/* Copyright (c) 2007 Scott Lembcke * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ // Forward declarations required for defining other structs. struct cpShape; struct cpShapeClass; typedef struct cpSegmentQueryInfo { struct cpShape *shape; // shape that was hit, NULL if no collision cpFloat t; // Distance along query segment, will always be in the range [0, 1]. cpVect n; // normal of hit surface } cpSegmentQueryInfo; // Enumeration of shape types. typedef enum cpShapeType{ CP_CIRCLE_SHAPE, CP_SEGMENT_SHAPE, CP_POLY_SHAPE, CP_NUM_SHAPES } cpShapeType; // Shape class. Holds function pointers and type data. typedef struct cpShapeClass { cpShapeType type; // Called by cpShapeCacheBB(). cpBB (*cacheData)(struct cpShape *shape, cpVect p, cpVect rot); // Called to by cpShapeDestroy(). void (*destroy)(struct cpShape *shape); // called by cpShapePointQuery(). cpBool (*pointQuery)(struct cpShape *shape, cpVect p); // called by cpShapeSegmentQuery() void (*segmentQuery)(struct cpShape *shape, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSegmentQueryInfo *info); } cpShapeClass; // Basic shape struct that the others inherit from. typedef struct cpShape{ // The "class" of a shape as defined above CP_PRIVATE(const cpShapeClass *klass); // cpBody that the shape is attached to. cpBody *body; // Cached BBox for the shape. cpBB bb; // Sensors invoke callbacks, but do not generate collisions cpBool sensor; // *** Surface properties. // Coefficient of restitution. (elasticity) cpFloat e; // Coefficient of friction. cpFloat u; // Surface velocity used when solving for friction. cpVect surface_v; // *** User Definable Fields // User defined data pointer for the shape. cpDataPointer data; // User defined collision type for the shape. cpCollisionType collision_type; // User defined collision group for the shape. cpGroup group; // User defined layer bitmask for the shape. cpLayers layers; // *** Internally Used Fields // Shapes form a linked list when added to space on a non-NULL body CP_PRIVATE(struct cpShape *next); // Unique id used as the hash value. CP_PRIVATE(cpHashValue hashid); } cpShape; // Low level shape initialization func. cpShape* cpShapeInit(cpShape *shape, const struct cpShapeClass *klass, cpBody *body); // Basic destructor functions. (allocation functions are not shared) void cpShapeDestroy(cpShape *shape); void cpShapeFree(cpShape *shape); // Cache the BBox of the shape. cpBB cpShapeCacheBB(cpShape *shape); // Test if a point lies within a shape. cpBool cpShapePointQuery(cpShape *shape, cpVect p); #define CP_DeclareShapeGetter(struct, type, name) type struct##Get##name(cpShape *shape) // Circle shape structure. typedef struct cpCircleShape{ CP_PRIVATE(cpShape shape); // Center in body space coordinates CP_PRIVATE(cpVect c); // Radius. CP_PRIVATE(cpFloat r); // Transformed center. (world space coordinates) CP_PRIVATE(cpVect tc); } cpCircleShape; // Basic allocation functions for cpCircleShape. cpCircleShape *cpCircleShapeAlloc(void); cpCircleShape *cpCircleShapeInit(cpCircleShape *circle, cpBody *body, cpFloat radius, cpVect offset); cpShape *cpCircleShapeNew(cpBody *body, cpFloat radius, cpVect offset); CP_DeclareShapeGetter(cpCircleShape, cpVect, Offset); CP_DeclareShapeGetter(cpCircleShape, cpFloat, Radius); // Segment shape structure. typedef struct cpSegmentShape{ CP_PRIVATE(cpShape shape); // Endpoints and normal of the segment. (body space coordinates) cpVect CP_PRIVATE(a), CP_PRIVATE(b), CP_PRIVATE(n); // Radius of the segment. (Thickness) cpFloat CP_PRIVATE(r); // Transformed endpoints and normal. (world space coordinates) cpVect CP_PRIVATE(ta), CP_PRIVATE(tb), CP_PRIVATE(tn); } cpSegmentShape; // Basic allocation functions for cpSegmentShape. cpSegmentShape* cpSegmentShapeAlloc(void); cpSegmentShape* cpSegmentShapeInit(cpSegmentShape *seg, cpBody *body, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat radius); cpShape* cpSegmentShapeNew(cpBody *body, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpFloat radius); CP_DeclareShapeGetter(cpSegmentShape, cpVect, A); CP_DeclareShapeGetter(cpSegmentShape, cpVect, B); CP_DeclareShapeGetter(cpSegmentShape, cpVect, Normal); CP_DeclareShapeGetter(cpSegmentShape, cpFloat, Radius); // For determinism, you can reset the shape id counter. void cpResetShapeIdCounter(void); // Directed segment queries against individual shapes. void cpSegmentQueryInfoPrint(cpSegmentQueryInfo *info); cpBool cpShapeSegmentQuery(cpShape *shape, cpVect a, cpVect b, cpSegmentQueryInfo *info); static inline cpVect cpSegmentQueryHitPoint(const cpVect start, const cpVect end, const cpSegmentQueryInfo info) { return cpvlerp(start, end, info.t); } static inline cpFloat cpSegmentQueryHitDist(const cpVect start, const cpVect end, const cpSegmentQueryInfo info) { return cpvdist(start, end)*info.t; }