-- Copyright (c) 2010-2011, David Amos. All rights reserved.

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

-- |A module defining the tensor algebra, symmetric algebra, exterior (or alternating) algebra, and tensor coalgebra
module Math.Algebras.TensorAlgebra where

import Prelude hiding ( (*>) )

import qualified Data.List as L

import Math.Algebras.VectorSpace
import Math.Algebras.TensorProduct
import Math.Algebras.Structures

import Math.Algebra.Field.Base


-- |A data type representing basis elements of the tensor algebra over a set\/type.
-- Elements of the tensor algebra are linear combinations of iterated tensor products of elements of the set\/type.
-- If V = Vect k a is the free vector space over a, then the tensor algebra T(V) = Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) is isomorphic
-- to the infinite direct sum:
-- T(V) = k ⊕ V ⊕ V⊗V ⊕ V⊗V⊗V ⊕ ...
data TensorAlgebra a = TA Int [a] deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show a => Show (TensorAlgebra a) where
    show (TA _ []) = "1"
    show (TA _ xs) = filter (/= '"') $ concat $ L.intersperse "*" $ map show xs
    -- show (TA _ xs) = filter (/= '"') $ concat $ L.intersperse "\x2297" $ map show xs

instance Mon (TensorAlgebra a) where
    munit = TA 0 []
    mmult (TA i xs) (TA j ys) = TA (i+j) (xs++ys)

instance (Eq k, Num k, Ord a) => Algebra k (TensorAlgebra a) where
    unit x = x *> return munit
    mult = nf . fmap (\(a,b) -> a `mmult` b)

-- The tensor algebra is the free algebra. It has the following universal property:
-- Given f :: a -> Vect k b, where Vect k b is an algebra
-- (which induces a vector space morphism, linear f :: Vect k a -> Vect k b)
-- then we can lift to an algebra morphism, (liftTA f) :: Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
-- with (liftTA f) . linear injectTA = linear f

-- |Inject an element of the free vector space V = Vect k a into the tensor algebra T(V) = Vect k (TensorAlgebra a)
injectTA :: Num k => Vect k a -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a)
injectTA = fmap (\a -> TA 1 [a])
-- The Num k context is not strictly necessary

-- |Inject an element of the set\/type A\/a into the tensor algebra T(A) = Vect k (TensorAlgebra a).
injectTA' :: (Eq k, Num k) => a -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a)
injectTA' = injectTA . return
-- injectTA' a = return (TA 1 [a])

-- |Given vector spaces A = Vect k a, B = Vect k b, where B is also an algebra,
-- lift a linear map f: A -> B to an algebra morphism f': T(A) -> B,
-- where T(A) is the tensor algebra Vect k (TensorAlgebra a).
-- f' will agree with f on A itself (considered as a subspace of T(A)).
-- In other words, f = f' . injectTA
liftTA :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b, Algebra k b) =>
     (Vect k a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
liftTA f = linear (\(TA _ xs) -> product [f (return x) | x <- xs])
-- The Show b constraint is required because we use product (and Num requires Show)!!

-- |Given a set\/type A\/a, and a vector space B = Vect k b, where B is also an algebra,
-- lift a function f: A -> B to an algebra morphism f': T(A) -> B.
-- f' will agree with f on A itself. In other words, f = f' . injectTA'
liftTA' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b, Algebra k b) =>
     (a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
liftTA' = liftTA . linear
-- liftTA' f = linear (\(TA _ xs) -> product [f x | x <- xs])
-- The second version might be more efficient

-- |Tensor algebra is a functor from k-Vect to k-Alg.
-- The action on objects is Vect k a -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a).
-- The action on arrows is f -> fmapTA f.
fmapTA :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    (Vect k a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra b)
fmapTA f = liftTA (injectTA . f)
-- fmapTA f = linear (\(TA _ xs) -> product [injectTA (f (return x)) | x <- xs])

-- |If we compose the free vector space functor Set -> k-Vect with the tensor algebra functor k-Vect -> k-Alg,
-- we obtain a functor Set -> k-Alg, the free algebra functor.
-- The action on objects is a -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a).
-- The action on arrows is f -> fmapTA' f.
fmapTA' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    (a -> b) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra b)
fmapTA' = fmapTA . fmap
-- fmapTA' f = liftTA' (injectTA' . f)
-- fmapTA' f = linear (\(TA _ xs) -> product [injectTA' (f x) | x <- xs])

bindTA :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> (Vect k a -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra b)) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra b)
bindTA = flip liftTA

bindTA' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> (a -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra b)) -> Vect k (TensorAlgebra b)
bindTA' = flip liftTA'
-- Another way to think about this is variable substitution

-- "The algebra is free until we bind it"


-- |A data type representing basis elements of the symmetric algebra over a set\/type.
-- The symmetric algebra is the quotient of the tensor algebra by
-- the ideal generated by all
-- differences of products u&#x2297;v - v&#x2297;u.
data SymmetricAlgebra a = Sym Int [a] deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show a => Show (SymmetricAlgebra a) where
    show (Sym _ []) = "1"
    show (Sym _ xs) = filter (/= '"') $ concat $ L.intersperse "." $ map show xs

instance Ord a => Mon (SymmetricAlgebra a) where
    munit = Sym 0 []
    mmult (Sym i xs) (Sym j ys) = Sym (i+j) $ L.sort (xs++ys)

instance (Eq k, Num k, Ord a) => Algebra k (SymmetricAlgebra a) where
    unit x = x *> return munit
    mult = nf . fmap (\(a,b) -> a `mmult` b)

-- |Algebra morphism from tensor algebra to symmetric algebra.
-- The kernel of the morphism is the ideal generated by all
-- differences of products u&#x2297;v - v&#x2297;u.
toSym :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord a) =>
     Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a)
toSym = linear toSym'
    where toSym' (TA i xs) = return $ Sym i (L.sort xs) 

-- The symmetric algebra is the free commutative algebra. It has the following universal property:
-- Given f :: a -> Vect k b, where Vect k b is a commutative algebra
-- (which induces a vector space morphism, linear f :: Vect k a -> Vect k b)
-- then we can lift to a commutative algebra morphism, (liftSym f) :: Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
-- with (liftSym f) . injectSym = f

injectSym :: Num k => Vect k a -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a)
injectSym = fmap (\a -> Sym 1 [a])

injectSym' :: Num k => a -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a)
injectSym' = injectSym . return
-- injectSym' a = return (Sym 1 [a])

liftSym :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b, Algebra k b) =>
     (Vect k a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
liftSym f = linear (\(Sym _ xs) -> product [f (return x) | x <- xs])

liftSym' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b, Algebra k b) =>
     (a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
liftSym' = liftSym . linear
-- liftSym' f = linear (\(Sym _ xs) -> product [f x | x <- xs])

fmapSym :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    (Vect k a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra b)
fmapSym f = liftSym (injectSym . f)
-- fmapSym f = linear (\(Sym _ xs) -> product [injectSym (f (return x)) | x <- xs])

fmapSym' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    (a -> b) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra b)
fmapSym' = fmapSym . fmap
-- fmapSym' f = liftSym' (injectSym' . f)
-- fmapSym' f = linear (\(Sym _ xs) -> product [injectSym' (f x) | x <- xs])

bindSym :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a) -> (Vect k a -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra b)) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra b)
bindSym = flip liftSym

bindSym' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra a) -> (a -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra b)) -> Vect k (SymmetricAlgebra b)
bindSym' = flip liftSym'
-- Another way to think about this is variable substitution


-- |A data type representing basis elements of the exterior algebra over a set\/type.
-- The exterior algebra is the quotient of the tensor algebra by
-- the ideal generated by all
-- self-products u&#x2297;u and sums of products u&#x2297;v + v&#x2297;u
data ExteriorAlgebra a = Ext Int [a] deriving (Eq,Ord)

instance Show a => Show (ExteriorAlgebra a) where
    show (Ext _ []) = "1"
    show (Ext _ xs) = filter (/= '"') $ concat $ L.intersperse "^" $ map show xs

instance (Eq k, Num k, Ord a) => Algebra k (ExteriorAlgebra a) where
    unit x = x *> return (Ext 0 [])
    mult xy = nf $ xy >>= (\(Ext i xs, Ext j ys) -> signedMerge 1 (0,[]) (i,xs) (j,ys))
        where signedMerge s (k,zs) (i,x:xs) (j,y:ys) =
                  case compare x y of
                  EQ -> zerov
                  LT -> signedMerge s (k+1,x:zs) (i-1,xs) (j,y:ys)
                  GT -> let s' = if even i then s else -s -- we had to commute y past x:xs, with i sign changes
                        in signedMerge s' (k+1,y:zs) (i,x:xs) (j-1,ys)
              signedMerge s (k,zs) (i,xs) (0,[]) = s *> (return $ Ext (k+i) $ reverse zs ++ xs)
              signedMerge s (k,zs) (0,[]) (j,ys) = s *> (return $ Ext (k+j) $ reverse zs ++ ys)

-- |Algebra morphism from tensor algebra to exterior algebra.
-- The kernel of the morphism is the ideal generated by all
-- self-products u&#x2297;u and sums of products u&#x2297;v + v&#x2297;u
toExt :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord a) =>
     Vect k (TensorAlgebra a) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a)
toExt = linear toExt'
    where toExt' (TA i xs) = let (sign,xs') = signedSort 1 True [] xs
                             in fromInteger sign *> return (Ext i xs')

signedSort sign done ls (r1:r2:rs) =
    case compare r1 r2 of
    EQ -> (0,[])
    LT -> signedSort sign done (r1:ls) (r2:rs)
    GT -> signedSort (-sign) False (r2:ls) (r1:rs)
signedSort sign done ls rs =
    if done then (sign,reverse ls ++ rs) else signedSort sign True [] (reverse ls ++ rs)

-- !! The above code seems a bit clumsy - can we do better

injectExt :: Num k => Vect k a -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a)
injectExt = fmap (\a -> Ext 1 [a])

injectExt' :: Num k => a -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a)
injectExt' = injectExt . return
-- injectExt' a = return (Ext 1 [a])

liftExt :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b, Algebra k b) =>
     (Vect k a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
liftExt f = linear (\(Ext _ xs) -> product [f (return x) | x <- xs])

liftExt' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b, Algebra k b) =>
     (a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a) -> Vect k b
liftExt' = liftExt . linear
-- liftExt' f = linear (\(Ext _ xs) -> product [f x | x <- xs])

fmapExt :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    (Vect k a -> Vect k b) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra b)
fmapExt f = liftExt (injectExt . f)
-- fmapExt f = linear (\(Ext _ xs) -> product [injectExt (f (return x)) | x <- xs])

fmapExt' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    (a -> b) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra b)
fmapExt' = fmapExt . fmap
-- fmapExt' f = liftExt' (injectExt' . f)
-- fmapExt' f = linear (\(Ext _ xs) -> product [injectExt' (f x) | x <- xs])

bindExt :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a) -> (Vect k a -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra b)) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra b)
bindExt = flip liftExt

bindExt' :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b, Show b) =>
    Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra a) -> (a -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra b)) -> Vect k (ExteriorAlgebra b)
bindExt' = flip liftExt'
-- Another way to think about this is variable substitution


-- Kassel p67
data TensorCoalgebra c = TC Int [c] deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)

instance (Eq k, Num k, Ord c) => Coalgebra k (TensorCoalgebra c) where
    counit = unwrap . linear counit'
        where counit' (TC 0 []) = return () -- 1
              counit' _ = zerov
    comult = linear comult'
        where comult' (TC d xs) = sumv [return (TC i ls, TC (d-i) rs) | (i,ls,rs) <- L.zip3 [0..] (L.inits xs) (L.tails xs)]

-- Now show that the tensor coalgebra is the cofree coalgebra
-- ie that it has the required universal property:
-- coliftTC f is a coalgebra morphism, and f == projectTC . coliftTC f

-- projection onto the underlying vector space
projectTC :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord b) => Vect k (TensorCoalgebra b) -> Vect k b
projectTC = linear projectTC' where projectTC' (TC 1 [b]) = return b; projectTC' _ = zerov 
-- projectTC t = V [(b,c) | (TC 1 [b], c) <- terms t]

-- lift a vector space morphism C -> D to a coalgebra morphism C -> T'(D)
-- this function returns an approximation, valid only up to second order terms
coliftTC :: (Eq k, Num k, Coalgebra k c, Ord d) =>
     (Vect k c -> Vect k d) -> Vect k c -> Vect k (TensorCoalgebra d)
coliftTC f = sumf [coliftTC' i f | i <- [0..2] ]

coliftTC' 0 f = linear f0'
    where f0' c = counit (return c) *> return (TC 0 [])
coliftTC' 1 f = linear f1'
    where f1' c = fmap (\d -> TC 1 [d]) (f $ return c)
coliftTC' n f = linear fn'
    where f1' = coliftTC' 1 f
          fn1' = coliftTC' (n-1) f
          fn' c = fmap (\(TC 1 [x], TC _ xs) -> TC n (x:xs)) $ ( (f1' `tf` fn1') . comult) (return c)

cobindTC :: (Eq k, Num k, Ord c, Ord d) =>
     (Vect k (TensorCoalgebra c) -> Vect k d) -> Vect k (TensorCoalgebra c) -> Vect k (TensorCoalgebra d)
cobindTC = coliftTC

-- So we have a comonad:
-- projectTC is extract :: w a -> a
-- cobindTC is extend :: (w a -> b) -> w a -> w b

Derivation of coliftTC:
Write f' = f0' + f1' + f2' + ...,
where fn' is the part of f' whose range is the nth iterated tensor product in TC.
Then we can deduce f0' from counit . f' == counit
If f': c -> sum ai*di + terms of other order
then counit c = sum ai*counit di
We can deduce f1' from f == projectTC . f'
We can deduce the rest recursively from comult
Write comult (on TC) = comult00 + (comult01+comult10) + (comult02+comult11+comult20) + ...,
where comultij is that part that operates on the i+j'th tensor product to produce i'th `te` jth
Then comult . f' = (f' `tf` f') . comult
can be expanded as
(comult00 + comult01+comult10 + ...) . (f0' + f1' + ...) = (f0' `tf` f0' + f0' `tf` f1' + f1' `tf` f0' + ...) . comult
Looking at the 1,n-1 term, we see that
comult1,n-1 . fn' = (f1' `tf` fn-1') . comult

-- For example
> let f = linear (\x -> case x of Dual One -> e1; Dual I -> e2; Dual J -> e3; Dual K -> e 4)
> let f' = sumf [coliftTC' i f | i <- [0..3] ]

-- then the following agree up to level three (inclusive)
> (comult . f') one'
> ((f' `tf` f') . comult) one'