Description: Hmpf is an MPD client designed to play music on a Home Theatre PC. The PC should have an infrared remote and VDU display. Hmpf allows a large music collection to be browsed with a standard remote. It also contains a LastFM client to update your listening history to the LastFM servers. Finally, as a last touch Hmpf is able to dynamically generate new entries for a playlist based on style of tracks already selected. Dependencies: Hmpf relies on a running MPD server, LIRC and LCDProc. Configuration: Hmpf is configured by a configuration file that is expected to be place at /etc/hmpf.conf Look at the sample configuration for more details. To Do: Hmpf works nicely for me and seems fairly robust. However, more documentation of the source files is required. The code which manages the display also assumes a 2 x 16 display window. Finally, the way the input code is organised it is fairly specific to the LIRC configuration I have chosen for my reomte. If any interest is shown in the application I might rectify these shortcomings. Hope you enjoy it.