhs ds):ms)))
   addParamToDecl (GHC.L l1 (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L l2 pname) i (GHC.MatchGroup matches ptt) co fvs t))
    | pname == pn
    = do matches' <- mapM addParamtoMatch matches
         -- return (TiDecorate.Dec (HsFunBind loc matches'))
         return (GHC.L l1 (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L l2 pname) i (GHC.MatchGroup matches' ptt) co fvs t))
       -- addParamtoMatch (HsMatch loc fun pats rhs  decls)
       addParamtoMatch (GHC.L l (GHC.Match pats mtyp rhs))
        = do rhs' <- addActualParamsToRhs modifyToks pn paramPNames rhs
             let pats' = map GHC.noLoc $ map pNtoPat paramPNames
             _pats'' <- if modifyToks
               then do -- TODO: What happens if pats is []
                       -- Will only happen if there is a single match only.
                       logm $ "addParamtoMatch:l=" ++ (showGhc l)
                       if emptyList pats
                         then addFormalParams (Left l2) pats'
                         else addFormalParams (Right (ghead "addParamtoMatch" pats)) pats'
                       return pats'

               else return pats'
             -- return (HsMatch loc  fun  (pats'++pats)  rhs' decls)
             return (GHC.L l (GHC.Match (pats'++pats) mtyp rhs'))

   -- addParamToDecl (TiDecorate.Dec (HsPatBind loc p rhs ds))
   addParamToDecl (GHC.L l1 (GHC.PatBind pat@(GHC.L _l2 (GHC.VarPat p)) rhs ty fvs t))
     | p == pn
       = do _rhs'<-addActualParamsToRhs modifyToks pn paramPNames rhs
            let pats' = map GHC.noLoc $ map pNtoPat paramPNames
            _pats'' <- if modifyToks  then do _ <- addFormalParams (Right pat) pats'
                                              return pats'
                                     else return pats'
            -- return (TiDecorate.Dec (HsFunBind loc [HsMatch loc (patToPNT p) pats' rhs ds]))
            return (GHC.L l1 (GHC.PatBind pat rhs ty fvs t))
   addParamToDecl x=return x

-- | Add tokens corresponding to the new parameters to the end of the
-- syntax element provided
addFormalParams :: Either GHC.SrcSpan (GHC.LPat GHC.Name) -> [GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.Name)] -> RefactGhc ()
addFormalParams place newParams
  = do
       -- newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (prettyprintPatList prettyprint True newParams)
       let newStr = (prettyprintPatList prettyprint True newParams)

       case place of
         Left l@(GHC.RealSrcSpan ss) -> do
           newToks <- liftIO $ tokenise (GHC.realSrcSpanStart ss) 0 False newStr
           _ <- putToksAfterSpan l PlaceAdjacent newToks
           return ()
         Left ss -> error $ "addFormalParams: expecting RealSrcSpan, got:" ++ (showGhc ss)
         Right (GHC.L l _) -> do
           toks <- getToksForSpan l
           newToks <- liftIO $ tokenise (realSrcLocFromTok $ ghead "addFormalParams" toks) 0 False newStr
           _ <- putToksForSpan l newToks
           _ <- putToksAfterSpan l PlaceAdjacent toks
           return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

addActualParamsToRhs :: (SYB.Typeable t, SYB.Data t) =>
                        Bool -> GHC.Name -> [GHC.Name] -> t -> RefactGhc t
addActualParamsToRhs modifyToks pn paramPNames rhs = do
    -- logm $ "addActualParamsToRhs:rhs=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 $ rhs)
    r <- everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM grhs) rhs
    return r
    -- = applyTP (stop_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` worker))

       -- |Limit the action to actual RHS elements
       grhs :: (GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name)
       grhs (GHC.GRHSs g lb) = do
         g' <- everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM worker) g
         return (GHC.GRHSs g' lb)

       worker :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))
       worker oldExp@(GHC.L l2 (GHC.HsVar pname))
        | pname == pn = do
              let newExp' = foldl addParamToExp oldExp paramPNames
              let newExp  = (GHC.L l2 (GHC.HsPar newExp'))
              -- TODO: updateToks must add a space at the end of the
              --       new exp
              if modifyToks then do _ <- updateToks oldExp newExp prettyprint False
                                    return newExp
                            else return newExp
       worker x = return x

       addParamToExp :: (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name) -> GHC.Name -> (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)
       addParamToExp  expr param = GHC.noLoc (GHC.HsApp expr (GHC.noLoc (GHC.HsVar param)))

Required end result : (sq pow) x + sumSquares xs

                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-46} 

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-30} 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-28} 
                      (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:22-27} 
                        (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:22-23} 
                         (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sq})) 
                        (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:25-27} 
                         (HsVar {Name: pow})))))) 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:30} 
                     (HsVar {Name: x})))) 

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:32} 
                   (HsVar {Name: GHC.Num.+})) {Fixity: infixl 6} 
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:34-46} 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:34-43} 
                     (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sumSquares})) 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:45-46} 
                     (HsVar {Name: xs}))))))))] 

Alternate, no parens : sq pow x + sumSquares xs

                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-44} 

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-28} 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-26} 
                      (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-22} 
                       (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sq})) 
                      (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:24-26} 
                       (HsVar {Name: pow})))) 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:28} 
                     (HsVar {Name: x})))) 

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:30} 
                   (HsVar {Name: GHC.Num.+})) {Fixity: infixl 6} 
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:32-44} 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:32-41} 
                     (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sumSquares})) 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:43-44} 
                     (HsVar {Name: xs}))))))))] 

Original : sq x + sumSquares xs

                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-40} 

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-24} 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:21-22} 
                     (HsVar {Name: sq})) 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:24} 
                     (HsVar {Name: x})))) 

                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:26} 
                   (HsVar {Name: GHC.Num.+})) {Fixity: infixl 6} 
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:28-40} 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:28-37} 
                     (HsVar {Name: LiftToToplevel.D2.sumSquares})) 
                    (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/D2.hs:6:39-40} 
                     (HsVar {Name: xs}))))))))] 


   addActualParamsToRhs pn paramPNames
    = applyTP (stop_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` worker))
       worker exp@(TiDecorate.Exp (HsId (HsVar (PNT pname ty loc))))
        | pname==pn
         = do let newExp=TiDecorate.Exp (HsParen (foldl addParamToExp exp (map pNtoExp paramPNames)))
              if modifyToks then do (newExp', _) <- updateToks exp newExp prettyprint
                                    return newExp'
                            else return newExp
       worker x =mzero

       addParamToExp  exp param=(TiDecorate.Exp (HsApp exp param))

-- | Remove those specified items from the entity list in the import declaration.
 rmItemsFromImport::( )
                   =>HsModuleP    -- ^ The module AST
                   ->[PName]      -- ^ The items to be removed
                   ->m HsModuleP  -- ^ The result

rmItemsFromImport::(MonadState (([PosToken],Bool),t1) m)
                   =>HsModuleP    -- ^ The module AST
                   ->[PName]      -- ^ The items to be removed
                   ->m HsModuleP  -- ^ The result

rmItemsFromImport mod pns
  = applyTP (full_buTP (idTP `adhocTP` inImport)) mod
     inImport (imp@(HsImportDecl loc modName qual  as h)::HsImportDeclP)
      | any (flip findEntity imp) pns
       = case h of
           Just (b, ents) ->
             do let matchedEnts=findEnts pns ents
                if  matchedEnts==[]
                  then return imp
                  else if length matchedEnts == length ents
                         then do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                                 let (startPos,endPos)=getStartEndLoc toks ents
                                     toks'=deleteToks toks startPos endPos
                                 put ((toks',modified),others)
                                 return (HsImportDecl loc modName qual as (Just (b,[])))
                         else do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                                 let remainedEnts=concatMap (\pn->filter (not.match pn) ents) pns 
                                     toks'=foldl deleteEnt toks $ map (getStartEndLoc toks) matchedEnts
                                 put ((toks',modified),others)
                                 return (HsImportDecl loc modName qual as (Just (b, remainedEnts)))
           _ ->return imp
     inImport x = return x

     findEnts pns ents =nub $ concatMap (\pn->filter (match pn) ents) pns

     -- this function does not check this sub entities of the ListSubs. any problems?
     match::PName -> EntSpec PNT ->Bool
     match pn (Var pnt) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn
     match pn (Abs pnt) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn
     match pn (AllSubs pnt) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn
     match pn (ListSubs pnt _) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn

-- | Remove the sub entities of a type constructor or class from the export list.
rmSubEntsFromExport::(MonadState (([PosToken],Bool),(Int,Int)) m)
                     =>PName       -- ^ The type constructor or class name
                     ->HsModuleP   -- ^ The module AST
                     ->m HsModuleP -- ^ The result
rmSubEntsFromExport typeCon
  = applyTP (full_buTP (idTP `adhocTP` inEntSpec))
   inEntSpec (ent@(AllSubs pnt)::EntSpec PNT)
     | pNTtoPN pnt == typeCon
      =do (ent', _)<-updateToks ent (Abs pnt) prettyprint
          return ent'
   inEntSpec (ent@(ListSubs pnt _))
     | pNTtoPN pnt == typeCon
     = do (ent', _) <- updateToks ent (Abs pnt) prettyprint
          return ent'
   inEntSpec ent = return ent

-- | Remove the specified entities from the module's exports. The entities can be specified in either of two formats:
-- i.e. either specify the module names and identifier names to be removed, so just given the exact AST for these entities.
{-rmItemsFromExport::( )
                   =>HsModuleP                                      -- ^ The module AST.
                    ->Either ([ModuleName],[PName]) [HsExportEntP]  -- ^ The entities to remove. 
                    ->m HsModuleP                                   -- ^ The result.
rmItemsFromExport::(MonadState (([PosToken],Bool),t1) m)
                   =>HsModuleP                                      -- ^ The module AST.
                    ->Either ([ModuleName],[PName]) [HsExportEntP]  -- ^ The entities to remove.
                    ->m HsModuleP                                   -- ^ The result.

rmItemsFromExport mod@(HsModule loc modName exps imps ds)  (Left (modNames, pns))
  =if isNothing exps
     then return mod
     else do let ents =findEnts (modNames, pns) (fromJust exps)
             rmItemsFromExport mod (Right ents)
    findEnts (modNames, pns) ents
      =let ms = concatMap (\m ->filter (\e -> case e of
                                         ModuleE (SN m' _) -> m==m'
                                         EntE e'    -> False) ents) modNames
           es =concatMap (\pn->filter (\e ->case e of
                                            ModuleE _ -> False
                                            EntE e'    -> match pn e') ents) pns
       in (ms++es)
    match::PName -> EntSpec PNT ->Bool
    match pn (Var pnt) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn
    match pn (Abs pnt) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn
    match pn (AllSubs pnt) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn
    match pn (ListSubs pnt _) = pNTtoPN pnt == pn

rmItemsFromExport mod@(HsModule loc modName exps@(Just es) imps ds) (Right ents)
  = do exps'<- if ents==[]
                  then return exps
                  else if length ents == length es
                         then do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                                 let (startPos,endPos) = getStartEndLoc toks ents
                                     toks'= deleteToks toks startPos endPos
                                 put ((toks',modified),others)
                                 return (Just [] )  -- should not remove the empty bracket!!!
                         else do ((toks,_),others)<-get
                                 let toks' = foldl deleteEnt toks $ map (getStartEndLoc toks) ents
                                 put ((toks',modified),others)
                                 return (Just (es \\ ents))
       return (HsModule loc modName exps' imps ds)
rmItemsFromExport mod _ = return mod

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Duplicate a function\/pattern binding declaration under a new name
-- right after the original one. Also updates the token stream.
duplicateDecl::(SYB.Data t) =>
  [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]  -- ^ The declaration list
  ->t                     -- ^ Any signatures are in here
  ->GHC.Name              -- ^ The identifier whose definition is to be duplicated
  ->GHC.Name              -- ^ The new name (possibly qualified)
  ->RefactGhc [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]  -- ^ The result
duplicateDecl decls sigs n newFunName
 = do
      let Just sspan = getSrcSpan funBinding
      toks <- getToksForSpan sspan
      -- lay <- getLayoutForSpan sspan

      newSpan <- case typeSig of
        [] -> return sspan
        _  -> do
          let Just sspanSig = getSrcSpan typeSig
          toksSig <- getToksForSpan sspanSig
          -- laySig  <- getLayoutForSpan sspanSig

          let colStart  = tokenCol $ ghead "duplicateDecl.sig"
                    $ dropWhile isWhiteSpace toksSig

          typeSig'  <- putDeclToksAfterSpan sspan (ghead "duplicateDecl" typeSig) (PlaceAbsCol 2 colStart 0) toksSig
          _typeSig'' <- renamePN n newFunName True False typeSig'

          let (GHC.L sspanSig' _) = typeSig'

          return sspanSig'

      let rowOffset = case typeSig of
                        [] -> 2
                        _  -> 1

      let colStart  = tokenCol $ ghead "duplicateDecl.decl"
                    $ dropWhile isWhiteSpace toks

      funBinding'  <- putDeclToksAfterSpan newSpan (ghead "duplicateDecl" funBinding) (PlaceAbsCol rowOffset colStart 2) toks
      funBinding'' <- renamePN n newFunName True False funBinding'

      -- return (typeSig'++funBinding') -- ++AZ++ TODO: reinstate this
      return [funBinding'']
       declsToDup = definingDeclsNames [n] decls True False -- ++AZ++ should recursive be set true?
       funBinding = filter isFunOrPatBindR declsToDup     --get the fun binding.
       typeSig = definingSigsNames [n] sigs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Remove the declaration (and the type signature is the second
-- parameter is True) that defines the given identifier from the
-- declaration list.
rmDecl:: (SYB.Data t)
    =>GHC.Name     -- ^ The identifier whose definition is to be removed.
    ->Bool         -- ^ True means including the type signature.
    ->t            -- ^ The declaration list.
    -> RefactGhc
        GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name,
        Maybe (GHC.LSig GHC.Name))  -- ^ The result and the removed
                                   -- declaration, with SrcSpans
                                   -- adjusted to reflect the stashed
                                   -- tokens and the possibly removed
                                   -- siganture
rmDecl pn incSig t = do
  logm $ "rmDecl:(pn,incSig)= " ++ (showGhc (pn,incSig)) -- ++AZ++
  -- drawTokenTreeDetailed "rmDecl.entry tree" -- ++AZ++ 'in' present
  setStateStorage StorageNone
  t2  <- everywhereMStaged' SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM inLet) t -- top down
  -- drawTokenTreeDetailed "rmDecl.entry after inLet" -- ++AZ++ 'in' missing
  t'  <- everywhereMStaged' SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM inDecls `SYB.extM` inGRHSs) t2 -- top down

             -- applyTP (once_tdTP (failTP `adhocTP` inDecls)) t
  -- t'  <- everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM inDecls) t
  (t'',sig') <- if incSig
                  then rmTypeSig pn t'
                  else return (t', Nothing)
  storage <- getStateStorage
  let decl' = case storage of
                StorageBind bind -> bind
                x                -> error $ "rmDecl: unexpected value in StateStorage:" ++ (show x)
  return (t'',decl',sig')
    inGRHSs ((GHC.GRHSs a localDecls)::GHC.GRHSs GHC.Name)
      -- was | not $ emptyList (snd (break (defines pn) decls)) -- /=[]
      | not $ emptyList (snd (break (defines pn) (hsBinds localDecls))) -- /=[]
      = do
         let decls = hsBinds localDecls
         -- logm $ "rmDecl:inGRHSs decls=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 $ decls)
         -- logm $ "rmDecl:inGRHSs localDecls=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 $ localDecls)
         let (_decls1, decls2) = break (defines pn) decls
             decl = ghead "rmDecl" decls2
         topLevel <- isTopLevelPN pn
         decls' <- case topLevel of
                     True   -> rmTopLevelDecl decl decls
                     False  -> rmLocalDecl decl decls
         return (GHC.GRHSs a (replaceBinds localDecls decls'))
    inGRHSs x = return x

    inDecls (decls::[GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name])
      | not $ emptyList (snd (break (defines pn) decls)) -- /=[]
      = do let (_decls1, decls2) = break (defines pn) decls
               decl = ghead "rmDecl" decls2
           -- error $ (render.ppi) t -- ecl ++ (show decl)
           topLevel <- isTopLevelPN pn
           case topLevel of
                     True   -> rmTopLevelDecl decl decls
                     False  -> rmLocalDecl decl decls
    inDecls x = return x

    inLet :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name)
    inLet (GHC.L ss (GHC.HsLet localDecls expr@(GHC.L l _)))
      | not $ emptyList (snd (break (defines pn) (hsBinds localDecls)))
      = do
         -- putSrcSpan ss -- Make sure the tree includes a SrcSpan for
                          -- the HsLet, for when it is replaced later

         let decls = hsBinds localDecls
         let (decls1, decls2) = break (defines pn) decls
             decl = ghead "rmDecl" decls2

         -- drawTokenTreeDetailed "rmDecl.inLet tree" -- ++AZ++ present
         toks <- getToksForSpan l
         -- drawTokenTreeDetailed "rmDecl.inLet tree" -- ++AZ++ missing
         -- toks <- getToksForSpanWithIntros l
         removeToksForPos (getStartEndLoc decl)
         decl' <- syncDeclToLatestStash decl
         setStateStorage (StorageBind decl')
         case length decls of
           1 -> do -- Removing the last declaration
            logm $ "rmDecl.inLet:length decls = 1: expr=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 expr)
            -- putToksForSpan ss toks
            void $ putToksForSpan ss $ dropWhile (\tok -> isEmpty tok || isIn tok) toks
            return expr
           _ -> do
            logm $ "rmDecl.inLet:length decls /= 1"
            -- drawTokenTreeDetailed "rmDecl.inLet tree"
            let decls2' = gtail "inLet" decls2
            return $ (GHC.L ss (GHC.HsLet (replaceBinds localDecls (decls1 ++ decls2')) expr))

    inLet x = return x

    rmTopLevelDecl :: GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
                -> RefactGhc [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
    rmTopLevelDecl decl decls
          logm $ "rmTopLevelDecl:" -- ++AZ++

          removeToksForPos (getStartEndLoc decl)
          decl' <- syncDeclToLatestStash decl
          setStateStorage (StorageBind decl')

          let (decls1, decls2) = break (defines pn) decls
              decls2' = gtail "rmTopLevelDecl 1" decls2
          return $ (decls1 ++ decls2')
          -- return (decls \\ [decl])

  {- The difference between removing a top level declaration and a
     local declaration is: if the local declaration to be removed is
     the only declaration in current declaration list, then the 'where'/
     'let'/'in' enclosing this declaration should also be removed. Whereas,
     when a only top level decl is removed, the 'where' can not be removed.

    -- |Remove a location declaration that defines pn.
    rmLocalDecl :: GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name -> [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
                -> RefactGhc [GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name]
    rmLocalDecl decl@(GHC.L sspan _) decls
     = do

         -- TODO: The let/in version is wrapped in a GHC.HsLet expression.
         -- The sspan of HsLet runs from the let keyword to the end of
         -- the in clause.
         -- (GHC.L l (HsLet (HsLocalBinds id) (LHsExpr id))
         -- So we must remove the tokens from the start of l to the
         -- start of the LHsExpr

         logm $ "rmLocalDecl: decls=" ++ (showGhc decls)
         -- drawTokenTreeDetailed $ "Before getToksForSpan :" ++ (show sspan) -- ++AZ++
         prevToks <- getToksBeforeSpan sspan -- Need these before
                                             -- sspan is deleted
         removeToksForPos (getStartEndLoc decl)
         decl' <- syncDeclToLatestStash decl
         setStateStorage (StorageBind decl')

         case length decls of
           1 -> do
             -- Get rid of preceding where or let token
             -- prevToks <- getToksBeforeSpan sspan
             let startPos = getGhcLoc sspan
                 (_toks1,toks2)=break (\t1->tokenPos t1 < startPos) $ reversedToks prevToks --divide the token stream.
                 --get the  'where' or 'let' token
                 rvToks1 = dropWhile (not.isWhereOrLet) toks2
                 --There must be a 'where' or 'let', so rvToks1 can not be empty.
                 whereOrLet=ghead "rmLocalDecl:whereOrLet" rvToks1
                 --drop the 'where' 'or 'let' token

                 rmEndPos   = tokenPosEnd $ ghead "rmLocalDecl.2" toks2
                 rmStartPos = tokenPos whereOrLet

             -- logm $ "rmLocalDecl: where/let tokens:" ++ (show (_toks1,toks2)) -- ++AZ++ 
             logm $ "rmLocalDecl: where/let tokens are at" ++ (show (rmStartPos,rmEndPos)) -- ++AZ++ 
             removeToksForPos (rmStartPos,rmEndPos)

             return ()
           _ -> return ()

         let (decls1, decls2) = break (defines pn) decls
             decls2' = gtail "rmLocalDecl 3" decls2
         return $ (decls1 ++ decls2')

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Remove multiple type signatures
rmTypeSigs :: (SYB.Data t) =>
         [GHC.Name]  -- ^ The identifiers whose type signatures are to be removed.
      -> t           -- ^ The declarations
      -> RefactGhc (t,[GHC.LSig GHC.Name])
                     -- ^ The result and removed signatures, if there
                     -- were any
rmTypeSigs pns t = do
  (t',demotedSigsMaybe) <- foldM (\(tee,ds) n -> do { (tee',d) <- rmTypeSig n tee; return (tee', ds++[d])}) (t,[]) pns
  return (t',catMaybes demotedSigsMaybe)

-- | Remove the type signature that defines the given identifier's
-- type from the declaration list.
rmTypeSig :: (SYB.Data t) =>
         GHC.Name    -- ^ The identifier whose type signature is to be removed.
      -> t           -- ^ The declarations
      -> RefactGhc (t,Maybe (GHC.LSig GHC.Name))
                     -- ^ The result and removed signature, if there
                     -- was one
rmTypeSig pn t
  = do
     -- logm $ "rmTypeSig:t="  ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 t)

     setStateStorage StorageNone
     t' <- everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM inSigs) t
     storage <- getStateStorage
     let sig' = case storage of
                  StorageSig sig -> Just sig
                  StorageNone    -> Nothing
                  x -> error $ "rmTypeSig: unexpected value in StateStorage:" ++ (show x)
     return (t',sig')
   inSigs (sigs::[GHC.LSig GHC.Name])
      | not $ emptyList (snd (break (definesTypeSig pn) sigs)) -- /=[]
     = do
         let (decls1,decls2)= break (definesTypeSig pn) sigs
         let sig@(GHC.L sspan (GHC.TypeSig names typ)) = ghead "rmTypeSig" decls2
         if length names > 1
             then do
                 -- We have the following cases
                 -- [pn,x..], [..x,pn,y..], [..x,pn]
                 -- We must handle the commas correctly in
                 -- all cases
                 -- so [pn,x..] : take front comma
                 --    [..x,pn,y..] : take either front or back comma,
                 --                   but only one
                 --    [..x,pn] : take back comma
                 let newSig=(GHC.L sspan (GHC.TypeSig (filter (\(GHC.L _ x) -> x /= pn) names) typ))

                 toks <- getToksForSpan sspan
                 logm $ "rmTypeSig: fetched toks:" ++ (show toks) -- ++AZ++
                 let pnt = ghead "rmTypeSig" (filter (\(GHC.L _ x) -> x == pn) names)
                     (startPos1, endPos1) =
                         let (startPos1', endPos1') = getStartEndLoc pnt
                             in if gfromJust "rmTypeSig" (elemIndex pnt names) == 0
                                    then extendForwards  toks (startPos1',endPos1') isComma
                                    else extendBackwards toks (startPos1',endPos1') isComma
                     toks' = deleteToks toks startPos1 endPos1
                 void $ putToksForSpan sspan toks'

                 -- Construct the old signature, by keeping the
                 -- signature part but discarding the other names
                 let oldSig = (GHC.L sspan (GHC.TypeSig [pnt] typ))
                 sig'@(GHC.L sspan' _) <- syncDeclToLatestStash oldSig
                 let typeLoc = extendBackwards toks (getStartEndLoc typ) isDoubleColon
                 let (_,typTok,_) = splitToks typeLoc toks
                 let (_,pntTok,_) = splitToks (getStartEndLoc pnt) toks
                 void $ putToksForSpan sspan' (pntTok ++ typTok)
                 setStateStorage (StorageSig sig')

                 return (decls1++[newSig]++tail decls2)
             else do
                 removeToksForSpan sspan
                 sig' <- syncDeclToLatestStash sig
                 setStateStorage (StorageSig sig')
                 return (decls1++tail decls2)
   inSigs x = return x

                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:15:7-14}
                   (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:15:7} {Name: h})] 
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:15:12-14}
                   (HsTyVar {Name: GHC.Types.Int})))),
                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:16:7-14}
                   (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:16:7} {Name: t})] 
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:16:12-14}
                   (HsTyVar {Name: GHC.Types.Int})))),
                (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:17:7-22}
                   (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:17:7-9} {Name: tup})] 
                  (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:17:14-22}
                     (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:17:15-17}
                      (HsTyVar {Name: GHC.Types.Int})),
                     (L {test/testdata/LiftToToplevel/PatBindIn1.hs:17:19-21}
                      (HsTyVar {Name: GHC.Types.Int}))]))))]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: Is this function needed with GHC?

-- | Remove the qualifier from the given identifiers in the given syntax phrase.
rmQualifier:: (SYB.Data t)
             =>[GHC.Name]       -- ^ The identifiers.
               ->t           -- ^ The syntax phrase.
               ->RefactGhc t -- ^ The result.
rmQualifier pns t =
  -- error "undefined rmQualifier"
  everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM rename) t
     rename ((GHC.L l pn)::GHC.Located GHC.Name)
       | elem pn pns
       = do do -- toks <- fetchToks
               -- let toks' = replaceToks toks (row,col) (row,col) [mkToken Varid (row,col) s]
               let (rs,_) = break (=='.') $ reverse $ showGhc pn -- ++TODO: replace this with the appropriate formulation
                   s = reverse rs
               {- TODO: reinstate token update if required
               let (row,col) = getGhcLoc l
               let toks' = replaceToks toks (row,col) (row,col) [mkToken (GHC.ITvarid (GHC.mkFastString s)) (row,col) s]
               putToks toks' modified
               return (GHC.L l (GHC.mkInternalName (GHC.nameUnique pn) (GHC.mkVarOcc s) l))
     rename x = return  x

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Replace all occurences of a top level GHC.Name with a qualified version.
qualifyToplevelName :: GHC.Name -> RefactGhc ()
qualifyToplevelName n = do
    renamed <- getRefactRenamed
    logm $ "qualifyToplevelName:renamed=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 renamed)
    _ <- renamePN n n True True renamed
    return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Rename each occurrences of the identifier in the given syntax
-- phrase with the new name. If the Bool parameter is True, then
-- modify both the AST and the token stream, otherwise only modify the
-- AST.
-- TODO: the syntax phrase is required to be GHC.Located, not sure how
-- to specify this without breaking the everywhereMStaged call

renamePN::(SYB.Data t)
   =>GHC.Name             -- ^ The identifier to be renamed.
   ->GHC.Name             -- ^ The new name, including possible qualifier
   ->Bool                 -- ^ True means modifying the token stream as well.
   ->Bool                 -- ^ True means use the qualified form for
                          --   the new name.
   ->t                    -- ^ The syntax phrase
   ->RefactGhc t
renamePN oldPN newName updateTokens useQual t = do
  -- = error $ "renamePN: sspan=" ++ (showGhc sspan) -- ++AZ++
  -- logm $ "renamePN': (oldPN,newName)=" ++ (showGhc (oldPN,newName))
  logm $ "renamePN: t=" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 t)
  -- Note: bottom-up traversal
  let isRenamed = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing
                   (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` isRenamedSource `SYB.extQ` isRenamedGroup) t

  t' <- if isRenamed == (Just True)
      everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer
                 (SYB.mkM renameRenamedSource
                 `SYB.extM` renameGroup
                 ) t
      renamePNworker oldPN newName updateTokens useQual t
  -- t'' <- adjustLayoutAfterRename oldPN newName t'
  return t'
    isRenamedSource :: GHC.RenamedSource -> Maybe Bool
    isRenamedSource (_g,_i,_e,_d) = Just True

    isRenamedGroup :: GHC.HsGroup GHC.Name -> Maybe Bool
    isRenamedGroup _g = Just True

    -- ---------------------------------

    renameRenamedSource :: GHC.RenamedSource -> RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource
    renameRenamedSource (g,i,e,d) = do
      i' <- renamePNworker oldPN newName updateTokens False i
      e' <- renamePNworker oldPN newName updateTokens useQual e
      return (g,i',e',d)

    renameGroup :: (GHC.HsGroup GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.HsGroup GHC.Name)
    renameGroup  g
     = do
          logm $ "renamePN:renameGroup"
          g' <- renamePNworker oldPN newName updateTokens useQual g
          return g'
    -- renameGroup x = return x

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Rename each occurrences of the identifier in the given syntax
-- phrase with the new name. If the Bool parameter is True, then
-- modify both the AST and the token stream, otherwise only modify the
-- AST.
-- TODO: the syntax phrase is required to be GHC.Located, not sure how
-- to specify this without breaking the everywhereMStaged call
renamePNworker::(SYB.Data t)
   =>GHC.Name             -- ^ The identifier to be renamed.
   ->GHC.Name             -- ^ The new name, including possible qualifier
   ->Bool                 -- ^ True means modifying the token stream as well.
   ->Bool                 -- ^ True means use the qualified form for
                          --   the new name.
   ->t                    -- ^ The syntax phrase
   ->RefactGhc t
renamePNworker oldPN newName updateTokens useQual t = do
  -- logm $ "renamePN: (oldPN,newName)=" ++ (showGhc (oldPN,newName))
  -- Note: bottom-up traversal (no ' at end)
  everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM rename
  -- everywhereMStaged' SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM rename
                               `SYB.extM` renameVar
                               `SYB.extM` renameTyVar
                               `SYB.extM` renameHsTyVarBndr
                               `SYB.extM` renameLIE
                               `SYB.extM` renameLPat
                               `SYB.extM` renameTypeSig
                               `SYB.extM` renameFunBind
                               ) t
    rename :: (GHC.Located GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located GHC.Name)
    rename (GHC.L l n)
     | (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN)
     = do
          logm $ "renamePNworker:rename at :" ++ (show l) ++ (showSrcSpanF l)
          drawTokenTree "before worker" -- ++AZ++ debug
          worker useQual l Nothing
          return (GHC.L l newName)
    rename x = return x

    renameVar :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name))
    renameVar v@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar n))
     | (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN)
     = do
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameVar at :" ++ (showGhc l)

          -- Get the original qualification, if any
          rn <- (getParsedForRenamedLocated v :: RefactGhc (GHC.LHsExpr GHC.RdrName))
          let (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsVar mqn)) = rn
          let mrnq = GHC.isQual_maybe mqn
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameVar mrn,mrnq :" ++ (showGhc (rn,mrnq))

          worker useQual l mrnq
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar newName))
    renameVar x = return x

    -- HsTyVar {Name: Renaming.D1.Tree}))
    renameTyVar :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsType GHC.Name)) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located (GHC.HsType GHC.Name))
    renameTyVar v@(GHC.L l (GHC.HsTyVar n))
     | (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN)
     = do
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameTyVar at :" ++ (showGhc l)

          -- Get the original qualification, if any
          rn <- (getParsedForRenamedLocated v :: RefactGhc (GHC.LHsType GHC.RdrName))
          let (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsTyVar mqn)) = rn
          let mrnq = GHC.isQual_maybe mqn
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameVar mrn,mrnq :" ++ (showGhc (rn,mrnq))

          worker useQual l mrnq
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.HsTyVar newName))
    renameTyVar x = return x

    renameHsTyVarBndr :: (GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.Name)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
    renameHsTyVarBndr v@(GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar n))
    renameHsTyVarBndr v@(GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar n typ))
     | (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN)
     = do
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameHsTyVarBndr at :" ++ (showGhc l)

          -- Get the original qualification, if any
          rn <- (getParsedForRenamedLocated v :: RefactGhc (GHC.LHsTyVarBndr GHC.RdrName))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
          let (GHC.L _ (GHC.UserTyVar mqn)) = rn
          let (GHC.L _ (GHC.UserTyVar mqn _)) = rn
          let mrnq = GHC.isQual_maybe mqn
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameVar mrn,mrnq :" ++ (showGhc (rn,mrnq))

          worker useQual l mrnq
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 704
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar newName))
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.UserTyVar newName typ))
    renameHsTyVarBndr x = return x

    renameLIE :: (GHC.LIE GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LIE GHC.Name)
    renameLIE (GHC.L l (GHC.IEVar n))
     | (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN)
     = do
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameLIE at :" ++ (showGhc l)
          worker useQual l Nothing
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.IEVar newName))
    renameLIE x = return x

    renameLPat :: (GHC.LPat GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LPat GHC.Name)
    renameLPat v@(GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat n))
     | (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN)
     = do
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameLPat at :" ++ (showGhc l)

          -- Get the original qualification, if any
          rn <- (getParsedForRenamedLocated v :: RefactGhc (GHC.LPat GHC.RdrName))
          let (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarPat mqn)) = rn
          let mrnq = GHC.isQual_maybe mqn
          logm $ "renamePNworker:renameVar mrn,mrnq :" ++ (showGhc (rn,mrnq))

          worker False l mrnq
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat newName))
    renameLPat x = return x

    renameFunBind :: (GHC.LHsBindLR GHC.Name GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsBindLR GHC.Name GHC.Name)
    renameFunBind (GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L ln n) fi (GHC.MatchGroup matches typ) co fvs tick))
     | (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique oldPN) || (GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique newName)
     = do -- Need to (a) rename the actual funbind name
          --         NOTE: due to bottom-up traversal, (a) should
          --               already have been done.
          --         (b) rename each of 'tail matches'
          --             (head is renamed in (a) )
          -- logm $ "renamePNWorker.renameFunBind"
          worker False ln Nothing
          -- Now do (b)
          logm $ "renamePNWorker.renameFunBind.renameFunBind:starting matches"
          let w (GHC.L lm _match) = worker False lm' Nothing
                ((GHC.L lm' _),_) = newNameTok False lm oldPN
          mapM_ w $ tail matches
          logm $ "renamePNWorker.renameFunBind.renameFunBind.renameFunBind:matches done"
          return (GHC.L l (GHC.FunBind (GHC.L ln newName) fi (GHC.MatchGroup matches typ) co fvs tick))
    renameFunBind x = return x

    renameTypeSig :: (GHC.LSig GHC.Name) -> RefactGhc (GHC.LSig GHC.Name)
    renameTypeSig (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig ns typ))
     = do
         -- logm $ "renamePNWorker:renameTypeSig"
         _ns' <- renamePN oldPN newName updateTokens False ns
         -- Has already been renamed, make sure qualifier is removed
         ns' <- renamePN newName newName updateTokens False ns
         typ' <- renamePN oldPN newName updateTokens False typ
         -- logm $ "renamePNWorker:renameTypeSig done"
         return (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig ns' typ'))
    renameTypeSig x = return x

    -- The param l is only useful for the start of the token pos
    worker :: Bool -> GHC.SrcSpan -> Maybe (GHC.ModuleName, GHC.OccName) -> RefactGhc ()
    worker useQual' l mmo
     = do if updateTokens
           then do
             newTok <- case mmo of
                   Nothing -> return $ newNameTok useQual' l newName
                   Just (modu,_) -> do
                     newName' <- mkNewGhcName (Just $ GHC.mkModule GHC.mainPackageId modu) (GHC.occNameString $ GHC.getOccName newName)
                     return $ newNameTok True l newName'
             -- replaceToken l (markToken $ newNameTok useQual' l newName)
             replaceToken l (markToken $ newTok)
             return ()
           else return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Create a new name token. If 'useQual' then use the qualified
-- name, if it exists.
-- The end position is not changed, so the eventual realignment can
-- know what the difference in length in the token is
newNameTok :: Bool -> GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.Name -> PosToken
newNameTok useQual l newName =
  ((GHC.L l' (GHC.ITvarid (GHC.mkFastString newNameStr))),newNameStr)
   newNameStr = if useQual then (showGhc newName)
                           else (GHC.occNameString $ GHC.getOccName newName)

   l' =  case l of
     GHC.RealSrcSpan ss ->
         ((ForestLine _ _ _ startRow,startCol),_) = srcSpanToForestSpan l

         locStart = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) startRow startCol
         locEnd   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) startRow (length newNameStr + startCol)
         GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd
     _ -> l

-- | Check whether the specified identifier is declared in the given syntax phrase t,
-- if so, rename the identifier by creating a new name automatically. If the Bool parameter 
-- is True, the token stream will be modified, otherwise only the AST is modified. 

autoRenameLocalVar:: (HsValBinds t)
                    =>Bool          -- ^ True means modfiying the token stream as well.  
                     ->GHC.Name     -- ^ The identifier.
                     ->t            -- ^ The syntax phrase.
                     -> RefactGhc t -- ^ The result.
autoRenameLocalVar modifyToks pn t = do
  logm $ "autoRenameLocalVar: (modifyToks,pn)=" ++ (showGhc (modifyToks,pn))
  -- = everywhereMStaged SYB.Renamer (SYB.mkM renameInMatch)
  if isDeclaredIn pn t
         then do t' <- worker t
                 return t'
         else do return t

         worker tt =do (f,d) <- hsFDNamesFromInside tt
                       ds <- hsVisibleNames pn (hsValBinds tt)
                       let newNameStr=mkNewName (nameToString pn) (nub (f `union` d `union` ds)) 1
                       newName <- mkNewGhcName Nothing newNameStr
                       if modifyToks
                         then renamePN pn newName True False tt
                         else renamePN pn newName False False tt

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Show a list of entities, the parameter f is a function that
-- specifies how to format an entity.
showEntities:: (t->String) -> [t] ->String
showEntities _ [] = ""
showEntities f [pn] = f pn
showEntities f (pn:pns) =f pn ++ "," ++ showEntities f pns

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Return True if the identifier can become qualified.
canBeQualified::(Term t)=>PNT->t->Bool
canBeQualified pnt t
  = isTopLevelPNT pnt && isUsedInRhs pnt t && not (findPntInImp pnt t)
    findPntInImp pnt
      = (fromMaybe False).(applyTU (once_tdTU (failTU `adhocTU` inImp)))
       inImp ((HsImportDecl loc modName qual  as h)::HsImportDeclP)
        |findEntity pnt h = Just True
       inImp _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

isMainModule :: GHC.Module -> Bool
isMainModule modu = GHC.modulePackageId modu == GHC.mainPackageId

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return the identifier's defining location.
-- defineLoc::PNT->SrcLoc
defineLoc :: GHC.Located GHC.Name -> GHC.SrcLoc
defineLoc (GHC.L _ name) = GHC.nameSrcLoc name

-- | Return the identifier's source location.
-- useLoc::PNT->SrcLoc
useLoc:: (GHC.Located GHC.Name) -> GHC.SrcLoc
-- useLoc (GHC.L l _) = getGhcLoc l
useLoc (GHC.L l _) = GHC.srcSpanStart l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if the identifier is used in the RHS if a
-- function\/pattern binding.
isUsedInRhs::(SYB.Data t) => (GHC.Located GHC.Name) -> t -> Bool
isUsedInRhs pnt t = useLoc pnt /= defineLoc pnt  && not (notInLhs)
    notInLhs = fromMaybe False $ somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing
            (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` inMatch `SYB.extQ` inDecl) t
      inMatch ((GHC.FunBind name _ (GHC.MatchGroup _matches _) _ _ _) :: GHC.HsBind t)
         | isJust (find (sameOccurrence pnt) [name]) = Just True
      inMatch _ = Nothing

      inDecl ((GHC.TypeSig is _) :: GHC.Sig t)
        |isJust (find (sameOccurrence pnt) is)   = Just True
      inDecl _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Return True if the identifier occurs in the given syntax phrase.
findPNT::(SYB.Data t) => GHC.Located GHC.Name -> t -> Bool
findPNT (GHC.L _ pn)
   = isJust.somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker)
        worker (n::GHC.Name)
           | GHC.nameUnique pn == GHC.nameUnique n = Just True
        worker _ = Nothing

-- | Find all occurrences with location of the given name
findAllNameOccurences :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t -> [(GHC.Located GHC.Name)]
findAllNameOccurences  name t
  = res
        res = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) []
            ([] `SYB.mkQ` worker `SYB.extQ` workerBind `SYB.extQ` workerExpr) t

        worker (ln@(GHC.L _l n) :: (GHC.Located GHC.Name))
          | GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique name = [ln]
        worker _ = []

        workerBind (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat n) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.Name)))
          | GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique name  = [(GHC.L l n)]
        workerBind _ = []

        workerExpr (GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar n) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)))
          | GHC.nameUnique n == GHC.nameUnique name  = [(GHC.L l n)]
        workerExpr _ = []

-- | Find all locations where names occur in the given syntax phrase
findAllNames:: (SYB.Data t) => t -> [(GHC.Located GHC.Name)]
findAllNames  t
  = res
        res = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) []
            ([] `SYB.mkQ` worker `SYB.extQ` workerBind `SYB.extQ` workerExpr) t

        worker (ln@(GHC.L _l _n) :: (GHC.Located GHC.Name))
          | True = [ln]
        worker _ = []

        workerBind (GHC.L l (GHC.VarPat n) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.Pat GHC.Name)))
          | True = [(GHC.L l n)]
        workerBind _ = []

        workerExpr (GHC.L l (GHC.HsVar n) :: (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name)))
          | True = [(GHC.L l n)]
        workerExpr _ = []

-- | Return True if the identifier occurs in the given syntax phrase.
findPN::(SYB.Data t)=> GHC.Name -> t -> Bool
findPN pn
   = isJust.somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker)
        worker (n::GHC.Name)
           | GHC.nameUnique pn == GHC.nameUnique n = Just True
        worker _ = Nothing

-- | Return True if any of the specified PNames ocuur in the given syntax phrase.
findPNs::(SYB.Data t)=> [GHC.Name] -> t -> Bool
findPNs pns
   = isJust.somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` worker)
        uns = map GHC.nameUnique pns

        worker (n::GHC.Name)
           | elem (GHC.nameUnique n) uns = Just True
        worker _ = Nothing

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Given the syntax phrase, find the largest-leftmost expression
-- contained in the region specified by the start and end position, if
-- found.
locToExp:: (SYB.Data t,SYB.Typeable n) =>
                   SimpPos    -- ^ The start position.
                -> SimpPos    -- ^ The end position.
                -> t          -- ^ The syntax phrase.
                -> Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr n)) -- ^ The result.
locToExp beginPos endPos t = res
     res = somethingStaged SYB.Parser Nothing (Nothing `SYB.mkQ` expr) t

     expr :: GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr n) -> (Maybe (GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr n)))
     expr e
        |inScope e = Just e
     expr _ = Nothing

     inScope :: GHC.Located e -> Bool
     inScope (GHC.L l _) =
         (startLoc,endLoc) = case l of
           (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss) ->
             ((GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss,GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss),
              (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss,GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss))
           (GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _) -> ((0,0),(0,0))
        (startLoc>=beginPos) && (startLoc<= endPos) && (endLoc>= beginPos) && (endLoc<=endPos)


ghcToPN :: GHC.RdrName -> PName
ghcToPN rdr = PN rdr

lghcToPN :: GHC.Located GHC.RdrName -> PName
lghcToPN (GHC.L _ rdr) = PN rdr

-- | If an expression consists of only one identifier then return this
-- identifier in the GHC.Name format, otherwise return the default Name
expToName:: GHC.Located (GHC.HsExpr GHC.Name) -> GHC.Name
expToName (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsVar pnt)) = pnt
expToName (GHC.L _ (GHC.HsPar e))   = expToName e
expToName _ = defaultName

nameToString :: GHC.Name -> String
nameToString name = showGhc name

-- | If a pattern consists of only one identifier then return this
-- identifier, otherwise return Nothing
patToPNT::GHC.LPat GHC.Name -> Maybe GHC.Name
patToPNT (GHC.L _ (GHC.VarPat n)) = Just n
patToPNT _ = Nothing

-- | If a pattern consists of only one identifier then returns this identifier in the PName format,
--   otherwise returns the default PName.

-- | Compose a pattern from a pName.
pNtoPat :: GHC.Name -> GHC.Pat GHC.Name
pNtoPat pname = GHC.VarPat pname
    -- =let loc=srcLoc pname
    --  in (TiDecorate.Pat (HsPId (HsVar (PNT pname Value (N (Just loc))))))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: This should use the TokenUtils API
getToksForDecl :: SYB.Data t =>
  t -> [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
getToksForDecl decl toks
      = let (startPos, endPos) = startEndLocIncComments toks decl
            (toks1, _) =let(ts1,(_t:ts2'))= break (\t -> tokenPos t >= endPos) toks
                        in (ts1, ts2')
        in dropWhile (\t -> tokenPos t < startPos {- was || isNewLn t -}) toks1

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: this is currently only used in a test
-- Get the toks for a declaration, and adjust its offset to 0.
getDeclAndToks :: (HsValBinds t)
     => GHC.Name -> Bool -> [PosToken] -> t
     -> ([GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name],[PosToken])
getDeclAndToks pn _incSig toks t =
    decls     = definingDeclsNames [pn] (hsBinds t) True True
    declToks  = getToksForDecl decls toks

  in (decls, removeToksOffset declToks)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: this is currently only used in a test
-- | Get the signature and tokens for a declaration
getSigAndToks :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t -> [PosToken]
     -> Maybe (GHC.LSig GHC.Name,[PosToken])
getSigAndToks pn t toks
  = case (getSig pn t) of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just sig -> Just (sig, removeToksOffset $ getToksForDecl sig toks)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Normalise a set of tokens to start at the offset of the first one
removeToksOffset :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
removeToksOffset toks = toks'
    toks' = case toks of
              [] -> []
              _  -> removeOffset offset toks
                        (_r,c) = tokenPos $ head toks
                        offset = c -- getIndentOffset toks (r+1,c)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Remove at most `offset` whitespaces from each line in the tokens

-- TODO: move this function to LocUtils.hs
-- TODO: add a test for this
removeOffset :: Int -> [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
-- removeOffset offset toks = error $ "removeOffset:offset=" ++ (show offset) -- ++AZ++
removeOffset offset toks = map (\(t,s) -> (adjust t,s)) toks
    adjust (GHC.L l t) = (GHC.L l' t)
        l' =  case l of
          GHC.RealSrcSpan ss ->
              locs = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) (GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss) ((GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss) - offset)
              loce = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss) ((GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss) - offset)
              -- loc = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) (1 + GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss) 0
              GHC.mkSrcSpan locs loce
          _ -> l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Get signature for a declaration
getSig :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.Name -> t
     -> Maybe (GHC.LSig GHC.Name)
getSig pn t = maybeSig
   maybeSig = if (emptyList sigList)
      then Nothing
      else Just $ head sigList

   sigList = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) []
              ([] `SYB.mkQ` inDecls) t

   inDecls (sigs::[GHC.LSig GHC.Name])
      | not $ emptyList (snd (break (definesTypeSig pn) sigs)) -- /=[]
     = let (_decls1,decls2)= break (definesTypeSig pn) sigs
           sig@(GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig names typ)) = ghead "getSigsAndToks" decls2  -- as decls2/=[], no problem with head
           sig' = if  length names > 1
                   then (GHC.L l (GHC.TypeSig (filter (\(GHC.L _ x) -> x /= pn) names) typ))
                   else sig
       in [sig']
   inDecls _ = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------