module Main where import System (getArgs) import Char (isDigit) import IO (hFlush,stdout) main = do args <- getArgs case length args of 1 -> do n <- saferead (head args) putStrLn ("module Text.XML.HaXml."++constructor 1 n++" where\n") putStrLn ("import Text.XML.HaXml.Xml2Haskell\n") putStrLn (mkOneOf n) 2 -> do n <- saferead (args!!0) m <- saferead (args!!1) putStrLn ("module Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN where\n") putStrLn ("import Text.XML.HaXml.Xml2Haskell\n") mapM_ (putStrLn . mkOneOf) [n..m] _ -> error "Usage: MkOneOf n [m]" hFlush stdout ---- main text-generating function ---- mkOneOf :: Int -> String mkOneOf n = "data "++ typename n 12 ++ "\n "++ format 3 78 3 " = " " | " (zipWith (\m v->constructor m n++" "++v) [1..n] (take n variables)) ++ "\n deriving (Eq,Show)" ++ "\n\ninstance "++ format 10 78 10 "(" "," (map ("XmlContent "++) (take n variables)) ++ ")\n => XmlContent ("++ typename n 26 ++")\n where" ++ "\n fromElem cs =" ++ "\n "++ format 7 78 7 " (" " $ " (map (\v->"choice "++constructor v n) [1..n]) ++ "\n $ (\\c->(Nothing,c))) cs" ++ concatMap (\v->"\n toElem ("++constructor v n++" x) = toElem x") [1..n] ++ "\n\n----" ---- constructor names ---- typename :: Int -> Int -> String typename n pos = constructor 1 n ++ format pos 78 pos " " " " (take n variables) constructor :: Int -> Int -> String constructor n m = ordinal n ++"Of" ++ show m ordinal :: Int -> String ordinal n | n <= 20 = ordinals!!n ordinal n | otherwise = "Choice"++show n ordinals = ["Zero","One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven","Eight" ,"Nine","Ten","Eleven","Twelve","Thirteen","Fourteen","Fifteen" ,"Sixteen","Seventeen","Eighteen","Nineteen","Twenty"] ---- variable names ---- variables = [ v:[] | v <- ['a'..'z']] ++ [ v:w:[] | v <- ['a'..'z'], w <- ['a'..'z']] ---- simple pretty-printing ---- format :: Int -- current position on page -> Int -- maximum width of page -> Int -- amount to indent when a newline is emitted -> String -- text to precede first value -> String -- text to precede subsequent values -> [String] -- list of values to format -> String format cur max ind s0 s1 [] = "" format cur max ind s0 s1 (x:xs) | sameline < max = s0 ++ x ++ format sameline max ind s1 s1 xs | otherwise = "\n" ++ replicate ind ' ' ++ s0 ++ x ++ format newline max ind s1 s1 xs where sameline = cur + length s0 + length x newline = ind + length s0 + length x ---- safe integer parsing ---- saferead :: String -> IO Int saferead s | all isDigit s = return (read s) saferead s | otherwise = error ("expected a number on the commandline, " ++"but got \""++s++"\" instead")