-- Copyright (c) David Amos, 2008. All rights reserved.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -XFlexibleInstances #-}

module Math.Projects.KnotTheory.TemperleyLieb where

import Data.List ( (\\) )

import Math.Algebra.Field.Base
import Math.Algebra.NonCommutative.NCPoly as NP
import Math.Algebra.NonCommutative.GSBasis

import Math.Projects.KnotTheory.LaurentMPoly as LP
import Math.Projects.KnotTheory.Braid


data TemperleyLiebGens = E Int deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show TemperleyLiebGens where
    show (E i) = 'e': show i

e_ i = NP [(M [E i], 1)] :: NPoly LPQ TemperleyLiebGens

-- d is the value of a closed loop
d = LP.var "d"
d' = NP.inject d :: NPoly LPQ TemperleyLiebGens

e1 = e_ 1
e2 = e_ 2
e3 = e_ 3
e4 = e_ 4

-- Temperley-Lieb algebra An(d), generated by n-1 elts e1..e_n-1, together with relations
tlRelations n =
    [e_ i * e_ j - e_ j * e_ i | i <- [1..n-1], j <- [i+2..n-1] ] ++
    [e_ i * e_ j * e_ i - e_ i | i <- [1..n-1], j <- [1..n-1], abs (i-j) == 1 ] ++
    [(e_ i)^2 - d' * e_ i | i <- [1..n-1] ]

-- given an elt of the Temperley-Lieb algebra, return the dimension it's defined over (ie the number of points)
dimTL (NP ts) = 1 + maximum (0 : [i | (M bs,c) <- ts, E i <- bs])

-- Reduce to normal form
tlnf f = f %% (gb $ tlRelations $ dimTL f)

-- Monomial basis for Temperley-Lieb algebra (as quotient of free algebra by Temperley-Lieb relations)
tlBasis n = mbasisQA [e_ i | i <- [1..n-1]] (gb $ tlRelations n)

-- trace function
-- the trace of an elt is d^k, where k is the number of loops in its closure (ie join the top and bottom of the diagram to make an annulus)
-- this is clearly the same as the number of cycles of the elt when thought of as an elt of Sn, with ei mapped to the transposition (i i+1)
tr' n (M g) = d ^ ( -1 + length (orbits g [1..n]) ) where
    image i [] = i
    image i (E j : es) | i == j    = image (i+1) es
                       | i == j+1  = image (i-1) es
                       | otherwise = image i es
    orbits g [] = []
    orbits g (i:is) = let i' = orbit i [] in i' : orbits g ((i:is) \\ i')
    orbit j js = let j' = image j g in if j' `elem` (j:js) then reverse (j:js) else orbit j' (j:js)
-- Note, some authors define the trace so that tr 1 == 1.
-- That is the same as this trace except for a factor of d^(n-1)

tr n f@(NP ts) = sum [c * tr' n m | (m,c) <- ts]


a = LP.var "a"
a' = NP.inject a :: NPoly LPQ TemperleyLiebGens

-- Convert a braid to Temperley-Lieb algebra using Skein relation
fromBraid f = tlnf (NP.subst skeinRelations f) where
    skeinRelations = concat [ [(s_ i, 1/a' * e_ i + a'), (s_ (-i), a' * e_ i + 1/a')] | i <- [1..] ]

-- Jones polynomial
-- n the number of strings, f the braid
jones n f = let kauffman = LP.subst [(d, - a^2 - 1/a^2)] $ tr n (fromBraid f)
                j = (-a)^^(-3 * writhe f) * kauffman
            -- in halfExponents $ halfExponents $ LP.subst [(a,1/t)] j
            -- in quarterExponents' $ LP.subst [(a,1/t)] j
            in LP.subst [(a,1/t^^^(1/4))] j