{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |

-- This module provides the primary interface to the combined
-- AST/Tokens, and the functions here will ensure that any changes are
-- properly synced and propagated.

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions
       -- * Conveniences for state access

       , fetchOrigToks
       , fetchToks -- Deprecated
       , getTypecheckedModule
       , getRefactStreamModified
       , getRefactInscopes
       , getRefactRenamed
       , putRefactRenamed
       , getRefactParsed
       , putParsedModule
       , clearParsedModule
       , getRefactFileName

       -- * TokenUtils API
       , replaceToken
       , putToksForSpan
       , putDeclToksForSpan
       , getToksForSpan
       -- , getToksForSpanWithIntros
       , getToksBeforeSpan
       , putToksForPos
       , addToksAfterSpan
       , addToksAfterPos
       , putDeclToksAfterSpan
       , removeToksForSpan
       , removeToksForPos
       , syncDeclToLatestStash
       , indentDeclAndToks

       -- * LayoutUtils API
       -- , getLayoutForSpan
       -- , putDeclLayoutAfterSpan

       -- * For debugging
       , drawTokenTree
       , drawTokenTreeDetailed
       , getTokenTree
       -- , showPprDebug
       , showLinesDebug

       -- * State flags for managing generic traversals
       , getRefactDone
       , setRefactDone
       , clearRefactDone

       , setStateStorage
       , getStateStorage

       -- , logm

       , updateToks
       , updateToksWithPos

       -- * For use by the tests only
       , initRefactModule
       ) where

import Control.Monad.State

import qualified FastString    as GHC
import qualified GHC           as GHC

import qualified Data.Data as SYB

import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TokenUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.DualTree
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.GHC.Layout
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.TokenUtils
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.Types
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.Utils

-- import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Tree
-- import System.Log.Logger
import qualified Data.Map as Map

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |fetch the possibly modified tokens. Deprecated
fetchToks :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchToks = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  let toks = retrieveTokensInterim $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  -- logm $ "fetchToks" ++ (showToks toks)
  logm $ "fetchToks (not showing toks"
  return toks

-- |fetch the final tokens in Ppr format
fetchLinesFinal :: RefactGhc [Line PosToken]
fetchLinesFinal = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  let linesVal = retrieveLinesFromLayoutTree $ (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  logm $ "fetchLinesFinal (not showing lines)"
  return linesVal

-- |fetch the pristine token stream
fetchOrigToks :: RefactGhc [PosToken]
fetchOrigToks = do
  logm "fetchOrigToks"
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  return $ rsOrigTokenStream tm

-- |Get the current tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan.
getToksForSpan ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc [PosToken]
getToksForSpan sspan = do
  st <- get
  let checkInv = rsetCheckTokenUtilsInvariant $ rsSettings st
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let (tk',toks) = getTokensNoIntrosFromCache checkInv (rsTokenCache tm) (gs2ss sspan)
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  logm $ "getToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
  return toks

-- |Get the current tokens preceding a given GHC.SrcSpan.
getToksBeforeSpan ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc (ReversedToks PosToken)
getToksBeforeSpan sspan = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let (tk', toks) = getTokensBeforeFromCache (rsTokenCache tm) (gs2ss sspan)
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk'})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  logm $ "getToksBeforeSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan,toks))
  return toks

-- |Replace a token occurring in a given GHC.SrcSpan
replaceToken ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> PosToken -> RefactGhc ()
replaceToken sspan tok = do
  logm $ "replaceToken " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show tok)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st

  let tk' = replaceTokenInCache (rsTokenCache tm) (gs2ss sspan) tok
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return ()

-- |Replace the tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, return new GHC.SrcSpan
-- delimiting new tokens
putToksForSpan ::  GHC.SrcSpan -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksForSpan sspan toks = do
  logm $ "putToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st

  let (tk',newSpan) = putToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) (gs2ss sspan) toks
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return (ss2gs newSpan)

-- |Replace the tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, return new GHC.SrcSpan
-- delimiting new tokens, and update the AST fragment to reflect it
putDeclToksForSpan ::  (SYB.Data t) => GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.Located t -> [PosToken]
   -> RefactGhc (GHC.SrcSpan,GHC.Located t)
putDeclToksForSpan sspan t toks = do
  logm $ "putDeclToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ (show toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let (tk',newSpan,t') = putDeclToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) sspan toks t
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return (newSpan,t')

-- |Replace the tokens for a given GHC.SrcSpan, return GHC.SrcSpan
-- they are placed in
putToksForPos ::  (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
putToksForPos pos toks = do
  logm $ "putToksForPos " ++ (show pos) ++ (showToks toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let (tk',newSpan) = putToksInCache (rsTokenCache tm) pos toks
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True })
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- drawTokenTree ""
  return (ss2gs newSpan)

-- |Add tokens after a designated GHC.SrcSpan
addToksAfterSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
addToksAfterSpan oldSpan pos toks = do
  logm $ "putToksAfterSpan " ++ (showGhc oldSpan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF oldSpan) ++ " at " ++ (show pos) ++ ":" ++ (showToks toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let (tk',newSpan) = addTokensAfterSpanInCache (rsTokenCache tm) (gs2ss oldSpan) pos toks
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return (ss2gs newSpan)

-- |Add tokens after a designated position
addToksAfterPos :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc GHC.SrcSpan
addToksAfterPos pos position toks = do
  logm $ "putToksAfterPos " ++ (show pos) ++ " at "  ++ (show position) ++ ":" ++ (show toks)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  -- let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  -- let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
  let (tk',newSpan) = addTokensAfterSpanInCache (rsTokenCache tm) pos position toks
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- logm $ "putToksAfterPos result:" ++ (show forest') ++ "\ntree:\n" ++ (drawTreeEntry forest')
  return (ss2gs newSpan)

-- |Add tokens after a designated GHC.SrcSpan, and update the AST
-- fragment to reflect it
putDeclToksAfterSpan :: (SYB.Data t) => GHC.SrcSpan -> GHC.Located t -> Positioning -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
putDeclToksAfterSpan oldSpan t pos toks = do
  logm $ "putDeclToksAfterSpan " ++ (showGhc oldSpan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF oldSpan,pos,toks))
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let forest = getTreeFromCache (gs2ss oldSpan) (rsTokenCache tm)
  let (forest',_newSpan, t') = addDeclToksAfterSrcSpan forest oldSpan pos toks t
  let tk' = replaceTreeInCache (gs2ss oldSpan) forest' (rsTokenCache tm)
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return t'

-- |Remove a GHC.SrcSpan and its associated tokens
removeToksForSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan -> RefactGhc ()
removeToksForSpan sspan = do
  logm $ "removeToksForSpan " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let tk' = removeToksFromCache (rsTokenCache tm) (gs2ss sspan)
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  return ()

-- |Remove a GHC.SrcSpan and its associated tokens
removeToksForPos :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> RefactGhc ()
removeToksForPos pos = do
  logm $ "removeToksForPos " ++ (show pos)
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  let sspan = posToSrcSpan mainForest pos
  let tk' = removeToksFromCache (rsTokenCache tm) (gs2ss sspan)
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- drawTokenTree "removeToksForPos result"
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Print the Token Tree for debug purposes
drawTokenTree :: String -> RefactGhc ()
drawTokenTree msg = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent token tree:\n" ++ (drawTokenCache (rsTokenCache tm))
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Print detailed Token Tree for debug purposes
drawTokenTreeDetailed :: String -> RefactGhc ()
drawTokenTreeDetailed msg = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent detailed token tree:\n" ++ (drawTokenCacheDetailed (rsTokenCache tm))
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get the Token Tree for debug purposes
getTokenTree :: RefactGhc (Tree (Entry PosToken))
getTokenTree = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let mainForest = (tkCache $ rsTokenCache tm) Map.! mainTid
  return mainForest

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

showLinesDebug :: String -> RefactGhc ()
showLinesDebug msg = do
  pprVal <- fetchLinesFinal
  logm $ msg ++ "\ncurrent [Line]:\n" ++ (showGhc pprVal)
  return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

syncDeclToLatestStash :: (SYB.Data t) => (GHC.Located t) -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
syncDeclToLatestStash t = do
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let t' = syncAstToLatestCache (rsTokenCache tm) t
  return t'

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Indent an AST fragment and its associated tokens by a set amount
indentDeclAndToks :: (SYB.Data t) => (GHC.Located t) -> Int -> RefactGhc (GHC.Located t)
indentDeclAndToks t offset = do
  let (GHC.L sspan _) = t
  logm $ "indentDeclAndToks " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (showSrcSpanF sspan) ++ ",offset=" ++ show offset
  st <- get
  let Just tm = rsModule st
  let tk = rsTokenCache tm
  let forest = (tkCache tk) Map.! mainTid
  let (t',forest') = indentDeclToks syncAST t forest offset
  let tk' = tk {tkCache = Map.insert mainTid forest' (tkCache tk) }
  let rsModule' = Just (tm {rsTokenCache = tk', rsStreamModified = True})
  put $ st { rsModule = rsModule' }
  -- drawTokenTree "indentDeclToks result"
  return t'

getTypecheckedModule :: RefactGhc GHC.TypecheckedModule
getTypecheckedModule = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  case mtm of
    Just tm -> return $ rsTypecheckedMod tm
    Nothing -> error "HaRe: file not loaded for refactoring"

getRefactStreamModified :: RefactGhc Bool
getRefactStreamModified = do
  Just tm <- gets rsModule
  return $ rsStreamModified tm

getRefactInscopes :: RefactGhc InScopes
getRefactInscopes = GHC.getNamesInScope

getRefactRenamed :: RefactGhc GHC.RenamedSource
getRefactRenamed = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  let tm = gfromJust "getRefactRenamed" mtm
  return $ gfromJust "getRefactRenamed2" $ GHC.tm_renamed_source $ rsTypecheckedMod tm

putRefactRenamed :: GHC.RenamedSource -> RefactGhc ()
putRefactRenamed renamed = do
  st <- get
  mrm <- gets rsModule
  let rm = gfromJust "putRefactRenamed" mrm
  let tm = rsTypecheckedMod rm
  let tm' = tm { GHC.tm_renamed_source = Just renamed }
  let rm' = rm { rsTypecheckedMod = tm' }
  put $ st {rsModule = Just rm'}

getRefactParsed :: RefactGhc GHC.ParsedSource
getRefactParsed = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  let tm = gfromJust "getRefactParsed" mtm
  let t  = rsTypecheckedMod tm

  let pm = GHC.tm_parsed_module t
  return $ GHC.pm_parsed_source pm

  :: GHC.TypecheckedModule -> [PosToken] -> RefactGhc ()
putParsedModule tm toks = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsModule = initRefactModule tm toks }

clearParsedModule :: RefactGhc ()
clearParsedModule = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsModule = Nothing }

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getRefactFileName :: RefactGhc (Maybe FilePath)
getRefactFileName = do
  mtm <- gets rsModule
  case mtm of
    Nothing  -> return Nothing
    Just _tm -> do toks <- fetchOrigToks
                   return $ Just (GHC.unpackFS $ fileNameFromTok $ ghead "getRefactFileName" toks)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getRefactDone :: RefactGhc Bool
getRefactDone = do
  flags <- gets rsFlags
  logm $ "getRefactDone: " ++ (show (rsDone flags))
  return (rsDone flags)

setRefactDone :: RefactGhc ()
setRefactDone = do
  logm $ "setRefactDone"
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsFlags = RefFlags True }

clearRefactDone :: RefactGhc ()
clearRefactDone = do
  logm $ "clearRefactDone"
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsFlags = RefFlags False }

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

setStateStorage :: StateStorage -> RefactGhc ()
setStateStorage storage = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { rsStorage = storage }

getStateStorage :: RefactGhc StateStorage
getStateStorage = do
  storage <- gets rsStorage
  return storage

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

  :: GHC.TypecheckedModule -> [PosToken] -> Maybe RefactModule
initRefactModule tm toks
  = Just (RefMod { rsTypecheckedMod = tm
                 , rsOrigTokenStream = toks
                 -- , rsTokenCache = initTokenCacheLayout (initTokenLayout
                 , rsTokenCache = initTokenCacheLayout (allocTokens
                                    (GHC.pm_parsed_source $ GHC.tm_parsed_module tm)
                 , rsStreamModified = False

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

updateToks :: (SYB.Data t)
  => GHC.Located t -- ^ Old element
  -> GHC.Located t -- ^ New element
  -> (GHC.Located t -> [Char]) -- ^ pretty printer
  -> Bool         -- ^ Add trailing newline if required
  -> RefactGhc () -- ^ Updates the RefactState
updateToks (GHC.L sspan _) newAST printFun addTrailingNl
  = do
       logm $ "updateToks " ++ (showGhc sspan) ++ ":" ++ (show (showSrcSpanF sspan))
       let newToks = basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
       let newToks' = if addTrailingNl
                       then newToks ++ [newLnToken (last newToks)]
                       else newToks
       void $ putToksForSpan sspan  newToks'
       return ()

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

updateToksWithPos :: (SYB.Data t)
  => (SimpPos, SimpPos) -- ^Start and end pos of old element
  -> t             -- ^ New element
  -> (t -> [Char]) -- ^ pretty printer
  -> Bool          -- ^ Add trailing newline if required
  -> RefactGhc ()  -- ^ Updates the RefactState
updateToksWithPos (startPos,endPos) newAST printFun addTrailingNl
  = do
       -- newToks <- liftIO $ basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
       let newToks = basicTokenise (printFun newAST)
       let newToks' = if addTrailingNl
                       then newToks ++ [newLnToken (last newToks)]
                       else newToks
       void $ putToksForPos (startPos,endPos) newToks'

       return ()

-- EOF