-- Copyright (c) David Amos, 2008. All rights reserved. {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} -- |A module providing a type for (commutative) multivariate polynomials, with support for various term orders. module Math.Algebra.Commutative.MPoly where import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List as L import Control.Arrow (first, second) import Data.Ratio (denominator) import Math.Algebra.Field.Base import Math.Algebra.Commutative.Monomial -- MULTIVARIATE POLYNOMIALS -- |Type for multivariate polynomials. -- ord is a phantom type defining how terms are ordered, r is the type of the ring we are working over. -- For example, a common choice will be MPoly Grevlex Q, meaning polynomials over Q with the grevlex term ordering newtype MPoly ord r = MP [(Monomial ord,r)] deriving (Eq) -- deriving instance (Ord (Monomial ord), Ord r) => Ord (MPoly ord r) -- standalone deriving supported from GHC 6.8 instance (Ord (Monomial ord), Ord r) => Ord (MPoly ord r) where compare (MP ts) (MP us) = compare ts us instance (Show r, Num r) => Show (MPoly ord r) where show (MP []) = "0" show (MP ts) = let (c:cs) = concatMap showTerm ts in if c == '+' then cs else c:cs where showTerm (m,c) = case show c of "1" -> "+" ++ show m "-1" -> "-" ++ show m cs@(x:_) -> (if x == '-' then cs else '+':cs) ++ (if m == 1 then "" else show m) instance (Ord (Monomial ord), Num r) => Num (MPoly ord r) where MP ts + MP us = MP (mergeTerms ts us) negate (MP ts) = MP $ map (second negate) ts MP ts * MP us = MP $ collect $ sortBy cmpTerm $ [(g*h,c*d) | (g,c) <- ts, (h,d) <- us] {- -- The following appears to be slightly slower, perhaps because sortBy is compiled MP (t@(g,c):ts) * MP (u@(h,d):us) = let MP vs = MP ts * MP us in MP $ mergeTerms ((g*h,c*d):vs) $ mergeTerms [(g*h,c*d) | (h,d) <- us] [(g*h,c*d) | (g,c) <- ts] _ * _ = MP [] -} fromInteger 0 = MP [] fromInteger n = MP [(fromInteger 1, fromInteger n)] cmpTerm (a,c) (b,d) = case compare a b of EQ -> EQ; GT -> LT; LT -> GT -- in mpolys we put "larger" terms first -- inputs in descending order mergeTerms (t@(g,c):ts) (u@(h,d):us) = case compare g h of GT -> t : mergeTerms ts (u:us) LT -> u : mergeTerms (t:ts) us EQ -> if e == 0 then mergeTerms ts us else (g,e) : mergeTerms ts us where e = c + d mergeTerms ts us = ts ++ us -- one of them is null collect (t1@(g,c):t2@(h,d):ts) | g == h = collect $ (g,c+d):ts | c == 0 = collect $ t2:ts | otherwise = t1 : collect (t2:ts) collect ts = ts -- Fractional instance so that we can enter fractional coefficients -- Only lets us divide by field elements (with unit monomial), not any other polynomials instance (Ord (Monomial ord), Fractional r) => Fractional (MPoly ord r) where recip (MP [(m,c)]) = MP [(recip m, recip c)] -- recip (MP [(m,c)]) | m == fromInteger 1 = MP [(m, recip c)] recip _ = error "MPoly.recip: only supported for (non-zero) constants or monomials" -- |Create a variable with the supplied name. -- By convention, variable names should usually be a single letter followed by none, one or two digits. var :: String -> MPoly Grevlex Q var v = MP [(Monomial $ M.singleton v 1, 1)] :: MPoly Grevlex Q a, b, c, d, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z :: MPoly Grevlex Q a = var "a" b = var "b" c = var "c" d = var "d" s = var "s" t = var "t" u = var "u" v = var "v" w = var "w" x = var "x" y = var "y" z = var "z" x_ i = var ("x" ++ show i) x0, x1, x2, x3 :: MPoly Grevlex Q x0 = x_ 0 x1 = x_ 1 x2 = x_ 2 x3 = x_ 3 -- convertMP :: Ord (Monomial ord') => MPoly ord k -> MPoly ord' k convertMP (MP ts) = MP $ sortBy cmpTerm $ map (first convertM) ts -- |Convert a polynomial to lex term ordering toLex :: MPoly ord k -> MPoly Lex k toLex = convertMP -- |Convert a polynomial to glex term ordering toGlex :: MPoly ord k -> MPoly Glex k toGlex = convertMP -- |Convert a polynomial to grevlex term ordering toGrevlex :: MPoly ord k -> MPoly Grevlex k toGrevlex = convertMP toElim :: MPoly ord k -> MPoly Elim k toElim = convertMP varLex v = toLex $ var v varElim v = toElim $ var v -- DIVISION ALGORITHM lt (MP (t:ts)) = t lm = fst . lt deg 0 = -1 deg (MP ts) = maximum [degM m | (m,c) <- ts] -- the true degree of the polynomial, not the degree of the leading term -- required for sugar strategy when computing Groebner basis mulT (m,c) (m',c') = (m*m',c*c') divT (m,c) (m',c') = (m/m',c/c') dividesT (m,_) (m',_) = dividesM m m' properlyDividesT (m,_) (m',_) = dividesM m m' && m /= m' lcmT (m,c) (m',c') = (lcmM m m',1) infixl 7 .* t .* MP ts = MP $ map (mulT t) ts -- preserves term order -- given f, gs, find as, r such that f = sum (zipWith (*) as gs) + r, with r not divisible by any g quotRemMP f gs = quotRemMP' f (replicate n 0, 0) where n = length gs quotRemMP' 0 (us,r) = (us,r) quotRemMP' h (us,r) = divisionStep h (gs,[],us,r) divisionStep h (g:gs,us',u:us,r) = if lt g `dividesT` lt h then let t = MP [lt h `divT` lt g] h' = h - t*g u' = u+t in quotRemMP' h' (reverse us' ++ u':us, r) else divisionStep h (gs,u:us',us,r) divisionStep h ([],us',[],r) = let (lth,h') = splitlt h in quotRemMP' h' (reverse us', r+lth) splitlt (MP (t:ts)) = (MP [t], MP ts) infixl 7 %% f %% gs = r where (_,r) = quotRemMP f gs -- div and mod by single mpoly divModMP f g = (q,r) where ([q],r) = quotRemMP f [g] divMP f g = q where ([q],_) = quotRemMP f [g] modMP f g = r where (_,r) = quotRemMP f [g] -- OTHER STUFF -- injection of field elements into polynomial ring inject 0 = MP [] inject c = MP [(fromInteger 1, c)] toMonic 0 = 0 toMonic (MP ts@((_,c):_)) | c == 1 = MP ts | otherwise = MP $ map (second (/c)) ts -- multiply out all denominators toZ (MP ts) = MP $ map (second (*c)) ts where c = fromInteger $ foldl lcm 1 $ [denominator c | (m,Q c) <- ts] -- substitute terms for variables in an MPoly -- eg subst [(x,a),(y,a+b),(z,c^2)] (x*y+z) -> a*(a+b)+c^2 subst vts (MP us) = sum [inject c * substM m | (m,c) <- us] where substM (Monomial m) = product [substV v ^ i | (v,i) <- M.toList m] substV v = let v' = MP [(Monomial $ M.singleton v 1, 1)] in case L.lookup v' vts of Just t -> t Nothing -> v' -- no substitute, so keep as is support (MP ts) = [MP [(m,1)] | m <- reverse $ L.sort $ support' ts] where support' ts = foldl L.union [] [supportM m | (m,c) <- ts]