-- Copyright (c) David Amos, 2010. All rights reserved.

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE IncoherentInstances #-}

module Math.Algebras.Structures where

import Math.Algebras.VectorSpace
import Math.Algebras.TensorProduct


-- |Monoid
class Mon m where
    munit :: m
    mmult :: m -> m -> m


-- |"Vect k b is a k-algebra"
class Algebra k b where
    unit :: k -> Vect k b
    mult :: Vect k (Tensor b b) -> Vect k b

-- |"Vect k b is a k-coalgebra"
class Coalgebra k b where
    counit :: Vect k b -> k
    comult :: Vect k b -> Vect k (Tensor b b)

-- |A bialgebra is an algebra which is also a coalgebra, subject to some compatibility conditions
class (Algebra k b, Coalgebra k b) => Bialgebra k b where {}

class Bialgebra k b => HopfAlgebra k b where
    antipode :: Vect k b -> Vect k b

instance (Num k, Eq b, Ord b, Show b, Algebra k b) => Num (Vect k b) where
    x+y = add x y
    negate (V ts) = V $ map (\(b,x) -> (b, negate x)) ts
    x*y = mult (x `te` y)
    fromInteger n = unit (fromInteger n)
    abs _ = error "Prelude.Num.abs: inappropriate abstraction"
    signum _ = error "Prelude.Num.signum: inappropriate abstraction"

-- This is the Frobenius form, provided some conditions are met
-- pairing = counit . mult

-- A class to be used to declare that a type b should be given the set coalgebra structure
class SetCoalgebra b where {}

instance (Num k, SetCoalgebra b) => Coalgebra k b where
    counit (V ts) = sum [x | (m,x) <- ts] -- trace
    comult = fmap (\m -> T m m) -- diagonal

instance Num k => Algebra k () where
    unit 0 = zero -- V []
    unit x = V [( (),x)]
    mult (V [(T () (),x)]) = V [( (),x)]

instance Num k => Coalgebra k () where
    counit (V []) = 0
    counit (V [( (),x)]) = x
    comult (V [( (),x)]) = V [(T () (),x)]

type Trivial k = Vect k ()

unit' :: (Num k, Algebra k b) => Trivial k -> Vect k b
unit' = unit . unwrap where unwrap = counit :: Num k => Trivial k -> k

counit' :: (Num k, Coalgebra k b) => Vect k b -> Trivial k
counit' = wrap . counit where wrap = unit :: Num k => k -> Trivial k

-- unit' and counit' enable us to form tensors of these functions

-- Kassel p32
instance (Num k, Ord a, Ord b, Algebra k a, Algebra k b) => Algebra k (Tensor a b) where
    unit 0 = V []
    unit x = x `smultL` (unit 1 `te` unit 1)
    -- mult x = nf $ x >>= m where
    mult = linear m where
        m (T (T a b) (T a' b')) = (mult $ return $ T a a') `te` (mult $ return $ T b b')

-- Kassel p42
instance (Num k, Ord a, Ord b, Coalgebra k a, Coalgebra k b) => Coalgebra k (Tensor a b) where
    counit = counit . (counit' `tf` counit')
    -- counit = counit . linear (\(T x y) -> counit' (return x) * counit' (return y))
    comult = assocL . (id `tf` assocR) . (id `tf` (twist `tf` id))
           . (id `tf` assocL) . assocR . (comult `tf` comult)

newtype SetCoalgebra b = SC b deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

instance Num k => Coalgebra k (SetCoalgebra b) where
    counit (V ts) = sum [x | (m,x) <- ts] -- trace
    comult = fmap (\m -> T m m)           -- diagonal

newtype MonoidCoalgebra m = MC m deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

instance (Num k, Ord m, Mon m) => Coalgebra k (MonoidCoalgebra m) where
    counit (V ts) = sum [if m == MC munit then x else 0 | (m,x) <- ts]
    comult = linear cm
        where cm m = if m == MC munit then return (T m m) else return (T m (MC munit)) <+> return (T (MC munit) m)
-- Brzezinski and Wisbauer, Corings and Comodules, p5

-- Both of the above can be used to define coalgebra structure on polynomial algebras
-- by using the definitions above on the generators (ie the indeterminates) and then extending multiplicatively
-- They are then guaranteed to be algebra morphisms?


class Algebra k a => Module k a m where
    action :: Vect k (Tensor a m) -> Vect k m

r *. m = action (r `te` m)

class Coalgebra k c => Comodule k c n where
    coaction :: Vect k n -> Vect k (Tensor c n)

instance Algebra k a => Module k a a where
    action = mult

instance Coalgebra k c => Comodule k c c where
    coaction = comult

-- module and comodule instances for tensor products

-- Kassel p57-8

instance (Num k, Ord a, Ord u, Ord v, Algebra k a, Module k a u, Module k a v)
         => Module k (Tensor a a) (Tensor u v) where
    -- action x = nf $ x >>= action'
    action = linear action'
        where action' (T (T a a') (T u v)) = (action $ return $ T a u) `te` (action $ return $ T a' v)

instance (Num k, Ord a, Ord u, Ord v, Bialgebra k a, Module k a u, Module k a v)
         => Module k a (Tensor u v) where
    -- action x = nf $ x >>= action'
    action = linear action'
        where action' (T a (T u v)) = action $ (comult $ return a) `te` (return $ T u v)
-- !! Overlapping instances
-- If a == Tensor b b, then we have overlapping instance with the previous definition
-- On the other hand, if a == Tensor u v, then we have overlapping instance with the earlier instance

-- Kassel p63
instance (Num k, Ord a, Ord m, Ord n, Bialgebra k a, Comodule k a m, Comodule k a n)
         => Comodule k a (Tensor m n) where
    coaction = (mult `tf` id) . twistm . (coaction `tf` coaction)
        where twistm x = nf $ fmap (\(T (T h m) (T h' n)) -> T (T h h') (T m n)) x