-- | This is a parser for HTML documents.  Unlike for XML documents, it
--   must include a certain amount of error-correction to account for
--   HTML features like self-terminating tags, unterminated tags, and
--   incorrect nesting.  The input is tokenised by the
--   XML lexer (a separate lexer is not required for HTML).

-- It uses a slightly extended version of the Hutton/Meijer parser
-- combinators.

module Text.XML.HaXml.Html.Parse
  ( htmlParse
  , htmlParse'
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (either,maybe,sequence)
import qualified Prelude (either)
import Data.Maybe hiding (maybe)
import Data.Char (toLower, {-isSpace,-} isDigit, isHexDigit)
import Numeric (readDec,readHex)
import Control.Monad

import Text.XML.HaXml.Types
import Text.XML.HaXml.Namespaces
import Text.XML.HaXml.Lex
import Text.XML.HaXml.Posn
import Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Plain

--  #define DEBUG
#if defined(DEBUG)
#  if ( defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 502 ) || \
      ( defined(__NHC__) && __NHC__ > 114 ) || defined(__HUGS__)
import Debug.Trace(trace)
#  elif defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__)
import IOExts(trace)
#  elif defined(__NHC__) || defined(__HBC__)
import NonStdTrace
#  endif
debug :: Monad m => String -> m ()
debug s = trace s (return ())
debug :: Monad m => String -> m ()
debug _ = return ()

-- | The first argument is the name of the file, the second is the string
--   contents of the file.  The result is the generic representation of
--   an XML document.  Any errors cause program failure with message to stderr.
htmlParse :: String -> String -> Document Posn
htmlParse file = Prelude.either error id . htmlParse' file

-- | The first argument is the name of the file, the second is the string
--   contents of the file.  The result is the generic representation of
--   an XML document.  Any parsing errors are returned in the @Either@ type.
htmlParse' :: String -> String -> Either String (Document Posn)
htmlParse' file = Prelude.either Left (Right . simplify) . fst
                  . runParser document . xmlLex file

---- Document simplification ----

simplify :: Document i -> Document i
simplify (Document p st (Elem n avs cs) ms) =
    Document p st (Elem n avs (deepfilter simp cs)) ms
    simp (CElem (Elem (N "null") [] []) _) = False
    simp (CElem (Elem t _ []) _)
        | localName t `elem` ["font","p","i","b","em","tt","big","small"]
                                           = False
 -- simp (CString False s _) | all isSpace s = False
    simp _ = True
    deepfilter f =
        filter f . map (\c-> case c of
                          CElem (Elem t avs cs) i
                                  -> CElem (Elem t avs (deepfilter f cs)) i
                          _       -> c)

-- opening any of these, they close again immediately
selfclosingtags :: [String]
selfclosingtags = ["img","hr","br","meta","col","link","base"

-- closing this, implicitly closes any of those which are contained in it
closeInnerTags :: [(String,[String])]
closeInnerTags =
  [ ("ul",      ["li"])
  , ("ol",      ["li"])
  , ("dl",      ["dt","dd"])
  , ("tr",      ["th","td"])
  , ("div",     ["p"])
  , ("thead",   ["th","tr","td"])
  , ("tfoot",   ["th","tr","td"])
  , ("tbody",   ["th","tr","td"])
  , ("table",   ["th","tr","td","thead","tfoot","tbody"])
  , ("caption", ["p"])
  , ("th",      ["p"])
  , ("td",      ["p"])
  , ("li",      ["p"])
  , ("dt",      ["p"])
  , ("dd",      ["p"])
  , ("object",  ["p"])
  , ("map",     ["p"])
  , ("body",    ["p"])

-- opening this, implicitly closes that
closes :: Name -> Name -> Bool
"a"     `closes` "a"      =  True
"li"    `closes` "li"     =  True
"th"    `closes`  t       | t `elem` ["th","td"]      =  True
"td"    `closes`  t       | t `elem` ["th","td"]      =  True
"tr"    `closes`  t       | t `elem` ["th","td","tr"] =  True
"dt"    `closes`  t       | t `elem` ["dt","dd"]      =  True
"dd"    `closes`  t       | t `elem` ["dt","dd"]      =  True
"form"  `closes` "form"   = True
"label" `closes` "label"  = True
_       `closes` "option" = True
"thead" `closes` t        | t `elem` ["colgroup"]          = True
"tfoot" `closes` t        | t `elem` ["thead","colgroup"]  = True
"tbody" `closes` t        | t `elem` ["tbody","tfoot","thead","colgroup"] = True
"colgroup" `closes` "colgroup"  = True
t `closes` "p"
    | t `elem` ["p","h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6"
               ,"hr","div","ul","dl","ol","table"]  =  True
_ `closes` _ = False

---- Auxiliary Parsing Functions ----

type HParser a = Parser (Posn,TokenT) a

tok :: TokenT -> HParser TokenT
tok t = do (p,t') <- next
           case t' of TokError _    -> report failBad (show t) p t'
                      _ | t'==t     -> return t
                        | otherwise -> report fail (show t) p t'

qname :: HParser QName
qname = fmap N name

name :: HParser Name
--name = do {(p,TokName s) <- next; return s}
name = do (p,tok) <- next
          case tok of 
            TokName s  -> return s 
            TokError _ -> report failBad "a name" p tok
            _          -> report fail "a name" p tok

string, freetext :: HParser String
string   = do (p,t) <- next
              case t of TokName s -> return s
                        _         -> report fail "text" p t
freetext = do (p,t) <- next
              case t of TokFreeText s -> return s
                        _             -> report fail "text" p t

maybe :: HParser a -> HParser (Maybe a)
maybe p =
    ( p >>= return . Just) `onFail`
    ( return Nothing)

either :: HParser a -> HParser b -> HParser (Either a b)
either p q =
    ( p >>= return . Left) `onFail`
    ( q >>= return . Right)

word :: String -> HParser ()
word s = do { x <- next
            ; case x of
                (_p,TokName n)     | s==n -> return ()
                (_p,TokFreeText n) | s==n -> return ()
                ( p,t@(TokError _)) -> report failBad (show s) p t
                ( p,t) -> report fail (show s) p t

posn :: HParser Posn
posn = do { x@(p,_) <- next
          ; reparse [x]
          ; return p
          } `onFail` return noPos

nmtoken :: HParser NmToken
nmtoken = (string `onFail` freetext)

failP, failBadP :: String -> HParser a
failP msg    = do { p <- posn; fail (msg++"\n    at "++show p) }
failBadP msg = do { p <- posn; failBad (msg++"\n    at "++show p) }

report :: (String->HParser a) -> String -> Posn -> TokenT -> HParser a
report fail expect p t = fail ("Expected "++show expect++" but found "++show t
                               ++"\n  at "++show p)

adjustErrP :: HParser a -> (String->String) -> HParser a
p `adjustErrP` f = p `onFail` do pn <- posn
                                 (p `adjustErr` f) `adjustErr` (++show pn)

---- XML Parsing Functions ----

document :: HParser (Document Posn)
document = do
    p     <- prolog `adjustErr` ("unrecognisable XML prolog\n"++)
    ht    <- many1 (element "HTML document")
    ms    <- many misc
    return (Document p emptyST (case map snd ht of
                                  [e] -> e
                                  es  -> Elem (N "html") [] (map mkCElem es))
  where mkCElem e = CElem e noPos

comment :: HParser Comment
comment = do
    bracket (tok TokCommentOpen) (tok TokCommentClose) freetext

processinginstruction :: HParser ProcessingInstruction
processinginstruction = do
    tok TokPIOpen
    commit $ do
      n <- string  `onFail` failP "processing instruction has no target"
      f <- freetext
      (tok TokPIClose `onFail` tok TokAnyClose) `onFail` failP "missing ?> or >"
      return (n, f)

cdsect :: HParser CDSect
cdsect = do
    tok TokSectionOpen
    bracket (tok (TokSection CDATAx)) (commit $ tok TokSectionClose) chardata

prolog :: HParser Prolog
prolog = do
    x <- maybe xmldecl
    m1 <- many misc
    dtd <- maybe doctypedecl
    m2 <- many misc
    return (Prolog x m1 dtd m2)

xmldecl :: HParser XMLDecl
xmldecl = do
    tok TokPIOpen
    (word "xml" `onFail` word "XML")
    p <- posn
    s <- freetext
    tok TokPIClose `onFail` failBadP "missing ?> in <?xml ...?>"
    (Prelude.either failP return . fst . runParser aux . xmlReLex p) s
    aux = do
      v <- versioninfo  `onFail` failP "missing XML version info"
      e <- maybe encodingdecl
      s <- maybe sddecl
      return (XMLDecl v e s)

versioninfo :: HParser VersionInfo
versioninfo = do
    (word "version" `onFail` word "VERSION")
    tok TokEqual
    bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext

misc :: HParser Misc
misc = 
    oneOf' [ ("<!--comment-->", comment >>= return . Comment)
           , ("<?PI?>",         processinginstruction >>= return . PI)

-- Question: for HTML, should we disallow in-line DTDs, allowing only externals?
-- Answer: I think so.

doctypedecl :: HParser DocTypeDecl
doctypedecl = do
    tok TokSpecialOpen
    tok (TokSpecial DOCTYPEx)
    commit $ do
      n <- qname
      eid <- maybe externalid
--    es <- maybe (bracket (tok TokSqOpen) (commit $ tok TokSqClose)) (many markupdecl)
      tok TokAnyClose  `onFail` failP "missing > in DOCTYPE decl"
--    return (DTD n eid (case es of { Nothing -> []; Just e -> e }))
      return (DTD n eid [])

--markupdecl :: HParser MarkupDecl
--markupdecl =
--    ( elementdecl >>= return . Element) `onFail`
--    ( attlistdecl >>= return . AttList) `onFail`
--    ( entitydecl >>= return . Entity) `onFail`
--    ( notationdecl >>= return . Notation) `onFail`
--    ( misc >>= return . MarkupMisc) `onFail`
--    PEREF(MarkupPE,markupdecl)
--extsubset :: HParser ExtSubset
--extsubset = do
--    td <- maybe textdecl
--    ds <- many extsubsetdecl
--    return (ExtSubset td ds)
--extsubsetdecl :: HParser ExtSubsetDecl
--extsubsetdecl =
--    ( markupdecl >>= return . ExtMarkupDecl) `onFail`
--    ( conditionalsect >>= return . ExtConditionalSect) `onFail`
--    PEREF(ExtPEReference,extsubsetdecl)

sddecl :: HParser SDDecl
sddecl = do
    (word "standalone" `onFail` word "STANDALONE")
    commit $ do
      tok TokEqual `onFail` failP "missing = in 'standalone' decl"
      bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote)
              ( (word "yes" >> return True) `onFail`
                (word "no" >> return False) `onFail`
                failP "'standalone' decl requires 'yes' or 'no' value" )

-- VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: The stack returned here contains those tags which
-- have been closed implicitly and need to be reopened again at the
-- earliest opportunity.
type Stack = [(Name,[Attribute])]

element :: Name -> HParser (Stack,Element Posn)
element ctx =
    tok TokAnyOpen
    (ElemTag (N e) avs) <- elemtag
    ( if e `closes` ctx then
         -- insert the missing close-tag, fail forward, and reparse.
         ( do debug ("/")
              unparse ([TokEndOpen, TokName ctx, TokAnyClose,
                        TokAnyOpen, TokName e] ++ reformatAttrs avs)
              return ([], Elem (N "null") [] []))
      else if e `elem` selfclosingtags then
         -- complete the parse straightaway.
         ( do tok TokEndClose	-- self-closing <tag /> 
              debug (e++"[+]")
              return ([], Elem (N e) avs [])) `onFail`
     --  ( do tok TokAnyClose	-- sequence <tag></tag>	(**not HTML?**)
     --       debug (e++"[+")
     --       n <- bracket (tok TokEndOpen) (commit $ tok TokAnyClose) qname
     --       debug "]"
     --       if e == (map toLower n :: Name) 
     --         then return ([], Elem e avs [])      
     --         else return (error "no nesting in empty tag")) `onFail`
         ( do tok TokAnyClose	-- <tag> with no close (e.g. <IMG>)
              debug (e++"[+]")
              return ([], Elem (N e) avs []))
        (( do tok TokEndClose
              debug (e++"[]")
              return ([], Elem (N e) avs [])) `onFail`
         ( do tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failP "missing > or /> in element tag"
              debug (e++"[")
           -- zz <- many (content e)
           -- n <- bracket (tok TokEndOpen) (commit $ tok TokAnyClose) qname
              zz <- manyFinally (content e)
                                (tok TokEndOpen)
              (N n) <- qname
              commit (tok TokAnyClose)
              debug "]"
              let (ss,cs) = unzip zz
              let s       = if null ss then [] else last ss
              ( if e == (map toLower n :: Name) then
                  do unparse (reformatTags (closeInner e s))
                     debug "^"
                     return ([], Elem (N e) avs cs)
                  do unparse [TokEndOpen, TokName n, TokAnyClose]
                     debug "-"
                     return (((e,avs):s), Elem (N e) avs cs))
         ) `onFail` failP ("failed to repair non-matching tags in context: "++ctx)))

closeInner :: Name -> [(Name,[Attribute])] -> [(Name,[Attribute])]
closeInner c ts =
    case lookup c closeInnerTags of
      (Just these) -> filter ((`notElem` these).fst) ts
      Nothing      -> ts

unparse :: [TokenT] -> Parser (Posn, TokenT) ()
unparse ts = do p <- posn
                reparse (zip (repeat p) ts)

reformatAttrs :: [(QName, AttValue)] -> [TokenT]
reformatAttrs avs = concatMap f0 avs
    where f0 (a, v@(AttValue _)) = [ TokName (printableName a), TokEqual
                                   , TokQuote, TokFreeText (show v), TokQuote ]

reformatTags :: [(String, [(QName, AttValue)])] -> [TokenT]
reformatTags ts = concatMap f0 ts
    where f0 (t,avs) = [TokAnyOpen, TokName t]++reformatAttrs avs++[TokAnyClose]

content :: Name -> HParser (Stack,Content Posn)
content ctx = do { p <- posn ; content' p }
  where content' p = oneOf'
          [ ( "element", element ctx >>= \(s,e)-> return (s, CElem e p))
          , ( "chardata", chardata >>= \s-> return ([], CString False s p))
          , ( "reference", reference >>= \r-> return ([], CRef r p))
          , ( "cdsect", cdsect >>= \c-> return ([], CString True c p))
          , ( "misc", misc >>= \m->  return ([], CMisc m p))
          ] `adjustErrP` ("when looking for a content item,\n"++)

elemtag :: HParser ElemTag
elemtag = do
    (N n) <- qname `adjustErrBad` ("malformed element tag\n"++)
    as <- many attribute
    return (ElemTag (N  $ map toLower n) as)

attribute :: HParser Attribute
attribute = do
    (N n) <- qname
    v <- (do tok TokEqual
             attvalue) `onFail`
         (return (AttValue [Left "TRUE"]))
    return (N $ map toLower n, v)

--elementdecl :: HParser ElementDecl
--elementdecl = do
--    tok TokSpecialOpen
--    tok (TokSpecial ELEMENTx)
--    n <- qname `onFail` failP "missing identifier in ELEMENT decl"
--    c <- contentspec `onFail` failP "missing content spec in ELEMENT decl"
--    tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failP "expected > terminating ELEMENT decl"
--    return (ElementDecl n c)
--contentspec :: HParser ContentSpec
--contentspec =
--    ( word "EMPTY" >> return EMPTY) `onFail`
--    ( word "ANY" >> return ANY) `onFail`
--    ( mixed >>= return . Mixed) `onFail`
--    ( cp >>= return . ContentSpec) `onFail`
--    PEREF(ContentPE,contentspec)
--choice :: HParser [CP]
--choice = do
--    bracket (tok TokBraOpen) (tok TokBraClose)
--            (cp `sepby1` (tok TokPipe))
--sequence :: HParser [CP]
--sequence = do
--    bracket (tok TokBraOpen) (tok TokBraClose)
--            (cp `sepby1` (tok TokComma))
--cp :: HParser CP
--cp =
--    ( do n <- qname
--         m <- modifier
--         return (TagName n m)) `onFail`
--    ( do ss <- sequence
--         m <- modifier
--         return (Seq ss m)) `onFail`
--    ( do cs <- choice
--         m <- modifier
--         return (Choice cs m)) `onFail`
--    PEREF(CPPE,cp)
--modifier :: HParser Modifier
--modifier =
--    ( tok TokStar >> return Star) `onFail`
--    ( tok TokQuery >> return Query) `onFail`
--    ( tok TokPlus >> return Plus) `onFail`
--    ( return None)
--mixed :: HParser Mixed
--mixed = do
--    tok TokBraOpen
--    tok TokHash
--    word "PCDATA"
--    cont
--  where
--    cont = ( tok TokBraClose >> return PCDATA) `onFail`
--           ( do cs <- many ( do tok TokPipe
--                                n <- qname
--                                return n)
--                tok TokBraClose
--                tok TokStar
--                return (PCDATAplus cs))
--attlistdecl :: HParser AttListDecl
--attlistdecl = do
--    tok TokSpecialOpen
--    tok (TokSpecial ATTLISTx)
--    n <- qname `onFail` failP "missing identifier in ATTLIST"
--    ds <- many attdef
--    tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failP "missing > terminating ATTLIST"
--    return (AttListDecl n ds)
--attdef :: HParser AttDef
--attdef = do
--    n <- qname
--    t <- atttype `onFail` failP "missing attribute type in attlist defn"
--    d <- defaultdecl
--    return (AttDef n t d)
--atttype :: HParser AttType
--atttype =
--    ( word "CDATA" >> return StringType) `onFail`
--    ( tokenizedtype >>= return . TokenizedType) `onFail`
--    ( enumeratedtype >>= return . EnumeratedType)
--tokenizedtype :: HParser TokenizedType
--tokenizedtype =
--    ( word "ID" >> return ID) `onFail`
--    ( word "IDREF" >> return IDREF) `onFail`
--    ( word "IDREFS" >> return IDREFS) `onFail`
--    ( word "ENTITY" >> return ENTITY) `onFail`
--    ( word "ENTITIES" >> return ENTITIES) `onFail`
--    ( word "NMTOKEN" >> return NMTOKEN) `onFail`
--    ( word "NMTOKENS" >> return NMTOKENS)
--enumeratedtype :: HParser EnumeratedType
--enumeratedtype =
--    ( notationtype >>= return . NotationType) `onFail`
--    ( enumeration >>= return . Enumeration)
--notationtype :: HParser NotationType
--notationtype = do
--    word "NOTATION"
--    bracket (tok TokBraOpen) (tok TokBraClose)
--            (name `sepby1` (tok TokPipe))
--enumeration :: HParser Enumeration
--enumeration =
--    bracket (tok TokBraOpen) (tok TokBraClose)
--            (nmtoken `sepby1` (tok TokPipe))
--defaultdecl :: HParser DefaultDecl
--defaultdecl =
--    ( tok TokHash >> word "REQUIRED" >> return REQUIRED) `onFail`
--    ( tok TokHash >> word "IMPLIED" >> return IMPLIED) `onFail`
--    ( do f <- maybe (tok TokHash >> word "FIXED" >> return FIXED)
--         a <- attvalue
--         return (DefaultTo a f))
--conditionalsect :: HParser ConditionalSect
--conditionalsect =
--    ( do tok TokSectionOpen
--         tok (TokSection INCLUDEx)
--         tok TokSqOpen `onFail` failP "missing [ after INCLUDE"
--         i <- extsubsetdecl `onFail` failP "missing ExtSubsetDecl in INCLUDE"
--         tok TokSectionClose `onFail` failP "missing ] after INCLUDE"
--         return (IncludeSect i)) `onFail`
--    ( do tok TokSectionOpen
--         tok (TokSection IGNOREx)
--         tok TokSqOpen `onFail` failP "missing [ after IGNORE"
--         i <- many ignoresectcontents
--         tok TokSectionClose `onFail` failP "missing ] after IGNORE"
--         return (IgnoreSect i))
--ignoresectcontents :: HParser IgnoreSectContents
--ignoresectcontents = do
--    i <- ignore
--    is <- many (do tok TokSectionOpen
--                   ic <- ignoresectcontents
--                   tok TokSectionClose
--                   ig <- ignore
--                   return (ic,ig))
--    return (IgnoreSectContents i is)
--ignore :: HParser Ignore
--ignore = freetext >>= return . Ignore

reference :: HParser Reference
reference = do
    bracket (tok TokAmp) (tok TokSemi) (freetext >>= val)
    val ('#':'x':i) | all isHexDigit i
                    = return . RefChar . fst . head . readHex $ i
    val ('#':i)     | all isDigit i
                    = return . RefChar . fst . head . readDec $ i
    val ent         = return . RefEntity $ ent

reference :: HParser Reference
reference =
    ( charref >>= return . RefChar) `onFail`
    ( entityref >>= return . RefEntity)

entityref :: HParser EntityRef
entityref = do
    n <- bracket (tok TokAmp) (commit $ tok TokSemi) name
    return n

charref :: HParser CharRef
charref = do
    bracket (tok TokAmp) (commit $ tok TokSemi) (freetext >>= readCharVal)
    readCharVal ('#':'x':i) = return . fst . head . readHex $ i
    readCharVal ('#':i)     = return . fst . head . readDec $ i
    readCharVal _           = mzero

--pereference :: HParser PEReference
--pereference = do
--    bracket (tok TokPercent) (tok TokSemi) nmtoken
--entitydecl :: HParser EntityDecl
--entitydecl =
--    ( gedecl >>= return . EntityGEDecl) `onFail`
--    ( pedecl >>= return . EntityPEDecl)
--gedecl :: HParser GEDecl
--gedecl = do
--    tok TokSpecialOpen
--    tok (TokSpecial ENTITYx)
--    n <- name
--    e <- entitydef `onFail` failP "missing entity defn in G ENTITY decl"
--    tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failP "expected > terminating G ENTITY decl"
--    return (GEDecl n e)
--pedecl :: HParser PEDecl
--pedecl = do
--    tok TokSpecialOpen
--    tok (TokSpecial ENTITYx)
--    tok TokPercent
--    n <- name
--    e <- pedef `onFail` failP "missing entity defn in P ENTITY decl"
--    tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failP "expected > terminating P ENTITY decl"
--    return (PEDecl n e)
--entitydef :: HParser EntityDef
--entitydef =
--    ( entityvalue >>= return . DefEntityValue) `onFail`
--    ( do eid <- externalid
--         ndd <- maybe ndatadecl
--         return (DefExternalID eid ndd))
--pedef :: HParser PEDef
--pedef =
--    ( entityvalue >>= return . PEDefEntityValue) `onFail`
--    ( externalid >>= return . PEDefExternalID)

externalid :: HParser ExternalID
externalid =
    ( do word "SYSTEM"
         s <- systemliteral
         return (SYSTEM s)) `onFail`
    ( do word "PUBLIC"
         p <- pubidliteral
         s <- (systemliteral `onFail` return (SystemLiteral ""))
         return (PUBLIC p s))

--ndatadecl :: HParser NDataDecl
--ndatadecl = do
--    word "NDATA"
--    n <- name
--    return (NDATA n)

--textdecl :: HParser TextDecl
--textdecl = do
--    tok TokPIOpen
--    (word "xml" `onFail` word "XML")
--    v <- maybe versioninfo
--    e <- encodingdecl
--    tok TokPIClose `onFail` failP "expected ?> terminating text decl"
--    return (TextDecl v e)

--extparsedent :: HParser ExtParsedEnt
--extparsedent = do
--    t <- maybe textdecl
--    (_,c) <- (content "")
--    return (ExtParsedEnt t c)
--extpe :: HParser ExtPE
--extpe = do
--    t <- maybe textdecl
--    e <- extsubsetdecl
--    return (ExtPE t e)

encodingdecl :: HParser EncodingDecl
encodingdecl = do
    (word "encoding" `onFail` word "ENCODING")
    tok TokEqual `onFail` failBadP "expected = in 'encoding' decl"
    f <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext
    return (EncodingDecl f)

--notationdecl :: HParser NotationDecl
--notationdecl = do
--    tok TokSpecialOpen
--    word "NOTATION"
--    n <- name
--    e <- either externalid publicid
--    tok TokAnyClose `onFail` failP "expected > terminating NOTATION decl"
--    return (NOTATION n e)

--publicid :: HParser PublicID
--publicid = do
--    word "PUBLICID"
--    p <- pubidliteral
--    return (PUBLICID p)

--entityvalue :: HParser EntityValue
--entityvalue = do
--    evs <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) (many ev)
--    return (EntityValue evs)

--ev :: HParser EV
--ev =
--    ( freetext >>= return . EVString) `onFail`
-- -- PEREF(EVPERef,ev) `onFail`
--    ( reference >>= return . EVRef)

attvalue :: HParser AttValue
attvalue =
  ( do avs <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote)
                      (many (either freetext reference))
       return (AttValue avs) ) `onFail`
  ( do v <- nmtoken
       s <- (tok TokPercent >> return "%") `onFail` return ""
       return (AttValue [Left (v++s)]) ) `onFail`
  ( do s <- oneOf [ tok TokPlus >> return "+"
                  , tok TokHash >> return "#"
       v <- nmtoken
       return (AttValue [Left (s++v)]) ) `onFail`
  failP "Badly formatted attribute value"

systemliteral :: HParser SystemLiteral
systemliteral = do
    s <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext
    return (SystemLiteral s)		-- note: need to fold &...; escapes

pubidliteral :: HParser PubidLiteral
pubidliteral = do
    s <- bracket (tok TokQuote) (commit $ tok TokQuote) freetext
    return (PubidLiteral s)		-- note: need to fold &...; escapes

chardata :: HParser CharData
chardata = freetext -- >>= return . CharData