{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}

\end{code} The file is part of the Haskell Object Observation Debugger, (HOOD) March 2010 release. HOOD is a small post-mortem debugger for the lazy functional language Haskell. It is based on the concept of observation of intermediate data structures, rather than the more traditional stepping and variable examination paradigm used by imperative language debuggers. Copyright (c) Andy Gill, 1992-2000 Copyright (c) The University of Kansas 2010 Copyright (c) Maarten Faddegon, 2013-2014 All rights reserved. HOOD is distributed as free software under the license in the file "License", which available from the HOOD web page, http://www.haskell.org/hood This module produces CDS's, based on the observation made on Haskell objects, including base types, constructors and functions. WARNING: unrestricted use of unsafePerformIO below. This was ported for the version found on www.haskell.org/hood. %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Exports} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code}
module Debug.Hoed.Observe
   -- * The main Hood API
  , gdmobserve
  , Observer(..)   -- contains a 'forall' typed observe (if supported).
  -- , Observing      -- a -> a
  , Observable(..) -- Class
  , runO	   -- IO a -> IO ()
  , printO	   -- a -> IO ()
  , putStrO	   -- String -> IO ()

   -- * For advanced users, that want to render their own datatypes.
  , (<<)           -- (Observable a) => ObserverM (a -> b) -> a -> ObserverM b
  , thunk          -- (Observable a) => a -> ObserverM a	
  , nothunk
  , send
  , observeBase
  , observeOpaque

  , observedTypes

  -- * For users that want to write there own render drivers.
  , debugO	   -- IO a -> IO [CDS]
  , CDS(..)

  , Generic
  ) where	
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Imports and infixing} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code}
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.List
import Data.Char
--import System

import Language.Haskell.TH
import GHC.Generics

-- The only non standard one we assume
--import IOExts
import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
\end{code} \begin{code}
import Control.Concurrent
\end{code} \begin{code}
import Control.Exception ( Exception, throw )
import qualified Control.Exception as Exception
 ( catch
		, Exception(..)
		, throw
		) as Exception
import Data.Dynamic ( Dynamic )
\end{code} \begin{code}
infixl 9 <<
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{External start functions} %* * %************************************************************************ Run the observe ridden code. \begin{code}
-- | run some code and return the CDS structure (for when you want to write your own debugger).
debugO :: IO a -> IO [CDS]
debugO program = 
     do { initUniq
	; startEventStream
        ; let errorMsg e = "[Escaping Exception in Code : " ++ show e ++ "]"
	; ourCatchAllIO (do { program ; return () }) 
			(hPutStrLn stderr . errorMsg)
        ; events <- endEventStream
	; return (eventsToCDS events)

-- | print a value, with debugging 
printO :: (Show a) => a -> IO ()
printO expr = runO (print expr)

-- | print a string, with debugging 
putStrO :: String -> IO ()
putStrO expr = runO (putStr expr)

-- | The main entry point; run some IO code, and debug inside it.
-- An example of using this debugger is 
-- @runO (print [ observe "+1" (+1) x | x <- observe "xs" [1..3]])@
-- @[2,3,4]
-- -- +1
--  { \ 1  -> 2
--  }
-- -- +1
--  { \ 2  -> 3
--  }
-- -- +1
--  { \ 3  -> 4
--  }
-- -- xs
--  1 : 2 : 3 : []@
-- Which says, the return is @[2,3,4]@, there were @3@ calls to +1
-- (showing arguments and results), and @xs@, which was the list
-- @1 : 2 : 3 : []@.

runO :: IO a -> IO ()
runO program =
    do { cdss <- debugO program
       ; let cdss1 = rmEntrySet cdss
       ; let cdss2 = simplifyCDSSet cdss1
       ; let output1 = cdssToOutput cdss2 
       ; let output2 = commonOutput output1
       ; let ptyout  = pretty 80 (foldr (<>) nil (map renderTop output2))
       ; hPutStrLn stderr ""
       ; hPutStrLn stderr ptyout
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Simulations} %* * %************************************************************************ Here we provide stubs for the functionally that is not supported by some compilers, and provide some combinators of various flavors. \begin{code}
ourCatchAllIO :: IO a -> (Exception.SomeException -> IO a) -> IO a
ourCatchAllIO = Exception.catch

handleExc :: Parent -> Exception.SomeException -> IO a
handleExc context exc = return (send "throw" (return throw << exc) context)
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{GDM Generics} %* * %************************************************************************ he generic implementation of the observer function. \begin{code}
class Observable a where
	observer  :: a -> Parent -> a 
        default observer :: (Generic a, GObservable (Rep a)) => a -> Parent -> a
        observer x c = to (gdmobserver (from x) c)

class GObservable f where
        gdmobserver :: f a -> Parent -> f a
        gdmObserveChildren :: f a -> ObserverM (f a)
        gdmShallowShow :: f a -> String
\end{code} Creating a shallow representation for types of the Data class. \begin{code}

-- shallowShow :: Constructor c => t c (f :: * -> *) a -> [Char]
-- shallowShow = conName

\end{code} Observing the children of Data types of kind *. \begin{code}

-- Meta: data types
instance (GObservable a) => GObservable (M1 D d a) where
        gdmobserver m@(M1 x) cxt = M1 (gdmobserver x cxt)
        gdmObserveChildren = gthunk

-- Meta: Constructors
instance (GObservable a, Constructor c) => GObservable (M1 C c a) where
        gdmobserver m@(M1 x) cxt = M1 (send (gdmShallowShow m) (gdmObserveChildren x) cxt)
        gdmObserveChildren = gthunk
        gdmShallowShow = conName

-- Meta: Selectors
--      | selName m == "" = M1 y
--      | otherwise       = M1 (send (selName m) (return y) cxt)
instance (GObservable a, Selector s) => GObservable (M1 S s a) where
        gdmobserver m@(M1 x) cxt
          | selName m == "" = M1 (gdmobserver x cxt)
          | otherwise       = M1 (send (selName m ++ " =") (gdmObserveChildren x) cxt)
        gdmObserveChildren = gthunk

-- Unit: used for constructors without arguments
instance GObservable U1 where
        gdmobserver x _ = x

        gdmObserveChildren = return

-- Products: encode multiple arguments to constructors
instance (GObservable a, GObservable b) => GObservable (a :*: b) where
        gdmobserver (a :*: b) cxt = error "gdmobserver product"

        gdmObserveChildren (a :*: b) = do a'  <- gdmObserveChildren a
                                          b'  <- gdmObserveChildren b
                                          return (a' :*: b')

-- Sums: encode choice between constructors
instance (GObservable a, GObservable b) => GObservable (a :+: b) where
        gdmobserver (L1 x) cxt = L1 (gdmobserver x cxt)
        gdmobserver (R1 x) cxt = R1 (gdmobserver x cxt)

        gdmObserveChildren (R1 x) = do {x' <- gdmObserveChildren x; return (R1 x')}
        gdmObserveChildren (L1 x) = do {x' <- gdmObserveChildren x; return (L1 x')}

-- Constants: additional parameters and recursion of kind *
instance (Observable a) => GObservable (K1 i a) where
        gdmobserver (K1 x) cxt = K1 (observer_ observer x cxt)

        gdmObserveChildren = gthunk
\end{code} Observing functions is done via the ad-hoc mechanism, because we provide an instance definition the default is ignored for this type. \begin{code}
instance (Observable a,Observable b) => Observable (a -> b) where
  observer fn cxt arg = gdmFunObserver cxt fn arg
\end{code} Observing the children of Data types of kind *->*. \begin{code}
gdmFunObserver :: (Observable a,Observable b) => Parent -> (a->b) -> (a->b)
gdmFunObserver cxt fn arg
        = sendObserveFnPacket (do { arg' <- thunk observer arg
                                  ; thunk observer (fn arg')
                              ) cxt
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Generics} %* * %************************************************************************ Generate a new observe from generated observers and the gobserve mechanism. Where gobserve is the 'classic' observe but parametrized. \begin{code}
observe :: String -> Q Exp
observe s = do n  <- methodName s
               let f  = return $ VarE n
                   s' = stringE s
               [| (\x-> gobserve $f $s' x) |]
\end{code} Generate class definition and class instances for list of types. \begin{code}
observedTypes :: String -> [Q Type] -> Q [Dec]
observedTypes s qt = do cd <- (genClassDef s)
                        ci <- foldM f [] qt
                        bi <- foldM g [] baseTypes
                        fi <- (gfunObserver s)
                        li <- (gListObserver s)
                        return (cd ++ ci ++ bi ++ fi ++ li)
        where f d t = do ds <- (gobservableInstance s t)
                         return (ds ++ d)
              g d t = do ds <- (gobservableBaseInstance s t)
                         return (ds ++ d)
              baseTypes = [[t|Int|], [t|Char|], [t|Float|], [t|Bool|]]

\end{code} Generate a class definition from a string \begin{code}

genClassDef :: String -> Q [Dec]
genClassDef s = do cn <- className s
                   mn <- methodName s
                   nn <-  newName "a"
                   let a   = PlainTV nn
                       tvb = [a]
                       vt  = varT nn
                   mt <- [t| $vt -> Parent -> $vt |]
                   let m   = SigD mn mt
                       cd  = ClassD [] cn tvb [] [m]
                   return [cd]

className :: String -> Q Name
className s = return $ mkName ("Observable" ++ headToUpper s)

methodName :: String -> Q Name
methodName s = return $ mkName ("observer" ++ headToUpper s)

headToUpper (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs

\end{code} \begin{code}
gobserverBase :: Q Name -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
gobserverBase qn t = do n <- qn
                        c <- gobserverBaseClause qn
                        return [FunD n [c]]

gobserverBaseClause :: Q Name -> Q Clause
gobserverBaseClause qn = clause [] (normalB (varE $ mkName "observeBase")) []

gobserverList :: Q Name -> Q [Dec]
gobserverList qn = do n  <- qn
                      cs <-listClauses qn
                      return [FunD n cs]

\end{code} The generic implementation of the observer function, special cases for base types and functions. \begin{code}
gobserver :: Q Name -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
gobserver qn t = do n <- qn
                    cs <- gobserverClauses qn t
                    return [FunD n cs]

gobserverClauses :: Q Name -> Q Type -> Q [Clause]
gobserverClauses n qt = do t  <- qt
                           bs <- getBindings qt
                           case t of
                                _     -> do cs <- (getConstructors . getName) qt
                                            mapM (gobserverClause t n bs) cs

gobserverClause :: Type -> Q Name -> TyVarMap -> Con -> Q Clause
gobserverClause t n bs (y@(NormalC name fields))
  = do { vars <- guniqueVariables (length fields)
       ; let evars = map varE vars
             pvars = map varP vars
             c'    = varP (mkName "c")
             c     = varE (mkName "c")
       ; clause [conP name pvars, c']
           ( normalB [| send $(shallowShow y) $(observeChildren n t bs y evars) $c |]
           ) []
gobserverClause t n bs y = error ("gobserverClause can't handle " ++ show y)

listClauses :: Q Name -> Q [Clause]
listClauses n = do l1 <- listClause1 n 
                   l2 <- listClause2 n 
                   return [l1, l2]

-- observer (a:as) = send ":"  (return (:) << a << as)
listClause1 :: Q Name -> Q Clause
listClause1 qn
  = do { n <- qn
       ; let a'    = varP (mkName "a")
             a     = varE (mkName "a")
             as'   = varP (mkName "as")
             as    = varE (mkName "as") 
             c'    = varP (mkName "c")
             c     = varE (mkName "c")
             t     = [| thunk $(varE n)|] -- MF TODO: or nothunk
             name  = mkName ":"
       ; clause [infixP a' name as', c']
           ( normalB [| send ":" ( compositionM $t
                                   ( compositionM $t
                                     ( return (:)
                                     ) $a
                                   ) $as
                                 ) $c
           ) []

-- observer []     = send "[]" (return [])
listClause2 :: Q Name -> Q Clause
listClause2 qn
  = do { n <- qn
       ; let c'    = varP (mkName "c")
             c     = varE (mkName "c")
       ; clause [wildP, c']
           ( normalB [| send "[]" (return []) $c |]
           ) []

\end{code} We also need to do some work to also generate the instance declaration around the observer method. \begin{code}
gobservableInstance :: String -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
gobservableInstance s qt 
  = do t  <- qt
       cn <- className s
       let ct = conT cn
       n  <- case t of
            (ForallT tvs _ t') -> [t| $ct $(return t') |]
            _                  -> [t| $ct $qt          |]
       m  <- gobserver (methodName s) qt
       c  <- case t of 
                (ForallT _ c' _)   -> return c'
                _                  -> return []
       return [InstanceD (updateContext cn c) n m]

updateContext :: Name -> [Pred] -> [Pred]
updateContext cn ps = map f ps
        where f (ClassP n ts)
                | nameBase n == "Observable" = ClassP cn ts
                | otherwise                  = ClassP  n ts
              f p = p

gobservableBaseInstance :: String -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
gobservableBaseInstance s qt
  = do t  <- qt
       cn <- className s
       let ct = conT cn
       n  <- case t of
            (ForallT tvs _ t') -> [t| $ct $(return t') |]
            _                  -> [t| $ct $qt          |]
       m  <- gobserverBase (methodName s) qt
       c  <- case t of 
                (ForallT _ c' _)   -> return c'
                _                  -> return []
       return [InstanceD c n m]

gobservableListInstance :: String -> Q [Dec]
gobservableListInstance s
  = do let qt = [t|forall a . [] a |]
       t  <- qt
       cn <- className s
       let ct = conT cn
       n  <- case t of
            (ForallT tvs _ t') -> [t| $ct $(return t') |]
            _                  -> [t| $ct $qt          |]
       m  <- gobserverList (methodName s)
       c  <- case t of 
                (ForallT _ c' _)   -> return c'
                _                  -> return []
       return [InstanceD c n m]

gListObserver :: String -> Q [Dec]
gListObserver s
  = do cn <- className s
       let ct = conT cn
           a  = VarT (mkName "a")
           a' = return a
       p <- classP cn [a']
       c <- return [p]
       n <- [t| $ct [$a'] |]
       m <- gobserverList (methodName s)
       return [InstanceD c n m]

gobserverFunClause :: Name -> Q Clause
gobserverFunClause n
  = do { [f',a'] <- guniqueVariables 2
       ; let vs        = [f', mkName "c", a']
             [f, c, a] = map varE vs
             pvars     = map varP vs
       ; clause pvars 
         (normalB [| sendObserveFnPacket ( do a' <- thunk $(varE n) $a
                                              thunk $(varE n) ($f a')
                                         ) $c
         ) []

gobserverFun :: Q Name -> Q [Dec]
gobserverFun qn
  = do n  <- qn
       c  <- gobserverFunClause n
       cs <- return [c]
       return [FunD n cs]

gfunObserver :: String -> Q [Dec]
gfunObserver s
  = do cn <- className s
       let ct = conT cn
           a  = VarT (mkName "a")
           b  = VarT (mkName "b")
           f  = return $ AppT (AppT ArrowT a) b
           a' = return a
           b' = return b
       pa <- classP cn [a']
       pb <- classP cn [b']
       c <- return [pa,pb]
       n <- [t| $ct $f |]
       m <- gobserverFun (methodName s)
       return [InstanceD c n m]

\end{code} Creating a shallow representation for types of the Data class. \begin{code}
shallowShow :: Con -> ExpQ
shallowShow (NormalC name _) = stringE (nameBase name)
\end{code} Observing the children of Data types of kind *. Note how we are forced to add the extra 'vars' argument that should have the same unique name as the corresponding pattern. To implement observeChildren we also define a mapM and compositionM function. To our knowledge there is no existing work that do this in a generic fashion with Template Haskell. \begin{code}

isObservable :: TyVarMap -> Type -> Type -> Q Bool
isObservable bs s t = if s == t then return True else isObservable' bs t
isObservable' bs (VarT n)      = case lookupBinding bs n of
                                      (Just (T t)) -> isObservableT t
                                      (Just (P p)) -> isObservableP p
                                      Nothing      -> return False
isObservable' bs (AppT t _)    = isObservable' bs t
isObservable' (n,_) t@(ConT m) = if n == m then return True else isObservableT t
isObservable' bs t             = isObservableT t

isObservableT :: Type -> Q Bool
isObservableT t@(ConT _)                 = isInstance (mkName "Observable") [t]
isObservableT _                          = return False 

isObservableP :: Pred -> Q Bool
isObservableP (ClassP n _) = return $ (nameBase n) == "Observable"
isObservableP _            = return False

thunkObservable :: Q Name -> TyVarMap -> Type -> Type -> Q Exp
thunkObservable qn bs s t
  = do i <- isObservable bs s t
       n <- qn
       if i then [| thunk $(varE n) |] else [| nothunk |]

observeChildren :: Q Name -> Type -> TyVarMap -> Con -> [Q Exp] -> Q Exp
observeChildren n t bs = gmapM (thunkObservable n bs t)

gmapM :: (Type -> Q Exp) -> Con -> [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
gmapM f (NormalC name fields) vars
  = m name (reverse fields) (reverse vars) 
  where m :: Name -> [(Strict,Type)] -> [ExpQ] -> ExpQ
        m n _      []           = [| return $(conE n)                      |]
        m n ((_,t):ts) (v:vars) = [| compositionM $(f t) $(m n ts vars) $v |]

compositionM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m (b -> c) -> a -> m c
compositionM f g x = do { g' <- g 
                        ; x' <- f x 
                        ; return (g' x') 
\end{code} Observing functions is done via the ad-hoc mechanism, because we provide an instance definition the default is ignored for this type. \begin{code}
funObserver :: (Observable a,Observable b) => (a->b) -> Parent -> (a->b)
funObserver f c a = sendObserveFnPacket ( do a' <- thunk observer a
                                             thunk observer (f a')
                                        ) c

-- instance (Observable a,Observable b) => Observable (a -> b) where
--   observer = funObserver
\end{code} And we need some helper functions: \begin{code}

-- A mapping from typevars to the type they are bound to.

type TyVarMap = (Name, [(TyVarBndr,TypeOrPred)])

data TypeOrPred = T Type | P Pred

-- MF TODO lookupBinding

lookupBinding :: TyVarMap -> Name -> Maybe TypeOrPred
lookupBinding (_,[]) _ = Nothing
lookupBinding (r,((b,t):ts)) n
  = let m = case b of (PlainTV  m  ) -> m
                      (KindedTV m _) ->m
    in if (m == n) then Just t else lookupBinding (r,ts) n

-- Given a parametrized type, get a list with typevars and their bindings
-- e.g. [(a,Int), (b,Float)] in (MyData a b) Int Float

getBindings :: Q Type -> Q TyVarMap
getBindings t = do bs  <- getBs t
                   tvs <- (getTvbs . getName) t
                   pbs <- getPBindings t
                   n   <- getName t
                   let fromApps = (zip tvs (map T bs))
                       fromCxt  = (zip tvs (map P pbs)) 
                   return (n, (fromCxt ++ fromApps))

getPBindings :: Q Type -> Q [Pred]
getPBindings qt = do t <- qt 
                     case t of (ForallT _ cs _) -> getPBindings' cs
                               _                -> return []

getPBindings' :: [Pred] -> Q [Pred]
getPBindings' []     = return []
getPBindings' (p:ps) = do pbs <- getPBindings' ps
                          return $ case p of (ClassP n t) -> p : pbs
                                             _            -> pbs

-- Given a parametrized type, get a list with its type variables
-- e.g. [a,b] in (MyData a b) Int Float

getTvbs :: Q Name -> Q [TyVarBndr]
getTvbs name = do {n <- name; TyConI (DataD _ _ tvbs _ _)  <- reify n; return tvbs}

-- Given a parametrized type, get a list with the bindings of type variables
-- e.g. [Int,Float] in (MyData a b) Int Float

getBs :: Q Type -> Q [Type]
getBs t = do t' <- t
             let t'' = case t' of (ForallT _ _ s) -> s
                                  _               -> t'
             return (getBs' t'')

getBs' :: Type -> [Type]
getBs' (AppT c t) = t : getBs' c
getBs' _          = []

-- Given a parametrized type, get the name of the type constructor (e.g. Tree in Tree Int)

getName :: Q Type -> Q Name
getName t = do t' <- t
               getName' t'

getName' :: Type -> Q Name
getName' t = case t of 
      		(ForallT _ _ t'') -> getName' t''
                (AppT t'' _)      -> getName' t''
      		(ConT name)       -> return name

-- Given a type, get a list of type variables.

getTvs :: Q Type -> Q [TyVarBndr]
getTvs t = do {(ForallT tvs _ _) <- t; return tvs }

-- Given a type, get a list of constructors.

getConstructors :: Q Name -> Q [Con]
getConstructors name = do {n <- name; TyConI (DataD _ _ _ cs _)  <- reify n; return cs}

guniqueVariables :: Int -> Q [Name]
guniqueVariables n = replicateM n (newName "x")

observableCxt :: [TyVarBndr] -> Q Cxt
observableCxt tvs = return [classpObservable $ map (\v -> (tvname v)) tvs]

classpObservable :: [Type] -> Pred
classpObservable = ClassP (mkName "Observable")

qcontObservable :: Q Type
qcontObservable = return contObservable

contObservable :: Type
contObservable = ConT (mkName "Observable")

qtvname :: TyVarBndr -> Q Type
qtvname = return . tvname

tvname :: TyVarBndr -> Type
tvname (PlainTV  name  ) = VarT name
tvname (KindedTV name _) = VarT name

\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Instances} %* * %************************************************************************ The Haskell Base types \begin{code}
instance Observable Int 	where { observer = observeBase }
instance Observable Bool 	where { observer = observeBase }
instance Observable Integer 	where { observer = observeBase }
instance Observable Float 	where { observer = observeBase }
instance Observable Double	where { observer = observeBase }
instance Observable Char 	where { observer = observeBase }

instance Observable ()		where { observer = observeOpaque "()" }

-- utilities for base types.
-- The strictness (by using seq) is the same 
-- as the pattern matching done on other constructors.
-- we evalute to WHNF, and not further.

observeBase :: (Show a) => a -> Parent -> a
observeBase lit cxt = seq lit $ send (show lit) (return lit) cxt

observeOpaque :: String -> a -> Parent -> a
observeOpaque str val cxt = seq val $ send str (return val) cxt
\end{code} The Constructors. \begin{code}
instance (Observable a,Observable b) => Observable (a,b) where
  observer (a,b) = send "," (return (,) << a << b)

instance (Observable a,Observable b,Observable c) => Observable (a,b,c) where
  observer (a,b,c) = send "," (return (,,) << a << b << c)

instance (Observable a,Observable b,Observable c,Observable d) 
	  => Observable (a,b,c,d) where
  observer (a,b,c,d) = send "," (return (,,,) << a << b << c << d)

instance (Observable a,Observable b,Observable c,Observable d,Observable e) 
	 => Observable (a,b,c,d,e) where
  observer (a,b,c,d,e) = send "," (return (,,,,) << a << b << c << d << e)

instance (Observable a) => Observable [a] where
  observer (a:as) = send ":"  (return (:) << a << as)
  observer []     = send "[]" (return [])

instance (Observable a) => Observable (Maybe a) where
  observer (Just a) = send "Just"    (return Just << a)
  observer Nothing  = send "Nothing" (return Nothing)

instance (Observable a,Observable b) => Observable (Either a b) where
  observer (Left a)  = send "Left"  (return Left  << a)
  observer (Right a) = send "Right" (return Right << a)
\end{code} Arrays. \begin{code}
instance (Ix a,Observable a,Observable b) => Observable (Array.Array a b) where
  observer arr = send "array" (return Array.array << Array.bounds arr 
					          << Array.assocs arr
\end{code} IO monad. \begin{code}
instance (Observable a) => Observable (IO a) where
  observer fn cxt = 
	do res <- fn
	   send "<IO>" (return return << res) cxt
\end{code} The Exception *datatype* (not exceptions themselves!). For now, we only display IOExceptions and calls to Error. \begin{code}
instance Observable Exception.SomeException where
--  observer (IOException a)      = observeOpaque "IOException" (IOException a)
--  observer (ErrorCall a)        = send "ErrorCall"   (return ErrorCall << a)
  observer other                = send "<Exception>" (return other)

instance Observable Dynamic where { observer = observeOpaque "<Dynamic>" }
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Classes and Data Definitions} %* * %************************************************************************ MF TODO: remove class Observable a where {- - This reveals the name of a specific constructor. - and gets ready to explain the sub-components. - - We put the context second so we can do eta-reduction - with some of our definitions. -} observer :: a -> Parent -> a type Observing a = a -> a MF TODO: end \begin{code}
newtype Observer = O (forall a . (Observable a) => String -> a -> a)

defaultObservers :: (Observable a) => String -> (Observer -> a) -> a
defaultObservers label fn = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do { sendEvent node (Parent 0 0) (Observe label)
	; let observe' sublabel a
	       = unsafeWithUniq $ \ subnode ->
		 do { sendEvent subnode (Parent node 0) 
		                        (Observe sublabel)
		    ; return (observer_ observer a (Parent
			{ observeParent = subnode
			, observePort   = 0
        ; return (observer_ observer (fn (O observe'))
			{ observeParent = node
			, observePort   = 0
defaultFnObservers :: (Observable a, Observable b) 
		      => String -> (Observer -> a -> b) -> a -> b
defaultFnObservers label fn arg = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do { sendEvent node (Parent 0 0) (Observe label)
	; let observe' sublabel a
	       = unsafeWithUniq $ \ subnode ->
		 do { sendEvent subnode (Parent node 0) 
		                        (Observe sublabel)
		    ; return (observer_ observer a (Parent
			{ observeParent = subnode
			, observePort   = 0
        ; return (observer_ observer (fn (O observe'))
			{ observeParent = node
			, observePort   = 0
		        }) arg)
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{The ObserveM Monad} %* * %************************************************************************ The Observer monad, a simple state monad, for placing numbers on sub-observations. \begin{code}
newtype ObserverM a = ObserverM { runMO :: Int -> Int -> (a,Int) }

instance Monad ObserverM where
	return a = ObserverM (\ c i -> (a,i))
	fn >>= k = ObserverM (\ c i ->
		case runMO fn c i of
		  (r,i2) -> runMO (k r) c i2

thunk :: (a -> Parent -> a) -> a -> ObserverM a
thunk f a = ObserverM $ \ parent port ->
		( observer_ f a (Parent
				{ observeParent = parent
				, observePort   = port
		, port+1 )

gthunk :: (GObservable f) => f a -> ObserverM (f a)
gthunk a = ObserverM $ \ parent port ->
		( gdmobserver_ a (Parent
				{ observeParent = parent
				, observePort   = port
		, port+1 )

nothunk :: a -> ObserverM a
nothunk a = ObserverM $ \ parent port ->
		( observer__ a (Parent
				{ observeParent = parent
				, observePort   = port
		, port+1 )

(<<) :: (Observable a) => ObserverM (a -> b) -> a -> ObserverM b
-- fn << a = do { fn' <- fn ; a' <- thunk a ; return (fn' a') }
fn << a = gdMapM (thunk observer) fn a

gdMapM :: (Monad m)
        => (a -> m a)  -- f
        -> m (a -> b)  -- data constructor
        -> a           -- argument
        -> m b         -- data
gdMapM f c a = do { c' <- c ; a' <- f a ; return (c' a') }

\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{observe and friends} %* * %************************************************************************ Our principle function and class \begin{code}
-- | 'observe' observes data structures in flight.
-- An example of use is 
--  @
--    map (+1) . observe \"intermeduate\" . map (+2)
--  @
-- In this example, we observe the value that flows from the producer
-- @map (+2)@ to the consumer @map (+1)@.
-- 'observe' can also observe functions as well a structural values.
{-# NOINLINE gobserve #-}
gobserve :: (a->Parent->a) -> String -> a -> a
gobserve f name a = generateContext f name a 

{-# NOINLINE gdmobserve #-}
gdmobserve ::  (Observable a) => String -> a -> a
gdmobserve = gobserve observer

{- This gets called before observer, allowing us to mark
 - we are entering a, before we do case analysis on
 - our object.

{-# NOINLINE observer_ #-}
observer_ :: (a -> Parent -> a) -> a -> Parent -> a 
observer_ f a context = sendEnterPacket f a context

gdmobserver_ :: (GObservable f) => f a -> Parent -> f a
gdmobserver_ a context = gsendEnterPacket a context

{-# NOINLINE observer__ #-}
observer__ :: a -> Parent -> a
observer__ a context = sendNoEnterPacket a context

\end{code} \begin{code}
data Parent = Parent
	{ observeParent :: !Int	-- my parent
	, observePort   :: !Int	-- my branch number
	} deriving Show
root = Parent 0 0

add :: Parent -> Int -> Parent
add (Parent parent port) i = Parent parent (port+1)
\end{code} The functions that output the data. All are dirty. \begin{code}
unsafeWithUniq :: (Int -> IO a) -> a
unsafeWithUniq fn 
  = unsafePerformIO $ do { node <- getUniq
		         ; fn node
\end{code} \begin{code}
generateContext :: (a->Parent->a) -> String -> a -> a
generateContext f label orig = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do { sendEvent node (Parent 0 0) (Observe label)
	; return (observer_ f orig (Parent
			{ observeParent = node
			, observePort   = 0

send' :: String -> Int -> ObserverM a -> Parent -> (Int,a)
send' consLabel fixity fn context = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do { let (r,portCount) = runMO fn node 0
	; sendEvent node context (Cons fixity consLabel)
	; return (node,r)

send :: String -> ObserverM a -> Parent -> a
send consLabel fn context = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do { let (r,portCount) = runMO fn node 0
	; sendEvent node context (Cons portCount consLabel)
	; return r

sendEnterPacket :: (a -> Parent -> a) -> a -> Parent -> a
sendEnterPacket f r context = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do	{ sendEvent node context Enter
	; ourCatchAllIO (evaluate (f r context))
	                (handleExc context)

gsendEnterPacket :: (GObservable f) => f a -> Parent -> f a
gsendEnterPacket r context = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do	{ sendEvent node context Enter
	; ourCatchAllIO (evaluate (gdmobserver r context))
	                (handleExc context)

sendNoEnterPacket :: a -> Parent -> a
sendNoEnterPacket r context = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do	{ sendEvent node context NoEnter
	; ourCatchAllIO (evaluate r)
	                (handleExc context)

evaluate :: a -> IO a
evaluate a = a `seq` return a

sendObserveFnPacket :: ObserverM a -> Parent -> a
sendObserveFnPacket fn context = unsafeWithUniq $ \ node ->
     do	{ let (r,_) = runMO fn node 0
	; sendEvent node context Fun
	; return r
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Event stream} %* * %************************************************************************ Trival output functions \begin{code}
data Event = Event
		{ portId     :: !Int
		, parent     :: !Parent
		, change     :: !Change
	deriving Show

data Change
	= Observe 	!String
	| Cons    !Int 	!String
	| Enter
        | NoEnter
	| Fun
	deriving Show

startEventStream :: IO ()
startEventStream = writeIORef events []

endEventStream :: IO [Event]
endEventStream =
	do { es <- readIORef events
	   ; writeIORef events badEvents 
	   ; return es

sendEvent :: Int -> Parent -> Change -> IO ()
sendEvent nodeId parent change =
	do { nodeId `seq` parent `seq` return ()
	   ; change `seq` return ()
	   ; takeMVar sendSem
	   ; es <- readIORef events
	   ; let event = Event nodeId parent change
	   ; writeIORef events (event `seq` (event : es))
	   ; putMVar sendSem ()

-- local
events :: IORef [Event]
events = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef badEvents

badEvents :: [Event]
badEvents = error "Bad Event Stream"

-- use as a trivial semiphore
{-# NOINLINE sendSem #-}
sendSem :: MVar ()
sendSem = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
-- end local
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{unique name supply code} %* * %************************************************************************ Use the single threaded version \begin{code}
initUniq :: IO ()
initUniq = writeIORef uniq 1

getUniq :: IO Int
    = do { takeMVar uniqSem
	 ; n <- readIORef uniq
	 ; writeIORef uniq $! (n + 1)
	 ; putMVar uniqSem ()
	 ; return n

peepUniq :: IO Int
peepUniq = readIORef uniq

-- locals
{-# NOINLINE uniq #-}
uniq :: IORef Int
uniq = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 1

{-# NOINLINE uniqSem #-}
uniqSem :: MVar ()
uniqSem = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar ()
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{Global, initualizers, etc} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code}
openObserveGlobal :: IO ()
openObserveGlobal =
     do { initUniq
	; startEventStream

closeObserveGlobal :: IO [Event]
closeObserveGlobal =
     do { evs <- endEventStream
        ; putStrLn ""
	; return evs
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{The CDS and converting functions} %* * %************************************************************************ \begin{code}
data CDS = CDSNamed String         CDSSet
	 | CDSCons Int String     [CDSSet]
	 | CDSFun  Int             CDSSet CDSSet
	 | CDSEntered Int
	 | CDSTerminated Int
	deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

type CDSSet = [CDS]

eventsToCDS :: [Event] -> CDSSet
eventsToCDS pairs = getChild 0 0
     res i = (!) out_arr i

     bnds = (0, length pairs)

     mid_arr :: Array Int [(Int,CDS)]
     mid_arr = accumArray (flip (:)) [] bnds
		[ (pnode,(pport,res node))
	        | (Event node (Parent pnode pport) _) <- pairs

     out_arr = array bnds	-- never uses 0 index
	        [ (node,getNode'' node change)
	 	| (Event node _ change) <- pairs

     getNode'' ::  Int -> Change -> CDS
     getNode'' node change =
       case change of
	(Observe str) -> CDSNamed str (getChild node 0)
	(Enter)       -> CDSEntered node
	(NoEnter)     -> CDSTerminated node
	(Fun)         -> CDSFun node (getChild node 0) (getChild node 1)
	(Cons portc cons)
		      -> CDSCons node cons 
				[ getChild node n | n <- [0..(portc-1)]]

     getChild :: Int -> Int -> CDSSet
     getChild pnode pport =
	[ content
        | (pport',content) <- (!) mid_arr pnode
	, pport == pport'

render  :: Int -> Bool -> CDS -> DOC
render prec par (CDSCons _ ":" [cds1,cds2]) =
	if (par && not needParen)  
	then doc -- dont use paren (..) because we dont want a grp here!
	else paren needParen doc
	doc = grp (brk <> renderSet' 5 False cds1 <> text " : ") <>
	      renderSet' 4 True cds2
	needParen = prec > 4
render prec par (CDSCons _ "," cdss) | length cdss > 0 =
	nest 2 (text "(" <> foldl1 (\ a b -> a <> text ", " <> b)
			    (map renderSet cdss) <>
		text ")")
render prec par (CDSCons _ name cdss) =
	paren (length cdss > 0 && prec /= 0)
	      (nest 2
	         (text name <> foldr (<>) nil
			 	[ sep <> renderSet' 10 False cds
			 	| cds <- cdss 

{- renderSet handles the various styles of CDSSet.

renderSet :: CDSSet -> DOC
renderSet = renderSet' 0 False

renderSet' :: Int -> Bool -> CDSSet -> DOC
renderSet' _ _      [] = text "_"
renderSet' prec par [cons@(CDSCons {})]    = render prec par cons
renderSet' prec par cdss		   = 
	nest 0 (text "{ " <> foldl1 (\ a b -> a <> line <>
				    text ", " <> b)
				    (map renderFn pairs) <>
	        line <> text "}")

	pairs = nub (sort (findFn cdss))
	-- local nub for sorted lists
	nub []                  = []
	nub (a:a':as) | a == a' = nub (a' : as)
        nub (a:as)              = a : nub as

renderFn :: ([CDSSet],CDSSet) -> DOC
renderFn (args,res) 
	= grp  (nest 3 
		(text "\\ " <>
		 foldr (\ a b -> nest 0 (renderSet' 10 False a) <> sp <> b)
		       args <> sep <>
		 text "-> " <> renderSet' 0 False res

findFn :: CDSSet -> [([CDSSet],CDSSet)]
findFn = foldr findFn' []

findFn' (CDSFun _ arg res) rest =
    case findFn res of
       [(args',res')] -> (arg : args', res') : rest
       _              -> ([arg], res) : rest
findFn' other rest = ([],[other]) : rest

renderTops []   = nil
renderTops tops = line <> foldr (<>) nil (map renderTop tops)

renderTop :: Output -> DOC
renderTop (OutLabel str set extras) =
	nest 2 (text ("-- " ++ str) <> line <>
		renderSet set
		<> renderTops extras) <> line

rmEntry :: CDS -> CDS
rmEntry (CDSNamed str set)   = CDSNamed str (rmEntrySet set)
rmEntry (CDSCons i str sets) = CDSCons i str (map rmEntrySet sets)
rmEntry (CDSFun i a b)       = CDSFun i (rmEntrySet a) (rmEntrySet b)
rmEntry (CDSTerminated i)    = CDSTerminated i
rmEntry (CDSEntered i)       = error "found bad CDSEntered"

rmEntrySet = map rmEntry . filter noEntered
	noEntered (CDSEntered _) = False
	noEntered _              = True

simplifyCDS :: CDS -> CDS
simplifyCDS (CDSNamed str set) = CDSNamed str (simplifyCDSSet set)
simplifyCDS (CDSCons _ "throw" 
		  [[CDSCons _ "ErrorCall" set]]
	    ) = simplifyCDS (CDSCons 0 "error" set)
simplifyCDS cons@(CDSCons i str sets) = 
	case spotString [cons] of
	  Just str | not (null str) -> CDSCons 0 (show str) []
	  _ -> CDSCons 0 str (map simplifyCDSSet sets)

simplifyCDS (CDSFun i a b) = CDSFun 0 (simplifyCDSSet a) (simplifyCDSSet b)
	-- replace with 
	-- 	CDSCons i "->" [simplifyCDSSet a,simplifyCDSSet b]
	-- for turning off the function stuff.

simplifyCDS (CDSTerminated i) = (CDSCons 0 "<?>" [])

simplifyCDSSet = map simplifyCDS 

spotString :: CDSSet -> Maybe String
spotString [CDSCons _ ":"
		[[CDSCons _ str []]
	= do { ch <- case reads str of
	               [(ch,"")] -> return ch
                       _ -> Nothing
	     ; more <- spotString rest
	     ; return (ch : more)
spotString [CDSCons _ "[]" []] = return []
spotString other = Nothing

paren :: Bool -> DOC -> DOC
paren False doc = grp (nest 0 doc)
paren True  doc = grp (nest 0 (text "(" <> nest 0 doc <> brk <> text ")"))

sp :: DOC
sp = text " "

data Output = OutLabel String CDSSet [Output]
            | OutData  CDS
	      deriving (Eq,Ord)

commonOutput :: [Output] -> [Output]
commonOutput = sortBy byLabel
     byLabel (OutLabel lab _ _) (OutLabel lab' _ _) = compare lab lab'

cdssToOutput :: CDSSet -> [Output]
cdssToOutput =  map cdsToOutput

cdsToOutput (CDSNamed name cdsset)
	    = OutLabel name res1 res2
      res1 = [ cdss | (OutData cdss) <- res ]
      res2 = [ out  | out@(OutLabel {}) <- res ]
      res  = cdssToOutput cdsset
cdsToOutput cons@(CDSCons {}) = OutData cons
cdsToOutput    fn@(CDSFun {}) = OutData fn
\end{code} %************************************************************************ %* * \subsection{A Pretty Printer} %* * %************************************************************************ This pretty printer is based on Wadler's pretty printer. \begin{code}
data DOC		= NIL			-- nil	  
			| DOC :<> DOC		-- beside 
			| NEST Int DOC
			| TEXT String
			| LINE			-- always "\n"
			| SEP			-- " " or "\n"
			| BREAK			-- ""  or "\n"
			| DOC :<|> DOC		-- choose one
			deriving (Eq,Show)
data Doc		= Nil
			| Text Int String Doc
			| Line Int Int Doc
			deriving (Show,Eq)

mkText			:: String -> Doc -> Doc
mkText s d		= Text (toplen d + length s) s d

mkLine			:: Int -> Doc -> Doc
mkLine i d		= Line (toplen d + i) i d

toplen			:: Doc -> Int
toplen Nil		= 0
toplen (Text w s x)	= w
toplen (Line w s x)	= 0

nil			= NIL
x <> y			= x :<> y
nest i x		= NEST i x
text s 			= TEXT s
line			= LINE
sep			= SEP
brk			= BREAK

fold x			= grp (brk <> x)

grp 			:: DOC -> DOC
grp x			= 
	case flatten x of
	  Just x' -> x' :<|> x
	  Nothing -> x

flatten 		:: DOC -> Maybe DOC
flatten	NIL		= return NIL
flatten (x :<> y)	= 
	do x' <- flatten x
	   y' <- flatten y
	   return (x' :<> y')
flatten (NEST i x)	= 
	do x' <- flatten x
	   return (NEST i x')
flatten (TEXT s)	= return (TEXT s)
flatten LINE		= Nothing		-- abort
flatten SEP		= return (TEXT " ")	-- SEP is space
flatten BREAK		= return NIL		-- BREAK is nil
flatten (x :<|> y)	= flatten x

layout 			:: Doc -> String
layout Nil		= ""
layout (Text _ s x)	= s ++ layout x
layout (Line _ i x)	= '\n' : replicate i ' ' ++ layout x

best w k doc = be w k [(0,doc)]

be 			:: Int -> Int -> [(Int,DOC)] -> Doc
be w k []		= Nil
be w k ((i,NIL):z)	= be w k z
be w k ((i,x :<> y):z)	= be w k ((i,x):(i,y):z)
be w k ((i,NEST j x):z) = be w k ((k+j,x):z)
be w k ((i,TEXT s):z)	= s `mkText` be w (k+length s) z
be w k ((i,LINE):z)	= i `mkLine` be w i z
be w k ((i,SEP):z)	= i `mkLine` be w i z
be w k ((i,BREAK):z)	= i `mkLine` be w i z
be w k ((i,x :<|> y):z) = better w k 
				(be w k ((i,x):z))
				(be w k ((i,y):z))

better			:: Int -> Int -> Doc -> Doc -> Doc
better w k x y		= if (w-k) >= toplen x then x else y

pretty			:: Int -> DOC -> String
pretty w x		= layout (best w 0 x)