module Network.HaskellNet.IMAP ( connectIMAP, connectIMAPPort, connectStream -- * IMAP commands -- ** any state commands , noop, capability, logout -- ** not authenticated state commands , login, authenticate -- ** autenticated state commands , select, examine, create, delete, rename , subscribe, unsubscribe , list, lsub, status, append, appendFull -- ** selected state commands , check, close, expunge , search, store, copy , idle -- * fetch commands , fetch, fetchHeader, fetchSize, fetchHeaderFields, fetchHeaderFieldsNot , fetchFlags, fetchR, fetchByString, fetchByStringR -- * other types , Flag(..), Attribute(..), MailboxStatus(..) , SearchQuery(..), FlagsQuery(..) , A.AuthType(..) ) where import Network.Socket (PortNumber) import Network.Compat import Network.HaskellNet.BSStream import Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Connection import Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Types import Network.HaskellNet.IMAP.Parsers import qualified Network.HaskellNet.Auth as A import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS import Control.Monad import System.Time import Data.Maybe import Data.List hiding (delete) import Data.Char import Text.Packrat.Parse (Result) import Control.Applicative -- support old toolchains import Prelude -- suffixed by `s' data SearchQuery = ALLs | FLAG Flag | UNFLAG Flag | BCCs String | BEFOREs CalendarTime | BODYs String | CCs String | FROMs String | HEADERs String String | LARGERs Integer | NEWs | NOTs SearchQuery | OLDs | ONs CalendarTime | ORs SearchQuery SearchQuery | SENTBEFOREs CalendarTime | SENTONs CalendarTime | SENTSINCEs CalendarTime | SINCEs CalendarTime | SMALLERs Integer | SUBJECTs String | TEXTs String | TOs String | XGMRAW String | UIDs [UID] instance Show SearchQuery where showsPrec d q = showParen (d>app_prec) $ showString $ showQuery q where app_prec = 10 showQuery ALLs = "ALL" showQuery (FLAG f) = showFlag f showQuery (UNFLAG f) = "UN" ++ showFlag f showQuery (BCCs addr) = "BCC " ++ addr showQuery (BEFOREs t) = "BEFORE " ++ dateToStringIMAP t showQuery (BODYs s) = "BODY " ++ s showQuery (CCs addr) = "CC " ++ addr showQuery (FROMs addr) = "FROM " ++ addr showQuery (HEADERs f v) = "HEADER " ++ f ++ " " ++ v showQuery (LARGERs siz) = "LARGER {" ++ show siz ++ "}" showQuery NEWs = "NEW" showQuery (NOTs qry) = "NOT " ++ show qry showQuery OLDs = "OLD" showQuery (ONs t) = "ON " ++ dateToStringIMAP t showQuery (ORs q1 q2) = "OR " ++ show q1 ++ " " ++ show q2 showQuery (SENTBEFOREs t) = "SENTBEFORE " ++ dateToStringIMAP t showQuery (SENTONs t) = "SENTON " ++ dateToStringIMAP t showQuery (SENTSINCEs t) = "SENTSINCE " ++ dateToStringIMAP t showQuery (SINCEs t) = "SINCE " ++ dateToStringIMAP t showQuery (SMALLERs siz) = "SMALLER {" ++ show siz ++ "}" showQuery (SUBJECTs s) = "SUBJECT " ++ s showQuery (TEXTs s) = "TEXT " ++ s showQuery (TOs addr) = "TO " ++ addr showQuery (XGMRAW s) = "X-GM-RAW " ++ s showQuery (UIDs uids) = concat $ intersperse "," $ map show uids showFlag Seen = "SEEN" showFlag Answered = "ANSWERED" showFlag Flagged = "FLAGGED" showFlag Deleted = "DELETED" showFlag Draft = "DRAFT" showFlag Recent = "RECENT" showFlag (Keyword s) = "KEYWORD " ++ s data FlagsQuery = ReplaceFlags [Flag] | PlusFlags [Flag] | MinusFlags [Flag] | ReplaceGmailLabels [GmailLabel] | PlusGmailLabels [GmailLabel] | MinusGmailLabels [GmailLabel] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- establish connection connectIMAPPort :: String -> PortNumber -> IO IMAPConnection connectIMAPPort hostname port = handleToStream <$> connectTo hostname port >>= connectStream connectIMAP :: String -> IO IMAPConnection connectIMAP hostname = connectIMAPPort hostname 143 connectStream :: BSStream -> IO IMAPConnection connectStream s = do msg <- bsGetLine s unless (and $ BS.zipWith (==) msg (BS.pack "* OK")) $ fail "cannot connect to the server" newConnection s ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- normal send commands sendCommand' :: IMAPConnection -> String -> IO (ByteString, Int) sendCommand' c cmdstr = do (_, num) <- withNextCommandNum c $ \num -> bsPutCrLf (stream c) $ BS.pack $ show6 num ++ " " ++ cmdstr resp <- getResponse (stream c) return (resp, num) show6 :: (Ord a, Num a, Show a) => a -> String show6 n | n > 100000 = show n | n > 10000 = '0' : show n | n > 1000 = "00" ++ show n | n > 100 = "000" ++ show n | n > 10 = "0000" ++ show n | otherwise = "00000" ++ show n sendCommand :: IMAPConnection -> String -> (RespDerivs -> Result RespDerivs (ServerResponse, MboxUpdate, v)) -> IO v sendCommand imapc cmdstr pFunc = do (buf, num) <- sendCommand' imapc cmdstr let (resp, mboxUp, value) = eval pFunc (show6 num) buf case resp of OK _ _ -> do mboxUpdate imapc mboxUp return value NO _ msg -> fail ("NO: " ++ msg) BAD _ msg -> fail ("BAD: " ++ msg) PREAUTH _ msg -> fail ("preauth: " ++ msg) getResponse :: BSStream -> IO ByteString getResponse s = unlinesCRLF <$> getLs where unlinesCRLF = BS.concat . concatMap (:[crlfStr]) getLs = do l <- strip <$> bsGetLine s case () of _ | BS.null l -> return [l] | isLiteral l -> do l' <- getLiteral l (getLitLen l) ls <- getLs return (l' : ls) | isTagged l -> (l:) <$> getLs | otherwise -> return [l] getLiteral l len = do lit <- bsGet s len l2 <- strip <$> bsGetLine s let l' = BS.concat [l, crlfStr, lit, l2] if isLiteral l2 then getLiteral l' (getLitLen l2) else return l' crlfStr = BS.pack "\r\n" isLiteral l = not (BS.null l) && BS.last l == '}' && BS.last (fst (BS.spanEnd isDigit (BS.init l))) == '{' getLitLen = read . BS.unpack . snd . BS.spanEnd isDigit . BS.init isTagged l = BS.head l == '*' && BS.head (BS.tail l) == ' ' mboxUpdate :: IMAPConnection -> MboxUpdate -> IO () mboxUpdate conn (MboxUpdate exists' recent') = do when (isJust exists') $ modifyMailboxInfo conn $ \mbox -> mbox { _exists = fromJust exists' } when (isJust recent') $ modifyMailboxInfo conn $ \mbox -> mbox { _recent = fromJust recent' } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- IMAP commands -- idle :: IMAPConnection -> Int -> IO () idle conn timeout = do (buf',num) <- sendCommand' conn "IDLE" buf <- if BS.take 2 buf' == BS.pack "+ " then do _ <- bsWaitForInput (stream conn) timeout bsPutCrLf (stream conn) $ BS.pack "DONE" getResponse $ stream conn else return buf' let (resp, mboxUp, value) = eval pNone (show6 num) buf case resp of OK _ _ -> do mboxUpdate conn mboxUp return value NO _ msg -> fail ("NO: " ++ msg) BAD _ msg -> fail ("BAD: " ++ msg) PREAUTH _ msg -> fail ("preauth: " ++ msg) noop :: IMAPConnection -> IO () noop conn = sendCommand conn "NOOP" pNone capability :: IMAPConnection -> IO [String] capability conn = sendCommand conn "CAPABILITY" pCapability logout :: IMAPConnection -> IO () logout c = do bsPutCrLf (stream c) $ BS.pack "a0001 LOGOUT" bsClose (stream c) login :: IMAPConnection -> A.UserName -> A.Password -> IO () login conn username password = sendCommand conn ("LOGIN " ++ (escapeLogin username) ++ " " ++ (escapeLogin password)) pNone authenticate :: IMAPConnection -> A.AuthType -> A.UserName -> A.Password -> IO () authenticate conn A.LOGIN username password = do (_, num) <- sendCommand' conn "AUTHENTICATE LOGIN" bsPutCrLf (stream conn) $ BS.pack userB64 bsGetLine (stream conn) bsPutCrLf (stream conn) $ BS.pack passB64 buf <- getResponse $ stream conn let (resp, mboxUp, value) = eval pNone (show6 num) buf case resp of OK _ _ -> do mboxUpdate conn $ mboxUp return value NO _ msg -> fail ("NO: " ++ msg) BAD _ msg -> fail ("BAD: " ++ msg) PREAUTH _ msg -> fail ("preauth: " ++ msg) where (userB64, passB64) = A.login username password authenticate conn at username password = do (c, num) <- sendCommand' conn $ "AUTHENTICATE " ++ show at let challenge = if BS.take 2 c == BS.pack "+ " then A.b64Decode $ BS.unpack $ head $ dropWhile (isSpace . BS.last) $ BS.inits $ BS.drop 2 c else "" bsPutCrLf (stream conn) $ BS.pack $ A.auth at challenge username password buf <- getResponse $ stream conn let (resp, mboxUp, value) = eval pNone (show6 num) buf case resp of OK _ _ -> do mboxUpdate conn $ mboxUp return value NO _ msg -> fail ("NO: " ++ msg) BAD _ msg -> fail ("BAD: " ++ msg) PREAUTH _ msg -> fail ("preauth: " ++ msg) _select :: String -> IMAPConnection -> String -> IO () _select cmd conn mboxName = do mbox' <- sendCommand conn (cmd ++ quoted mboxName) pSelect setMailboxInfo conn $ mbox' { _mailbox = mboxName } where quoted s = "\"" ++ s ++ "\"" select :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () select = _select "SELECT " examine :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () examine = _select "EXAMINE " create :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () create conn mboxname = sendCommand conn ("CREATE " ++ mboxname) pNone delete :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () delete conn mboxname = sendCommand conn ("DELETE " ++ mboxname) pNone rename :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> MailboxName -> IO () rename conn mboxorg mboxnew = sendCommand conn ("RENAME " ++ mboxorg ++ " " ++ mboxnew) pNone subscribe :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () subscribe conn mboxname = sendCommand conn ("SUBSCRIBE " ++ mboxname) pNone unsubscribe :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> IO () unsubscribe conn mboxname = sendCommand conn ("UNSUBSCRIBE " ++ mboxname) pNone list :: IMAPConnection -> IO [([Attribute], MailboxName)] list conn = (map (\(a, _, m) -> (a, m))) <$> listFull conn "\"\"" "*" lsub :: IMAPConnection -> IO [([Attribute], MailboxName)] lsub conn = (map (\(a, _, m) -> (a, m))) <$> lsubFull conn "\"\"" "*" listFull :: IMAPConnection -> String -> String -> IO [([Attribute], String, MailboxName)] listFull conn ref pat = sendCommand conn (unwords ["LIST", ref, pat]) pList lsubFull :: IMAPConnection -> String -> String -> IO [([Attribute], String, MailboxName)] lsubFull conn ref pat = sendCommand conn (unwords ["LSUB", ref, pat]) pLsub status :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> [MailboxStatus] -> IO [(MailboxStatus, Integer)] status conn mbox stats = let cmd = "STATUS " ++ mbox ++ " (" ++ (unwords $ map show stats) ++ ")" in sendCommand conn cmd pStatus append :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> ByteString -> IO () append conn mbox mailData = appendFull conn mbox mailData Nothing Nothing appendFull :: IMAPConnection -> MailboxName -> ByteString -> Maybe [Flag] -> Maybe CalendarTime -> IO () appendFull conn mbox mailData flags' time = do (buf, num) <- sendCommand' conn (concat ["APPEND ", mbox , fstr, tstr, " {" ++ show len ++ "}"]) when (BS.null buf || (BS.head buf /= '+')) $ fail "illegal server response" mapM_ (bsPutCrLf $ stream conn) mailLines bsPutCrLf (stream conn) BS.empty buf2 <- getResponse $ stream conn let (resp, mboxUp, ()) = eval pNone (show6 num) buf2 case resp of OK _ _ -> mboxUpdate conn mboxUp NO _ msg -> fail ("NO: "++msg) BAD _ msg -> fail ("BAD: "++msg) PREAUTH _ msg -> fail ("PREAUTH: "++msg) where mailLines = BS.lines mailData len = sum $ map ((2+) . BS.length) mailLines tstr = maybe "" ((" "++) . datetimeToStringIMAP) time fstr = maybe "" ((" ("++) . (++")") . unwords . map show) flags' check :: IMAPConnection -> IO () check conn = sendCommand conn "CHECK" pNone close :: IMAPConnection -> IO () close conn = do sendCommand conn "CLOSE" pNone setMailboxInfo conn emptyMboxInfo expunge :: IMAPConnection -> IO [Integer] expunge conn = sendCommand conn "EXPUNGE" pExpunge search :: IMAPConnection -> [SearchQuery] -> IO [UID] search conn queries = searchCharset conn "" queries searchCharset :: IMAPConnection -> Charset -> [SearchQuery] -> IO [UID] searchCharset conn charset queries = sendCommand conn ("UID SEARCH " ++ (if not . null $ charset then charset ++ " " else "") ++ unwords (map show queries)) pSearch fetch :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO ByteString fetch conn uid = do lst <- fetchByString conn uid "BODY[]" return $ maybe BS.empty BS.pack $ lookup' "BODY[]" lst fetchHeader :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO ByteString fetchHeader conn uid = do lst <- fetchByString conn uid "BODY[HEADER]" return $ maybe BS.empty BS.pack $ lookup' "BODY[HEADER]" lst fetchSize :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO Int fetchSize conn uid = do lst <- fetchByString conn uid "RFC822.SIZE" return $ maybe 0 read $ lookup "RFC822.SIZE" lst fetchHeaderFields :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> [String] -> IO ByteString fetchHeaderFields conn uid hs = do let fetchCmd = "BODY[HEADER.FIELDS ("++unwords hs++")]" lst <- fetchByString conn uid fetchCmd return $ maybe BS.empty BS.pack $ lookup' fetchCmd lst fetchHeaderFieldsNot :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> [String] -> IO ByteString fetchHeaderFieldsNot conn uid hs = do let fetchCmd = "BODY[HEADER.FIELDS.NOT ("++unwords hs++")]" lst <- fetchByString conn uid fetchCmd return $ maybe BS.empty BS.pack $ lookup' fetchCmd lst fetchFlags :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> IO [Flag] fetchFlags conn uid = do lst <- fetchByString conn uid "FLAGS" return $ getFlags $ lookup "FLAGS" lst where getFlags Nothing = [] getFlags (Just s) = eval' dvFlags "" s fetchR :: IMAPConnection -> (UID, UID) -> IO [(UID, ByteString)] fetchR conn r = do lst <- fetchByStringR conn r "BODY[]" return $ map (\(uid, vs) -> (uid, maybe BS.empty BS.pack $ lookup' "BODY[]" vs)) lst fetchByString :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> String -> IO [(String, String)] fetchByString conn uid command = do lst <- fetchCommand conn ("UID FETCH "++show uid++" "++command) id return $ snd $ head lst fetchByStringR :: IMAPConnection -> (UID, UID) -> String -> IO [(UID, [(String, String)])] fetchByStringR conn (s, e) command = fetchCommand conn ("UID FETCH "++show s++":"++show e++" "++command) proc where proc (n, ps) = (maybe (toEnum (fromIntegral n)) read (lookup' "UID" ps), ps) fetchCommand :: IMAPConnection -> String -> ((Integer, [(String, String)]) -> b) -> IO [b] fetchCommand conn command proc = (map proc) <$> sendCommand conn command pFetch storeFull :: IMAPConnection -> String -> FlagsQuery -> Bool -> IO [(UID, [Flag])] storeFull conn uidstr query isSilent = fetchCommand conn ("UID STORE " ++ uidstr ++ " " ++ flgs query) procStore where fstrs fs = "(" ++ (concat $ intersperse " " $ map show fs) ++ ")" toFStr s fstrs' = s ++ (if isSilent then ".SILENT" else "") ++ " " ++ fstrs' flgs (ReplaceGmailLabels ls) = toFStr "X-GM-LABELS" $ fstrs ls flgs (PlusGmailLabels ls) = toFStr "+X-GM-LABELS" $ fstrs ls flgs (MinusGmailLabels ls) = toFStr "-X-GM-LABELS" $ fstrs ls flgs (ReplaceFlags fs) = toFStr "FLAGS" $ fstrs fs flgs (PlusFlags fs) = toFStr "+FLAGS" $ fstrs fs flgs (MinusFlags fs) = toFStr "-FLAGS" $ fstrs fs procStore (n, ps) = (maybe (toEnum (fromIntegral n)) read (lookup' "UID" ps) ,maybe [] (eval' dvFlags "") (lookup' "FLAG" ps)) store :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> FlagsQuery -> IO () store conn i q = storeFull conn (show i) q True >> return () copyFull :: IMAPConnection -> String -> String -> IO () copyFull conn uidStr mbox = sendCommand conn ("UID COPY " ++ uidStr ++ " " ++ mbox) pNone copy :: IMAPConnection -> UID -> MailboxName -> IO () copy conn uid mbox = copyFull conn (show uid) mbox ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- auxialiary functions showMonth :: Month -> String showMonth January = "Jan" showMonth February = "Feb" showMonth March = "Mar" showMonth April = "Apr" showMonth May = "May" showMonth June = "Jun" showMonth July = "Jul" showMonth August = "Aug" showMonth September = "Sep" showMonth October = "Oct" showMonth November = "Nov" showMonth December = "Dec" show2 :: Int -> String show2 n | n < 10 = '0' : show n | otherwise = show n show4 :: (Ord a, Num a, Show a) => a -> String show4 n | n > 1000 = show n | n > 100 = '0' : show n | n > 10 = "00" ++ show n | otherwise = "000" ++ show n dateToStringIMAP :: CalendarTime -> String dateToStringIMAP date = concat $ intersperse "-" [show2 $ ctDay date , showMonth $ ctMonth date , show $ ctYear date] timeToStringIMAP :: CalendarTime -> String timeToStringIMAP c = concat $ intersperse ":" $ fmap show2 [ctHour c, ctMin c, ctSec c] -- Convert CalenarTime to "date-time" string per RFC3501 datetimeToStringIMAP :: CalendarTime -> String datetimeToStringIMAP c = "\"" ++ dateToStringIMAP c ++ " " ++ timeToStringIMAP c ++ " " ++ zone (ctTZ c) ++ "\"" where zone s = (if s>=0 then "+" else "-") ++ show4 (s `div` 3600) strip :: ByteString -> ByteString strip = fst . BS.spanEnd isSpace . BS.dropWhile isSpace crlf :: BS.ByteString crlf = BS.pack "\r\n" bsPutCrLf :: BSStream -> ByteString -> IO () bsPutCrLf h s = bsPut h s >> bsPut h crlf >> bsFlush h lookup' :: String -> [(String, b)] -> Maybe b lookup' _ [] = Nothing lookup' q ((k,v):xs) | q == query k = return v | otherwise = lookup' q xs where query = unwords . drop 2 . words -- TODO: This is just a first trial solution for this stack overflow question: -- -- It must be reviewed. References: rfc3501#6.2.3, rfc2683#3.4.2. -- This function was tested against the password: `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+[{]}\|;:'",<.>/? (with spaces in the laterals). escapeLogin :: String -> String escapeLogin x = "\"" ++ replaceSpecialChars x ++ "\"" where replaceSpecialChars "" = "" replaceSpecialChars (c:cs) = escapeChar c ++ replaceSpecialChars cs escapeChar '"' = "\\\"" escapeChar '\\' = "\\\\" escapeChar '{' = "\\{" escapeChar '}' = "\\}" escapeChar s = [s]