Name: Hashell Version: 0.15 Synopsis: Simple shell written in Haskell Description: A simple shell written in Haskell; through the GHC API, it allows evaluation of Haskell expressions. Category: User Interfaces License: GPL License-File: LICENSE Author: Luis Francisco Araujo Maintainer: Stability: alpha Tested-With: GHC Build-Depends: base, unix, haskell98, readline, parsec, regex-compat, process, ghc, directory Build-Type: Simple Extra-Source-Files: BUGS, CHANGELOG, config_example, README Executable: hashell Main-Is: Main.hs hs-source-dirs: Hashell/ Other-Modules: ConfigFile, Environment, Eval, Exec, Options, Parse, Process Signals Ghc-options: -O2 -Wall -Werror -optl-Wl,-s Ghc-prof-options: -prof -auto-all