/* Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Lembcke * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "chipmunk.h" #include "prime.h" void cpHashSetDestroy(cpHashSet *set) { // Free the chains. for(int i=0; isize; i++){ // Free the bins in the chain. cpHashSetBin *bin = set->table[i]; while(bin){ cpHashSetBin *next = bin->next; free(bin); bin = next; } } // Free the table. free(set->table); } void cpHashSetFree(cpHashSet *set) { if(set) cpHashSetDestroy(set); free(set); } cpHashSet * cpHashSetAlloc(void) { return (cpHashSet *)calloc(1, sizeof(cpHashSet)); } cpHashSet * cpHashSetInit(cpHashSet *set, int size, cpHashSetEqlFunc eqlFunc, cpHashSetTransFunc trans) { set->size = next_prime(size); set->entries = 0; set->eql = eqlFunc; set->trans = trans; set->default_value = NULL; set->table = (cpHashSetBin **)calloc(set->size, sizeof(cpHashSetBin *)); return set; } cpHashSet * cpHashSetNew(int size, cpHashSetEqlFunc eqlFunc, cpHashSetTransFunc trans) { return cpHashSetInit(cpHashSetAlloc(), size, eqlFunc, trans); } static int setIsFull(cpHashSet *set) { return (set->entries >= set->size); } static void cpHashSetResize(cpHashSet *set) { // Get the next approximate doubled prime. int newSize = next_prime(set->size + 1); // Allocate a new table. cpHashSetBin **newTable = (cpHashSetBin **)calloc(newSize, sizeof(cpHashSetBin *)); // Iterate over the chains. for(int i=0; isize; i++){ // Rehash the bins into the new table. cpHashSetBin *bin = set->table[i]; while(bin){ cpHashSetBin *next = bin->next; int index = bin->hash%newSize; bin->next = newTable[index]; newTable[index] = bin; bin = next; } } free(set->table); set->table = newTable; set->size = newSize; } void * cpHashSetInsert(cpHashSet *set, unsigned int hash, void *ptr, void *data) { int index = hash%set->size; // Find the bin with the matching element. cpHashSetBin *bin = set->table[index]; while(bin && !set->eql(ptr, bin->elt)) bin = bin->next; // Create it necessary. if(!bin){ bin = (cpHashSetBin *)malloc(sizeof(cpHashSetBin)); bin->hash = hash; bin->elt = set->trans(ptr, data); // Transform the pointer. bin->next = set->table[index]; set->table[index] = bin; set->entries++; // Resize the set if it's full. if(setIsFull(set)) cpHashSetResize(set); } return bin->elt; } void * cpHashSetRemove(cpHashSet *set, unsigned int hash, void *ptr) { int index = hash%set->size; // Pointer to the previous bin pointer. cpHashSetBin **prev_ptr = &set->table[index]; // Pointer the the current bin. cpHashSetBin *bin = set->table[index]; // Find the bin while(bin && !set->eql(ptr, bin->elt)){ prev_ptr = &bin->next; bin = bin->next; } // Remove it if it exists. if(bin){ // Update the previos bin pointer to point to the next bin. (*prev_ptr) = bin->next; set->entries--; void *return_value = bin->elt; free(bin); return return_value; } return NULL; } void * cpHashSetFind(cpHashSet *set, unsigned int hash, void *ptr) { int index = hash%set->size; cpHashSetBin *bin = set->table[index]; while(bin && !set->eql(ptr, bin->elt)) bin = bin->next; return (bin ? bin->elt : set->default_value); } void cpHashSetEach(cpHashSet *set, cpHashSetIterFunc func, void *data) { for(int i=0; isize; i++){ cpHashSetBin *bin; for(bin = set->table[i]; bin; bin = bin->next) func(bin->elt, data); } } void cpHashSetReject(cpHashSet *set, cpHashSetRejectFunc func, void *data) { // Iterate over all the chains. for(int i=0; isize; i++){ // The rest works similarly to cpHashSetRemove() above. cpHashSetBin **prev_ptr = &set->table[i]; cpHashSetBin *bin = set->table[i]; while(bin){ cpHashSetBin *next = bin->next; if(func(bin->elt, data)){ prev_ptr = &bin->next; } else { (*prev_ptr) = next; set->entries--; free(bin); } bin = next; } } }