{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |

-- This module provides the primary interface to the combined
-- AST/Tokens, and the functions here will ensure that any changes are
-- properly synced and propagated.

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions
       -- * Conveniences for state access

       -- , fetchPprFinal
       , fetchLinesFinal
       , fetchOrigToks
       , fetchToks -- Deprecated
       -- , putToks -- ^Deprecated, destroys token tree
       , getTypecheckedModule
       , getRefactStreamModified
       , getRefactInscopes
       , getRefactRenamed
       , putRefactRenamed
       , getRefactParsed
       , putParsedModule
       , clearParsedModule
       , getRefactFileName

       -- * TokenUtils API
       , replaceToken
       , putToksForSpan
       , putDeclToksForSpan
       , getToksForSpan
       , getToksForSpanNoInv
       , getToksForSpanWithIntros
       , getToksBeforeSpan
       , putToksForPos
       , putToksAfterSpan
       , putToksAfterPos
       , putDeclToksAfterSpan
       , removeToksForSpan
       , removeToksForPos
       , syncDeclToLatestStash
       , indentDeclAndToks

       -- * LayoutUtils API
       -- , getLayoutForSpan
       -- , putDeclLayoutAfterSpan

       -- * For debugging
       , drawTokenTree
       , drawTokenTreeDetailed
       , getTokenTree
       -- , showPprDebug
       , showLinesDebug

       -- * State flags for managing generic traversals
       , getRefactDone
       , setRefactDone
       , clearRefactDone

       , setStateStorage
       , getStateStorage

       -- , logm

       , updateToks
       , updateToksWithPos

       -- * For use by the tests only
       , initRefactModule
       ) where

import Control.Monad.State

import qualified FastString    as GHC
import qualified GHC           as GHC

import qualified Data.Data as SYB

import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.DualTree
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Layout
-- import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LayoutTypes
-- import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LayoutUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtilsTypes
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn

import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Tree
import System.Log.Logger
import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |fetch the possibly modified tokens. Deprecated
fetchToks :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchToks = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  let toks = retrieveTokensInterim $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  -- logm $ "fetchToks" ++ (showToks toks)
  logm $ "fetchToks (not showing toks"
  return toks

-- |fetch the final tokens
fetchToksFinal :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchToksFinal = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  let toks = retrieveTokensFinal $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  -- logm $ "fetchToks" ++ (showToks toks)
  logm $ "fetchToksFinal (not showing toks)"
  return toks

-- TODO: get rid of this, superseded by dualtree
-- |fetch the final tokens in Ppr format
fetchPprFinal :: RefactGhc [Ppr]
fetchPprFinal = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  let pprVal = retrieveTokensPpr $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  -- logm $ "fetchToks" ++ (showToks toks)
  logm $ "fetchPprFinal (not showing ppr)"
  return pprVal

-- |fetch the final tokens in Ppr format
fetchLinesFinal :: RefactGhc [Line]
fetchLinesFinal = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  let linesVal = retrieveLinesFromLayoutTree $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  logm $ "fetchLinesFinal (not showing lines)"
  return linesVal

-- |fetch the pristine token stream
fetchOrigToks :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchOrigToks = do
  logm "fetchOrigToks"
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  return $ rsOrigTokenStream tm

-- |Get the current tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan.
getToksForSpan ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
getToksForSpan sspan = do
  st <- get
  let checkInv = rsetCheckTokenUtilsInvariant $ rsSettings st
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
  -- let (forest',toks) = getTokensFor checkInv forest sspan
  let (forest',toks) = getTokensForNoIntros checkInv forest sspan
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  logm $ "getToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
  return toks

-- |Get the current tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, without checking
-- the invariant.
-- TODO: this should not be necessary
getToksForSpanNoInv ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
getToksForSpanNoInv sspan = do
  st <- get
  let checkInv = False
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
  let (forest',toks) = getTokensFor checkInv forest sspan
  -- let (forest',toks) = getTokensForNoIntros checkInv forest sspan
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  logm $ "getToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
  return toks

-- |Get the current tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, leaving out any
-- leading 'then', 'else', 'of', 'do' or 'in' tokens
getToksForSpanWithIntros ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
getToksForSpanWithIntros sspan = do
  st <- get
  let checkInv = rsetCheckTokenUtilsInvariant $ rsSettings st
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
  let (forest',toks) = getTokensFor checkInv forest sspan
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  logm $ "getToksForSpanNoIntros " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
  return toks

-- |Get the current tokens preceding a given GHC.SrcSpan.
getToksBeforeSpan ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc ReversedToks
getToksBeforeSpan sspan = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
  let (forest',toks) = getTokensBefore forest sspan
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  logm $ "getToksBeforeSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
  return toks

-- |Replace a token occurring in a given GHC.SrcSpan
replaceToken ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> PosToken -> RefactGhc ()
replaceToken sspan tok = do
  logm $ "replaceToken " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show tok)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st

  let tk' = replaceTokenInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan tok
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return ()

-- |Replace the tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, return new GHC.SrcSpan
-- delimiting new tokens
putToksForSpan ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksForSpan sspan toks = do
  logm $ "putToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st

  let (tk',newSpan) = putToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan toks
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return newSpan

-- |Replace the tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, return new GHC.SrcSpan
-- delimiting new tokens, and update the AST fragment to reflect it
putDeclToksForSpan ::  (SYB.Data t) => GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.Located t -> [PosToken]
   -> RefactGhc (GHC.SrcSpan,GHC.Located t)
putDeclToksForSpan sspan t toks = do
  logm $ "putDeclToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let (tk',newSpan,t') = putDeclToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan toks t
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return (newSpan,t')

-- |Replace the tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, return GHC.SrcSpan
-- they are placed in
putToksForPos ::  (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksForPos pos toks = do
  logm $ "putToksForPos " ++ (show pos) ++ (showToks toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
  let (tk',newSpan) = putToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan toks
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- drawTokenTree ""
  return newSpan

-- |Add tokens after a designated GHC.SrcSpan
putToksAfterSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksAfterSpan oldSpan pos toks = do
  logm $ "putToksAfterSpan " ++ (showGhc oldSpan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF oldSpan) ++ " at " ++ (show pos) ++ ":" ++ (showToks toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let forest = getTreeFromCache oldSpan (rsTokenCache tm)
  let (forest',newSpan) = addToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache oldSpan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return newSpan

-- |Add tokens after a designated position
putToksAfterPos :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksAfterPos pos position toks = do
  logm $ "putToksAfterPos " ++ (show pos) ++ " at "  ++ (show position) ++ ":" ++ (show toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
  let forest = getTreeFromCache sspan (rsTokenCache tm)
  let (forest',newSpan) = addToksAfterSrcSpan forest sspan position toks
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' $ rsTokenCache tm
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- logm $ "putToksAfterPos result:" ++ (show forest') ++ "\ntree:\n" ++ (drawTreeEntry forest')
  return newSpan

-- |Add tokens after a designated GHC.SrcSpan, and update the AST
-- fragment to reflect it
putDeclToksAfterSpan :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.Located t -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
putDeclToksAfterSpan oldSpan t pos toks = do
  logm $ "putDeclToksAfterSpan " ++ (showGhc oldSpan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF oldSpan,pos,toks))
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let forest = getTreeFromCache oldSpan (rsTokenCache tm)
  let (forest',_newSpan, t') = addDeclToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks t
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache oldSpan forest' (rsTokenCache tm)
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return t'

-- |Remove a GHC.SrcSpan and its associated tokens
removeToksForSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc ()
removeToksForSpan sspan = do
  logm $ "removeToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let tk' = removeToksFromCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return ()

-- |Remove a GHC.SrcSpan and its associated tokens
removeToksForPos :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> RefactGhc ()
removeToksForPos pos = do
  logm $ "removeToksForPos " ++ (show pos)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
  let tk' = removeToksFromCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- drawTokenTree "removeToksForPos result"
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Print the Token Tree for debug purposes
drawTokenTree :: String -> RefactGhc ()
drawTokenTree msg = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  -- let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  -- logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent token tree:\n" ++ (drawTreeEntry mainForest)
  logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent token tree:\n" ++ (drawTokenCache (rsTokenCache tm))
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Print detailed Token Tree for debug purposes
drawTokenTreeDetailed :: String -> RefactGhc ()
drawTokenTreeDetailed msg = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent detailed token tree:\n" ++ (drawTokenCacheDetailed (rsTokenCache tm))
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the Token Tree for debug purposes
getTokenTree :: RefactGhc (Tree Entry)
getTokenTree = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  return mainForest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the Ppr structure for debug prurposes
showPprDebug :: String -> RefactGhc ()
showPprDebug msg = do
  ppr <- fetchPprFinal
  logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent ppr tree:\n" ++ (showGhc ppr)
  return ()

showLinesDebug :: String -> RefactGhc ()
showLinesDebug msg = do
  ppr <- fetchLinesFinal
  logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent [Line]:\n" ++ (showGhc ppr)
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

syncDeclToLatestStash :: (SYB.Data t) => (GHC.Located t) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
syncDeclToLatestStash t = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let t' = syncAstToLatestCache (rsTokenCache tm) t
  return t'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Indent an AST fragment and its associated tokens by a set amount
indentDeclAndToks :: (SYB.Data t) => (GHC.Located t) -> Int -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
indentDeclAndToks t offset = do
  let (GHC.L sspan _) = t
  logm $ "indentDeclAndToks " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ ",offset=" ++ show offset
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let tk = rsTokenCache tm
  let forest = (tkCache tk) Map.! mainTid
  let (t',forest') = indentDeclToks t forest offset
  let tk' = tk {tkCache = Map.insert mainTid forest' (tkCache tk) }
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- drawTokenTree "indentDeclToks result"
  return t'

-- =====================================================================
-- Layout Tree stuff
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
getLayoutForSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc LayoutTree
getLayoutForSpan sspan = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let lay = getLayoutFor sspan (rsTokenLayout tm)
  logm $ "getLayoutForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showGhc lay)
  return lay
putDeclLayoutAfterSpan :: (SYB.Data t)
   => GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.Located t -> Positioning -> LayoutTree
   -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
putDeclLayoutAfterSpan oldSpan t pos lay = do
  logm $ "putDeclLayoutAfterSpan " ++ (showGhc oldSpan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF oldSpan,pos,lay))
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let (TL layoutTree) = rsTokenLayout tm
  let (tl',_newSpan, t') = addDeclLayoutAfterSrcSpan layoutTree oldSpan pos lay t
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenLayout = tl', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return t'

-- =====================================================================

getTypecheckedModule :: RefactGhc GHC.TypecheckedModule
getTypecheckedModule = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  case mtm of
    Just tm -> return $ rsTypecheckedMod tm
    Nothing -> error "HaRe: file not loaded for refactoring"

getRefactStreamModified :: RefactGhc Bool
getRefactStreamModified = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  return $ rsStreamModified tm

getRefactInscopes :: RefactGhc InScopes
getRefactInscopes = GHC.getNamesInScope

getRefactRenamed :: RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource
getRefactRenamed = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  let tm = gfromJust "getRefactRenamed" mtm
  return $ gfromJust "getRefactRenamed2" $ GHC.tm_renamed_source $ rsTypecheckedMod tm

putRefactRenamed :: GHC.RenamedSource -> RefactGhc ()
putRefactRenamed renamed = do
  st <- get
  mrm <- gets rsModule
  let rm = gfromJust "putRefactRenamed" mrm
  let tm = rsTypecheckedMod rm
  let tm' = tm { GHC.tm_renamed_source = Just renamed }
  let rm' = rm { rsTypecheckedMod = tm' }
  put $ st {rsModule = Just rm'}

getRefactParsed :: RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource
getRefactParsed = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  let tm = gfromJust "getRefactParsed" mtm
  let t  = rsTypecheckedMod tm

  let pm = GHC.tm_parsed_module t
  return $ GHC.pm_parsed_source pm

  :: GHC.TypecheckedModule -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc ()
putParsedModule tm toks = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsModule = initRefactModule tm toks }

clearParsedModule :: RefactGhc ()
clearParsedModule = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsModule = Nothing }

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getRefactFileName :: RefactGhc (Maybe FilePath)
getRefactFileName = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  case mtm of
    Nothing  -> return Nothing
    Just _tm -> do toks <- fetchOrigToks
                   return $ Just (GHC.unpackFS $ fileNameFromTok $ ghead "getRefactFileName" toks)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getRefactDone :: RefactGhc Bool
getRefactDone = do
  flags <- gets rsFlags
  logm $ "getRefactDone: " ++ (show (rsDone flags))
  return (rsDone flags)

setRefactDone :: RefactGhc ()
setRefactDone = do
  logm $ "setRefactDone"
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsFlags = RefFlags True }

clearRefactDone :: RefactGhc ()
clearRefactDone = do
  logm $ "clearRefactDone"
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsFlags = RefFlags False }

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

setStateStorage :: StateStorage -> RefactGhc ()
setStateStorage storage = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsStorage = storage }

getStateStorage :: RefactGhc StateStorage
getStateStorage = do
  storage <- gets rsStorage
  return storage

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  :: GHC.TypecheckedModule -> [PosToken] -> Maybe RefactModule
initRefactModule tm toks
  = Just (RefMod { rsTypecheckedMod = tm
                 , rsOrigTokenStream = toks
                 -- , rsTokenCache = initTokenCache toks
                 , rsTokenCache = initTokenCacheLayout (initTokenLayout
                                    (GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module tm) 
                 , rsStreamModified = False

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

updateToks :: (SYB.Data t)
  => GHC.Located t -- ^ Old element
  -> GHC.Located t -- ^ New element
  -> (GHC.Located t -> [Char]) -- ^ pretty printer
  -> Bool         -- ^ Add trailing newline if required
  -> RefactGhc () -- ^ Updates the RefactState
updateToks (GHC.L sspan _) newAST printFun addTrailingNl
  = do
       logm $ "updateToks " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan))  
       newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
       let newToks' = if addTrailingNl
                       then newToks ++ [newLnToken (last newToks)]
                       else newToks
       void $ putToksForSpan sspan  newToks'
       return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

updateToksWithPos :: (SYB.Data t)
  => (SimpPos, SimpPos) -- ^Start and end pos of old element
  -> t             -- ^ New element
  -> (t -> [Char]) -- ^ pretty printer
  -> Bool          -- ^ Add trailing newline if required
  -> RefactGhc ()  -- ^ Updates the RefactState
updateToksWithPos (startPos,endPos) newAST printFun addTrailingNl
  = do
       -- newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
       newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
       let newToks' = if addTrailingNl
                       then newToks ++ [newLnToken (last newToks)]
                       else newToks
       void $ putToksForPos (startPos,endPos) newToks'

       return ()

-- EOF