-- | The logic of each of the available commands
module Eval where

import System.IO
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Editor
import Operation
import Offset
import Undo
import Helper
import Engine

-- | every command is run with eval. See 'Editor.Command' datatype for docs
eval :: Ctx m  
	=> CompleteCommand	-- ^ the command to match for execution
	-> Editor m ()	-- ^ monading ..

eval (CC Append (ORO o))	= inputMode >>= editOffset o . add
eval (CC Insert (ORO o))	= inputMode >>= editOffset o . ins
eval (CC Delete (ORO o))	= editOffset o del
eval (CC Delete (ORR r))	= editRange r deln
eval (CC Change (ORO o))	= do
	w <- jumpE o 
	(l,u) <- backend  $ line w >>= \l -> del w >>= \u -> return (l,u)
	history l >> inputMode >>= backend . flip ins u >>= putfile

eval (CC Change (ORR r))	= do
	(n,w) <- rangeResolve r 
	u <- backend  $  deln n w 
	inputMode >>=  backend . flip ins u >>= putfile

eval (CC Print (ORO o))		= doOffset o output line
eval (CC Print (ORR r))		= doRange r (mapM_ output) linen
eval (CC NoCommand (ORO o))	= jumpE o >>= \w -> backend (line w) >>= output >> putfile w
eval (CC NoCommand ORN)		= jumpE (Next 1) >>= \w -> backend (line w) >>= output >> putfile w
eval (CC NoCommand (ORR (Range o1 o2)))	= jumpE o2 >>= putfile

eval (CC c@(Edit e) _) 		= evalSensible c $
				  liftSio (runErrorT $ readfileSio e) >>=
				  either (throwError . FileReadErr) (putfile . listIn . lines) >> 
				  setfilename (Just e) >> setlastsaved 
eval (CC Write _) 		= getname (throwError FileNameMissing) >>= write >> unsetlastsaved
eval (CC (WriteNew nname) _) 	= getname (return nname) >>= \name -> write nname >>
				  setfilename (Just name) >> setlastsaved
eval (CC GetFilename _)		= getname (throwError FileNameMissing ) >>= output
eval (CC c@(SetFilename s) _)	= gets filename >>= flip (maybe id (const $ evalSensible c)) 
					(setfilename (Just s) >> unsetlastsaved)
eval (CC c@(EditExternal s) _)	= evalSensible c $
				  liftSio (runErrorT $ externalSio s) >>=
				  either (throwError . ExternalCommandErr) (putfile . listIn . lines) >>
eval (CC UndoChange _)		= liftStatoE undo >>= bool (return ()) (throwError NoMoreUndo) 
eval (CC RedoChange _)		= liftStatoE redo >>= bool (return ()) (throwError NoMoreRedo)
eval (CC HelpList _)		= liftSio (runErrorT $ readfileSio "command.help") >>= 
				  either (throwError . FileReadErr) (return . listOfCommands) >>= 
				  either (throwError . CommandHelpParseErr) (maybe (throwError $ Ahi "Boh") output)
eval (CC (HelpTopic t) _)	= liftSio (runErrorT $ readfileSio "command.help") >>=  
				  either (throwError . FileReadErr) (return . helpCommand t) >>=
				  either (throwError . CommandHelpParseErr) (maybe (throwError CommandHelpMissing) output)

bool x y b = if b then x else y

-- | throw a 'writerSio' error to Editor
writefail 	:: Ctx m => Either String () -> Editor m ()
writefail 	= either (throwError . FileWriteErr) return

-- | dump the engine content to a file via writefileSio
write 	:: Ctx m 
	=> String 		-- ^ filename
	-> Editor m ()	-- ^ monading
write name	= do 
	contents 	<- unlines `fmap` through listOut 
	(liftSio . runErrorT) (writefileSio name contents) >>= writefail
-- | get the filename defaulting to some other action to produce one
getname :: Ctx m => Editor m String -> Editor m String
getname defaul 	= gets filename >>= maybe defaul return