module Main where import Data.HasCacBDD import Data.List (nub) import Data.Maybe (fromJust,isNothing) import Data.Tuple (swap) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck main :: IO () main = hspec $ do describe "Examples" $ do describe "Creating BDDs" $ do it "top == Top" $ show top `shouldBe` "Top" it "show bot" $ show bot `shouldBe` "Bot" it "show (var 1)" $ show (var 1) `shouldBe` "Var 1 Top Bot" it "show (var 2)" $ show (var 1) `shouldBe` "Var 1 Top Bot" it "show (var 3)" $ show (var 2) `shouldBe` "Var 2 Top Bot" describe "Some tautologies" $ do it "bot == bot" $ bot `shouldBe` bot it "top == top" $ top `shouldBe` top it "var 1 == var 1" $ var 1 `shouldBe` var 1 it "imp (var 1) (var 1) == top" $ imp (var 1) (var 1) `shouldBe` top it "equ (var 1) (var 1) == top" $ equ (var 1) (var 1) `shouldBe` top it "exists 1 (neg $ var 1) == top" $ exists 1 (neg $ var 1) `shouldBe` top it "gfp (\b -> con b (var 3)) == var 3" $ gfp (\b -> con b (var 3)) `shouldBe` var 3 it "imp (conSet [var 1, var 0]) (var 1) == top" $ imp (conSet [var 1, var 0]) (var 1) `shouldBe` top it "imp (conSet [var 0, var 1]) (var 0) == top" $ imp (conSet [var 0, var 1]) (var 0) `shouldBe` top it "imp (con (var 0) (var 1)) (var 0) == top" $ imp (con (var 0) (var 1)) (var 0) `shouldBe` top describe "Some non-tautologies" $ do it "bot /= top" $ bot `shouldNotBe` top it "top /= bot" $ top `shouldNotBe` bot it "var 1 /= top" $ var 1 `shouldNotBe` top it "dis (var 1) (neg $ var 2) /= top" $ dis (var 1) (neg $ var 2) `shouldNotBe` top it "dis (var 1) (var 2) /= top" $ dis (var 1) (var 2) `shouldNotBe` top it "var 1 /= var 2" $ var 1 `shouldNotBe` var 2 it "forall 1 (var 1) /= top" $ forall 1 (var 1) `shouldNotBe` top describe "Laws from de Morgan:" $ do it "dis to con" $ dis (neg $ var 1) (neg $ var 2) == neg (con (var 1) (var 2)) it "con to dis" $ con (neg $ var 1) (neg $ var 2) == neg (dis (var 1) (var 2)) it "The example from CacBDDs main.cpp (~x[4] + ~x[6]) * (~x[3] + ~x[6]) * (~x[2] + ~x[5]) /= top" $ conSet [ dis (neg (var 4)) (neg (var 6)) , neg (var 3) `dis` neg (var 6), neg (var 2) `dis` neg (var 5) ] `shouldNotBe` top it "showInfo works" $ showInfo `shouldReturn` () describe "Basics" $ do it "top == top" $ top `shouldBe` top it "top /= bot" $ top `shouldNotBe` bot it "bot /= top" $ bot `shouldNotBe` top it "bot == bot" $ bot `shouldBe` bot it "neg bot == top" $ neg bot `shouldBe` top it "neg bot /= bot" $ neg bot `shouldNotBe` bot it "var 1 == var 1" $ var 1 `shouldBe` var 1 it "var 5 == var 7" $ var 5 `shouldNotBe` var 7 it "null (allSats bot)" $ null (allSats bot) it "allSats top `==` [[]]" $ allSats top `shouldBe` [[]] it "var 3 == con (var 3) top" $ var 3 `shouldBe` con (var 3) top it "var 4 /= con (var 3) top" $ var 4 `shouldNotBe` con (var 3) top it "equ (var 1) (var 1) == top" $ equ (var 1) (var 1) `shouldBe` top it "exists 1 (neg $ var 1) == top" $ exists 1 (neg $ var 1) `shouldBe` top it "exists 1 (neg $ var 2) /= top" $ exists 1 (neg $ var 2) `shouldNotBe` top it "gfp (\b -> con b (var 3)) == var 3" $ gfp (\b -> con b (var 3)) `shouldBe` var 3 it "imp (conSet [var 1,var 0]) (var 1) == top" $ imp (conSet [var 1,var 0]) (var 1) `shouldBe` top it "imp (conSet [var 0,var 1]) (var 0) == top" $ imp (conSet [var 0,var 1]) (var 0) `shouldBe` top it "imp (con (var 0) (var 1)) (var 0) == top" $ imp (con (var 0) (var 1)) (var 0) `shouldBe` top it "show top == \"Top\"" $ show top `shouldBe` "Top" it "show bot == \"Bot\"" $ show bot `shouldBe` "Bot" describe "QuickCheck Properties" $ do prop "selfEqual" (\b -> (b::Bdd) == b) prop "showReadEqual" (\b -> read (show b) == (b::Bdd)) prop "showReadTreeEq" (\b -> (ravel . read . show . unravel $ b) == b) prop "idSymmetry" (\a b -> ((a::Bdd) == (b::Bdd)) == (b == a)) prop "singleNegation" (\b -> neg b /= b) prop "doubleNegation" (\b -> neg (neg b) == b) prop "selfImp" (\b -> imp b b == top) prop "selfEqu" (\b -> equ b b == top) prop "selfXor" (\b -> xor b b == bot) prop "excludedMiddle" (\b -> b `dis` neg b == top) prop "deMorganOne" (\a b -> neg (a `con` b) == (neg a `dis` neg b)) prop "deMorganTwo" (\a b -> neg (a `dis` b) == (neg a `con` neg b)) prop "identityOne" (\as b -> conSet as `imp` b == disSet (map neg as) `dis` b) prop "conElim" (\a b -> imp (con a b) a == top) prop "conElim3" (\a b c -> imp (conSet [a, b, c]) a == top) prop "negNotEqual" (\b -> neg b /= b) prop "quantifDuality" (forAll (elements [0..maximumvar]) (\n b -> forall n b == neg (exists n (neg b)))) prop "allSats" (\b -> all (\s -> restrictSet b s == top) (allSats b)) prop "anySat" (\b -> if b==bot then isNothing (anySat b) else restrictSet b (fromJust $ anySat b) == top) prop "ifthenelse" (\a b c -> ifthenelse a b c == neg (dis (con a (neg b)) (con (neg a) (neg c)))) prop "ravel-unravel" (\b -> b == ravel (unravel b)) prop "firstVarOf" (\b -> if b `elem` [bot,top] then isNothing (firstVarOf b) else Just (head (allVarsOfSorted b)) == firstVarOf b) prop "maxVarOf" (\b -> if b `elem` [bot,top] then isNothing (maxVarOf b) else Just (last (allVarsOfSorted b)) == maxVarOf b) prop "thenOf" (\b -> if b `elem` [bot,top] then thenOf b == b else thenOf b == restrict b (fromJust $ firstVarOf b, True )) prop "elseOf" (\b -> if b `elem` [bot,top] then elseOf b == b else elseOf b == restrict b (fromJust $ firstVarOf b, False)) prop "deMorganOneSet" (\as -> neg (conSet as) == disSet (map neg as)) prop "deMorganTwoSet" (\as -> neg (disSet as) == conSet (map neg as)) prop "conSetCommute" (\a as -> conSet (a:as) == con (conSet as) a) prop "disSetCommute" (\a as -> disSet (a:as) == dis (disSet as) a) prop "xor-disSet" ( (\as -> xorSet as `imp` disSet as == top) . take 23 ) prop "xorSetNeg3" (\a b c -> xorSet [a,b,c] == xorSet [neg a, b, neg c]) prop "xorSetCommute3" (\a b c -> xorSet [a,b,c] == xor (xorSet [a,b]) c) prop "xorSetCommute4" (\a b c d -> xorSet [a,b,c,d] == xor (xorSet [b,c,a]) d) prop "gfpCon" (\b -> gfp (`con` b) == b) prop "sizeOf neg" (\b -> sizeOf b == sizeOf (neg b)) prop "restrictLaw" (\a b -> b `imp` equ (restrictLaw a b) a == top) prop "evaluate" (\b -> all (\s -> evaluate b s == Just True) (allSatsWith (allVarsOf b) b)) prop "evaluateFun" (\b -> all (\s -> evaluateFun b (\n -> fromJust $ lookup n s)) (allSats b)) prop "evaluateFun F" (all (\s -> not (evaluateFun bot (\n -> fromJust $ lookup n s))) . allSats) prop "allSatsWith" (\b -> all (\s -> restrictSet b s == top) (allSatsWith (allVarsOf b) b)) prop "anySatWith" (\b -> let vs = allVarsOf b in if b==bot then isNothing (anySatWith vs b) else restrictSet b (fromJust $ anySatWith vs b) == top) prop "satCountWith" (\b -> let vs = allVarsOf b in length (allSatsWith vs b) == satCountWith vs b) prop "subsOf" (\b -> all (`elem` subsOf b) (subsOf $ thenOf b)) prop "subsOf" (\b -> all (`elem` subsOf b) (subsOf $ elseOf b)) prop "relabel" (\b c -> let vs = reverse $ nub (allVarsOf b ++ allVarsOf c) mapping = zip vs (map (+100) vs) gnippam = map swap mapping in relabel gnippam (relabel mapping b) == b) prop "relabelFun" (\a -> relabelFun (\x -> x-7) (relabelFun (+7) a) == a) prop "substit" (\b c -> substit 5 b c == ifthenelse b (restrict c (5,True)) (restrict c (5,False))) prop "show" (\a b -> (show a == show b) == (a == (b::Bdd))) prop "read" (\b -> read (show b) == (b :: Bdd)) prop "showList" (\a b -> (showList [unravel a] "" == showList [unravel b] "") == (a == (b::Bdd))) prop "readList" (\a b -> readList (show [a,b]) == [([unravel a, unravel b] :: [BddTree], "")]) describe "QuickCheck Expected Failures" $ do prop "wrong deMorganOne" $ expectFailure (\a b -> neg (a `con` b) === (neg a `con` neg b)) prop "wrong deMorganTwo" $ expectFailure (\a b -> neg (a `dis` b) === (neg a `dis` neg b)) modifyMaxSuccess (* 1000) $ prop "folding substit is not the same as substitSimul" $ expectFailure (\b1 b2 c -> foldl (flip $ uncurry substit) c [(1,b1),(2,b2)] === substitSimul [(1,b1),(2,b2)] c)