-- |
--Module       : Path
--Author       : Joe Fredette
--License      : BSD3
--Copyright    : Joe Fredette
--Maintainer   : Joe Fredette <jfredett.at.gmail.dot.com>
--Stability    : Unstable
--Portability  : Not portable (*nix style only) 
--Description  : Portable interaction with filesystem Paths, currently only works
--      with *nix paths (where *nix path is of the form "/usr/bin/.../"

module HackMail.Data.Path 
        ( Path (..)
        , VPath (..)
        , parse, parseV
        , splitOn, (+/+)
        , liftToPath1, liftToPath2 
        , pathExists, mkDeliverablePath
        , toFilePath
        ) where

{- Needs to be rewritten to handle Windows/*nix/etc paths,
 - Needs to be rewritten to use Parsec 
 - Needs Documentation

--import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.List
import System.Directory

{- Here we define a type which parses paths from Unix/Windows/etc into a generic type. -}
type FileName = String

data Path = P { virtualPath :: VPath
              , relative :: Bool 
        deriving (Eq, Show)

data VPath = VPath :/: String 
           | Root 
        deriving (Eq)

instance Show VPath where
        show Root       = ""
        show (d :/: r)  = (show d) ++ "/" ++ r

-- for now, this is hackish but it works.

parse :: FilePath -> Path
parse "" = error "Cannot parse an empty path"
parse s@(c:cs)  
        | c == '/'      = P (adj cs) False
        | otherwise     = P (adj s) True
        where adj q = parseV $ if last q == '/' then q else q++"/"

parseV :: FilePath -> VPath
parseV s = fromList tokPath
        where tokPath = splitOn '/' s

splitOn :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitOn _ [] = []
splitOn c ls = f : (splitOn c (tail l))
        where (f, l) = span (/=c) ls 

(+/+) :: Path -> Path -> Path
(+/+) = (liftToPath2 catVPaths) 
catVPaths :: VPath -> VPath -> VPath
catVPaths p q = fromList $ (toList p) ++ (toList q)

toList :: VPath -> [String]
toList Root = []
toList (p :/: p') = (toList p) ++ [p']

fromList :: [String] -> VPath
fromList tokPath = foldl (:/:) Root tokPath

pathExists :: Path -> IO Bool
pathExists (P p b) = doesDirectoryExist (adj $ show p)
        where adj = if b then tail else id

mkDeliverablePath :: Path -> FileName -> FilePath
mkDeliverablePath (P p b) fn = adj $ (show p) ++ "/" ++ fn
        where adj = if b then tail else id

toFilePath :: Path -> FilePath
toFilePath p = mkDeliverablePath p ""

liftToPath1 f (P p b) = (P (f p) b)
liftToPath2 f (P p1 b1) (P p2 b2) = (P (f p1 p2) b1)