-- Copyright (c) David Amos, 2008. All rights reserved. module Math.Algebra.NonCommutative.GSBasis where import Data.List as L import Math.Algebra.NonCommutative.NCPoly -- given two monomials f g, find if possible a,b,c with f=ab g=bc findOverlap (M xs) (M ys) = findOverlap' [] xs ys where findOverlap' as [] cs = Nothing -- (reverse as, [], cs) findOverlap' as (b:bs) cs = if (b:bs) `L.isPrefixOf` cs then Just (M $ reverse as, M $ b:bs, M $ drop (length (b:bs)) cs) else findOverlap' (b:as) bs cs -- given two monomials f g, find if possible l,r with g = lfr -- findInclusion (M xs) (M ys) = findInclusion' sPoly f@(NP ((xs,c):_)) g@(NP ((ys,d):_)) = case findOverlap xs ys of Just (l,m,r) -> f * NP [(r,d)] - NP [(l,c)] * g Nothing -> 0 sPoly _ _ = 0 -- !! shouldn't reach this -- The point about the s-poly is that it cancels out the leading terms of the two polys, exposing their second terms gb1 fs = gb' fs [sPoly fi fj | fi <- fs, fj <- fs, fi /= fj] where -- unlike the commutative case, we take sPolys both ways round gb' gs (h:hs) = let h' = h %% gs in if h' == 0 then gb' gs hs else gb' (h':gs) (hs ++ [sPoly h' g | g <- gs] ++ [sPoly g h' | g <- gs]) gb' gs [] = gs reduce gs = reduce' [] gs where reduce' gs' (g:gs) | g' == 0 = reduce' gs' gs | otherwise = reduce' (g':gs') gs where g' = g %% (gs'++gs) reduce' gs' [] = reverse $ sort $ gs' gb fs = map toMonic $ reduce $ gb1 fs gb' fs = reduce $ gb1 fs gb2 fs = gb' fs [(fi,fj) | fi <- fs, fj <- fs, fi /= fj] where -- unlike the commutative case, we take sPolys both ways round gb' gs ((fi,fj):pairs) = let h = sPoly fi fj %% gs in if h == 0 then gb' gs pairs else gb' (h:gs) (pairs ++ [(h,g) | g <- gs] ++ [(g,h) | g <- gs]) gb' gs [] = gs gb2' fs = gb' fs [(fi,fj) | fi <- fs, fj <- fs, fi /= fj] where -- unlike the commutative case, we take sPolys both ways round gb' gs ((fi,fj):pairs) = let h = sPoly fi fj %% gs in if h == 0 then gb' gs pairs else (fi,fj,sPoly fi fj,h) : gb' (h:gs) (pairs ++ [(h,g) | g <- gs] ++ [(g,h) | g <- gs]) gb' gs [] = [] -- gs -- Monomial basis for the quotient algebra, where gs are the generators, rs the relations mbasisQA gs rs = mbasisQA' [1] where mbasisQA' [] = [] -- the quotient ring has a finite monomial basis mbasisQA' ms = let ms' = [g*m | g <- gs, m <- ms, g*m %% rs == g*m] -- ie, not reducible in ms ++ mbasisQA' ms' {- isGB fs = all (\h -> h %% fs == 0) (pairWith sPoly fs) -}