-- Copyright (c) David Amos, 2009. All rights reserved.

module Math.Combinatorics.GraphAuts where

import Data.Either (lefts)
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe

import Math.Common.ListSet
import Math.Core.Utils (combinationsOf, pairs)
import Math.Combinatorics.Graph
-- import Math.Combinatorics.StronglyRegularGraph
-- import Math.Combinatorics.Hypergraph -- can't import this, creates circular dependency
import Math.Algebra.Group.PermutationGroup
import Math.Algebra.Group.SchreierSims as SS

-- The code for finding automorphisms - "graphAuts" - follows later on in file


-- |A graph is vertex-transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the vertices. Thus, given any two distinct vertices, there is an automorphism mapping one to the other.
isVertexTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isVertexTransitive (G [] []) = True -- null graph is trivially vertex transitive
isVertexTransitive g@(G (v:vs) es) = orbitV auts v == v:vs where
    auts = graphAuts g

-- |A graph is edge-transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on the edges. Thus, given any two distinct edges, there is an automorphism mapping one to the other.
isEdgeTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isEdgeTransitive (G _ []) = True
isEdgeTransitive g@(G vs (e:es)) = orbitE auts e == e:es where
    auts = graphAuts g

arc ->^ g = map (.^ g) arc
-- unlike edges/blocks, arcs are directed, so the action on them does not sort

-- Godsil & Royle 59-60
-- |A graph is arc-transitive (or flag-transitive) if its automorphism group acts transitively on arcs. (An arc is an ordered pair of adjacent vertices.)
isArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isArcTransitive (G _ []) = True -- empty graphs are trivially arc transitive
isArcTransitive g@(G vs es) = orbit (->^) a auts == a:as where
-- isArcTransitive g@(G vs es) = closure [a] [ ->^ h | h <- auts] == a:as where
    a:as = L.sort $ es ++ map reverse es
    auts = graphAuts g

isArcTransitive' g@(G (v:vs) es) =
    orbitP auts v == v:vs && -- isVertexTransitive g
    orbitP stab n == n:ns
    where auts = graphAuts g
          stab = dropWhile (\p -> v .^ p /= v) auts -- we know that graphAuts are returned in this order
          n:ns = nbrs g v

-- execution time of both of the above is dominated by the time to calculate the graph auts, so their performance is similar

-- then k n, kb n n, q n, other platonic solids, petersen graph, heawood graph, pappus graph, desargues graph are all arc-transitive

-- find arcs of length l from x using dfs - results returned in order
-- an arc is a sequence of vertices connected by edges, no doubling back, but self-crossings allowed
findArcs g@(G vs es) x l = map reverse $ dfs [ ([x],0) ] where
    dfs ( (z1:z2:zs,l') : nodes)
        | l == l'   = (z1:z2:zs) : dfs nodes
        | otherwise = dfs $ [(w:z1:z2:zs,l'+1) | w <- nbrs g z1, w /= z2] ++ nodes
    dfs ( ([z],l') : nodes)
        | l == l'   = [z] : dfs nodes
        | otherwise = dfs $ [([w,z],l'+1) | w <- nbrs g z] ++ nodes
    dfs [] = []

-- note that a graph with triangles can't be 3-arc transitive, etc, because an aut can't map a self-crossing arc to a non-self-crossing arc

-- |A graph is n-arc-transitive is its automorphism group is transitive on n-arcs. (An n-arc is an ordered sequence (v0,...,vn) of adjacent vertices, with crossings allowed but not doubling back.)
isnArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Int -> Graph t -> Bool
isnArcTransitive _ (G [] []) = True
isnArcTransitive n g@(G (v:vs) es) =
    orbitP auts v == v:vs && -- isVertexTransitive g
    orbit (->^) a stab == a:as
    -- closure [a] [ ->^ h | h <- stab] == a:as
    where auts = graphAuts g
          stab = dropWhile (\p -> v .^ p /= v) auts -- we know that graphAuts are returned in this order
          a:as = findArcs g v n

is2ArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
is2ArcTransitive g = isnArcTransitive 2 g

is3ArcTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
is3ArcTransitive g = isnArcTransitive 3 g

-- Godsil & Royle 66-7
-- |A graph is distance transitive if given any two ordered pairs of vertices (u,u') and (v,v') with d(u,u') == d(v,v'),
-- there is an automorphism of the graph that takes (u,u') to (v,v')
isDistanceTransitive :: (Ord t) => Graph t -> Bool
isDistanceTransitive (G [] []) = True
isDistanceTransitive g@(G (v:vs) es)
    | isConnected g =
        orbitP auts v == v:vs && -- isVertexTransitive g
        length stabOrbits == diameter g + 1 -- the orbits under the stabiliser of v coincide with the distance partition from v
    | otherwise = error "isDistanceTransitive: only defined for connected graphs"
    where auts = graphAuts g
          stab = dropWhile (\p -> v .^ p /= v) auts -- we know that graphAuts are returned in this order
          stabOrbits = let os = orbits stab in os ++ map (:[]) ((v:vs) L.\\ concat os) -- include fixed point orbits


-- !! Note, in the literature the following is just called the intersection of two partitions
-- !! Refinement actually refers to the process of refining to an equitable partition

-- refine one partition by another
refine p1 p2 = filter (not . null) $ refine' p1 p2
-- Refinement preserves ordering within cells but not between cells
-- eg the cell [1,2,3,4] could be refined to [2,4],[1,3]

-- refine, but leaving null cells in
-- we use this in the graphAuts functions when comparing two refinements to check that they split in the same way
refine' p1 p2 = concat [ [c1 `intersect` c2 | c2 <- p2] | c1 <- p1]

isGraphAut (G vs es) h = all (`S.member` es') [e -^ h | e <- es]
    where es' = S.fromList es
-- this works best on sparse graphs, where p(edge) < 1/2
-- if p(edge) > 1/2, it would be better to test on the complement of the graph

-- Calculate a map consisting of neighbour lists for each vertex in the graph
-- If a vertex has no neighbours then it is left out of the map
adjLists (G vs es) = adjLists' M.empty es
    where adjLists' nbrs ([u,v]:es) =
              adjLists' (M.insertWith' (flip (++)) v [u] $ M.insertWith' (flip (++)) u [v] nbrs) es
          adjLists' nbrs [] = nbrs

-- (showing how we got to the final version)

-- return all graph automorphisms, using naive depth first search
graphAuts1 (G vs es) = dfs [] vs vs
    where dfs xys (x:xs) ys =
              concat [dfs ((x,y):xys) xs (L.delete y ys) | y <- ys, isCompatible (x,y) xys]
          dfs xys [] [] = [fromPairs xys]
          isCompatible (x,y) xys = and [([x',x] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x',y') <- xys]
          es' = S.fromList es

-- return generators for graph automorphisms
-- (using Lemma 9.1.1 from Seress p203 to prune the search tree)
graphAuts2 (G vs es) = graphAuts' [] vs
    where graphAuts' us (v:vs) =
              let uus = zip us us
              in concat [take 1 $ dfs ((v,w):uus) vs (v : L.delete w vs) | w <- vs, isCompatible (v,w) uus]
              ++ graphAuts' (v:us) vs
              -- stab us == transversal for stab (v:us) ++ stab (v:us)  (generators thereof)
          graphAuts' _ [] = [] -- we're not interested in finding the identity element
          dfs xys (x:xs) ys =
              concat [dfs ((x,y):xys) xs (L.delete y ys) | y <- ys, isCompatible (x,y) xys]
          dfs xys [] [] = [fromPairs xys]
          isCompatible (x,y) xys = and [([x',x] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x',y') <- xys]
          es' = S.fromList es

-- Now using distance partitions
-- Note that because of the use of distance partitions, this is only valid for connected graphs
graphAuts3 g@(G vs es) = graphAuts' [] [vs] where
    graphAuts' us ((x:ys):pt) =
        let px = refine' (ys : pt) (dps M.! x)
            p y = refine' ((x : L.delete y ys) : pt) (dps M.! y)
            uus = zip us us
            p' = L.sort $ filter (not . null) $ px
        in concat [take 1 $ dfs ((x,y):uus) px (p y) | y <- ys]
        ++ graphAuts' (x:us) p'
    graphAuts' us ([]:pt) = graphAuts' us pt
    graphAuts' _ [] = []
    dfs xys p1 p2
        | map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
        | otherwise =
            let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
                p2' = filter (not . null) p2
            in if all isSingleton p1'
               then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1') (concat p2')
                    in if isCompatible xys' then [fromPairs' xys'] else []
                    -- we shortcut the search when we have all singletons, so must check isCompatible to avoid false positives
               else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1'
                        ys:p2'' = p2'
                    in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
                                   (refine' (xs : p1'') (dps M.! x))
                                   (refine' ((L.delete y ys):p2'') (dps M.! y))
                                   | y <- ys]
    isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
    dps = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g v) | v <- vs]
    es' = S.fromList es

isSingleton [_] = True
isSingleton _ = False

-- Now we try to use generators we've already found at a given level to save us having to look for others
-- For example, if we have found (1 2)(3 4) and (1 3 2), then we don't need to look for something taking 1 -> 4
graphAuts4 g@(G vs es) = graphAuts' [] [vs] where
    graphAuts' us p@((x:ys):pt) =
        -- let p' = L.sort $ filter (not . null) $ refine' (ys:pt) (dps M.! x)
        let p' = L.sort $ refine (ys:pt) (dps M.! x)
        in level us p x ys []
        ++ graphAuts' (x:us) p'
    graphAuts' us ([]:pt) = graphAuts' us pt
    graphAuts' _ [] = []
    level us p@(ph:pt) x (y:ys) hs =
        let px = refine' (L.delete x ph : pt) (dps M.! x)
            py = refine' (L.delete y ph : pt) (dps M.! y)
            uus = zip us us
        in case dfs ((x,y):uus) px py of
           []  -> level us p x ys hs
           h:_ -> let hs' = h:hs in h : level us p x (ys L.\\ (x .^^ hs')) hs'
    level _ _ _ [] _ = []
    dfs xys p1 p2
        | map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
        | otherwise =
            let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
                p2' = filter (not . null) p2
            in if all isSingleton p1'
               then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1') (concat p2')
                    in if isCompatible xys' then [fromPairs' xys'] else []
               else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1'
                        ys:p2'' = p2'
                    in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
                                   (refine' (xs : p1'') (dps M.! x))
                                   (refine' ((L.delete y ys):p2'') (dps M.! y))
                                   | y <- ys]
    isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
    dps = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g v) | v <- vs]
    es' = S.fromList es

-- contrary to first thought, you can't stop when a level is null - eg kb 2 3, the third level is null, but the fourth isn't

-- an example for equitable partitions
-- this is a graph whose distance partition (from any vertex) can be refined to an equitable partition
eqgraph = G vs es where
    vs = [1..14]
    es = L.sort $ [[1,14],[2,13]] ++ [ [v1,v2] | [v1,v2] <- combinationsOf 2 vs, v1+1 == v2 || v1+3 == v2 && even v2]

-- refine a partition to give an equitable partition
toEquitable g cells = L.sort $ toEquitable' [] cells where
    toEquitable' ls (r:rs) =
        let (lls,lrs) = L.partition isSingleton $ map (splitNumNbrs r) ls
            -- so the lrs split, and the lls didn't
            rs' = concatMap (splitNumNbrs r) rs
        in if isSingleton r -- then we know it won't split further, so can remove it from further processing
           then r : toEquitable' (concat lls) (concat lrs ++ rs')
           else toEquitable' (r : concat lls) (concat lrs ++ rs')
    toEquitable' ls [] = ls
    splitNumNbrs t c = map (map snd) $ L.groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) $ L.sort
                    [ (length ((nbrs_g M.! v) `intersect` t), v) | v <- c]
    nbrs_g = M.fromList [(v, nbrs g v) | v <- vertices g]

-- try to refine two partitions in parallel, failing if they become mismatched
toEquitable2 nbrs_g psrc ptrg = unzip $ L.sort $ toEquitable' [] (zip psrc ptrg) where
    toEquitable' ls (r:rs) =
        let ls' = map (splitNumNbrs nbrs_g r) ls
            (lls,lrs) = L.partition isSingleton $ map fromJust ls'
            rs' = map (splitNumNbrs nbrs_g r) rs
        in if any isNothing ls' || any isNothing rs'
           then []
               {- if (isSingleton . fst) r
               then r : toEquitable' (concat lls) (concat lrs ++ concatMap fromJust rs')
               else -} toEquitable' (r : concat lls) (concat lrs ++ concatMap fromJust rs')
    toEquitable' ls [] = ls

splitNumNbrs nbrs_g (t_src,t_trg) (c_src,c_trg) =
    let src_split = L.groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) $ L.sort
                    [ (length ((nbrs_g M.! v) `intersect` t_src), v) | v <- c_src]
        trg_split = L.groupBy (\x y -> fst x == fst y) $ L.sort
                    [ (length ((nbrs_g M.! v) `intersect` t_trg), v) | v <- c_trg]
    in if map length src_split == map length trg_split
       && map (fst . head) src_split == map (fst . head) trg_split
       then Just $ zip (map (map snd) src_split) (map (map snd) trg_split)
       else Nothing
       -- else error (show (src_split, trg_split)) -- for debugging

-- Now, every time we intersect two partitions, refine to an equitable partition

-- |Given a graph g, @graphAuts g@ returns generators for the automorphism group of g.
-- If g is connected, then the generators will be a strong generating set.
graphAuts :: (Ord a) => Graph a -> [Permutation a]
graphAuts g = autsWithinComponents ++ isosBetweenComponents
    where cs = map (inducedSubgraph g) (components g)
          -- autsWithinComponents = concatMap graphAutsCon cs
          autsWithinComponents = concatMap graphAuts4 cs
          isosBetweenComponents = map swapFromIso $ concat [take 1 (graphIsos ci cj) | (ci,cj) <- pairs cs]
          swapFromIso xys = fromPairs (xys ++ map swap xys)
          swap (x,y) = (y,x)
-- Using graphAuts4 instead of graphAutsCon as latter appears to have a bug, eg
-- > graphAuts4 $ G [1..3] [[1,2],[2,3]]
-- [[[1,3]]]
-- > graphAutsCon $ G [1..3] [[1,2],[2,3]]
-- []

-- Automorphisms of a connected graph
graphAutsCon g@(G vs es)
    | isConnected g = graphAuts' [] (toEquitable g $ valencyPartition g)
    | otherwise = error "graphAutsCon: graph is not connected"
    where graphAuts' us p@((x:ys):pt) =
              let p' = L.sort $ filter (not . null) $ refine' (ys:pt) (dps M.! x)
              in level us p x ys []
              ++ graphAuts' (x:us) p'
          graphAuts' us ([]:pt) = graphAuts' us pt
          graphAuts' _ [] = []
          level us p@(ph:pt) x (y:ys) hs =
              let px = refine' (L.delete x ph : pt) (dps M.! x)
                  py = refine' (L.delete y ph : pt) (dps M.! y)
                  uus = zip us us
              in case dfsEquitable (dps,es',nbrs_g) ((x,y):uus) px py of
                 []  -> level us p x ys hs
                 h:_ -> let hs' = h:hs in h : level us p x (ys L.\\ (x .^^ hs')) hs'
          level _ _ _ [] _ = []
          dps = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g v) | v <- vs]
          es' = S.fromList es
          nbrs_g = M.fromList [(v, nbrs g v) | v <- vs]

dfsEquitable (dps,es',nbrs_g) xys p1 p2 = dfs xys p1 p2 where
    dfs xys p1 p2
        | map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
        | otherwise =
            let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
                p2' = filter (not . null) p2
                (p1e,p2e) = toEquitable2 nbrs_g p1' p2'
            in if null p1e
               then []
                   if all isSingleton p1e
                   then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1e) (concat p2e)
                        in if isCompatible xys' then [fromPairs' xys'] else []
                   else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1e
                            ys:p2'' = p2e
                        in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
                                       (refine' (xs : p1'') (dps M.! x))
                                       (refine' ((L.delete y ys):p2'') (dps M.! y))
                                       | y <- ys]
    isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']


-- based on graphAuts as applied to the incidence graph, but modified to avoid point-block crossover auts

-- |Given the incidence graph of an incidence structure between points and blocks
-- (for example, a set system),
-- @incidenceAuts g@ returns generators for the automorphism group of the incidence structure.
-- The generators are represented as permutations of the points.
-- The incidence graph should be represented with the points on the left and the blocks on the right.
-- If the incidence graph is connected, then the generators will be a strong generating set.
incidenceAuts :: (Ord p, Ord b) => Graph (Either p b) -> [Permutation p]
incidenceAuts g = autsWithinComponents ++ isosBetweenComponents
    where cs = map (inducedSubgraph g) (components g)
          autsWithinComponents = concatMap incidenceAutsCon cs
          isosBetweenComponents = map swapFromIso $ concat [take 1 (incidenceIsos ci cj) | (ci,cj) <- pairs cs]
          swapFromIso xys = fromPairs (xys ++ map swap xys)
          swap (x,y) = (y,x)

incidenceAutsCon g@(G vs es) 
    | isConnected g = map points (incidenceAuts' [] [vs])
    | otherwise = error "incidenceAutsCon: graph is not connected"
    where points h = fromPairs [(x,y) | (Left x, Left y) <- toPairs h] -- filtering out the action on blocks
          incidenceAuts' us p@((x@(Left _):ys):pt) =
              -- let p' = L.sort $ filter (not . null) $ refine' (ys:pt) (dps M.! x)
              let p' = L.sort $ refine (ys:pt) (dps M.! x)
              in level us p x ys []
              ++ incidenceAuts' (x:us) p'
          incidenceAuts' us ([]:pt) = incidenceAuts' us pt
          incidenceAuts' _ (((Right _):_):_) = [] -- if we fix all the points, then the blocks must be fixed too
          incidenceAuts' _ [] = []
          level us p@(ph:pt) x (y@(Left _):ys) hs =
              let px = refine' (L.delete x ph : pt) (dps M.! x)
                  py = refine' (L.delete y ph : pt) (dps M.! y)
                  uus = zip us us
              in case dfsEquitable (dps,es',nbrs_g) ((x,y):uus) px py of
                 []  -> level us p x ys hs
                 h:_ -> let hs' = h:hs in h : level us p x (ys L.\\ (x .^^ hs')) hs'
          level _ _ _ _ _ = [] -- includes the case where y matches Right _, which can only occur on first level, before we've distance partitioned
          dps = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g v) | v <- vs]
          es' = S.fromList es
          nbrs_g = M.fromList [(v, nbrs g v) | v <- vs]


-- !! not yet using equitable partitions, so could probably be more efficient

-- graphIsos :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Graph a -> Graph b -> [[(a,b)]]
graphIsos g1 g2
    | length cs1 /= length cs2 = []
    | otherwise = graphIsos' cs1 cs2
    where cs1 = map (inducedSubgraph g1) (components g1)
          cs2 = map (inducedSubgraph g2) (components g2)
          graphIsos' (ci:cis) cjs =
              [iso ++ iso' | cj <- cjs,
                             iso <- graphIsosCon ci cj,
                             let cjs' = L.delete cj cjs,
                             iso' <- graphIsos' cis cjs']
          graphIsos' [] [] = [[]]

-- isos between connected graphs
graphIsosCon g1 g2 
    | isConnected g1 && isConnected g2
        = concat [dfs [] (distancePartition g1 v1) (distancePartition g2 v2)
                 | v1 <- take 1 (vertices g1), v2 <- vertices g2]
                 -- the take 1 handles the case where g1 is the null graph
    | otherwise = error "graphIsosCon: either or both graphs are not connected"
    where dfs xys p1 p2
              | map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
              | otherwise =
                  let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
                      p2' = filter (not . null) p2
                  in if all isSingleton p1'
                     then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1') (concat p2')
                          in if isCompatible xys' then [xys'] else []
                     else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1'
                              ys:p2'' = p2'
                          in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
                                         (refine' (xs : p1'') (dps1 M.! x))
                                         (refine' ((L.delete y ys):p2'') (dps2 M.! y))
                                         | y <- ys]
          isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es1) == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es2) | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
          dps1 = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g1 v) | v <- vertices g1]
          dps2 = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g2 v) | v <- vertices g2]
          es1 = S.fromList $ edges g1
          es2 = S.fromList $ edges g2

-- |Are the two graphs isomorphic?
isGraphIso :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Graph a -> Graph b -> Bool
isGraphIso g1 g2 = (not . null) (graphIsos g1 g2)
-- !! If we're only interested in seeing whether or not two graphs are iso,
-- !! then the cost of calculating distancePartitions may not be warranted
-- !! (see Math.Combinatorics.Poset: orderIsos01 versus orderIsos)

-- !! deprecate
isIso g1 g2 = (not . null) (graphIsos g1 g2)

-- the following differs from graphIsos in only two ways
-- we avoid Left, Right crossover isos, by insisting that a Left is taken to a Left (first two lines)
-- we return only the action on the Lefts, and unLeft it
-- incidenceIsos :: (Ord p1, Ord b1, Ord p2, Ord b2) =>
--     Graph (Either p1 b1) -> Graph (Either p2 b2) -> [[(p1,p2)]]

incidenceIsos g1 g2
    | length cs1 /= length cs2 = []
    | otherwise = incidenceIsos' cs1 cs2
    where cs1 = map (inducedSubgraph g1) (filter (not . null . lefts) $ components g1)
          cs2 = map (inducedSubgraph g2) (filter (not . null . lefts) $ components g2)
          incidenceIsos' (ci:cis) cjs =
              [iso ++ iso' | cj <- cjs,
                             iso <- incidenceIsosCon ci cj,
                             let cjs' = L.delete cj cjs,
                             iso' <- incidenceIsos' cis cjs']
          incidenceIsos' [] [] = [[]]

incidenceIsosCon g1 g2
    | isConnected g1 && isConnected g2
        = concat [dfs [] (distancePartition g1 v1) (distancePartition g2 v2)
                 | v1@(Left _) <- take 1 (vertices g1), v2@(Left _) <- vertices g2]
                 -- g1 may have no vertices
    | otherwise = error "incidenceIsos: one or both graphs not connected"
    where dfs xys p1 p2
              | map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
              | otherwise =
                  let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
                      p2' = filter (not . null) p2
                  in if all isSingleton p1'
                     then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1') (concat p2')
                          in if isCompatible xys' then [[(x,y) | (Left x, Left y) <- xys']] else []
                     else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1'
                              ys:p2'' = p2'
                          in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
                                         (refine' (xs : p1'') (dps1 M.! x))
                                         (refine' ((L.delete y ys):p2'') (dps2 M.! y))
                                         | y <- ys]
          isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es1) == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es2) | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
          dps1 = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g1 v) | v <- vertices g1]
          dps2 = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g2 v) | v <- vertices g2]
          es1 = S.fromList $ edges g1
          es2 = S.fromList $ edges g2

-- |Are the two incidence structures represented by these incidence graphs isomorphic?
isIncidenceIso :: (Ord p1, Ord b1, Ord p2, Ord b2) =>
     Graph (Either p1 b1) -> Graph (Either p2 b2) -> Bool
isIncidenceIso g1 g2 = (not . null) (incidenceIsos g1 g2)

removeGens x gs = removeGens' [] gs where
    baseOrbit = x .^^ gs
    removeGens' ls (r:rs) =
        if x .^^ (ls++rs) == baseOrbit
        then removeGens' ls rs
        else removeGens' (r:ls) rs
    removeGens' ls [] = reverse ls
-- !! reverse is probably pointless

-- eg graphAutsSGSNew $ toGraph ([1..7],[[1,3],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[4,6],[4,7]])
-- returns [[[1,2]],[[5,6]],[[5,7,6]],[[6,7]]]
-- whereas [[6,7]] was a Schreier generator, so shouldn't have been listed

-- Using Schreier generators to seed the next level
-- At the moment this is slower than the above
-- (This could be modified to allow us to start the search with a known subgroup)
graphAutsNew g@(G vs es) = graphAuts' [] [] [vs] where
    graphAuts' us hs p@((x:ys):pt) =
        let ys' = ys L.\\ (x .^^ hs) -- don't need to consider points which can already be reached from Schreier generators
            hs' = level us p x ys' []
            p' = L.sort $ filter (not . null) $ refine' (ys:pt) (dps M.! x)
            reps = cosetRepsGx (hs'++hs) x
            schreierGens = removeGens x $ schreierGeneratorsGx (x,reps) (hs'++hs)
        in hs' ++ graphAuts' (x:us) schreierGens p'
    graphAuts' us hs ([]:pt) = graphAuts' us hs pt
    graphAuts' _ _ [] = []
    level us p@(ph:pt) x (y:ys) hs =
        let px = refine' (L.delete x ph : pt) (dps M.! x)
            py = refine' (L.delete y ph : pt) (dps M.! y)
            uus = zip us us
        in if map length px /= map length py
           then level us p x ys hs
           else case dfs ((x,y):uus) (filter (not . null) px) (filter (not . null) py) of
                []  -> level us p x ys hs
                h:_ -> let hs' = h:hs in h : level us p x (ys L.\\ (x .^^ hs')) hs'
                -- if h1 = (1 2)(3 4), and h2 = (1 3 2), then we can remove 4 too
    level _ _ _ [] _ = []
    dfs xys p1 p2
        | map length p1 /= map length p2 = []
        | otherwise =
            let p1' = filter (not . null) p1
                p2' = filter (not . null) p2
            in if all isSingleton p1'
               then let xys' = xys ++ zip (concat p1') (concat p2')
                    in if isCompatible xys' then [fromPairs' xys'] else []
               else let (x:xs):p1'' = p1'
                        ys:p2'' = p2'
                    in concat [dfs ((x,y):xys)
                                   (refine' (xs : p1'') (dps M.! x))
                                   (refine' ((L.delete y ys):p2'') (dps M.! y))
                                   | y <- ys]
    isCompatible xys = and [([x,x'] `S.member` es') == (L.sort [y,y'] `S.member` es') | (x,y) <- xys, (x',y') <- xys, x < x']
    dps = M.fromList [(v, distancePartition g v) | v <- vs]
    es' = S.fromList es