-- Copyright (c) David Amos, 2008. All rights reserved.

module Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup where

import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S

import Math.Common.ListSet (toListSet, union, (\\) ) -- a version of union which assumes the arguments are ascending sets (no repeated elements)

rotateL (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]


-- |Type for permutations, considered as group elements.
newtype Permutation a = P (M.Map a a) deriving (Eq,Ord)

fromPairs xys | isValid   = fromPairs' xys
              | otherwise = error "Not a permutation"
    where (xs,ys) = unzip xys
          (xs',ys') = (L.sort xs, L.sort ys)
          isValid = xs' == ys' && all ((==1) . length) (L.group xs') -- ie the domain and range are the same, and are *sets*

fromPairs' xys = P $ M.fromList $ filter (uncurry (/=)) xys
-- we remove fixed points, so that the derived Eq instance works as expected

toPairs (P g) = M.toList g

fromList xs = fromPairs $ zip xs (L.sort xs)
-- for example, fromList [2,3,1] is [[1,3,2]] - because the 1 moved to the 3 position

-- the support of a permutation is the points it moves (returned in ascending order)
supp (P g) = M.keys g
-- (This is guaranteed not to contain fixed points provided the permutations have been constructed using the supplied constructors)

-- |x .^ g returns the image of a vertex or point x under the action of the permutation g
(.^) :: (Ord k) => k -> Permutation k -> k
x .^ P g = case M.lookup x g of
           Just y  -> y
           Nothing -> x -- if x `notElem` supp (P g), then x is not moved

-- construct a permutation from cycles
fromCycles cs = fromPairs $ concatMap fromCycle cs
    where fromCycle xs = zip xs (rotateL xs)

-- |Construct a permutation from a list of cycles
p :: (Ord a) => [[a]] -> Permutation a
p cs = fromCycles cs
-- can't specify in pointfree style because of monomorphism restriction

-- convert a permutation to cycles
toCycles g = toCycles' $ supp g
    where toCycles' ys@(y:_) = let c = cycleOf g y in c : toCycles' (ys L.\\ c)
          toCycles' [] = []

cycleOf g x = cycleOf' x [] where
    cycleOf' y ys = let y' = y .^ g in if y' == x then reverse (y:ys) else cycleOf' y' (y:ys)

instance (Ord a, Show a) => Show (Permutation a) where
    show g = show (toCycles g)

parity g = let cs = toCycles g in (length (concat cs) - length cs) `mod` 2
-- parity' g = length (filter (even . length) $ toCycles g) `mod` 2

sign g = (-1)^(parity g)

orderElt g = foldl lcm 1 $ map length $ toCycles g
-- == order [g]

instance (Ord a, Show a) => Num (Permutation a) where
    g * h = fromPairs' [(x, x .^ g .^ h) | x <- supp g `union` supp h]
    -- signum = sign -- doesn't work, complains about no (+) instance
    fromInteger 1 = P $ M.empty

inverse (P g) = P $ M.fromList $ map (\(x,y)->(y,x)) $ M.toList g

-- |A trick: g^-1 returns the inverse of g
(^-) :: (Ord k, Show k) => Permutation k -> Int -> Permutation k
g ^- n = inverse g ^ n

instance (Ord a, Show a) => Fractional (Permutation a) where
    recip = inverse

-- conjugation
g ~^ h = h^-1 * g * h

-- commutator
comm g h = g^-1 * h^-1 * g * h


-- |b -^ g returns the image of an edge or block b under the action of g
(-^) :: (Ord t) => [t] -> Permutation t -> [t]
xs -^ g = L.sort [x .^ g | x <- xs]

closureS xs fs = closure' S.empty (S.fromList xs) where
    closure' interior boundary
        | S.null boundary = interior
        | otherwise =
            let interior' = S.union interior boundary
                boundary' = S.fromList [f x | x <- S.toList boundary, f <- fs] S.\\ interior'
            in closure' interior' boundary'

closure xs fs = S.toList $ closureS xs fs

orbit action x gs = closure [x] [ (`action` g) | g <- gs]

x .^^ gs = orbit (.^) x gs
orbitP gs x = orbit (.^) x gs
orbitV gs x = orbit (.^) x gs

-- orbit of a block
b -^^ gs = orbit (-^) b gs
orbitB gs b = orbit (-^) b gs
orbitE gs b = orbit (-^) b gs
-- orbit of a vertex / point
x .^^ gs = closure [x] [ .^g | g <- gs]
orbitV gs x = closure [x] [ .^g | g <- gs]
orbitP gs x = closure [x] [ .^g | g <- gs]

-- orbit of an edge / block
b -^^ gs = closure [b] [ -^g | g <- gs]
orbitE gs b = closure [b] [ -^g | g <- gs]
orbitB gs b = closure [b] [ -^g | g <- gs]

action xs f = fromPairs [(x, f x) | x <- xs]
-- probably supercedes the three following functions

-- find all the orbits of a group
-- (as we typically work with transitive groups, this is more useful for studying induced actions)
-- (Note that of course this won't find orbits of points which are fixed by all elts of G)
orbits gs = let xs = foldl union [] $ map supp gs in orbits' xs
    where orbits' [] = []
          orbits' (x:xs) = let o = x .^^ gs in o : orbits' (xs L.\\ o)

-- Some standard sequences of groups, and constructions of new groups from old

-- |Generators for Cn, the cyclic group of order n
_C n | n >= 2 = [p [[1..n]]]

-- D2n, dihedral group of order 2n, symmetry group of n-gon
-- For example, _D 8 == _D2 4 == symmetry group of square
_D n | r == 0 = _D2 q where (q,r) = n `quotRem` 2

_D2 n | n >= 3 = [a,b] where
    a = p [[1..n]]                            -- rotation
    b = p [[i,n+1-i] | i <- [1..n `div` 2]]   -- reflection
    -- b = fromPairs $ [(i,n+1-i) | i <- [1..n]] -- reflection

-- |Generators for Sn, the symmetric group on [1..n]
_S n | n >= 3 = [s,t]
     | n == 2 = [t]
     | n == 1 = []
    where s = p [[1..n]]
          t = p [[1,2]]

-- |Generators for An, the alternating group on [1..n]
_A n | n > 3 = [s,t]
     | n == 3 = [t]
     | n == 2 = []
    where s | odd n  = p [[3..n]]
            | even n = p [[1,2], [3..n]]
          t = p [[1,2,3]]

-- Direct product of groups
-- Given generators for H and K, acting on sets X and Y respectively,
-- return generators for H*K, acting on the disjoint union X+Y (== Either X Y)
dp hs ks =
    [P $ M.fromList $ map (\(x,x') -> (Left x,Left x')) $ M.toList h' | P h' <- hs] ++
    [P $ M.fromList $ map (\(y,y') -> (Right y,Right y')) $ M.toList k' | P k' <- ks]

-- Wreath product of groups
-- Given generators for H and K, acting on sets X and Y respectively,
-- return generators for H wr K, acting on X*Y (== (X,Y))
-- (Cameron, Combinatorics, p229-230; Cameron, Permutation Groups, p11-12)
wr hs ks =
    let _X = S.toList $ foldl S.union S.empty [M.keysSet h' | P h' <- hs] -- set on which H acts
        _Y = S.toList $ foldl S.union S.empty [M.keysSet k' | P k' <- ks] -- set on which K acts
        -- Then the wreath product acts on cartesian product X * Y,
        -- regarded as a fibre bundle over Y of isomorphic copies of X
        _B = [P $ M.fromList $ map (\(x,x') -> ((x,y),(x',y))) $ M.toList h' | P h' <- hs, y <- _Y]
        -- bottom group B applies the action of H within each fibre
        _T = [P $ M.fromList [((x,y),(x,y')) | x <- _X, (y,y') <- M.toList k'] | P k' <- ks]
        -- top group T uses the action of K to permute the fibres
    in _B ++ _T -- semi-direct product of B and T

-- embed group elts into Sn - ie, convert so that the set acted on is [1..n]
toSn gs = [toSn' g | g <- gs] where
    _X = foldl union [] $ map supp gs   -- the set on which G acts
    mapping = M.fromList $ zip _X [1..] -- the mapping from _X to [1..n]
    toSn' g = fromPairs' $ map (\(x,x') -> (mapping M.! x, mapping M.! x')) $ toPairs g

-- Functions to investigate groups in various ways
-- Most of these functions will only be efficient for small groups (say |G| < 10000)
-- For larger groups we will need to use Schreier-Sims and associated algorithms

-- |Given generators for a group, return a (sorted) list of all elements of the group
elts :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
elts gs = closure [1] [ (*g) | g <- gs]

eltsS gs = closureS [1] [ (*g) | g <- gs]

order gs = S.size $ eltsS gs -- length $ elts gs

isMember gs h = h `S.member` eltsS gs -- h `elem` elts gs

-- The functions graphAuts2 and graphAuts3 return generating sets consisting of successive transversals
-- In this case, we don't need to run Schreier-Sims to list elements or calculate order

-- calculate the order of the group, given a "transversal generating set"
orderTGS tgs =
    let transversals = map (1:) $ L.groupBy (\g h -> (head . supp) g == (head .supp) h) tgs
    in product $ map L.genericLength transversals

-- list the elts of the group, given a "transversal generating set"
eltsTGS tgs =
    let transversals = map (1:) $ L.groupBy (\g h -> (head . supp) g == (head .supp) h) tgs
    in map product $ sequence transversals


-- given the elts of a group, find generators
gens hs = gens' [] (S.singleton 1) hs where
    gens' gs eltsG (h:hs) = if h `S.member` eltsG then gens' gs eltsG hs else gens' (h:gs) (eltsS $ h:gs) hs
    gens' gs _ [] = reverse gs

-- conjClass gs h = orbit (~^) gs h

-- Conjugacy class - should only be used for small groups
h ~^^ gs = conjClass gs h

conjClass gs h = closure [h] [ (~^ g) | g <- gs]
-- conjClass gs h = h ~^^ gs

conjClassReps gs = conjClassReps' (elts gs) where
    conjClassReps' (h:hs) =
        let cc = conjClass gs h in (h, length cc) : conjClassReps' (hs \\ cc)
    conjClassReps' [] = []
-- using the ListSet implementation of \\, since we know both lists are sorted

-- This is just the orbits under conjugation. Can we generalise "orbits" to help us here?
conjClasses gs = conjClasses' (elts gs)
    where conjClasses' [] = []
          conjClasses' (h:hs) = let c = conjClass gs h in c : conjClasses' (hs L.\\ c)

-- centralizer of a subgroup or a set of elts
-- the centralizer of H in G is the set of elts of G which commute with all elts of H
centralizer gs hs = [k | k <- elts gs, all (\h -> h*k == k*h) hs]

-- the centre of G is the set of elts of G which commute with all other elts
centre gs = centralizer gs gs

-- normaliser of a subgroup
-- the normaliser of H in G is {g <- G | g^-1Hg == H}
-- it is a subgroup of G, and H is a normal subgroup of it: H <|= N_G(H) <= G
normalizer gs hs = [g | g <- elts gs, all (\h -> h~^g `elem` elts hs) hs]

-- stabilizer of a point
stabilizer gs x = [g | g <- elts gs, x .^ g == x]

-- pointwise stabiliser of a set
ptStab gs xs = [g | g <- elts gs, and [x .^ g == x | x <- xs] ]

-- setwise stabiliser of a set
setStab gs xs = [g | g <- elts gs, xs -^ g == xs]

-- given list of generators, try to find a shorter list
reduceGens (1:gs) = reduceGens gs
reduceGens (g:gs) = reduceGens' ([g], eltsS [g]) gs where
    reduceGens' (gs,eltsgs) (h:hs) =
        if h `S.member` eltsgs
        then reduceGens' (gs,eltsgs) hs
        else reduceGens' (h:gs, eltsS $ h:gs) hs
    reduceGens' (gs,_) [] = reverse gs

-- normal closure of H in G
normalClosure gs hs = reduceGens $ hs ++ [h ~^ g | h <- hs, g <- gs ++ map inverse gs]

-- commutator gp of H and K
commutatorGp hs ks = normalClosure (hsks) [h^-1 * k^-1 * h * k | h <- hs', k <- ks']
    where hs' = reduceGens hs
          ks' = reduceGens ks
          hsks = reduceGens (hs' ++ ks')
          -- no point processing more potential generators than we have to

-- derived subgroup
derivedSubgp gs = commutatorGp gs gs


isSubgp hs gs = all (isMember gs) hs

isNormal hs gs = isSubgp hs gs && all (isMember hs) [h~^g | h <- hs, g <- gs]

-- action of a group on cosets by right multiplication
-- (hs should be all elts, not just generators)
hs **^ g = L.sort [h*g | h <- hs]

-- Cosets are disjoint, which leads to Lagrange's theorem

-- cosets gs hs = closure [hs] [ **^ g | g <- gs]
cosets gs hs = orbit (**^) hs gs
-- the group acts transitively on cosets of a subgp, so this gives all cosets
-- hs #^^ gs = orbit (#^) gs hs

cosetAction gs hs =
    let _H = elts hs
        cosets_H = cosets gs _H
    in toSn [action cosets_H (**^ g) | g <- gs]
    -- in toSn $ map (induced (**^) cosets_H) gs

-- if H normal in G, then each element within a given coset gives rise to the same action on other cosets,
-- and we get a well defined multiplication Hx * Hy = Hxy (where it doesn't depend on which coset rep we chose)
quotientGp gs hs
    | hs `isNormal` gs = gens $ cosetAction gs hs
    | otherwise = error "quotientGp: not well defined unless H normal in G"
-- the call to gens removes identity and duplicates

gs // hs = quotientGp gs hs

-- action of group on a subgroup by conjugation
-- (hs should be all elts, not just generators)
hs ~~^ g = L.sort [h ~^ g | h <- hs]

-- don't think that this is necessarily transitive on isomorphic subgps
-- conjugateSubgps gs hs = closure [hs] [ ~~^ g | g <- gs]
conjugateSubgps gs hs = orbit (~~^) hs gs
-- hs ~~^^ gs = orbit (~~^) gs hs

subgpAction gs hs =
    let _H = elts hs
        conjugates_H = conjugateSubgps gs _H
    in toSn [action conjugates_H (~~^ g) | g <- gs]
    -- in toSn $ map (induced (~~^) conjugates_H) gs

-- in cube gp, the subgps all appear to correspond to stabilisers of subsets, or of blocks


-- the orbit of a point or block under the action of a set of permutations
orbit action x gs = S.toList $ orbitS action x gs

orbitS action x gs = orbit' S.empty (S.singleton x) where
    orbit' interior boundary
        | S.null boundary = interior
        | otherwise =
            let interior' = S.union interior boundary
                boundary' = S.fromList [p `action` g | g <- gs, p <- S.toList boundary] S.\\ interior'
            in orbit' interior' boundary'

-- orbit of a point
-- the induced action of g on a set of blocks
-- Note: the set of blocks must be closed under the action of g, otherwise we will get an error in fromPairs
-- To ensure that it is closed, generate the blocks as the orbit of a starting block
inducedAction bs g = fromPairs [(b, b -^ g) | b <- bs]

induced action bs g = fromPairs [(b, b `action` g) | b <- bs]

inducedB bs g = induced (-^) bs g
-- elts gs = orbit (*) 1 gs
-- eltsS gs = orbitS (*) 1 gs