{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Here, principal LaTeX /commands/ and /environments/.
module Text.LaTeX.Commands (
    -- * Document's Properties
  , usepackage
  , pagestyle
  , thispagestyle
  , author
  , title
  , date
    -- * Document Environment
  , document
    -- * Text Layout
  , lnbk , lnbk_
  , pfbk
  , newpage
  , linebreak , nolinebreak
  , pagebreak , nopagebreak
  , fussy , sloppy
  , endsen
  , frenchspacing
  , par
    -- * Importing
  , include , includeonly
  , input
    -- * Hyphenation
  , hyphenation , hyp
    -- * Pre-made
  , today
  , tex , latex , latexe
    -- * Sections
  , section , section_ , sectiontab
  , subsection , subsection_ , subsectiontab
  , subsubsection , subsubsection_ , subsubsectiontab
  , paragraph , paragraph_ , paragraphtab
  , subparagraph , subparagraph_ , subparagraphtab
  , part , part_ , parttab
  , chapter , chapter_ , chaptertab
  , appendix
  , maketitle , tableofcontents
  , frontmatter , mainmatter , backmatter
    -- * Cross references
  , label , ref , pageref
    -- * Footnotes
  , footnote
    -- * Emphasized
  , underline , emph
    -- * Environments
  , itemize
  , enumerate
  , description
  , item
  , flushleft
  , flushright
  , center
  , quote , quotation
  , verse
  , abstract
  , verbatim , verbatim_
  , verb , verb_
    -- * Floating Bodies
  , figure
  , table
  , caption
  , listoffigures , listoftables
  , clearpage , cleardoublepage
    -- * Customizing
  , newcommand , renewcommand , providecommand
  , newenvironment
  , ignorespaces , ignorespacesafterend
  , providesPackage
    -- * Fonts
    -- $fontslabel

    -- ** Format
  , textrm , texttt , textmd
  , textup , textsl , textsf
  , textbf , textit , textsc
  , textnormal
    -- ** Size
    -- $fontsize
  , tiny , scriptsize
  , footnotesize , small
  , normalsize
  , large , large2 , large3
  , huge , huge2
    -- * Spacing
  , linespread
  , hspace , hspace_
  , vspace , vspace_
  , stretch
  , skip , bigskip , smallskip
    -- * Boxes
  , mbox , mbox_
  , fbox
  , parbox
  , minipage
  , makebox
  , framebox
  , raisebox
  , rule
    -- * Tabular
  , Tabular
  , cjustified
  , csep
  , tabular
  , (&) , (//)
  , hline , cline
  , multicolumn
  , LxMatrix
  , matrixTab
    -- * Others
  , protect
  , phantom
  , string
  , qts
  , ldots
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (unwords)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import GHC.Exts (fromString)
import Data.Monoid (mappend)

import Data.String.Combinators (braces,unwords,between
                               ,mid   ,newline,brackets)

import Text.LaTeX.Monad
import Text.LaTeX.Define
import Text.LaTeX.Arguments
import Text.LaTeX.Packages
import Text.LaTeX.Result

-- Special Characters

char :: Monad m => Char -> LaTeX m
char = chReplace resCharsStr
     chReplace [] c = lx $ toResult [c]
     chReplace ((x,y):xs) c = if x == c then lx y else chReplace xs c

-- | Like 'fromString', but taking care with reserved characters.
string :: Monad m => String -> LaTeX m
string = mapM_ char

-- | Delimite between quotes a text.
qts :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
qts = between "``" "''"

-- | Write a ellipsis.
ldots :: Monad m => LaTeX m
ldots = comm0 "ldots"


-- | In header, determines the document class.
documentclass :: Monad m => [ClassOption m] -> Class m -> LaTeX m
documentclass = comm4 "documentclass"

-- | In header, import a package.
usepackage :: Monad m => [PackageOption m] -> Package m -> LaTeX m
usepackage = comm4 "usepackage"

-- | In header, determines page style.
pagestyle :: Monad m => Style m -> LaTeX m
pagestyle = comm1 "pagestyle"

-- | A local version of 'pagestyle', to use for any page.
thispagestyle :: Monad m => Style m -> LaTeX m
thispagestyle = comm1 "thispagestyle"

-- | In header, especifies the document's author.
author :: Monad m => Name m -> LaTeX m
author = comm1 "author"

-- | In header, especifies the document's title.
title :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
title = comm1 "title"

-- | In header, inserts a date of writing.
-- If you don't specify one, it takes the date of export.
date :: Monad m => Date m -> LaTeX m
date = comm1 "date"

-- Document environment

-- | After the preamble, insert document's content with 'document'.
document :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
document = env "document"

-- Text m Order

-- | Starts a new line.
lnbk :: Monad m => LaTeX m
lnbk = comm0_ "\\"

-- | Starts a new paragraph.
pfbk :: Monad m => LaTeX m
pfbk = newline >> newline

lnbk_ :: Monad m => LaTeX m
lnbk_ = comm0_ "\\*"

-- | Starts a new page.
newpage :: Monad m => LaTeX m
newpage = comm0 "newpage"

linebreak :: Monad m => Int -> LaTeX m
linebreak = comm3 "linebreak" . (:[]) . lxany

nolinebreak :: Monad m => Int -> LaTeX m
nolinebreak = comm3 "nolinebreak" . (:[]) . lxany

pagebreak :: Monad m => Int -> LaTeX m
pagebreak = comm3 "pagebreak" . (:[]) . lxany

nopagebreak :: Monad m => Int -> LaTeX m
nopagebreak = comm3 "nopagebreak" . (:[]) . lxany

fussy :: Monad m => LaTeX m
fussy = comm0 "fussy"

sloppy :: Monad m => LaTeX m
sloppy = comm0 "sloppy"

endsen :: Monad m => LaTeX m
endsen = comm0_ "@"

frenchspacing :: Monad m => LaTeX m
frenchspacing = comm0 "frenchspacing"

-- Importing

include :: Monad m => FilePath -> LaTeX m
include = comm1 "include" . fromString

includeonly :: Monad m => [FilePath] -> LaTeX m
includeonly = comm1 "includeonly" . mapM_ fromString . intersperse ","

input :: Monad m => FilePath -> LaTeX m
input = comm1 "input" . fromString

-- Hyphenation

hyphenation :: Monad m => [Word m] -> LaTeX m
hyphenation = comm1 "hyphenation" . unwords

hyp :: Monad m => LaTeX m
hyp = comm0 "-"

-- Ready-Made Strings

-- | Writes current date.
today :: Monad m => LaTeX m
today = comm0 "today"

-- | TeX nice word.
tex :: Monad m => LaTeX m
tex = comm0 "TeX"

-- | LaTeX nice word.
latex :: Monad m => LaTeX m
latex = comm0 "LaTeX"

-- | LaTeX2e nice word.
latexe :: Monad m => LaTeX m
latexe = comm0 "LaTeXe"

-- Sections (Article)

section :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
section = comm1 "section"

section_ :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
section_ = comm1 "section*"

sectiontab :: Monad m => Title m -> Title m -> LaTeX m
sectiontab t1 = comm4 "section" [t1]

subsection :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
subsection = comm1 "subsection"

subsection_ :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
subsection_ = comm1 "subsection*"

subsectiontab :: Monad m => Title m -> Title m -> LaTeX m
subsectiontab t1 = comm4 "subsection" [t1]

subsubsection :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
subsubsection = comm1 "subsubsection"

subsubsection_ :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
subsubsection_ = comm1 "subsubsection*"

subsubsectiontab :: Monad m => Title m -> Title m -> LaTeX m
subsubsectiontab t1 = comm4 "subsubsection" [t1]

paragraph :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
paragraph = comm1 "paragraph"

paragraph_ :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
paragraph_ = comm1 "paragraph*"

paragraphtab :: Monad m => Title m -> Title m -> LaTeX m
paragraphtab t1 = comm4 "paragraph" [t1]

subparagraph :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
subparagraph = comm1 "subparagraph"

subparagraph_ :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
subparagraph_ = comm1 "subparagraph*"

subparagraphtab :: Monad m => Title m -> Title m -> LaTeX m
subparagraphtab t1 = comm4 "subparagraph" [t1]

part :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
part = comm1 "part"

part_ :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
part_ = comm1 "part*"

parttab :: Monad m => Title m -> Title m -> LaTeX m
parttab t1 = comm4 "part" [t1]

-- Sections (Report or Book)

chapter :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
chapter = comm1 "chapter"

chapter_ :: Monad m => Title m -> LaTeX m
chapter_ = comm1 "chapter*"

chaptertab :: Monad m => Title m -> Title m -> LaTeX m
chaptertab t1 = comm4 "chapter" [t1]

-- Sections (Others)

-- | Generate the appendix.
appendix :: Monad m => LaTeX m
appendix = comm0 "appendix"

-- | Generate the title page.
maketitle :: Monad m => LaTeX m
maketitle = comm0 "maketitle"

-- | Generate the table of contents.
tableofcontents :: Monad m => LaTeX m
tableofcontents = comm0 "tableofcontents"

-- For Book Class

frontmatter :: Monad m => LaTeX m
frontmatter = comm0 "frontmatter"

mainmatter :: Monad m => LaTeX m
mainmatter = comm0 "mainmatter"

backmatter :: Monad m => LaTeX m
backmatter = comm0 "backmatter"

-- Cross References

label :: Monad m => Marker m -> LaTeX m
label = comm1 "label"

ref :: Monad m => Marker m -> LaTeX m
ref = comm1 "ref"

pageref :: Monad m => Marker m -> LaTeX m
pageref = comm1 "pageref"

-- Footnotes

-- | Adds a given text to the page's footnote.
footnote :: Monad m => Text m -> LaTeX m
footnote = comm1 "footnote"

-- Emphasized

-- | Underlines a text.
underline :: Monad m => Text m -> LaTeX m
underline = comm1 "underline"

-- | Emphasizes a text.
emph :: Monad m => Text m -> LaTeX m
emph = comm1 "emph"

-- Environments

-- | Environment for create simple lists. See 'item'.
itemize :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
itemize = env "itemize"

-- | Environment for create enumerated lists. See 'item'.
enumerate :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
enumerate = env "enumerate"

-- | Environment for create description lists. See 'item'.
description :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
description = env "description"

-- | Create a list item. Optional argument is used to change its icon.
-- Example:
-- > do item ["-"] ; "Item content."
item :: Monad m => [ItemOption m] -> LaTeX m
item = comm3 "item"

-- | Left alignment.
flushleft :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
flushleft = env "flushleft"

-- | Right alignment.
flushright :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
flushright = env "flushright"

-- | Center alignment.
center :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
center = env "center"

-- | Quote from a text.
quote :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
quote = env "quote"

-- | Like 'quote', but indenting the first line of each paragraph.
quotation :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
quotation = env "quotation"

verse :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
verse = env "verse"

-- | Use 'abstract' to create an abstract, containing the argument's text.
abstract :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
abstract = env "abstract"

-- | A text within the 'verbatim' environment has monospaced font
-- and no commands or environments will be executed.
verbatim :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
verbatim = env "verbatim"

-- | Like 'verbatim', but it makes visible the spaces.
verbatim_ :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
verbatim_ = env "verbatim*"

sep :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
sep = between "|" "|"

-- | An inline version of 'verbatim'. Argument must be a single line.
verb :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
verb = (comm0_ "verb" >>) . sep

-- | An inline version of 'verbatim_'. Argument must be a single line.
verb_ :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
verb_ = (comm0_ "verb*" >>) . sep

-- Floating Bodies

figure :: Monad m => [PlacementSpecifier m] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
figure = env2 "figure"

table :: Monad m => [PlacementSpecifier m] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
table = env2 "table"

caption :: Monad m => Text m -> LaTeX m
caption = comm1 "caption"

listoffigures :: Monad m => LaTeX m
listoffigures = comm0 "listoffigures"

listoftables :: Monad m => LaTeX m
listoftables = comm0 "listoftables"

clearpage :: Monad m => LaTeX m
clearpage = comm0 "clearpage"

cleardoublepage :: Monad m => LaTeX m
cleardoublepage = "cleardoblepage"

-- Customizing

newcommand :: Monad m => Name m -> [Int] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
newcommand n i = comm6 "newcommand" n (map lxany i)

renewcommand :: Monad m => Name m -> [Int] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
renewcommand n i = comm6 "renewcommand" n (map lxany i)

providecommand :: Monad m => Name m -> [Int] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
providecommand n i = comm6 "providecommand" n (map lxany i)

newenvironment :: Monad m => Name m -> [Int] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
newenvironment n i = comm7 "newenvironment" n (map lxany i)

ignorespaces :: Monad m => LaTeX m
ignorespaces = comm0 "ignorespaces"

ignorespacesafterend :: Monad m => LaTeX m
ignorespacesafterend = comm0 "ignorespacesafterend"

providesPackage :: Monad m => Name m -> LaTeX m
providesPackage = comm1 "ProvidesPackage"

-- Fonts

-- $fontslabel
-- #Fonts#

-- | Roman font
textrm :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textrm = comm1 "textrm"

-- | Monospaced font
texttt :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
texttt = comm1 "texttt"

-- | Medium font
textmd :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textmd = comm1 "textmd"

-- | Upright font
textup :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textup = comm1 "textup"

-- | Slanted font
textsl :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textsl = comm1 "textsl"

-- | Sans Serif font
textsf :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textsf = comm1 "textsf"

-- | Bold font
textbf :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textbf = comm1 "textbf"

-- | Italic font
textit :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textit = comm1 "textit"

-- | Small Caps font
textsc :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textsc = comm1 "textsc"

-- | Default font
textnormal :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
textnormal = comm1 "textnormal"

-- Font Sizes

-- $fontsize
-- Differents fonts size are sorted from lowest to highest.

tiny :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
tiny = comm8 "tiny"

scriptsize :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
scriptsize = comm8 "scriptsize"

footnotesize :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
footnotesize = comm8 "footnotesize"

small :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
small = comm8 "small"

normalsize :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
normalsize = comm8 "normalsize"

large :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
large = comm8 "large"

large2 :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
large2 = comm8 "Large"

large3 :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
large3 = comm8 "LARGE"

huge :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
huge = comm8 "huge"

huge2 :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
huge2 = comm8 "Huge"


par :: Monad m => LaTeX m
par = comm0 "par"

-- Spacing

-- | In preamble, it sets the inter-line spacing. Default line spread factor: 1.
linespread :: Monad m => Float -> LaTeX m
linespread = comm1 "linespread" . lxany

-- | Creates an horizontal spaces with length specified by the argument.
-- See "Text.LaTeX.Arguments#Measures" to create a correct argument.
hspace :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
hspace = comm1 "hspace"

-- | Same as 'hspace', but it ignores start or end of lines.
hspace_ :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
hspace_ = comm1 "hspace*"

-- | Vertical version of 'hspace'. Useful to separate two paragraphs.
vspace :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
vspace = comm1 "vspace"

-- | Same as 'vspace', but it ignores start or end of pages.
vspace_ :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
vspace_ = comm1 "vspace*"

-- | Create a space filling the remaining space of the line.
-- If there are multiple occurences, stretch factor determines the proportion of each space.
stretch :: Monad m => Int -> LaTeX m
stretch = comm1 "stretch" . lxany

-- | Like 'vspace', but for lines of the same paragraph.
-- 'bigskip' and 'smallskip' use 'skip' with a predefined argument.
skip :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
skip = mappend lnbk . brackets

bigskip :: Monad m => LaTeX m
bigskip = comm0 "bigskip"

smallskip :: Monad m => LaTeX m
smallskip = comm0 "smallskip"

-- Boxes

-- | @mbox@ creates a box containing its argument.
mbox :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
mbox = comm1 "mbox"

-- | Create an empty box.
mbox_ :: Monad m => LaTeX m
mbox_ = mbox ""

fbox :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
fbox = comm1 "fbox"

parbox :: Monad m => [Char] -> Width m -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
parbox c = comm9 "parbox" (if null c then [] else [fromString c])

minipage :: Monad m => [Char] -> Width m -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
minipage c = env3 "minipage" (if null c then [] else [fromString c])

makebox :: Monad m => [Width m] -> [Char] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
makebox w c = comm10 "makebox" w (if null c then [] else [fromString c])

framebox :: Monad m => [Width m] -> [Char] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
framebox w c = comm10 "framebox" w (if null c then [] else [fromString c])

raisebox :: Monad m => Lift m -> [Extend m] -> [Extend m] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
raisebox = comm11 "raisebox"

-- | It produces a simple black box.
rule :: Monad m => [Lift m] -> Width m -> Height m -> LaTeX m
rule = comm9 "rule"

-- Others

protect :: Monad m => LaTeX m
protect = comm0_ "protect"

phantom :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
phantom = comm1 "phantom"

-- Tabular m

type Tabular m = LaTeX m

cjustified :: Monad m => Width m -> LaTeX m
cjustified = ("p">>) . braces

csep :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
csep = ("@">>) . braces

-- | The 'tabular' environment can be used to creates tables.
-- * First argument specifies vertical position:
-- @\"c\"@ (center),
-- @\"t\"@ (top) and
-- @\"b\"@ (bottom).
-- Example: @[\"t\"]@
-- * Second argument specifies table's format:
-- @\"l\"@ (left-aligned text column),
-- @\"r\"@ (right-aligned text column),
-- @\"c\"@ (center text column),
-- 'cjustified' (justified text column) and
-- @\"|\"@ (vertical line).
-- Example: @\"|l|r|\"@
-- * Third argument refers to table's content:
-- 'hline' inserts an horizontal line,
-- 'cline' inserts a partial horizontal line,
-- ('&') separates columns and
-- ('//') separates rows.
tabular :: Monad m => [LaTeX m] -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m -> Tabular m
tabular = env3 "tabular"

(&) :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
(&) = mid " & "

(//) :: Monad m => LaTeX m -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
(//) = mid $ lnbk >> newline

-- | Insert an horizontal line in a 'tabular'.
hline :: Monad m => LaTeX m
hline = comm0 "hline"

-- | Insert a partial horizontal line in a 'tabular'.
cline :: Monad m => Int -- ^ Start column
      -> Int -- ^ End column
      -> LaTeX m
cline n m = comm1 "cline" $ lxany n - lxany m

multicolumn :: Monad m => Int -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m -> LaTeX m
multicolumn n = comm12 "multicolumn" $ lxany n

type LxMatrix m = [[LaTeX m]]

-- | A matrix version of 'tabular'.
-- First and second arguments have the same meaning.
-- The generated 'tabular' has the same rows and columns as the matrix.
matrixTab :: Monad m => [LaTeX m] -> LaTeX m -> LxMatrix m -> Tabular m
matrixTab p spec m = let f = tabular p spec . foldr1 (//) . map (foldr1 (&))
                     in  if sum (map length m) == 0 then "" else f m