{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses,GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,TypeSynonymInstances,UndecidableInstances,FlexibleContexts,FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | some framework to test Editor m w functions, intercepting the console part of the IO
module Test where
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Error

import Control.Monad.Writer

import Buffer
import Editor
import Eval
import Operation
import Parser
import Undo

type Line = String

[ebuffer,eend] = ["Buffer index error","End"]

data Console = Console {
	cinput	:: [Line],
	coutput :: [Line],
	cerror 	:: [Line],
	chistory:: [Line]
	} deriving Show
type CState = State Console

outputT :: String -> CState () 
outputT x = modify (\y -> y{coutput = x:coutput y})
errorT :: String -> CState () 
errorT x = modify (\y -> y{cerror = x:cerror y})
historyT x = modify (\y -> y{chistory = x:chistory y})

inputT :: String -> CState (Maybe String)
inputT _ = get >>= \y -> let t = cinput y in if null t then return Nothing else put y{cinput = tail t} >> return (Just (head t))

instance SIO CState where
	inputSio 	= inputT
	outputSio	= outputT
	errorSIO	= errorT
	historySio	= historyT
	readfileSio 	= undefined
	writefileSio	= undefined
	externalSio	= undefined
	commandhelpSIO	= undefined

runT is os es hs = execState (run (commandLoop parse eval) zeroState :: CState (Stato InsideAppend)) (Console is os es hs)
test is mos mes mhs = let Console _ os es hs = runT is [] [] []
	in maybe True (== os) mos && maybe True (== es) mes && maybe True (== hs) mhs

loadFile x = readFile x >>= return  . ("a" :) . lines