{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- |
-- This module contains an API to manage a token stream.
-- This API is used internally by MonadFunctions and the other utility
-- modules, it should probably never be used directly in a refactoring.

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtils(
       -- * Creating
       , initTokenCacheLayout
       , mkTreeFromTokens
       , mkTreeFromSpanTokens

       -- * Operations at 'TokenCache' level
       , putToksInCache
       , putDeclToksInCache
       , replaceTokenInCache
       , removeToksFromCache
       , getTreeFromCache
       , replaceTreeInCache
       , syncAstToLatestCache

       -- * Operations at 'Tree' 'Entry' level
       , getTokensFor
       , getTokensForNoIntros
       , getTokensBefore
       , replaceTokenForSrcSpan
       , updateTokensForSrcSpan
       , insertSrcSpan
       , removeSrcSpan
       , getSrcSpanFor
       , getSrcSpanForDeep
       , addNewSrcSpanAndToksAfter
       , addToksAfterSrcSpan
       , addDeclToksAfterSrcSpan
       , syncAST
       , indentDeclToks
       , Positioning(..)

       -- * Retrieving tokens
       , retrieveTokensFinal
       -- , retrieveTokensPpr
       -- , renderPpr
       , adjustLinesForDeleted
       , retrieveTokensInterim
       , retrieveTokens' -- temporary for debug

       -- * Token Tree Selection
       , treeIdFromForestSpan

       -- * Token marking and re-alignment
       , reAlignMarked

       -- * Utility
       , posToSrcSpan
       , posToSrcSpanTok
       , fileNameFromTok
       , treeStartEnd
       , spanStartEnd
       , sf
       , fs
       , forestSpanFromEntry
       , combineSpans

       -- * A token stream with last tokens first, and functions to manipulate it
       , ReversedToks(..)
       , reverseToks
       , unReverseToks
       , reversedToks

       -- * Internal, for testing
       , placeToksForSpan
       , limitPrevToks
       , reIndentToks
       , reAlignOneLine
       , reAlignToks
       , splitForestOnSpan
       , spanContains
       , containsStart, containsMiddle, containsEnd
       , doSplitTree, splitSubtree, splitSubToks
       , nonCommentSpan
       -- , lookupSrcSpan
       , invariantOk
       , invariant
       , showForest
       , showTree
       , showSrcSpan
       , showSrcSpanF
       , ghcSpanStartEnd
       , insertNodeAfter
       , retrievePrevLineToks
       , getTreeSpansAsList
       , openZipperToNode
       , openZipperToNodeDeep
       , openZipperToSpan
       , openZipperToSpanDeep
       , openZipperToSpanAdded
       , openZipperToSpanOrig
       , forestSpanToSimpPos
       , forestSpanToGhcPos

       , ghcLineToForestLine
       , stripForestLineFromGhc
       , forestLineToGhcLine
       , forestSpanToSrcSpan
       , forestPosVersionSet
       , forestPosVersionNotSet
       , forestSpanLenChanged
       , forestSpanVersions
       , forestSpanVersionSet
       , forestSpanVersionNotSet
       , insertForestLineInSrcSpan
       , insertLenChangedInSrcSpan
       , insertVersionsInSrcSpan
       , srcSpanToForestSpan
       , nullSpan,nullPos
       , simpPosToForestSpan
       , srcPosToSimpPos
       , showForestSpan
       , deleteGapsToks
       -- , deleteGapsToks'
       , calcEndGap
       , stripForestLines

       -- * Based on Data.Tree
       , drawTreeEntry
       , drawTokenCache
       , drawTokenCacheDetailed
       , drawForestEntry
       , drawEntry
       , drawTreeCompact

       ) where

import qualified FastString    as GHC
import qualified GHC           as GHC
import qualified SrcLoc        as GHC

import qualified Data.Generics as SYB
import qualified GHC.SYB.Utils as SYB

import qualified Data.Foldable as F

import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LayoutTypes
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtilsTypes
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn

import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Tree
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z

-- import Debug.Trace
-- debug = flip trace

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------


Structure is to be indexed by SrcSpan.


Must be recursive, so if one srcspan is requested that contains a
modified sub-src span, the modified one is returned.

When initialising, split the tokens according to the binds, including
the leading and following comments. And perhaps a preamble and

The token start and end loc does not necessarily coincide with the
associated srcloc, due to leading / trailing comments

SrcSpans are nested in one another according to the structure of the

Store it in some kind of tree structure, memoised.

  1. For each tree, either the rootLabel has a SrcSpan only, or the subForest /= [].
  2. The trees making up the subForest of a given node fully include the parent SrcSpan.
     i.e. the leaves contain all the tokens for a given SrcSpan.
  3. A given SrcSpan can only appear (or be included) in a single tree of the forest.



NOTE: To break a cyclical import, this definition is in its own file

-- TODO: turn this into a record, with named accessors
-- | An entry in the data structure for a particular srcspan.
data Entry = Entry GHC.SrcSpan -- ^The source span contained in this Node
                   [PosToken]  -- ^The tokens for the SrcSpan if subtree is empty
             deriving (Show)


Note : Need to

1. Re-locate tokens according to their surrounding context. i.e. match
   indent of enclosing structure, add leading/trailing newlines

2. Required by 1: Sync the SrcSpans to the AST, in the context of layout


NOTE: Token stream has zero-length string tokens in it,


These are inserted by GHC at points where a '{', ';' or '}' belongs in
the code, were it not implied by layout.

This can perhaps be used to choose appropriate token boundaries.


deriving instance Show         Entry

instance Ord LayoutTree where
  compare (Node a _) (Node b _) = compare (forestSpanFromEntry a) (forestSpanFromEntry b)

instance Eq Entry where
  (Entry fs1 lay1 toks1) == (Entry fs2 lay2 toks2)
    = fs1 == fs2 && lay1 == lay2
   && (show toks1) == (show toks2)

  (Deleted fs1 pg1 lay1) == (Deleted fs2 pg2 lay2)
    = fs1 == fs2 && pg1 == pg2 && lay1 == lay2

  (==) _ _ = False

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Keep track of when tokens are reversed, to avoid confusion
data ReversedToks = RT [PosToken]
                    deriving (Show)

reverseToks :: [PosToken] -> ReversedToks
reverseToks toks = RT $ reverse toks

unReverseToks :: ReversedToks -> [PosToken]
unReverseToks (RT toks) = reverse toks

reversedToks :: ReversedToks -> [PosToken]
reversedToks (RT toks) = toks

-- |How new SrcSpans should be inserted in the Token tree, relative to
-- the prior span
data Positioning = PlaceAdjacent -- ^Only a single space between the
                   -- end of the prior span and the new one
                 | PlaceAbsolute !Int !Int -- ^Start at the specified
                   -- line and col
                 | PlaceAbsCol !Int !Int !Int -- ^Line offset and
                                              -- absolute Col. Mainly
                                              -- for forcing start at
                                              -- left margin, number
                                              -- of lines to add at
                                              -- the end
                 | PlaceOffset !Int !Int !Int -- ^Line and Col offset for
                   -- start, num lines to add at the end
                   -- relative to the indent level of the prior span
                 | PlaceIndent !Int !Int !Int -- ^Line and Col offset for
                   -- start, num lines to add at the end
                   -- relative to the indent level of the prior line
                 deriving (Show)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- ++AZ++ TODO: will we actually need these?
-- | Operations on the structure
data Operations = OpAdded Entry          -- ^The entry that was added
                | OpRemoved Entry        -- ^The Entry that was removed
                | OpReplaced Entry Entry -- ^The first is old, second is new Entry


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- A data type for the line entries in a SrcSpan. This has the
-- following properties
-- 1. It can be converted to and from the underlying Int in the
--    original SrcSpan
-- 2. It allows the insertion of an arbitrary line as the start of a
--    new SrcSpan
-- 3. It has an ordering relation, which honours the inserts which
--    were made.
-- 4. It can keep track of tokens that have been removed from the main
--    AST, which can be edited outside of it and then inserted again
-- This is achieved by adding two fields to the SrcSpan, one to
-- indicate which AST fragment it is in, and the other to indicate its
-- insert relationship, encoded as 0 for the original, 1 for the
-- first, 2 for the second and so on.
-- This field is converted to and from the original line by being
-- multiplied by a very large number and added to the original.
-- The guaranteed max value in Haskell for an Int is 2^29 - 1.
-- This evaluates to 536,870,911,or 536.8 million.
-- However, as pointed out on #haskell, the GHC compiler (which this
-- implemtation explicitly targets) provides the full 32 bits (at
-- least, can be 64), so we have
--   maxBound :: Int = 2,147,483,647
-- Schema:max pos value is 0x7fffffff (31 bits)
-- 1 bit for LenChanged
-- 5 bits for tree    : 32 values
-- 5 bits for version : 32 values
-- 20 bits for line number: 1048576 values

forestLineMask,forestVersionMask,forestTreeMask,forestLenChangedMask :: Int
forestLineMask =          0xfffff -- bottom 20 bits
forestVersionMask    =  0x1f00000 -- next 5 bits
forestTreeMask       = 0x3e000000 -- next 5 bits
forestLenChangedMask = 0x40000000 -- top (non-sign) bit

forestVersionShift :: Int
forestVersionShift = 20

forestTreeShift :: Int
forestTreeShift    = 25

This has been moved to TokenUtilsTypes

data ForestLine = ForestLine
                  { flSpanLengthChanged :: Bool -- ^The length of the
                                                -- span may have
                                                -- changed due to
                                                -- updated tokens.
                  , flTreeSelector :: Int
                  , flInsertVersion :: Int
                  , flLine :: Int
                  } deriving (Eq)

-- | Extract an encoded ForestLine from a GHC line
ghcLineToForestLine :: Int -> ForestLine
ghcLineToForestLine l = ForestLine ch tr v l'
    l' =  l .&. forestLineMask
    v  = shiftR (l .&. forestVersionMask) forestVersionShift
    tr = shiftR (l .&. forestTreeMask)    forestTreeShift
    ch = (l .&. forestLenChangedMask) /= 0

-- TODO: check that the components are in range
forestLineToGhcLine :: ForestLine -> Int
forestLineToGhcLine fl =  (if (flSpanLengthChanged fl) then forestLenChangedMask else 0)
                        + (shiftL (flTreeSelector  fl) forestTreeShift)
                        + (shiftL (flInsertVersion fl) forestVersionShift)
                        + (flLine fl)

forestSpanToSrcSpan :: ForestSpan -> GHC.SrcSpan
forestSpanToSrcSpan ((fls,sc),(fle,ec)) = sspan
    lineStart = forestLineToGhcLine fls
    lineEnd   = forestLineToGhcLine fle
    locStart = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString "foo") lineStart sc
    locEnd   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString "foo") lineEnd   ec
    sspan = GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd

instance Ord ForestLine where
  -- Use line as the primary comparison, but break any ties with the
  -- version
  -- Tree is ignored, as it is only a marker on the topmost element
  -- Ignore sizeChanged flag, it will only be relevant in the
  -- invariant check
  compare (ForestLine _sc1 _ v1 l1) (ForestLine _sc2 _ v2 l2) =
         if (l1 == l2)
           then compare v1 v2
           else compare l1 l2

-- |Gets the version numbers
forestSpanVersions :: ForestSpan -> (Int,Int)
forestSpanVersions ((ForestLine _ _ sv _,_),(ForestLine _ _ ev _,_)) = (sv,ev)

-- |Gets the AST tree numbers
forestSpanAstVersions :: ForestSpan -> (Int,Int)
forestSpanAstVersions ((ForestLine _ trs _ _,_),(ForestLine _ tre _ _,_)) = (trs,tre)

-- |Gets the SpanLengthChanged flags
forestSpanLenChangedFlags :: ForestSpan -> (Bool,Bool)
forestSpanLenChangedFlags ((ForestLine chs _ _ _,_),(ForestLine che _ _ _,_)) = (chs,che)

-- |Checks if the version is non-zero in either position
forestSpanVersionSet :: ForestSpan -> Bool
forestSpanVersionSet ((ForestLine _ _ sv _,_),(ForestLine _ _ ev _,_)) = sv /= 0 || ev /= 0

-- |Checks if the version is zero in both positions
forestSpanVersionNotSet :: ForestSpan -> Bool
forestSpanVersionNotSet ((ForestLine _ _ sv _,_),(ForestLine _ _ ev _,_)) = sv == 0 && ev == 0

-- |Checks if the version is non-zero
forestPosVersionSet :: ForestPos -> Bool
forestPosVersionSet (ForestLine _ _ v _,_) = v /= 0

-- |Checks if the AST version is non-zero
forestPosAstVersionSet :: ForestPos -> Bool
forestPosAstVersionSet (ForestLine _ tr _ _,_) = tr /= 0

-- |Checks if the version is zero
forestPosVersionNotSet :: ForestPos -> Bool
forestPosVersionNotSet (ForestLine _ _ v _,_) = v == 0

forestSpanLenChanged :: ForestSpan -> Bool
forestSpanLenChanged (s,e) = (forestPosLenChanged s) || (forestPosLenChanged e)

forestPosLenChanged :: ForestPos -> Bool
forestPosLenChanged (ForestLine ch _ _ _,_) = ch

-- |Puts a TreeId into a forestSpan
treeIdIntoForestSpan :: TreeId -> ForestSpan -> ForestSpan
treeIdIntoForestSpan (TId sel) ((ForestLine chs _ sv sl,sc),(ForestLine che _ ev el,ec))
  = ((ForestLine chs sel sv sl,sc),(ForestLine che sel ev el,ec))

-- |Strip out the version markers
forestSpanToSimpPos :: ForestSpan -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
forestSpanToSimpPos ((ForestLine _ _ _ sr,sc),(ForestLine _ _ _ er,ec)) = ((sr,sc),(er,ec))

-- |Strip out the version markers
forestSpanToGhcPos :: ForestSpan -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
forestSpanToGhcPos ((fls,sc),(fle,ec))
  = ((forestLineToGhcLine fls,sc),(forestLineToGhcLine fle,ec))

simpPosToForestSpan :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> ForestSpan
simpPosToForestSpan ((sr,sc),(er,ec))
    = ((ghcLineToForestLine sr,sc),(ghcLineToForestLine er,ec))

srcPosToSimpPos :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int)
srcPosToSimpPos (sr,c) = (l,c)
    (ForestLine _ _ _ l) = ghcLineToForestLine sr

forestSpanStart :: ForestSpan -> ForestPos
forestSpanStart (start,_) = start

forestSpanEnd :: ForestSpan -> ForestPos
forestSpanEnd (_,end) = end

nullSpan :: ForestSpan
nullSpan = (nullPos,nullPos)

nullPos :: ForestPos
nullPos = (ForestLine False 0 0 0,0)

showForestSpan :: ForestSpan -> String
showForestSpan ((sr,sc),(er,ec))
  = show ((flToNum sr,sc),(flToNum er,ec))
    flToNum (ForestLine ch tr v l) = (if ch then 10000000000::Integer else 0)
                                   + ((fromIntegral tr) * 100000000::Integer)
                                   + ((fromIntegral v)  *   1000000::Integer)
                                   + (fromIntegral l)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Replace any ForestLine flags already in a SrcSpan with the given ones
insertForestLineInSrcSpan :: ForestLine -> GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.SrcSpan
insertForestLineInSrcSpan fl@(ForestLine ch tr v _l) (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss) = ss'
    lineStart = forestLineToGhcLine fl
    (_,(ForestLine _ _ _ le,_)) = srcSpanToForestSpan (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss)
    lineEnd   = forestLineToGhcLine (ForestLine ch tr v le)
    locStart = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) lineStart (GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss)
    locEnd   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) lineEnd   (GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss)
    ss' = GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd

insertForestLineInSrcSpan _ _ss = error $ "insertForestLineInSrcSpan: expecting a RealSrcSpan, got:" -- ++ (showGhc ss)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

insertVersionsInSrcSpan :: Int -> Int -> GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.SrcSpan
insertVersionsInSrcSpan vs ve rss@(GHC.RealSrcSpan ss) = ss'
    (chs,che) = forestSpanLenChangedFlags $ srcSpanToForestSpan rss
    (trs,tre) = forestSpanAstVersions $ srcSpanToForestSpan rss
    lineStart = forestLineToGhcLine (ForestLine chs trs vs (GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss))
    lineEnd   = forestLineToGhcLine (ForestLine che tre ve (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss))
    locStart = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) lineStart (GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss)
    locEnd   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) lineEnd   (GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss)
    ss' = GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd

insertVersionsInSrcSpan _ _ _ss = error $ "insertVersionsInSrcSpan: expecting a RealSrcSpan, got:" -- ++ (showGhc ss)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

insertLenChangedInSrcSpan :: Bool -> Bool -> GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.SrcSpan
insertLenChangedInSrcSpan chs che rss@(GHC.RealSrcSpan ss) = ss'
    (sl,_sc) = getGhcLoc rss
    (el,_ec) = getGhcLocEnd rss
    sl' = if chs then sl .|. forestLenChangedMask
                 else sl .&. (complement forestLenChangedMask)

    el' = if che then el .|. forestLenChangedMask
                 else el .&. (complement forestLenChangedMask)

    locStart =  GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) sl' (GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss)
    locEnd    = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) el' (GHC.srcSpanEndCol   ss)

    -- (vs,ve)   = forestSpanVersions $ srcSpanToForestSpan rss
    -- (trs,tre) = forestSpanAstVersions $ srcSpanToForestSpan rss
    -- lineStart = forestLineToGhcLine (ForestLine chs trs vs (GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss))
    -- lineEnd   = forestLineToGhcLine (ForestLine che tre ve (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss))
    -- locStart  = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) lineStart (GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss)
    -- locEnd    = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) lineEnd   (GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss)
    ss' = GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd

insertLenChangedInSrcSpan _ _ _ss = error $ "insertVersionsInSrcSpan: expecting a RealSrcSpan, got:" -- ++ (showGhc ss)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

insertVersionsInForestSpan :: Int -> Int -> ForestSpan -> ForestSpan
insertVersionsInForestSpan vsNew veNew ((ForestLine chs trs _vs ls,cs),(ForestLine che tre _ve le,ce))
  = ((ForestLine chs trs vsNew ls,cs),(ForestLine che tre veNew le,ce))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

insertLenChangedInForestSpan :: Bool -> ForestSpan -> ForestSpan
insertLenChangedInForestSpan chNew ((ForestLine _chs trs vs ls,cs),(ForestLine _che tre ve le,ce))
  = ((ForestLine chNew trs vs ls,cs),(ForestLine chNew tre ve le,ce))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

srcSpanToForestSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> ForestSpan
srcSpanToForestSpan sspan = ((ghcLineToForestLine startRow,startCol),(ghcLineToForestLine endRow,endCol))
    (startRow,startCol) = getGhcLoc sspan
    (endRow,endCol)     = getGhcLocEnd sspan

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

forestSpanFromEntry :: Entry -> ForestSpan
forestSpanFromEntry (Entry   ss _ _) = ss
forestSpanFromEntry (Deleted ss _ _) = ss

putForestSpanInEntry :: Entry -> ForestSpan -> Entry
putForestSpanInEntry (Entry   _ss lay toks) ssnew = (Entry ssnew lay toks)
putForestSpanInEntry (Deleted _ss pg eg) ssnew = (Deleted ssnew pg eg)

-- --------------------------------------------------------------------

treeIdFromForestSpan :: ForestSpan -> TreeId
treeIdFromForestSpan ((ForestLine _ tr _ _,_),(ForestLine _ _ _ _,_)) = TId tr

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data Module = Module
        { mTypecheckedMod :: GHC.TypecheckedModule
        , mOrigTokenStream :: [PosToken]  -- ^Original Token stream for the current module
        , mTokenCache :: Tree Entry -- ^Any modifications to the token stream.

initModule :: GHC.TypecheckedModule -> [PosToken] -> Module
initModule typeChecked tokens
  = Module
      { mTypecheckedMod = typeChecked
      , mOrigTokenStream = tokens
      , mTokenCache = mkTreeFromTokens tokens

-- Initially work with non-monadic code, can build it into the
-- RefactGhc monad later

initTokenCache :: [PosToken] -> TokenCache
initTokenCache toks = TK (Map.fromList [((TId 0),(mkTreeFromTokens toks))]) (TId 0)

initTokenCacheLayout :: Tree Entry -> TokenCache
initTokenCacheLayout tree = TK (Map.fromList [((TId 0),tree)]) (TId 0)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

treeIdIntoTree :: TreeId -> Tree Entry -> Tree Entry
treeIdIntoTree tid (Node (Entry fspan lay toks) subTree) = tree'
    fs' = treeIdIntoForestSpan tid fspan
    tree' = Node (Entry fs' lay toks) subTree
treeIdIntoTree tid (Node (Deleted fspan pg eg) subTree) = tree'
    fs' = treeIdIntoForestSpan tid fspan
    tree' = Node (Deleted fs' pg eg) subTree

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

stash :: TokenCache -> Tree Entry -> TokenCache
stash tk oldTree = tk'
    (TId lastTreeId) = tkLastTreeId tk
    lastTreeId' = TId (lastTreeId + 1)
    oldTree' = treeIdIntoTree lastTreeId' oldTree
    cache' = Map.insert lastTreeId' oldTree' (tkCache tk)
    tk' = tk {tkLastTreeId = lastTreeId', tkCache = cache' }

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

replaceTokenInCache :: TokenCache -> GHC.SrcSpan -> PosToken -> TokenCache
replaceTokenInCache tk sspan tok = tk'
   forest = getTreeFromCache sspan tk
   forest' = replaceTokenForSrcSpan forest sspan tok
   tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' tk

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

putToksInCache :: TokenCache -> GHC.SrcSpan -> [PosToken] -> (TokenCache,GHC.SrcSpan)
putToksInCache tk sspan toks = (tk'',newSpan)
   forest = getTreeFromCache sspan tk
   (forest',newSpan,oldTree) = updateTokensForSrcSpan forest sspan toks
   tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' tk
   tk'' = stash tk' oldTree

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

putDeclToksInCache :: (SYB.Data t) =>
    TokenCache -> GHC.SrcSpan -> [PosToken] -> GHC.Located t
 -> (TokenCache,GHC.SrcSpan,GHC.Located t)
putDeclToksInCache tk sspan toks t = (tk'',newSpan,t')
   forest = getTreeFromCache sspan tk
   (forest',newSpan,oldTree) = updateTokensForSrcSpan forest sspan toks
   (t',forest'') = syncAST t newSpan forest'

   tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest'' tk
   tk'' = stash tk' oldTree

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

removeToksFromCache :: TokenCache -> GHC.SrcSpan -> TokenCache
removeToksFromCache tk sspan = tk''
    forest = getTreeFromCache sspan tk
    (forest',oldTree) = removeSrcSpan forest (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan)
    tk' = replaceTreeInCache sspan forest' tk
    tk'' = stash tk' oldTree

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getTreeFromCache :: GHC.SrcSpan -> TokenCache -> Tree Entry
getTreeFromCache sspan tk = (tkCache tk) Map.! tid
    tid = treeIdFromForestSpan $ srcSpanToForestSpan sspan

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

replaceTreeInCache :: GHC.SrcSpan -> Tree Entry -> TokenCache -> TokenCache
replaceTreeInCache sspan tree tk = tk'
    tid = treeIdFromForestSpan $ srcSpanToForestSpan sspan
    -- tree' = treeIdIntoTree tid tree
    tree' = putTidInTree tid tree
    tk' = tk {tkCache = Map.insert tid tree' (tkCache tk) }

putTidInTree :: TreeId -> Tree Entry -> Tree Entry
putTidInTree tid (Node (Deleted fspan pg eg) subs) = (Node (Deleted fs' pg eg) subs)
  where fs' = treeIdIntoForestSpan tid fspan
putTidInTree tid (Node (Entry fspan lay toks) subs) = tree'
    subs' = map (putTidInTree tid) subs
    fs' = treeIdIntoForestSpan tid fspan
    tree' = Node (Entry fs' lay toks) subs'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Assuming most recent operation has stashed the old tokens, sync
-- the given AST to the most recent stash entry
syncAstToLatestCache :: (SYB.Data t) => TokenCache -> GHC.Located t -> GHC.Located t
syncAstToLatestCache tk t = t'
  -- = error $ "syncAstToLatestCache:pos=" ++ (show pos)
  -- = error $ "syncAstToLatestCache:fs=" ++ (show fs)
  -- = error $ "syncAstToLatestCache:sspan=" ++ (show sspan)
    mainForest = (tkCache tk) Map.! mainTid
    forest@(Node (Entry fspan _ _) _) = (tkCache tk) Map.! (tkLastTreeId tk)
    pos = forestSpanToGhcPos fspan
    sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
    (t',_) = syncAST t sspan forest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the (possible cached) tokens for a given source span, and
-- cache their being fetched.
-- NOTE: The SrcSpan may be one introduced by HaRe, rather than GHC.
getTokensFor :: Bool -> Tree Entry -> GHC.SrcSpan -> (Tree Entry,[PosToken])
getTokensFor checkInvariant forest sspan = (forest'', tokens)
     forest' = if (not checkInvariant) || invariantOk forest -- short
                                 -- circuit eval
               then forest
               else error $ "getTokensFor:invariant failed:" ++ (show $ invariant forest)
     (forest'',tree) = getSrcSpanFor forest' (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan)

     tokens = retrieveTokensInterim tree

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the (possible cached) tokens for a given source span, and
-- cache their being fetched.
-- NOTE: The SrcSpan may be one introduced by HaRe, rather than GHC.
getTokensForNoIntros :: Bool -> Tree Entry -> GHC.SrcSpan -> (Tree Entry,[PosToken])
getTokensForNoIntros checkInvariant forest sspan = (forest', tokens')
    (forest',tokens) = getTokensFor checkInvariant forest sspan
    -- (lead,rest) = break (not . isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored) tokens
    (lead,rest) = break (not . isIgnoredNonComment) tokens
    tokens' = (filter (not . isIgnored) lead) ++ rest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the tokens preceding a given 'SrcSpan'
getTokensBefore :: Tree Entry -> GHC.SrcSpan -> (Tree Entry,ReversedToks)
getTokensBefore forest sspan = (forest', prevToks')
    (forest',tree@(Node (Entry _s _ _) _)) = getSrcSpanFor forest (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan)

    z = openZipperToSpan (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan) $ Z.fromTree forest'

    prevToks = case (retrievePrevLineToks z) of
                 RT [] -> reverseToks $ retrieveTokensInterim tree
                 xs -> xs

    (_,rtoks) = break (\t->tokenPos t < (getGhcLoc sspan)) $ reversedToks prevToks
    prevToks' = RT rtoks

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Replace a single token in a token tree, without changing the
-- structure of the tree
-- NOTE: the GHC.SrcSpan may have been used to select the appropriate
-- forest in the first place, and is required to select the correct
-- span in the tree, due to the ForestLine annotations that may be present

-- TODO: work at the token level, not the sspan level
-- TODO: Use start of token span only, with length 1.
replaceTokenForSrcSpan :: Tree Entry -> GHC.SrcSpan -> PosToken -> Tree Entry
replaceTokenForSrcSpan forest sspan tok = forest'
    (GHC.L tl _,_) = tok
    -- First open to the sspan, making use of any Forestline annotations
    z = openZipperToSpanDeep (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan) $ Z.fromTree forest

    -- Then drill down to the specific subtree containing the token
    -- z' = openZipperToSpan (srcSpanToForestSpan tl) z
    z' = z -- No, pass in original token span as sspan.

    -- Note: with LayoutTree, the full tree matching the AST has been
    -- built, still need to drill down to the nearest enclosing span
    (tspan,lay,toks) = case Z.tree z' of
       (Node (Entry ss ly tks) []) -> (ss,ly,tks)
       (Node (Entry _ _ _nullToks) _sub) -> error $ "replaceTokenForSrcSpan:tok pos" ++ (showForestSpan $ sf sspan) ++ " expecting tokens, found: " ++ (show $ Z.tree z')
       (Node (Deleted _ _ _) _sub)       -> error $ "replaceTokenForSrcSpan:tok pos" ++ (showForestSpan $ sf sspan) ++ " expecting Entry, found: " ++ (show $ Z.tree z')

    ((row,col),_) = forestSpanToSimpPos $ srcSpanToForestSpan tl
    toks' = replaceTokNoReAlign toks (row,col) tok

    zf = Z.setTree (Node (Entry tspan lay toks') []) z'
    forest' = Z.toTree zf

    -- forest' = forest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Replace the tokens for a given SrcSpan with new ones. The SrcSpan
-- will be inserted into the tree if it is not already there.
-- If the SrcSpan changes size, replace the SrcSpan with a new one
-- (marked), and return it, as well as the old one
-- TODO: What about trailing comments? Preserve or replace?
updateTokensForSrcSpan :: Tree Entry -> GHC.SrcSpan -> [PosToken] -> (Tree Entry,GHC.SrcSpan,Tree Entry)
updateTokensForSrcSpan forest sspan toks = (forest'',newSpan,oldTree)
    (forest',tree@(Node (Entry _s _ _) _)) = getSrcSpanFor forest (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan)
    prevToks = retrieveTokensInterim tree

    -- endComments = reverse $ takeWhile isWhiteSpace $ reverse toks
    -- startComments = takeWhile isWhiteSpace $ toks

    endComments   = reverse $ takeWhile isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored $ reverse toks
    startComments = takeWhile isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored $ toks

    newTokStart = if (emptyList prevToks)
                   then mkZeroToken
                   else ghead "updateTokensForSrcSpan.1" prevToks

    toks'' = if (nonEmptyList startComments || nonEmptyList endComments)
      then -- toks have comments, discard originals
           reIndentToks (PlaceAbsolute (tokenRow newTokStart) (tokenCol newTokStart)) prevToks toks
      else -- Must reuse any pre-existing start or end comments, and
           -- resync the tokens across all three.
           -- origEndComments = reverse $ takeWhile isWhiteSpace $ reverse prevToks
           -- origStartComments = takeWhile isWhiteSpace $ prevToks
           origEndComments   = reverse $ takeWhile isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored $ reverse prevToks
           origStartComments = takeWhile isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored $ prevToks
           -- core = reIndentToks (PlaceAbsolute (tokenRow newTokStart) (tokenCol newTokStart)) prevToks toks
           ((startRow,startCol),_) = forestSpanToGhcPos $ srcSpanToForestSpan sspan
           core = reIndentToks (PlaceAbsolute startRow startCol) prevToks toks
           trail = if (emptyList origEndComments)
            then []
            else addOffsetToToks (lineOffset,colOffset) origEndComments
                lineOffset = 0 -- tokenRow (head origEndComments) - tokenRow (head origEndComments)
                colOffset = 0 -- tokenCol (head origEndComments)

           toks' = origStartComments ++ core ++ trail
        in toks'

    (startPos,endPos) = nonCommentSpan toks''

    -- if the original sspan had a ForestLine version, preserve it
    (((ForestLine _chs _trs vs _),_),(ForestLine _che _tre ve _,_)) = srcSpanToForestSpan sspan
    -- Note: adding one to end version, so invariant won't fail
    -- newSpan = insertVersionsInSrcSpan vs ve $ posToSrcSpan forest (startPos,endPos) 
    newSpan = insertLenChangedInSrcSpan True True
            $ insertVersionsInSrcSpan vs ve $ posToSrcSpan forest (startPos,endPos) 

    zf = openZipperToNode tree $ Z.fromTree forest'

    zf' = Z.setTree (Node (Entry (srcSpanToForestSpan newSpan) NoChange toks'') []) zf
    forest'' = Z.toTree zf'
    -- forest'' = error $ "updateTokensForSrcSpan: toks''=" ++ (show toks'') -- ++AZ++
    -- forest'' = error $ "updateTokensForSrcSpan: (posToSrcSpan forest (startPos,endPos))=" ++ (showGhc $ posToSrcSpan forest (startPos,endPos)) -- ++AZ++
    -- forest'' = error $ "updateTokensForSrcSpan: tree=" ++ (show tree) -- ++AZ++
    -- (forest'',newSpan') = addNewSrcSpanAndToksAfter forest sspan newSpan pos toks''

    oldTree = tree

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Retrieve a path to the tree containing a ForestSpan from the forest,
-- inserting it if not already present
getSrcSpanFor :: Tree Entry -> ForestSpan -> (Tree Entry, Tree Entry)
getSrcSpanFor forest sspan = (forest',tree)
    forest' = insertSrcSpan forest sspan -- Will NO-OP if already
                                         -- there
    z = openZipperToSpan sspan $ Z.fromTree forest'
    tree = Z.tree z

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Retrieve a path to the tree containing a ForestSpan from the forest,
-- inserting it if not already present.
-- In the case where there is a nested series of spans as in an
-- 'Above' layout, return the deepest one
getSrcSpanForDeep :: Tree Entry -> ForestSpan -> (Tree Entry, Tree Entry)
getSrcSpanForDeep forest sspan = (forest',tree)
    forest' = insertSrcSpan forest sspan -- Will NO-OP if already
                                         -- there
    z = openZipperToSpanDeep sspan $ Z.fromTree forest'

    tree = Z.tree z

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Insert a ForestSpan into the forest, if it is not there already.
-- Assumes the forest was populated with the tokens containing the
-- ForestSpan already
insertSrcSpan :: Tree Entry -> ForestSpan -> Tree Entry
insertSrcSpan forest sspan = forest'
    z = openZipperToSpan sspan $ Z.fromTree forest
    forest' = if treeStartEnd (Z.tree z) == sspan
      then forest -- Already in, exactly
      -- else error $ "insertSrcSpan:span not in tree " ++ show sspan

      else if (Z.isLeaf z)
        then  -- TODO: This should be in splitSubToks
            -- If we are at a leaf, retrieve the toks
            (Entry _ _ toks) = Z.label z

            (tokStartPos,tokEndPos) = forestSpanToSimpPos sspan

            -- Tokens here, must introduce sub-spans with split, taking
            -- cognizance of start and end comments
            -- TODO: does startEndLocIncComments' give the same boundary
            --       if approached from one side as the other?
            (startLoc,endLoc) = startEndLocIncComments' toks (tokStartPos,tokEndPos)

            (startToks,middleToks,endToks) = splitToks (startLoc,endLoc) toks
            -- tree1 = if (emptyList $ filter (\t -> not $ isEmpty t) startToks)
            tree1 = if (nonCommentSpan startToks == ((0,0),(0,0)))
                       then []
                       else [mkTreeFromTokens startToks]
            tree2 = [mkTreeFromSpanTokens sspan middleToks]
            -- tree3 = if (emptyList $ filter (\t -> not $ isEmpty t) endToks)
            tree3 = if (nonCommentSpan endToks == ((0,0),(0,0)))
                       then []
                       else [mkTreeFromTokens endToks]

            subTree = tree1 ++ tree2 ++ tree3
            subTree' = filter (\t -> treeStartEnd t /= nullSpan) subTree
            (Entry sspan2 _ _) = Z.label z

            z' = Z.setTree (Node (Entry sspan2 NoChange []) subTree') z
            forest'' = Z.toTree z'
          in forest''
            (before,middle,end) = doSplitTree (Z.tree z) sspan
            newTree = case middle of
                        [x] -> x
                        _xs -> (Node (Entry sspan NoChange []) middle)
            subTree' = before ++ [newTree] ++ end
            (Entry sspan2 _ _) = Z.label z

            z' = Z.setTree (Node (Entry sspan2 NoChange []) subTree') z
            forest'' = Z.toTree z'
            -- error $ "insertSrcSpan:(before,middle,end)=" ++ (show (before,middle,end)) -- ++AZ++
            -- forest'' = error $ "insertSrcSpan:(startToks,endToks)=" ++ (show (startToks,endToks)) -- ++AZ++
            -- forest'' = error $ "insertSrcSpan:(Z.toTree z')=" ++ (show (Z.toTree z')) -- ++AZ++
            -- forest'' = error $ "insertSrcSpan:(startLoc,endLoc)=" ++ (show (startLoc,endLoc)) -- ++AZ++
            -- forest'' = error $ "insertSrcSpan:(tokStartPos,tokEndPos,toks)=" ++ (show (tokStartPos,tokEndPos,toks)) -- ++AZ++

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

doSplitTree ::
  Tree Entry -> ForestSpan
  -> ([Tree Entry], [Tree Entry], [Tree Entry])
doSplitTree tree@(Node (Deleted _ss _ _)   []) sspan = splitSubToks tree sspan -- ++AZ+ What is correct?
doSplitTree tree@(Node (Entry _ss _ _toks) []) sspan = splitSubToks tree sspan
doSplitTree tree                               sspan = (b'',m'',e'')
 -- error $ "doSplitTree:(sspan,tree,(b1,m1,e1))=" ++ (show (sspan,tree,(b1,m1,e1)))
    (b1,m1,e1) = splitSubtree tree sspan
    (b,m,e) = case m1 of
      [] -> -- NOTE: This may have happened through a span being
            --       deleted from the tree
            -- Hence, correct solution is to kick it up a level and
            -- rebuild using tokens etc
             error $ "doSplitTree:no middle:(tree,sspan,b1,m1,e1)=" ++ (show (tree,sspan,b1,m1,e1))
      [x] -> -- only one tree
             doSplitTree x sspan

      xx  -> -- more than one tree
            (bb,mb,_eb) = case (doSplitTree (ghead "doSplitTree.2" xx) sspan) of
                           (x,y,[]) -> (x,y,[])
                           xxx -> error $ "doSplitTree:eb populated:" ++ (show (sspan,tree,xxx))

            -- ( bb,mb,[]) = doSplitTree (ghead "doSplitTree.2" xx) sspan

            ( [],me,ee) = doSplitTree (glast "doSplitTree.2" xx) sspan
            -- ( bbb,me,ee) = doSplitTree (glast "doSplitTree.2" xx) sspan
            mm = tail $ init xx -- xx = (head xx) ++ mm ++ (last xx)

            b' = bb
            m' = mb ++ mm ++ me
            e' = ee
    (b'',m'',e'') = (b1++b,m,e++e1)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: The Bool is horrible
mkTreeListFromTokens :: [PosToken] -> ForestSpan -> Bool -> [Tree Entry]
mkTreeListFromTokens  [] _sspan _ = []
mkTreeListFromTokens toks sspan useOriginalSpan = res
   (Node (Entry tspan NoChange treeToks) sub) = mkTreeFromTokens toks

   ((ForestLine chs ts vs  _, _),(ForestLine che te ve  _, _)) = sspan
   ((ForestLine   _  _  _ ls,cs),(ForestLine   _  _  _ le,ce)) = tspan

   span' = ((ForestLine chs ts vs ls, cs),(ForestLine che te ve le, ce))

   res = if nonCommentSpan toks == ((0,0),(0,0))
     then []
     else if useOriginalSpan
            then [(Node (Entry sspan NoChange treeToks) sub)]
            else [(Node (Entry span' NoChange treeToks) sub)]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

splitSubToks ::
  Tree Entry
  -> (ForestPos, ForestPos)
  -> ([Tree Entry], [Tree Entry], [Tree Entry])
splitSubToks n@(Node (Deleted (treeStart,treeEnd) _pg _eg) []) (sspanStart,sspanEnd) = (b',m',e')
    egs = (0,0) -- TODO: calculate this
    ege = (0,0) -- TODO: calculate this
    pg = 0      -- TODO: calculate this
    b' = if sspanStart > treeStart
           then [Node (Deleted (treeStart,treeStart) pg egs) []]
           else []
    m' = [n]
    e' = if treeEnd > sspanEnd
           then [Node (Deleted (sspanEnd,treeEnd) pg ege) []]
           else []

splitSubToks tree sspan = (b',m',e')
                          -- error $ "splitSubToks:(sspan,tree)=" ++ (show (sspan,tree))
    (Node (Entry ss@(treeStart,treeEnd) _lay toks)  []) = tree
    (sspanStart,sspanEnd) = sspan
    -- TODO: ignoring comment boundaries to start

    -- There are three possibilities
    --  1. The span starts only in these tokens
    --  2. The span starts and ends in these tokens
    --  3. The span ends only in these tokens
    (b',m',e') = case (containsStart ss sspan,containsEnd ss sspan) of
      (True, False) -> (b'',m'',e'') -- Start only
                       -- error $ "splitSubToks:StartOnly:(sspan,tree,(b'',m''))=" ++ (show (sspan,tree,(b'',m'')))
         (_,toksb,toksm) = splitToks (forestSpanToSimpPos (nullPos,sspanStart)) toks
--         b'' = if (emptyList toksb) then [] else [Node (Entry (treeStart, sspanEnd) toksb) []]
         b'' = if (emptyList toksb || nonCommentSpan toksb == ((0,0),(0,0)))
                 then []
                 else [mkTreeFromTokens toksb] -- Need to get end from actual toks
         m'' = let
                (ForestLine _ch _ts _v le,ce) = sspanEnd
                tl =
                  if (treeStart == sspanStart) -- Eq does not compare all flags
                    then mkTreeListFromTokens toksm (treeStart, treeEnd) False
                    else mkTreeListFromTokens toksm (sspanStart,treeEnd) False
                _tl' = if emptyList tl
                 then []
                 else [Node (Entry (st,(ForestLine ch ts v le,ce)) lay tk) []]
                   where [Node (Entry (st,(ForestLine ch ts v _l,_c)) lay tk) []] = tl
                -- tl'
         e'' = []

      (True, True) -> (b'',m'',e'') -- Start and End
         -- (toksb,toksm,tokse) = splitToks (forestSpanToSimpPos (treeStart,treeEnd)) toks
         (toksb,toksm,tokse) = splitToks (forestSpanToSimpPos (sspanStart,sspanEnd)) toks
         b'' = mkTreeListFromTokens toksb (treeStart,  sspanStart) False
         m'' = mkTreeListFromTokens toksm (sspanStart, sspanEnd)   True
         e'' = mkTreeListFromTokens tokse (sspanEnd,   treeEnd)    False

      (False,True) -> (b'',m'',e'') -- End only
         (_,toksm,tokse) = splitToks (forestSpanToSimpPos (nullPos,sspanEnd)) toks
         b'' = []
         m'' = let -- If the last span is changed, make sure it stays
                   -- as it was
                tl = mkTreeListFromTokens toksm (treeStart,sspanEnd) False
                tl' = if emptyList tl
                 then []
                 else [Node (Entry (st,sspanEnd) lay tk) []]
                   where [Node (Entry (st,_en) lay tk) []] = mkTreeListFromTokens toksm (treeStart,sspanEnd) False
         e'' = mkTreeListFromTokens tokse (sspanEnd,treeEnd) False

      (False,False) -> if (containsMiddle ss sspan)
                        then ([],[tree],[])
                        else error $ "splitSubToks: error (ss,sspan)=" ++ (show (ss,sspan))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |True if the start of the second param lies in the span of the first
containsStart :: ForestSpan -> ForestSpan -> Bool
containsStart (nodeStart,nodeEnd) (startPos,_endPos)
  = (startPos >= nodeStart && startPos <= nodeEnd)

-- |True if the start of the second param lies before the first, and
-- ends after or on the second
containsMiddle :: ForestSpan -> ForestSpan -> Bool
containsMiddle   (nodeStart,nodeEnd) (startPos,endPos)
  = (startPos <= nodeStart) && (endPos >= nodeEnd)

-- |True if the end of the second param lies in the span of the first
containsEnd :: ForestSpan -> ForestSpan -> Bool
containsEnd   (nodeStart,nodeEnd) (_startPos,endPos)
  = (endPos >= nodeStart && endPos <= nodeEnd)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Split a given tree into a possibly empty part that lies before the
-- srcspan, the part that is wholly included in the srcspan and the
-- part the lies outside of it at the end.
splitSubtree ::
  Tree Entry -> ForestSpan
  -> ([Tree Entry], [Tree Entry], [Tree Entry])
splitSubtree tree sspan = (before,middle,end)
                          -- error $ "splitSubtree:(sspan,tree,middle',end')=" ++ (show (sspan,tree,middle',end'))
    containsStart'  t = containsStart  (treeStartEnd t) sspan
    containsMiddle' t = containsMiddle (treeStartEnd t) sspan
    containsEnd'    t = containsEnd    (treeStartEnd t) sspan

    cond t = containsStart' t || containsMiddle' t || containsEnd' t

    (Node _entry children) = tree
    (before,rest)   = break (\x -> cond x) children
    (endr,middler)  = break (\x -> cond x) $ reverse rest

    (middle,end) = (reverse middler,reverse endr)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Removes a ForestSpan and its tokens from the forest.
removeSrcSpan :: Tree Entry -> ForestSpan
  -> (Tree Entry,Tree Entry) -- ^Updated forest, removed span
removeSrcSpan forest sspan = (forest'', delTree)
    forest' = insertSrcSpan forest sspan -- Make sure span is actually
                                         -- in the tree
    z = openZipperToSpan sspan $ Z.fromTree forest'
    zp = gfromJust "removeSrcSpan" $ Z.parent z

    pg = error $ "removeSrcSpan: need calcPriorGap"
    eg = calcEndGap forest' sspan
    ((pg,_),eg) = calcPriorAndEndGap forest' sspan

    pt = Z.tree zp
    -- subTree = filter (\t -> not (treeStartEnd t == sspan)) $ subForest pt
    subTree = map (\t -> if (treeStartEnd t == sspan) then (Node (Deleted sspan pg eg) []) else t) $ subForest pt

    z' = Z.setTree (pt { subForest = subTree}) zp
    forest'' = Z.toTree z'
    -- forest'' = error $ "removeSrcSpan: initial tree\n" ++ (drawTreeEntry forest) -- ++AZ++
    -- forest'' = error $ "removeSrcSpan: after insertSrcSpan\n" ++ (drawTreeEntry forest') -- ++AZ++

    delTree = Z.tree z

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |For a span about to be deleted, calculate the gap between the end
-- of the span being deleted and the start of the next one, at a token
-- level.
calcPriorAndEndGap :: Tree Entry -> ForestSpan -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
calcPriorAndEndGap tree sspan = (pg,eg)
    ((spanStartRow,spanStartCol),(spanRow,spanCol)) = forestSpanToSimpPos sspan
    (spanStart,spanEnd) = sspan
    entries = retrieveTokens' tree
    -- NOTE: the entries are the fringe of the tree, the sspan in
       -- question may be represented by several entries
    (before,rest)    = span  (\e -> (forestSpanStart $ forestSpanFromEntry e) < spanStart) entries
    (rafter,rmiddle) = break (\e -> (forestSpanEnd $ forestSpanFromEntry e) <= spanEnd) $ reverse rest
    _middle = reverse rmiddle
    after = reverse rafter
    -- last element of before should be the sspan we care about, first
    -- of after is the one we are looking for.

    -- NOTE: `after` may contain zero or more Deleted segments in the
    -- front. These get merged later in mergeDeletes
    (tokRow,tokCol) = if emptyList after
        then (spanRow + 2,spanCol)
        else (r,c)
                (r,c) = case ghead ("calcEndGap:after="++(show after)) after of
                    (Entry _ _ toks) -> (tokenRow t,tokenCol t)
                        where t = ghead "calcEndGap" toks
                    (Deleted ss _ _) -> fst $ forestSpanToSimpPos ss

    eg = (tokRow - spanRow, tokCol - spanCol)
    -- eg = error $ "calcEndGap: (sspan,(before,middle,after))=" ++ (show (sspan,(_before,middle,after)))

    (tokRowPg,tokColPg) = if emptyList before
        then (spanStartRow - 1,spanStartCol)
        else (r,c)
                (r,c) = case glast ("calcEndGap:before="++(show before)) before of
                    (Entry _ _ toks) -> (tokenRow t,tokenCol t)
                        where t = glast "calcEndGap pg" toks
                    (Deleted ss _ _) -> snd $ forestSpanToSimpPos ss

    -- TODO: what about comments before the span? spanStartRow may be off
    pg = (spanStartRow - tokRowPg, spanStartCol - tokColPg)
    -- pg = error $ "calcPriorAndEndGap : (tokRowPg,tokColPg):" ++ (show $ ((tokRowPg,tokColPg),(spanStartRow,spanStartCol)))
    -- pg = error $ "calcPriorAndEndGap : (head before):" ++ (show $ last before)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: delete this, superseded by calcPriorAndEndGap
-- |For a span about to be deleted, calculate the gap between the end
-- of the span being deleted and the start of the next one, at a token
-- level.
calcEndGap :: Tree Entry -> ForestSpan -> SimpPos
calcEndGap tree sspan = gap
    (_sspanStart,(spanRow,spanCol)) = forestSpanToSimpPos sspan
    (spanStart,spanEnd) = sspan
    entries = retrieveTokens' tree
    -- NOTE: the entries are the fringe of the tree, the sspan in
       -- question may be represented by several entries
    (_before,rest)   = span  (\e -> (forestSpanStart $ forestSpanFromEntry e) < spanStart) entries
    (rafter,rmiddle) = break (\e -> (forestSpanEnd $ forestSpanFromEntry e) <= spanEnd) $ reverse rest
    _middle = reverse rmiddle
    after = reverse rafter
    -- last element of before should be the sspan we care about, first
    -- of after is the one we are looking for.

    -- NOTE: `after` may contain zero or more Deleted segments in the
    -- front. These get merged later in mergeDeletes
    (tokRow,tokCol) = if emptyList after
        then (spanRow + 2,spanCol)
        else (r,c)
                (r,c) = case ghead ("calcEndGap:after="++(show after)) after of
                    (Entry _ _ toks) -> (tokenRow t,tokenCol t)
                        where t = ghead "calcEndGap" toks
                    (Deleted ss _ _) -> fst $ forestSpanToSimpPos ss

    gap = (tokRow - spanRow, tokCol - spanCol)
    -- gap = error $ "calcEndGap: (sspan,(before,middle,after))=" ++ (show (sspan,(_before,middle,after)))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Retrieve all the tokens at the leaves of the tree, in order.
-- Marked tokens are re-aligned, and gaps are closed.
retrieveTokensFinal :: Tree Entry -> [PosToken]
retrieveTokensFinal forest = monotonicLineToks $ stripForestLines $ reAlignMarked
                      $ deleteGapsToks $ retrieveTokens' forest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Retrieve the tokens in a ppr format, so they can be rendered
retrieveTokensPpr :: Tree Entry -> [Ppr]
retrieveTokensPpr forest = pps'''
    -- forest' = adjustLinesForDeleted forest
    (pps,_,lastLine) = retrieveTokensPpr' ([],Original,[]) forest
    pps'   = pps ++ (mkPprFromLineToks lastLine)
    pps''  = mergeDeletesPpr pps'
    pps''' = adjustPprForDeleted pps''

retrieveTokensPpr' :: ([Ppr],PprOrigin,[PosToken]) -> Tree Entry -> ([Ppr],PprOrigin,[PosToken])

retrieveTokensPpr' acc (Node (Deleted _sspan _pg ( 0,_cd) ) _) = acc
retrieveTokensPpr' acc (Node (Deleted  sspan  pg (rd,_cd) ) _) = acc'
    (ac,o,curLineToks) = acc
    ll = mkPprFromLineToksSrc o curLineToks
    ((rs,cs),(re,_ce)) = forestSpanToSimpPos sspan
    ol = re - rs
    acc' = (ac ++ ll ++ [PprDeleted rs cs pg ol rd],o,[])

retrieveTokensPpr' acc (Node (Entry _sspan NoChange     []) subs)
  = foldl' retrieveTokensPpr' acc subs

retrieveTokensPpr' acc (Node (Entry _sspan (Above so _ (r,c) eo) []) subs) = acc'
    (ac,_o,curLineToks) = acc
    (sss,o2,cl2) = foldl' retrieveTokensPpr' ([],Original,[]) subs
    cl2Acc = mkPprFromLineToksSrc o2 cl2
    ll = mkPprFromLineToks curLineToks
    acc' = (ac ++ ll ++ [PprAbove so (r,c) eo (normaliseColumns (sss++cl2Acc))],o2,[])

retrieveTokensPpr' (acc,oi,curLineToks) (Node (Entry sspan _     toks) []) = (acc++accNew,o,curLineToks')
    o = if (forestSpanVersionSet sspan) then Added else Original
    oi' = if o == Added || oi == Added then Added else Original
    toksByLine = groupTokensByLine toks
    (accNew,curLineToks') = case curLineToks of
      [] -> case toksByLine of
              [] -> ([],[])
              [x] -> ([],x)
              xs -> (concatMap (mkPprFromLineToksSrc o) (init xs),last xs)

      _  -> case toksByLine of
              [] -> ([],[])
              [x] -> if (toksOnSameLine (last curLineToks) (head x))
                       then ([],curLineToks ++ x)
                       else (mkPprFromLineToksSrc oi curLineToks,x)
              (x:xs) -> if (toksOnSameLine (last curLineToks) (head x))
                          then ((mkPprFromLineToksSrc oi' (curLineToks++x)) ++ concatMap (mkPprFromLineToksSrc o) (  init xs),last xs)
                          else ((mkPprFromLineToksSrc oi   curLineToks    ) ++ concatMap (mkPprFromLineToksSrc o) (x:init xs),last xs)

-- Keep -Wall happy
retrieveTokensPpr' _acc n@(Node (Entry _sspan (Above _so _ (_r,_c) _eo) _toks) _subs)
  = error $ "retrieveTokensPpr': Above entry with toks:" ++ (show n)
-- retrieveTokensPpr' _acc n@(Node (Entry _sspan (Offset _r _c) _toks) _subs)
--   = error $ "retrieveTokensPpr': Offset entry with toks:" ++ (show n)
retrieveTokensPpr' _acc n@(Node (Entry _sspan (NoChange) _toks) _subs)
  = error $ "retrieveTokensPpr': NoChange entry with toks:" ++ (show n)

mkPprFromLineToks :: [PosToken] -> [Ppr]
mkPprFromLineToks toks = mkPprFromLineToksSrc Original toks

mkPprFromLineToksSrc :: PprOrigin -> [PosToken] -> [Ppr]
mkPprFromLineToksSrc _ [] = []
mkPprFromLineToksSrc o toks = [PprText ro co o str]
    ro' = tokenRow $ head toks
    co' = tokenCol $ head toks
    (ro,co) = srcPosToSimpPos (tokenRow $ head toks, tokenCol $ head toks)
    toks' = addOffsetToToks (-ro',-co') toks
    str = GHC.showRichTokenStream toks'

-- | The PprAbove construct needs all the starting columns to be reset to zero
normaliseColumns :: [Ppr] -> [Ppr]
normaliseColumns [] = []
normaliseColumns ps = ps'
    offset = case (head ps) of
      PprText    _r c _ _   -> c - 1
      PprDeleted _r c _ _ _ -> c - 1
      _              -> 0
    ps' = map removeOffset ps

    removeOffset (PprText r c o toks)   = (PprText r (c - offset) o toks)
    removeOffset (PprDeleted r c p l e) = (PprDeleted r (c - offset) p l e)
    removeOffset x = x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
adjustPprForDeleted :: [Ppr] -> [Ppr]
adjustPprForDeleted [] = []
adjustPprForDeleted pps = pps'
    (_,pps') = foldl' go ((0,0),[]) pps

    go :: ((Int,Int),[Ppr]) -> Ppr -> ((Int,Int),[Ppr])
    go ((ro,co),acc) (PprText r c Original str) = ((ro,  co),acc++[PprText (r-ro) (c-co) Original str])
    go ((ro,co),acc) (PprText r c Added    str) = ((ro-1,co),acc++[PprText (r   ) (c   ) Added  str])
    -- go ((ro,co),acc) (PprDeleted r c rd) = ((ro - rd,co),acc)
    go ((ro,co),acc) (PprDeleted r c pg l eg)
        = ((ro + (pg + l + eg) - (max pg eg),co),acc++[PprDeleted r c pg l eg])
           -- NOTE: see below for derivation of the above calc
    go ((ro,co),acc) (PprAbove so p1 eo subs) = ((ro',co'),acc++[PprAbove so' p1' eo' subs'])
        so' = so
        p1' = p1
        eo' = eo
        ((ro',co'),subs') = foldl' go ((ro,co),[]) subs

Case 1

Code is
3:data D = A | B String | C
5:ff :: Int -> Int  <<<line to be deleted
6:ff y = y + zz
7:  where
8:    zz = 1
PprDeleted 5 1 2 0 1
So pg is 2 (5 - 3)
    l is 0 (5 - 5)
   eg is 1 (6 - 5)

New location needs to be 5, so
ro needs to be 1


Case 2

Code is
 5:ff :: Int -> Int
 6:ff y = y + zz      <<<line to be deleted
 7:  where            <<<line to be deleted
 8:    zz = 1         <<<line to be deleted
10:x = 3
PprDeleted 6 1 1 2 2
So pg is 1 ( 6 - 5)
    l is 2 ( 8 - 6)
   eg is 2 (10 - 8)

New location needs to be 7, so
ro needs to be 3

so (pg - 1) + (l + 1) or pg + l


Case 3

Code is
 4:ff :: Int -> Int
 6:ff y = y + zz      <<<line to be deleted
 7:  where            <<<line to be deleted
 8:    zz = 1         <<<line to be deleted
10:x = 3
PprDeleted 6 1 2 2 2
So pg is 2 ( 6 - 4)
    l is 2 ( 8 - 6)
   eg is 2 (10 - 8)

New location needs to be 6, so
ro needs to be 4

so (pg - 1) + (l + 1) or pg + l


First principles.

We have
 sr : last non-blank line before deletion area
 dr : first non-blank line after deletion area

 fd : first line of deletion area
 ld : last line of deletion area

We need to calculate the offset to bring dr to have the same end
gap as for the original.

      Case 1   Case 2  Case 3
 sr    3         5       4
 fd    5         6       6
 ld    5         8       8
 dr    6        10      10

 pg    2         1       2
 eg    1         2       2

 np    5         7       6
 ro    1         3       4

i.e. we need to apply the largest of (pg,eg)  to the original sr.

  np = sr + max(pg,eg)

  ro = dr - np


  ro = dr - sr - max(pg,eg)

In PprDeleted, dr - sr is same as (pg + l + eg)

  ro = (pg + l + eg) - max(pg,eg)


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
mergeDeletesPpr :: [Ppr] -> [Ppr]
mergeDeletesPpr [] = []
mergeDeletesPpr ((PprDeleted r1 c1 pg1 l1 eg1):(PprDeleted _r _c pg2 l2 eg2):ps)
  = (PprDeleted r1 c1 pg1 (l1 + eg1 + pg2 + l2 - 1) eg2) : mergeDeletesPpr ps
The total gap taken up by each delete is pg+l+eg.

We have
  pg1 + l1 + eg1 + pg2 + l2 + eg2

The combined span has
  pg1 + (l1 + eg1 + pg2 + l2) + eg2

Why do we need the (-1)? TBD

pg1 : fb - sr
eg1 : dr - lb
 l1 : lb - fb
sum: (fb - sr) + (dr - lb) + (lb - fb)
  = -sr + dr  -- fb and lb cancels out
  = dr - sr
so we have (dr1 - sr1) + (dr2 - sr2)
bu, dr1 == sr2
so (dr1 - sr1 + dr2 - dr1)
or dr2 - sr1
mergeDeletesPpr (p:ps) = p : mergeDeletesPpr ps
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
getPprStartRow :: Ppr -> Row
getPprStartRow (PprText r _ _ _) = r
getPprStartRow (PprDeleted r _ _ _ _) = r
getPprStartRow (PprAbove _ _ _ []) = error "getPprStartRow: PprAbove with no subs"
getPprStartRow (PprAbove _ _ _ subs) = getPprStartRow $ head subs

getPprEndRow :: Ppr -> Row
getPprEndRow (PprText r _ _ _) = r
getPprEndRow (PprDeleted r _ _ _ _) = r
getPprEndRow (PprAbove _ _ _ []) = error "getPprEndRow: PprAbove with no subs"
getPprEndRow (PprAbove _ _ _ subs) = getPprEndRow $ last subs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- TODO: deprecated, doing this at the Ppr level now
adjustLinesForDeleted :: Tree Entry -> Tree Entry
adjustLinesForDeleted forest = forest'
    (_,forest') = go (0,0) forest

    go :: (Int,Int) -> Tree Entry -> ((Int,Int),Tree Entry)
    go (ro,co) (n@(Node (Entry _ss _lay _toks) [])) = ((ro,co),applyOffsetToTreeShallow (ro,co) n)
    go (ro,co) (n@(Node (Deleted _ _ (gr,_gc)) _nullSubs))   = ((ro-gr,co),n)
    go (ro,co) (n@(Node (Entry _ss _lay []) _subs)) = ((ro',co'),Node (Entry ss lay []) subs')
        (Node (Entry ss lay []) subs) = applyOffsetToTreeShallow (ro,co) n
        ((ro',co'),subs') = foldl' go' ((ro,co),[]) subs

    go (_ro,_co) (n@(Node (Entry _ss _lay _toks) _subs))
      = error $ "adjustLinesForDeleted: Entry with toks and subs:" ++ (show n)

    go' ((ro,co),acc) tree = ((ro',co'),acc++[tree'])
        ((ro',co'),tree') = go (ro,co) tree

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

applyOffsetToTreeShallow :: (Int,Int) -> Tree Entry -> Tree Entry
applyOffsetToTreeShallow (ro,co) (Node (Entry sspan lay toks) subs)
  = (Node (Entry sspan' lay toks') subs')
    sspan' = addOffsetToForestSpan (ro,co) sspan
    toks' = addOffsetToToks (ro,co) toks
    subs' = subs
applyOffsetToTreeShallow _ n@(Node (Deleted _ _ _) _) = n

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
renderPpr :: [Ppr] -> String
renderPpr ps = res
    (_,(_,res)) = runState (go 0 ps) ((1,1),"")

    go _ [] = return ()

    go ci (ppt@(PprText _rt _ct _ _toks):ppa@(PprAbove so (_,_cc) eo _subs):ps') = do
      renderPprText ci ppt
      addOffset so
      (_,c) <- getRC
      renderPprAbove c ppa
      (cr,_cc) <- getRC
      -- addOffset eo
      if ps' /= []
         case eo of
           FromAlignCol (ero,eco) -> newPos (cr+ero) (ci+eco)
           SameLine _ -> addOffset eo
           None       -> return ()
       else return ()
      -- (r',c') <- getRC
      -- addDebugString $ "(eo:" ++ show (ci,(r',c')) ++ ")" -- ++AZ++ debug
      go ci ps'

    go ci (p@(PprText _rt _ct _ _toks):ps') = do
      renderPprText ci p
      go ci ps'

    go ci ((PprDeleted _ _ _ _ _):ps') = go ci ps'

    go _ pps = error $ "renderPpr: unmatched in go:" ++ (show pps)


    renderPprAbove _ci (PprAbove _ _ _   []) = return ()
    renderPprAbove  ci (PprAbove _ _ _ subs) = go ci subs

    renderPprAbove _ ppr = error $ "renderPprAbove:unexpected ppr:" ++ (show ppr)


    -- renderPprText :: Col -> Ppr -> String
    renderPprText ci (PprText rt ct _ str) = do
      -- (r',c') <- getRC
      -- addDebugString $ "(op" ++ (show (ci,(r',c'),(rt,ct))) ++ ")"  -- ++AZ++ for debugging
      newPos rt (ci + ct)
      -- (r,c) <- getRC
      -- addDebugString $ "(np:" ++ (show (r,c)) ++ ")"  -- ++AZ++ for debugging
      addString str
      -- addDebugString $ "(fp:" ++ (show (r,c)) ++ ")"  -- ++AZ++ for debugging

    renderPprText _ ppr = error $ "renderPprText:unexpected ppr:" ++ (show ppr)


    addOffset None = return ()
    addOffset (SameLine co) = do
      (r,c) <- getRC
      newPos r (c+co)
    addOffset (FromAlignCol (ro,co)) = do
      (r,c) <- getRC
      newPos (r+ro) (c+co)

    newPos newRow newCol = do
      (oldRow',oldCol) <- getRC

      -- Allow for out of order additions that result from additions
      -- to the tree. Will break the invariant.
      let oldRow = if oldRow' <= newRow then oldRow' else (newRow - 1)
      putRC (oldRow,oldCol)

      if oldRow == newRow
        then addString (take (newCol - oldCol) $ repeat ' ')
          addString ( (take (newRow - oldRow) $ repeat '\n') ++
                      (take (newCol - 1) $ repeat ' ') )
      checkInvariant $ "newPos:" ++ (show (newRow,newCol))

    -- Check invariant
    --  1. r == number of '\n' + 1
    --  2. c == number of chars in last line.
    --     We assume the c val refers to positions between characters
    --     of output.
    checkInvariant str = do
      ((r,c),cur) <- get
      let ll = 1 + (length $ filter (=='\n') cur)
      let lc = 1 + (length $ takeWhile (/='\n') $ reverse cur)
      if r /= ll
        then error $ "renderPpr.newPos: r /= ll :" ++ (show (r,ll,cur,str))
        else return ()
      if c /= lc
        then error $ "renderPpr.newPos: c /= lc :" ++ (show (c,lc,cur,str))
        else return ()
      return ()

    -- State operations ----------------

    getRC = do
      (rc,_) <- get
      return rc

    putRC (r,c) = do
      (_,str) <- get
      put ((r,c),str)

    addString [] = return ()
    addString str = do
      ((r,c),curr) <- get
      let ll = (length $ filter (=='\n') str)
      let c'' = (length $ takeWhile (/='\n') $ reverse str)

      let (r',c') = case ll of
                     0 -> (r,c + c'')
                     _ -> (r + ll, c'' + 1)
      put ((r',c'),curr++str)

      checkInvariant $ "addString" ++ show str

    addDebugString str = do
      ((r,c),curr) <- get
      put ((r,c),curr++str)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Retrieve all the tokens at the leaves of the tree, in order. No
-- adjustments are made to address gaps or re-alignment of the tokens
retrieveTokensInterim :: Tree Entry -> [PosToken]
retrieveTokensInterim forest = monotonicLineToks $ stripForestLines {-  reAlignMarked -}
                             $ concat $ map (\t -> F.foldl accum [] t) [forest]
    accum :: [PosToken] -> Entry -> [PosToken]
    accum acc (Entry _ _ [])   = acc
    accum acc (Entry _ _ toks) = acc ++ toks
    accum acc (Deleted _ _ _)  = acc

retrieveTokens' :: Tree Entry -> [Entry]
retrieveTokens' forest = mergeDeletes $ concat $ map (\t -> F.foldl accum [] t) [forest]
    accum :: [Entry] -> Entry -> [Entry]
    accum acc   (Entry _ _ [])    = acc
    accum acc e@(Entry _ _ _toks) = acc ++ [e]
    accum acc e@(Deleted _ _ _)   = acc ++ [e]

-- |Merge adjacent Deleted entries
mergeDeletes :: [Entry] -> [Entry]
mergeDeletes [] = []
mergeDeletes [x] = [x]
mergeDeletes ((Deleted ss1 pg1 (r1,_)):(Deleted ss2 _ (r2,c2)):xs) = (Deleted ss pg1 o):xs
    (start,_) = ss1
    (_, end) = ss2
    ss = (start,end)
    o = (r1+r2,c2)
mergeDeletes (x:xs) = x:mergeDeletes xs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Process the leaf nodes of a tree to remove all deleted spans
deleteGapsToks :: [Entry] -> [PosToken]
deleteGapsToks toks = goDeleteGapsToks (0,0) toks

goDeleteGapsToks :: SimpPos -> [Entry] -> [PosToken]
goDeleteGapsToks      _ []                    = []
goDeleteGapsToks offset [Entry _ _ t]         = map (increaseSrcSpan offset) t
goDeleteGapsToks      _ [Deleted _ _ _]       = []
goDeleteGapsToks offset (Deleted _ _ _:ts)    = goDeleteGapsToks offset ts
goDeleteGapsToks offset [Entry _ _ t,Deleted _ _ _] = map (increaseSrcSpan offset) t
goDeleteGapsToks offset (Entry _ _ t1:e@(Entry _ _ _):ts) = (map (increaseSrcSpan offset) t1) ++goDeleteGapsToks offset (e:ts)
goDeleteGapsToks (fr,fc) (Entry ss _lay1 t1:Deleted _ _ eg:t2:ts)
  = t1' ++ goDeleteGapsToks offset' (t2:ts)
    -- TODO: use actual first and last toks, may be comments
    -- TODO: what about deletion within a line?

    (deltaR,_deltaC) = eg
    (_,(sr,_sc)) = forestSpanToSimpPos ss
    ((dr,_dc),_) = forestSpanToSimpPos $ forestSpanFromEntry t2
    offset' = (fr + (sr - dr) + deltaR, fc)

    t1' = map (increaseSrcSpan (fr,fc)) t1

-- | Process the leaf nodes of a tree to remove all deleted spans
deleteGapsToks' :: [Entry] -> [(SimpPos,String,ForestSpan,[PosToken])]
deleteGapsToks' toks = goDeleteGapsToks' (0,0) toks

goDeleteGapsToks' :: SimpPos -> [Entry] -> [(SimpPos,String,ForestSpan,[PosToken])]
goDeleteGapsToks'      _  []                    = [((0,0),  "N",nullSpan, [])]
goDeleteGapsToks' offset  [Entry ss _ t]        = [(offset,"E1",ss,map (increaseSrcSpan offset) t)]
goDeleteGapsToks'      _  [Deleted _ _]         = [((0,0),  "D1",nullSpan, [])]
goDeleteGapsToks' offset  (Deleted _ _:ts)      = (offset, "D0",nullSpan, []):goDeleteGapsToks' offset ts
goDeleteGapsToks' offset  [Entry ss _ t,Deleted _ _] = [(offset,"[ED]",ss,map (increaseSrcSpan offset) t)]
goDeleteGapsToks' offset  (Entry ss _ t1:e@(Entry _ _ _):ts) =(offset,"EE", ss, (map (increaseSrcSpan offset) t1)):goDeleteGapsToks' offset (e:ts)
goDeleteGapsToks' (fr,fc) (Entry ss _ t1:Deleted _ _:t2:ts)
  = ((fr,fc),"ED",ss,t1') : goDeleteGapsToks' offset' (t2:ts)
    -- TODO: use actual first and last toks, may be comments
    -- TODO: what about deletion within a line?
    (_,(sr,_sc)) = forestSpanToSimpPos ss
    ((dr,_dc),_) = forestSpanToSimpPos $ forestSpanFromEntry t2
    offset' = (fr + sr - dr + 2, fc)
    -- offset' = (fr + sr - dr + 1, fc)

    t1' = map (increaseSrcSpan (fr,fc)) t1


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Starting from a point in the zipper, retrieve all tokens backwards
-- until the line changes for a non-comment/non-empty token or
-- beginning of file.
retrievePrevLineToks :: Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry -> ReversedToks
retrievePrevLineToks z = RT res' -- error $ "retrievePrevLineToks:done notWhite=" ++ (show (done notWhite)) -- ++AZ++
    -- Assuming the zipper has been opened to the span we care about,
    -- we will start with the tokens in the current tree, and work
    -- back.
    -- prevToks = retrieveTokens $ Z.tree z
    prevToks = retrieveTokensInterim $ Z.tree z

    -- Next one is the usual one
    -- res' = reverse $ (concat (go z)) ++ prevToks
    res' =  reverse $ concat $ reverse (prevToks : (go z))

    -- res' =  (reverse prevToks) ++ (concat (go z))

    -- res' = error $ "retrievePrevLineToks:res'=" ++ (show (dropWhile (\tok -> isWhiteSpace tok || tokenRow tok < endLine) res))
    -- res' = error $ "retrievePrevLineToks:prevToks=" ++ (show prevToks)
    -- res' = error $ "retrievePrevLineToks:prevToks=" ++ (show res)
    -- res' = error $ "retrievePrevLineToks:(prevToks : (go z))=" ++ (show (prevToks : (go z)))
    -- res' = error $ "retrievePrevLineToks:(prevToks : (go z))=" ++ (show $ concat $ reverse (prevToks : (go z)))

    -- TODO:  ++AZ++ what is this actually doing?
    go :: Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry -> [[PosToken]]
    go zz
      | not (Z.isRoot zz) = toks : (go $ gfromJust "retrievePrevLineToks" (Z.parent zz))
      | otherwise = [toks]
        toks = concat $ reverse $ map retrieveTokensInterim $ Z.before zz
        -- toks = concat $ map retrieveTokensInterim $ Z.before zz

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

stripForestLines :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
stripForestLines toks = map doOne toks
    doOne (GHC.L l t,s) = (GHC.L l' t,s)
       ((ForestLine _ _ _ ls,_),(_,_)) = srcSpanToForestSpan l
       l' = insertForestLineInSrcSpan (ForestLine False 0 0 ls) l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

stripForestLineFromGhc :: GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.SrcSpan
stripForestLineFromGhc l = l'
    ((ForestLine _ _ _ ls,_),(_,_)) = srcSpanToForestSpan l
    l' = insertForestLineInSrcSpan (ForestLine False 0 0 ls) l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

reAlignMarked :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
reAlignMarked toks = concatMap alignOne $ groupTokensByLine toks
    -- alignOne toksl = unmarked ++ (reAlignToks marked)
    alignOne toksl = unmarked ++ (reAlignOneLine marked)
       (unmarked,marked) = break isMarked toksl

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Some tokens are marked if they belong to identifiers which have
-- been renamed. When the renaming takes place, no layout adjustment
-- is done. This function adjusts the spacing for the rest of the line
-- to match as far as possible the original spacing, except for the
-- name change.
reAlignOneLine :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
reAlignOneLine toks = go (0,0) toks
    go _ [] = []
    go (l,c) (t:ts) = (increaseSrcSpan (l,c) t') : (go (l,c') ts)
        (t',dc) = adjustToken t
        c' = c + dc

    adjustToken tt@(_,"") = (tt,0)
    adjustToken tt@(lt@(GHC.L _ t),s) = ((GHC.L newL t,s),deltac)
        (sl,sc) = getLocatedStart lt
        (el,ec) = getLocatedEnd   lt
        deltac = (length s) - (ec - sc)

        filename = fileNameFromTok tt
        newL = GHC.mkSrcSpan (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename sl sc)
                             (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename el (ec + deltac))

reAlignToks :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
reAlignToks [] = []
reAlignToks [t] = [t]
reAlignToks (tok1@(_,""):ts) = tok1 : reAlignToks ts
reAlignToks (tok1@((GHC.L l1 _t1),_s1):tok2@((GHC.L l2 t2),s2):ts)
  = tok1:reAlignToks (tok2':ts)
     ((_sr1,_sc1),(er1,ec1)) = (getGhcLoc l1,getGhcLocEnd l1)
     (( sr2, sc2),(er2,ec2)) = (getGhcLoc l2,getGhcLocEnd l2)

     ((sr,sc),(er,ec)) = if (er1 == sr2 && ec1 >= sc2)
              then ((sr2,ec1+1),(er2,ec1+1 + tokenLen tok2))
              else ((sr2,sc2),(er2,ec2))

     fname = case l2 of
               GHC.RealSrcSpan ss -> GHC.srcSpanFile ss
               _ -> GHC.mkFastString "foo"
     l2' = GHC.mkRealSrcSpan (GHC.mkRealSrcLoc fname sr sc)
                             (GHC.mkRealSrcLoc fname er ec)
     tok2' = ((GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan l2') t2),s2)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Add a new SrcSpan and Tokens after a given one in the token stream
-- and forest. This will be given a unique SrcSpan in return, which
-- specifically indexes into the forest.
addNewSrcSpanAndToksAfter ::
  Tree Entry -- ^The forest to update
  -> GHC.SrcSpan -- ^The new span comes after this one
  -> GHC.SrcSpan -- ^Existing span for the tokens
  -> Positioning
  -> [PosToken]  -- ^The new tokens belonging to the new SrcSpan
  -> (Tree Entry -- Updated forest with the new span
     , GHC.SrcSpan) -- ^Unique SrcSpan allocated in the forest to
                    -- identify this span in its position
addNewSrcSpanAndToksAfter forest oldSpan newSpan pos toks = (forest'',newSpan')
    (forest',tree) = getSrcSpanForDeep forest (srcSpanToForestSpan oldSpan)

    (ghcl,_c) = getGhcLoc newSpan
    (ForestLine ch tr v l) = ghcLineToForestLine ghcl
    newSpan' = insertForestLineInSrcSpan (ForestLine ch tr (v+1) l) newSpan

    toks' = placeToksForSpan forest' oldSpan tree pos toks

    newNode = Node (Entry (srcSpanToForestSpan newSpan') NoChange toks') []

    forest'' = insertNodeAfter tree newNode forest'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

placeToksForSpan ::
  Tree Entry
  -> GHC.SrcSpan
  -> Tree Entry
  -> Positioning
  -> [PosToken]
  -> [PosToken]
placeToksForSpan forest oldSpan tree pos toks = toks'
    z = openZipperToSpanDeep (srcSpanToForestSpan oldSpan) $ Z.fromTree forest
    prevToks = case (retrievePrevLineToks z) of
                 RT [] -> reverseToks $ retrieveTokensInterim tree
                 xs -> xs

    prevToks' = limitPrevToks prevToks oldSpan
    toks' = reIndentToks pos (unReverseToks prevToks') toks
    -- toks' = error $ "placeToksForSpan: prevToks'=" ++ (show prevToks')
    -- toks' = error $ "placeToksForSpan: prevToks=" ++ (show prevToks)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Add new tokens after the given SrcSpan, constructing a new SrcSpan
-- in the process
addToksAfterSrcSpan ::
  Tree Entry  -- ^TokenTree to be modified
  -> GHC.SrcSpan -- ^Preceding location for new tokens
  -> Positioning
  -> [PosToken] -- ^New tokens to be added
  -> (Tree Entry, GHC.SrcSpan) -- ^ updated TokenTree and SrcSpan location for
                               -- the new tokens in the TokenTree
addToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks = (forest',newSpan')
    (fwithspan,tree) = getSrcSpanForDeep forest (srcSpanToForestSpan oldSpan)

    toks'' = placeToksForSpan fwithspan oldSpan tree pos toks

    (startPos,endPos) = nonCommentSpan toks''

    newSpan = posToSrcSpan forest (startPos,endPos)

    (forest',newSpan') = addNewSrcSpanAndToksAfter forest oldSpan newSpan pos toks

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

limitPrevToks :: ReversedToks -> GHC.SrcSpan -> ReversedToks
limitPrevToks prevToks sspan = reverseToks prevToks''
    ((ForestLine _ _ _ startRow,_startCol),(ForestLine _ _ _ endRow,_)) = srcSpanToForestSpan sspan

    -- Make sure the toks do not extend past where we are
    prevToks' = dropWhile (\t -> tokenRow t > endRow) $ unReverseToks prevToks

    -- Only use the toks for the given oldspan
    -- prevToks'' = dropWhile (\t -> tokenPos t < (startRow,startCol)) prevToks'
    prevToks'' = dropWhile (\t -> tokenRow t < startRow) prevToks'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Add new tokens belonging to an AST fragment after a given SrcSpan,
-- and re-sync the AST fragment to match the new location
addDeclToksAfterSrcSpan :: (SYB.Data t) =>
     Tree Entry  -- ^TokenTree to be modified
  -> GHC.SrcSpan -- ^Preceding location for new tokens
  -> Positioning
  -> [PosToken] -- ^New tokens to be added
  -> GHC.Located t  -- ^Declaration the tokens belong to, to be synced
  -> (Tree Entry, GHC.SrcSpan,GHC.Located t) -- ^ updated TokenTree ,SrcSpan location for
  -- -> (Tree Entry, GHC.SrcSpan,t) -- ^ updated TokenTree ,SrcSpan location for
                               -- the new tokens in the TokenTree, and
                               -- updated AST element
addDeclToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks t = (forest'',newSpan,t')
    (forest',newSpan) = addToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks
    (t',forest'') = syncAST t newSpan forest'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

reIndentToks :: Positioning -> [PosToken] -> [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
reIndentToks _ _ [] = []
reIndentToks pos prevToks toks = toks''
  -- = error $ "reIndentToks:(pos,prevToks)=" ++ (show (pos,prevToks)) -- ++AZ++
  -- = error $ "reIndentToks:((isComment lastTok),(tokenRow lastNonCommentTok),lastTokEndLine)=" ++ (show ((isComment lastTok),(tokenRow lastNonCommentTok),lastTokEndLine))
    newTokStart = ghead "reIndentToks.1"
                $ dropWhile (\tok -> isComment tok || isEmpty tok) $ toks

    firstTok = ghead "reIndentToks.2" toks
    lastTok  = glast "reIndentToks.1" prevToks

    lastNonCommentTok = ghead "reIndentToks.3"
                      $ dropWhile (\tok -> isComment tok || isEmpty tok) $ reverse prevToks

    prevOffset = getIndentOffset prevToks (tokenPos (glast "reIndentToks.2" prevToks))

    (lastTokEndLine,_) = tokenPosEnd lastTok

    (lineOffset,colOffset,endNewlines) = case pos of
      PlaceAdjacent -> (lineOffset',colOffset',0)
          colStart  = (tokenColEnd (lastTok)) + 1
          lineStart = (tokenRow    (lastTok))

          lineOffset' = lineStart - (tokenRow firstTok)
          colOffset'  = colStart  - (tokenCol newTokStart)

      PlaceAbsolute row col -> (lineOffset', colOffset', 0)
          lineOffset' = row - (tokenRow firstTok)
          colOffset'  = col - (tokenCol firstTok)

      PlaceAbsCol rowIndent col numLines -> (lineOffset', colOffset', numLines)
          colOffset'  = col - (tokenCol firstTok)
          lineStart = (tokenRow (lastTok)) -- + 1

          lineOffset' = rowIndent + lineStart - (tokenRow firstTok)

      PlaceOffset rowIndent colIndent numLines -> (lineOffset',colOffset',numLines)
          -- TODO: Should this not be prevOffset?
          colStart  = tokenCol $ ghead "reIndentToks.4"
                    $ dropWhile isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored prevToks
          -- colStart = prevOffset
          -- colStart = error $ "reIndentToks:prevToks=" ++ (show prevToks)

          lineStart = (tokenRow (lastTok)) -- + 1
          -- lineStart = error $ "reIndentToks:PlaceOffset:lastTok=" ++ show lastTok
          -- lineStart = error $ "reIndentToks:PlaceOffset:firstTok=" ++ show firstTok

          lineOffset' = rowIndent + lineStart - (tokenRow firstTok)
          colOffset'  = colIndent + colStart  - (tokenCol newTokStart)
          -- colOffset'  = error $ "reIndentToks:placeOffset lineOffset=" ++ show lineOffset

      PlaceIndent rowIndent colIndent numLines -> (lineOffset',colOffset',numLines)
          colStart = prevOffset
          lineStart = if ((isComment lastTok) && (tokenRow lastNonCommentTok /= lastTokEndLine))
              then (tokenRow (lastTok)) + 1
              else (tokenRow (lastTok))

          lineOffset' = rowIndent + lineStart - (tokenRow firstTok)
          colOffset'  = colIndent + colStart  - (tokenCol newTokStart) + 1 -- ++AZ++ Why +1?

    toks'  = addOffsetToToks (lineOffset,colOffset) toks
    toks'' = if endNewlines > 0
               -- then toks' ++ [(newLinesToken endNewlines $ glast "reIndentToks.3" toks')]
               then toks' ++ [(newLinesToken (endNewlines - 1) $ glast "reIndentToks.3" toks')]
               else toks'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Extract the start and end position of a span, without any leading
-- or trailing comments
nonCommentSpan :: [PosToken] -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
nonCommentSpan [] = ((0,0),(0,0))
nonCommentSpan toks = (startPos,endPos)
    stripped = dropWhile isIgnoredNonComment $ toks
    (startPos,endPos) = case stripped of
      [] -> ((0,0),(0,0))
      _ -> (tokenPos startTok,tokenPosEnd endTok)
        startTok = ghead "nonCommentSpan.1" $ dropWhile isIgnoredNonComment $ toks
        endTok   = ghead "nonCommentSpan.2" $ dropWhile isIgnoredNonComment $ reverse toks

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Convert a simple (start,end) position to a SrcSpan belonging to
-- the file in the tree
posToSrcSpan :: Tree Entry -> (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> GHC.SrcSpan
posToSrcSpan forest ((rs,cs),(re,ce)) = sspan
    (GHC.L l _,_) = ghead "posToSrcSpan"  $ retrieveTokensInterim forest -- ++AZ++ Ouch, performance??
    sspan =  case l of
      GHC.RealSrcSpan ss ->
          locStart = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) rs cs
          locEnd   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) re ce
          GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd
      _ -> error "posToSrcSpan: invalid SrcSpan in first tok"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Convert a simple (start,end) position to a SrcSpan belonging to
-- the file in the given token
posToSrcSpanTok :: PosToken -> (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> GHC.SrcSpan
posToSrcSpanTok tok ((rs,cs),(re,ce)) = sspan
    (GHC.L l _,_) = tok
    sspan =  case l of
      GHC.RealSrcSpan ss ->
          locStart = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) rs cs
          locEnd   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) re ce
          GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd
      _ -> error "posToSrcSpan: invalid SrcSpan in first tok"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Insert a new node after the designated one in the tree
  :: Tree Entry -> Tree Entry -> Tree Entry -> Tree Entry
insertNodeAfter oldNode newNode forest = forest'
    zf = openZipperToNodeDeep oldNode $ Z.fromTree forest

    zp = gfromJust ("insertNodeAfter:" ++ (show (oldNode,newNode,forest))) $ Z.parent zf
    tp = Z.tree zp

    -- now go through the children of the parent tree, and find the
    -- right spot for the new node
    (f,s) = break (\t -> treeStartEnd t == treeStartEnd oldNode) $ subForest tp
    (f',s') = (f++[ghead "insertNodeAfter" s],tail s) -- break does not include the found point
    subForest' = f' ++ [newNode] ++ s'

    tp' = tp { subForest = subForest' }
    forest' = Z.toTree $ Z.setTree tp' zp

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Open a zipper so that its focus is the given node
--  NOTE: the node must already be in the tree
  :: Tree Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
openZipperToNode (Node (Entry sspan _ _) _) z
  = openZipperToSpan sspan z
openZipperToNode (Node (Deleted sspan _ _) _) z
  = openZipperToSpan sspan z

-- |Open a zipper so that its focus is the given node
--  NOTE: the node must already be in the tree
  :: Tree Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
openZipperToNodeDeep (Node (Entry sspan _ _) _) z
  = openZipperToSpanDeep sspan z
openZipperToNodeDeep (Node (Deleted sspan _ _) _) z
  = openZipperToSpanDeep sspan z

getChildrenAsZ :: Z.TreePos Z.Full a -> [Z.TreePos Z.Full a]
getChildrenAsZ z = go [] (Z.firstChild z)
    go acc Nothing = acc
    go acc (Just zz) = go (acc ++ [zz]) (Z.next zz)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Does the first span contain the second? Takes cognisance of the
-- various flags a ForestSpan can have.
-- NOTE: This function relies on the Eq instance for ForestLine
spanContains :: ForestSpan -> ForestSpan -> Bool
spanContains span1 span2 = (startPos <= nodeStart && endPos >= nodeEnd)
        -- TODO: This looks like a no-op?
        (tvs,_tve) = forestSpanVersions $ span1
        (nvs,_nve) = forestSpanVersions $ span2
        (startPos,endPos)   = insertVersionsInForestSpan tvs tvs span1
        (nodeStart,nodeEnd) = insertVersionsInForestSpan nvs nvs span2

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Open a zipper so that its focus has the given SrcSpan in its
-- subtree, or the location where the SrcSpan should go, if it is not
-- in the tree
  :: ForestSpan
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
openZipperToSpan sspan z
  | hasVersions = openZipperToSpanAdded sspan z
  | otherwise   = openZipperToSpanOrig sspan z
    (vs,_ve) = forestSpanVersions sspan
    hasVersions = vs /= 0

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Open a zipper so that its focus has the given SrcSpan in its
-- subtree, or the location where the SrcSpan should go, if it is not
-- in the tree
  :: ForestSpan
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
openZipperToSpanOrig sspan z
  = if (treeStartEnd (Z.tree z) == sspan) || (Z.isLeaf z)
      then z
      else z'
          -- go through all of the children to find the one that
          -- either is what we are looking for, or contains it

          -- childrenAsZ = go [] (Z.firstChild z)
          childrenAsZ = getChildrenAsZ z
          z' = case (filter contains childrenAsZ) of
            [] -> z -- Not directly in a subtree, this is as good as
                    -- it gets
            [x] -> -- exactly one, drill down
                   openZipperToSpan sspan x

            xx  -> case (filter (\zt -> (treeStartEnd $ Z.tree zt) == sspan) xx) of 
                    [] -> -- more than one matches, see if we can get
                          -- rid of the ones that have been lengthened
                          case (filter (not .forestSpanLenChanged . treeStartEnd . Z.tree) xx) of
                            [] -> z -- we tried...
                            [w] -> openZipperToSpan sspan w
                            -- ww -> error $ "openZipperToSpan:can't resolve:(sspan,ww)="++(show (sspan,ww))
                            ww -> -- more than one candidate, break
                                  -- the tie on version match
                                  case (filter (\zt -> matchVersions sspan zt) ww) of
                                     [v] -> openZipperToSpan sspan v
                                     _   -> error $ "openZipperToSpan:can't resolve:(sspan,ww)="++(show (sspan,map (\zt -> treeStartEnd $ Z.tree zt) ww))
                    [y] -> openZipperToSpan sspan y
                    yy -> -- Multiple, check if we can separate out by
                          -- version
                          case (filter (\zt -> (fst $ forestSpanVersions $ treeStartEnd $ Z.tree zt) == (fst $ forestSpanVersions sspan)) xx) of
                           -- [] -> z
                           [] -> error $ "openZipperToSpan:no version match:(sspan,yy)=" ++ (show (sspan,yy)) -- ++AZ++
                           [w] -> openZipperToSpan sspan w
                           _ww -> error $ "openZipperToSpan:multiple version match:" ++ (show (sspan,yy)) -- ++AZ++

          contains zn = spanContains (treeStartEnd $ Z.tree zn) sspan

          matchVersions span1 z2 = isMatch
              span2 = treeStartEnd $ Z.tree z2
              isMatch = forestSpanVersions span1 == forestSpanVersions span2

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Open a zipper so that its focus has the given SrcSpan in its
-- subtree, or the location where the SrcSpan should go, if it is not
-- in the tree.
-- In the case of an 'Above' layout with the same SrcSpan below,
-- return that instead
  :: ForestSpan
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
openZipperToSpanDeep sspan z = zf
    z' = openZipperToSpan sspan z

    zf = case Z.tree z' of
           (Node (Entry _ (Above _ _ _ _) _) _) ->
                case getChildrenAsZ z' of
                  []  -> z'
                  [x] -> if (treeStartEnd (Z.tree x) == sspan) then x else z'
                  _   -> z'
           _ -> z'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Open a zipper to a SrcSpan that has been added in the tree, and
-- thus does not necessarily fall in the logical hierarchy of the tree
  :: ForestSpan
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
     -> Z.TreePos Z.Full Entry
openZipperToSpanAdded sspan z = zf
    treeAsList = getTreeSpansAsList $ Z.tree z

    -- True if first span contains the second
    myMatch (((ForestLine _ _ vs1 rs1),cs1),((ForestLine _ _ ve1 re1),ce1))
            (((ForestLine _ _ vs2 rs2),cs2),((ForestLine _ _ ve2 re2),ce2))
      = vs1 == vs2 && ve1 == ve2 && ((rs1,cs1) <= (rs2,cs2)) && ((re1,ce1) >= (re2,ce2))
    tl2 = dropWhile (\(_,s) -> not (myMatch s sspan)) $ reverse treeAsList

    fff [] _ = []
    fff acc@((cd,_cs):_) (v,sspan') = if v < cd then (v,sspan'):acc
                                               else acc

    tl3 = foldl' fff [(head tl2)] tl2
    -- tl3 now contains the chain of ForestSpans to open in order in the zipper

    zf = foldl' (flip openZipperToSpanOrig) z $ map snd tl3

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getTreeSpansAsList :: Tree Entry -> [(Int,ForestSpan)]
getTreeSpansAsList = getTreeSpansAsList' 0

getTreeSpansAsList' :: Int -> Tree Entry -> [(Int,ForestSpan)]
getTreeSpansAsList' level (Node (Deleted sspan  _pg _eg )  _  )   = [(level,sspan)]
getTreeSpansAsList' level (Node (Entry sspan _lay _toks) ts0) = (level,sspan)
                       : (concatMap (getTreeSpansAsList' (level + 1)) ts0)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Split a forest of trees into a (begin,middle,end) according to a
-- ForestSpan, such that no tokens are included in begin or end belonging
-- to the ForestSpan, and all of middle has some part of the ForestSpan
splitForestOnSpan :: Forest Entry -> ForestSpan
                  -> ([Tree Entry],[Tree Entry],[Tree Entry])
splitForestOnSpan forest sspan = (beginTrees,middleTrees,endTrees)
    (spanStart,spanEnd) = sspan

    (beginTrees,rest)      = break (\t -> not $ inBeginTrees t) forest
    (middleTrees,endTrees) = break (\t ->       inEndTrees t) rest

    inBeginTrees tree = spanStart >= treeEnd
        (_treeStart,treeEnd) = treeStartEnd tree

    inEndTrees tree = spanEnd <= treeStart
        (treeStart,_treeEnd) = treeStartEnd tree


  forest = [((1,1),(10,5)), ((100001,1),(10,5)), ((11,1),(14,3))]
  sspan = ((10,1),(11,5))

Should bring all of them
  Can we use starts only?

  Or, work from the front for begin, checking starts only, and back
  for end checking ends only


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Look a SrcSpan up in the forest.
-- There are three possibilities
-- 1. It is not there
-- 2. It is there, exactly
-- 3. It is not there exactly, but is a sub-element of something that
--    is there. In this case return the smallest containing element.
-- This may be a list of trees, if the desired span crosses multiple
-- trees.
lookupSrcSpan :: Forest Entry -> ForestSpan -> [Tree Entry]
lookupSrcSpan forest sspan = res
    -- Assuming invariants hold, the forest is sorted,
    -- So, move through trees until ones containing the span are
    -- found.
    -- If it is contained in a single tree, drill into it to find the
    -- smallest set of trees containing the span

    (_,middle,_) = splitForestOnSpan forest sspan
    res = case middle of
           [Node _  []] -> middle
           [Node _ sub] -> lookupSrcSpan sub sspan
           _   -> middle

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Utility function to either return True or throw an error to report the problem
invariantOk :: Tree Entry -> Bool
invariantOk forest = ok
    inv = invariant forest
    ok = case inv of
           [] -> True
           _  -> error $ "Token Tree invariant fails:" ++ (intercalate "\n" inv)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Check the invariant for the token cache. Returns list of any errors found.
-- Invariants:
--   1. For each tree, either the rootLabel has a SrcSpan only, or the subForest /= [].
--   2a. The trees making up the subForest of a given node fully include the parent SrcSpan.
--        i.e. the leaves contain all the tokens for a given SrcSpan.
--   2b. The subForest is in SrcSpan order
--   3. A given SrcSpan can only appear (or be included) in a single tree of the forest.
--   4. The parent link for all sub-trees does exist, and actually points to the parent. 
--   5. There are no nullSpan entries in the tree
-- NOTE: the tokens may extend before or after the SrcSpan, due to comments only
-- NOTE2: this will have to be revisited when edits to the tokens are made
invariant :: Tree Entry -> [String]
invariant forest = rsub
    rsub = F.foldl checkOneTree [] [forest]

    checkOneTree :: [String] -> Tree Entry -> [String]
    checkOneTree acc tree = acc ++ r
        r = checkNode [] tree

    checkNode :: [String] -> Tree Entry -> [String]
    checkNode _acc (Node (Deleted _sspan _ _) []) = []
    checkNode _acc node@(Node (Deleted _sspan _ _) _sub)
         = ["FAIL: deleted node with subtree: " ++ (prettyshow node)]
    checkNode acc node@(Node (Entry sspan _lay toks) sub) = acc ++ r ++ rinc ++ rsubs ++ rnull
        r = if (   emptyList toks && nonEmptyList sub) ||
               (nonEmptyList toks &&    emptyList sub)
              then []
              else ["FAIL: exactly one of toks or subforest must be empty: " ++ (prettyshow node)]
        rsubs = foldl' checkNode [] sub

        rinc = checkInclusion node

        rnull = if (sspan == nullSpan)
                 then ["FAIL: null SrcSpan in tree: " ++ (prettyshow node)]
                 else []

    -- |Check invariant 2, assuming 1 ok
    --  NOTE: check that the subtree spans do not go outside the node
    --  span, they do not need to completely fill it, because some may
    --  have been removed during manipulation
    checkInclusion      (Node _                    []) = []
    checkInclusion      (Node (Deleted _ _ _)       _) = []
    checkInclusion node@(Node (Entry _sspan _lay _toks)  sub) = rs ++ rseq
        (start,end) = treeStartEnd node
        subs = map treeStartEnd sub
        (sstart, _) = ghead "invariant" subs
        (_, send) = last subs
        -- Do not count any custom added srcspans at the end for this
        -- test
        -- TODO: is this a reasonable approach?

        rs = if ((start <= sstart) &&
                ((end >= send) || (forestPosVersionSet send) || (forestPosAstVersionSet send)))
                || (forestPosLenChanged start)
                || (forestPosLenChanged sstart)
                || (forestPosLenChanged send)

               then []
               else ["FAIL: subForest start and end does not match entry: " ++ (prettyshow node)]
               -- else ["FAIL: subForest start and end does not match entry: " ++ (show node)]

        rseq = checkSequence node subs

        checkSequence :: Tree Entry -> [ForestSpan] -> [String]
        checkSequence _ [] = []
        checkSequence _ [_x] = []
        checkSequence node' ((_s1,e1):s@(s2,_e2):ss)
          = r ++ checkSequence node' (s:ss)
            -- r = if e1 <= s2
            r = if (before e1 s2) || (sizeChanged e1) {- ++AZ++ -} || (sizeChanged s2)
                 then []
                 else ["FAIL: subForest not in order: " ++
                        show e1 ++ " not < " ++ show s2 ++
                        ":" ++ prettyshow node']

            -- |Compare end of one span with beginning of another
            before (ForestLine _chs _trs ve er,ec) (ForestLine _che _tre vs sr,sc)
              = case (ve /= 0, vs /= 0) of
                 (False, False) -> (er,ec) <= (sr,sc) -- e.g. (10,3) <= (11,5)
                 (False, True)  -> True               -- e.g. (10,3) <= (100011,5)
                 (True, False)  -> True               -- e.g. (100010,3) <= (11,5)
                 (True, True)   -> if vs < ve         -- both have version, lowest wins 
                                    then False
                                    else True

            sizeChanged (ForestLine ch _ _ _,_) = ch

     cs    ce
     True  _ -> True
     False _ -> before


-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the start and end position of a Tree
-- treeStartEnd :: Tree Entry -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
-- treeStartEnd (Node (Entry sspan _) _) = (getGhcLoc sspan,getGhcLocEnd sspan)
treeStartEnd :: Tree Entry -> ForestSpan
treeStartEnd (Node (Entry sspan _ _) _) = sspan
treeStartEnd (Node (Deleted sspan _ _) _) = sspan

-- |Get the start and end position of a SrcSpan
-- spanStartEnd :: GHC.SrcSpan -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
-- spanStartEnd sspan = (getGhcLoc sspan,getGhcLocEnd sspan)
spanStartEnd :: GHC.SrcSpan -> ForestSpan
spanStartEnd sspan = ((ghcLineToForestLine sr,sc),(ghcLineToForestLine er,ec))
    ((sr,sc),(er,ec)) = (getGhcLoc sspan,getGhcLocEnd sspan)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- showForest :: Forest Entry -> String
showForest forest = map (showSubTree 0) forest
    -- showSubTree :: Int -> Tree Entry -> String
    showSubTree indent tree@(Node (Entry sspan toks mp) sub)
      = (take indent (repeat ' '))
        ++ (show (getGhcLoc sspan, getGhcLocEnd sspan)) ++ " "
        ++ (case toks of
             [] -> showSubTree (indent+2) sub
             _  -> "toks")

showForest :: [Tree Entry] -> [String]
showForest forest = map showTree forest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Call drawTreeEntry on the entire token cache
drawTokenCache :: TokenCache -> String
drawTokenCache tk = Map.foldlWithKey' doOne "" (tkCache tk)
    doOne :: String -> TreeId -> Tree Entry -> String
    doOne s key val = s ++ "tree " ++ (show key) ++ ":\n"
                        ++ (drawTreeEntry val)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Call drawTreeEntry on the entire token cache
drawTokenCacheDetailed :: TokenCache -> String
drawTokenCacheDetailed tk = Map.foldlWithKey' doOne "" (tkCache tk)
    doOne :: String -> TreeId -> Tree Entry -> String
    doOne s key val = s ++ "tree " ++ (show key) ++ ":\n"
                        ++ (show val)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Neat 2-dimensional drawing of a tree.
drawTreeEntry :: Tree Entry -> String
drawTreeEntry  = unlines . drawEntry

-- | Neat 2-dimensional drawing of a forest.
drawForestEntry :: Forest Entry -> String
drawForestEntry  = unlines . map drawTreeEntry

drawEntry :: Tree Entry -> [String]
drawEntry (Node (Deleted sspan  _pg eg )  _ ) = [(showForestSpan sspan) ++ (show eg) ++ "D"]
drawEntry (Node (Entry sspan lay _toks) ts0) = ((showForestSpan sspan) ++ (showLayout lay)): drawSubTrees ts0
    drawSubTrees [] = []
    drawSubTrees [t] =
        "|" : shft "`- " "   " (drawEntry t)
    drawSubTrees (t:ts) =
        "|" : shft "+- " "|  " (drawEntry t) ++ drawSubTrees ts

    shft first other = zipWith (++) (first : repeat other)

showLayout :: Layout -> String
showLayout NoChange       = ""
showLayout (Above so p1 (r,c) eo) = "(Above "++ show so ++ " " ++ show p1 ++ " " ++ show (r,c) ++ " " ++ show eo ++ ")"
-- showLayout (Offset r c)   = "(Offset " ++ show r ++ " " ++ show c ++ ")"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

drawTreeCompact :: Tree Entry -> String
drawTreeCompact = unlines . drawTreeCompact' 0

drawTreeCompact' :: Int -> Tree Entry -> [String]
drawTreeCompact' level (Node (Deleted sspan _pg eg )  _  ) = [(show level) ++ ":" ++ (showForestSpan sspan) ++ (show eg) ++ "D"]
drawTreeCompact' level (Node (Entry sspan lay _toks) ts0) = ((show level) ++ ":" ++ (showForestSpan sspan) ++ (showLayout lay))
                                                          : (concatMap (drawTreeCompact' (level + 1)) ts0)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

showTree :: Tree Entry -> String
showTree = prettyshow

-- |Represent a tree in a more concise/pretty way
prettyshow :: Tree Entry -> String
prettyshow (Node (Deleted sspan _pg eg) _nullSubs)
  = "Node (Deleted " ++ (showForestSpan sspan) ++ " " ++ (show eg) ++ ")"
prettyshow (Node (Entry sspan _lay toks) sub)
  = "Node (Entry " ++ (showForestSpan sspan) ++ " "
     ++ (prettyToks toks) ++ ") "
     -- ++ show (map prettyshow sub)
     ++ "[" ++ intercalate "," (map prettyshow sub) ++ "]"

prettyToks :: [PosToken] -> String
prettyToks [] = "[]"
prettyToks toks@[_x] = showToks toks
prettyToks toks@[_t1,_t2] = showToks toks
prettyToks toks = showToks [ghead "prettyToks" toks] ++ ".." ++ showToks [last toks]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Make a tree representing a particular set of tokens
mkTreeFromTokens :: [PosToken] -> Tree Entry
mkTreeFromTokens []   = Node (Entry nullSpan NoChange []) []
mkTreeFromTokens toks = Node (Entry sspan NoChange toks) []
   (startLoc',endLoc') = nonCommentSpan toks
   sspan    = if (startLoc',endLoc') == ((0,0),(0,0))
     then error $ "mkTreeFromTokens:null span for:" ++ (show toks)
     else simpPosToForestSpan (startLoc',endLoc')

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Make a tree representing a particular set of tokens
mkTreeFromSpanTokens :: ForestSpan -> [PosToken] -> Tree Entry
mkTreeFromSpanTokens sspan toks = Node (Entry sspan NoChange toks) []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

ghcSpanStartEnd :: GHC.SrcSpan -> ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
ghcSpanStartEnd sspan = (getGhcLoc sspan,getGhcLocEnd sspan)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Synchronise a located AST fragment to use a newly created SrcSpan
-- in the token tree.
-- TODO: Should this indent the tokens as well?
syncAST :: (SYB.Data t)
  => GHC.Located t -- ^The AST (or fragment)
  -> GHC.SrcSpan   -- ^The SrcSpan created in the Tree Entry
  -> Tree Entry    -- ^Existing token tree
  -> (GHC.Located t, Tree Entry) -- ^Updated AST and tokens
syncAST ast@(GHC.L l _t) sspan forest = (GHC.L sspan xx,forest')
    forest' = forest

    (( sr, sc),( _er, _ec)) = ghcSpanStartEnd l
    ((nsr,nsc),(_ner,_nec)) = ghcSpanStartEnd sspan

    rowOffset = nsr - sr
    colOffset = nsc - sc

    -- TODO: take cognizance of the ForestLines encoded in srcspans
    -- when calculating the offsets etc
    syncSpan s  = addOffsetToSpan (rowOffset,colOffset) s

    (GHC.L _s xx) = everywhereStaged SYB.Renamer (
              SYB.mkT hsbindlr
              `SYB.extT` sig
              `SYB.extT` ty
              `SYB.extT` name
              `SYB.extT` lhsexpr
              `SYB.extT` lpat
              `SYB.extT` limportdecl
              `SYB.extT` lmatch
              ) ast

    hsbindlr (GHC.L s b)    = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) b) :: GHC.Located (GHC.HsBindLR GHC.Name GHC.Name)
    sig (GHC.L s n)         = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) n) :: GHC.LSig GHC.Name
    ty (GHC.L s typ)        = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) typ) :: (GHC.LHsType GHC.Name)
    name (GHC.L s n)        = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) n) :: GHC.Located GHC.Name
    lhsexpr (GHC.L s e)     = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) e) :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name
    lpat (GHC.L s p)        = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) p) :: GHC.LPat GHC.Name
    limportdecl (GHC.L s n) = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) n) :: GHC.LImportDecl GHC.Name
    lmatch (GHC.L s m)      = (GHC.L (syncSpan s) m) :: GHC.LMatch GHC.Name

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | indent the tree and tokens by the given offset, and sync the AST
-- to the tree too.
indentDeclToks :: (SYB.Data t)
  => GHC.Located t -- ^The AST (or fragment)
  -> Tree Entry    -- ^Existing token tree
  -> Int           -- ^ (signed) number of columns to indent/dedent
  -> (GHC.Located t, Tree Entry) -- ^Updated AST and tokens
indentDeclToks decl@(GHC.L sspan _) forest offset = (decl',forest'')
    -- make sure the span is in the forest
    (forest',tree) = getSrcSpanFor forest (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan)

    z = openZipperToSpan (srcSpanToForestSpan sspan) $ Z.fromTree forest'

    tree' = go tree
    -- The invariant will fail if we do not propagate this change
    -- upward. But it needs to sync with the AST, which we do not have
    -- the upward version of.
    -- Instead, set the lengthChanged flag, in the parent.

    -- sss = forestSpanFromEntry entry
    -- sss' = insertLenChangedInForestSpan True sss
    -- tree'' = Node (putForestSpanInEntry entry sss') subs

    markLenChanged (Node entry subs) = (Node entry' subs)
        sss = forestSpanFromEntry entry
        sss' = insertLenChangedInForestSpan True sss
        entry' = putForestSpanInEntry entry sss'

    z' = Z.setTree tree' z
    -- forest'' = Z.toTree (Z.setTree tree'' z)

    forest'' = case Z.parent z' of
                Nothing  -> Z.toTree (Z.setTree (markLenChanged $ Z.tree z' ) z' )
                Just z'' -> Z.toTree (Z.setTree (markLenChanged $ Z.tree z'') z'')

    (decl',_) = syncAST decl (addOffsetToSpan off sspan) tree

    off = (0,offset)

    -- Pretty sure this could be a fold of some kind
    go (Node (Deleted ss pg eg) sub) = (Node (Deleted (addOffsetToForestSpan off ss) pg eg) sub)
    go (Node (Entry ss lay [])  sub) = (Node (Entry (addOffsetToForestSpan off ss) lay []) (map go sub))
    go (Node (Entry ss lay toks) []) = (Node (Entry (addOffsetToForestSpan off ss) lay (addOffsetToToks off toks)) [])
    go n = error $ "indentDeclToks:strange node:" ++ (show n)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

addOffsetToForestSpan :: (Int,Int) -> ForestSpan -> ForestSpan
addOffsetToForestSpan (lineOffset,colOffset) fspan = fspan'
    ((ForestLine sch str sv sl,sc),(ForestLine ech etr ev el,ec)) = fspan
    fspan' = ((ForestLine sch str sv (sl+lineOffset),sc+colOffset),
              (ForestLine ech etr ev (el+lineOffset),ec+colOffset))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

addOffsetToSpan :: (Int,Int) -> GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.SrcSpan
addOffsetToSpan (lineOffset,colOffset) sspan = sspan'
   sspan' =  case sspan of
     GHC.RealSrcSpan ss ->
         locStart = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) (lineOffset + GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss) (colOffset + GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss) 
         locEnd   = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) (lineOffset + GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss)  (colOffset + GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss) 
         GHC.mkSrcSpan locStart locEnd
     _ -> sspan

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

showSrcSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> String
showSrcSpan sspan = show (getGhcLoc sspan, (r,c))
    (r,c) = getGhcLocEnd sspan

showSrcSpanF :: GHC.SrcSpan -> String
showSrcSpanF sspan = show (((chs,trs,vs,ls),cs),((che,tre,ve,le),ce))
    ((ForestLine chs trs vs ls,cs),(ForestLine che tre ve le,ce)) = srcSpanToForestSpan sspan
    -- chsn = if chs then 1 else 0
    -- chen = if che then 1 else 0

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

sf :: GHC.SrcSpan -> ForestSpan
sf = srcSpanToForestSpan

fs :: ForestSpan -> GHC.SrcSpan
fs = forestSpanToSrcSpan

-- | ForestSpan version of GHC combineSrcSpans
combineSpans :: ForestSpan -> ForestSpan -> ForestSpan
combineSpans fs1 fs2 = fs'
    [lowFs,highFs] = sort [fs1,fs2]
    ((ForestLine  chls  trls  vls  lls ,cls),(ForestLine _chle _trle _vle _lle,_cle)) = lowFs
    ((ForestLine _chhs _trhs _vhs _lhs,_chs),(ForestLine  chhe  trhe  vhe  lhe, che)) = highFs

    fs' = ((ForestLine chls trls vls lls,cls),(ForestLine chhe trhe vhe lhe,che))

-- | Combines two 'SrcSpan' into one that spans at least all the characters
-- within both spans. Assumes the "file" part is the same in both inputs
combineSrcSpans :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> SrcSpan
combineSrcSpans (UnhelpfulSpan _) r = r -- this seems more useful
combineSrcSpans l (UnhelpfulSpan _) = l
combineSrcSpans (RealSrcSpan span1) (RealSrcSpan span2)
    = RealSrcSpan (combineRealSrcSpans span1 span2)

-- | Combines two 'SrcSpan' into one that spans at least all the characters
-- within both spans. Assumes the "file" part is the same in both inputs
combineRealSrcSpans :: RealSrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan -> RealSrcSpan
combineRealSrcSpans span1 span2
 = if line_start == line_end
   then if col_start == col_end
        then SrcSpanPoint     file line_start col_start
        else SrcSpanOneLine   file line_start col_start col_end
   else      SrcSpanMultiLine file line_start col_start line_end col_end
    (line_start, col_start) = min (srcSpanStartLine span1, srcSpanStartCol span1)
                                  (srcSpanStartLine span2, srcSpanStartCol span2)
    (line_end, col_end)     = max (srcSpanEndLine span1, srcSpanEndCol span1)
                                  (srcSpanEndLine span2, srcSpanEndCol span2)
    file = srcSpanFile span1


-- EOF