-- This file is part of the Haskell debugger Hoed.
-- Copyright (c) Maarten Faddegon, 2015

{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures, TypeOperators, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, StandaloneDeriving, CPP, DeriveGeneric #-}

module Debug.Hoed.Pure.Prop where
-- ( judge
-- , Propositions(..)
-- ) where
import Debug.Hoed.Pure.Observe(Observable(..),Trace(..),UID,Event(..),Change(..),ourCatchAllIO,evaluate)
import Debug.Hoed.Pure.Render(CompStmt(..),noNewlines)
import Debug.Hoed.Pure.CompTree(CompTree,Vertex(..),Graph(..),vertexUID,vertexRes,replaceVertex,getJudgement,setJudgement)
import Debug.Hoed.Pure.EventForest(EventForest,mkEventForest,dfsChildren)
import Debug.Hoed.Pure.Serialize
import qualified Data.IntMap as M
import Prelude hiding (Right)
import Data.Graph.Libgraph(Judgement(..),AssistedMessage(..),mapGraph)
import System.Directory(createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Process(system)
import System.Exit(ExitCode(..))
import System.IO(hPutStrLn,stderr)
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Char(isAlpha)
import Data.Maybe(isNothing,fromJust)
import Data.List(intersperse,isInfixOf)
import GHC.Generics hiding (moduleName) --(Generic(..),Rep(..),from,(:+:)(..),(:*:)(..),U1(..),K1(..),M1(..))
import Control.Monad(foldM)


data Propositions = Propositions { propositions :: [Proposition], propType :: PropType, funName :: String
                                 , extraModules :: [Module]

data PropType = Specify | PropertiesOf deriving Eq

data Signature 
  = Argument Int
  | SubjectFunction
  | Random
  deriving Show

type Proposition = (PropositionType,Module,String,[Signature])

data PropositionType 
  = IOProposition
  | BoolProposition
  | LegacyQuickCheckProposition
  | QuickCheckProposition 
  deriving Show

data Module = Module {moduleName :: String, searchPath :: String} 
  deriving Show

data PropRes 
  = Error Proposition String 
  | Hold Proposition 
  | HoldWeak Proposition
  | Disprove Proposition
  | DisproveBy Proposition [String] 
  deriving Show

propositionType :: Proposition -> PropositionType
propositionType (x,_,_,_) = x

propName :: Proposition -> String
propName (_,_,x,_) = x

signature :: Proposition -> [Signature]
signature (_,_,_,x) = x

propModule :: Proposition -> Module
propModule (_,x,_,_) = x


sourceFile   = ".Hoed/exe/Main.hs"
buildFiles   = ".Hoed/exe/Main.o .Hoed/exe/Main.hi"
exeFile      = ".Hoed/exe/Main"
outFile      = ".Hoed/exe/Main.out"
errFile      = ".Hoed/exe/Main.compilerMessages"
treeFilePath = ".Hoed/savedCompTree."
traceFilePath = ".Hoed/savedTrace."


lookupPropositions :: [Propositions] -> Vertex -> Maybe Propositions
lookupPropositions _ RootVertex = Nothing
lookupPropositions ps v = lookupWith funName lbl ps
  where lbl = (stmtLabel . vertexStmt) v

lookupWith :: Eq a => (b->a) -> a -> [b] -> Maybe b
lookupWith f x ys = case filter (\y -> f y == x) ys of
  []    -> Nothing
  (y:_) -> Just y


data Judge 
  = Judge Judgement
    -- ^ Returns a Judgement (see Libgraph library).
  | AlternativeTree CompTree Trace
    -- ^ Found counter example with simpler computation tree.

judgeAll :: UnevalHandler -> (CompTree -> Int) -> Trace -> [Propositions] -> CompTree -> IO CompTree
judgeAll handler complexity trc ps compTree = foldM f compTree (vertices compTree)
  c = complexity compTree
  f :: CompTree -> Vertex -> IO CompTree
  f curTree v = do
    putStrLn $ take 50 (cycle "-")
    putStrLn $ "Evaluating properties to judge statement: " ++ vertexRes v
    putStrLn $ take 50 (cycle "-")
    case lookupPropositions ps v of
      Nothing  -> do
        putStrLn "*** no propositions"
        return curTree
      (Just p) -> do
        j <- judge' Bottom trc p v complexity curTree
        case j of
          (Judge jmt)            -> do
            putStrLn $ "*** judgement is " ++ show jmt
            return $ replaceVertex curTree (setJudgement v jmt)
          (AlternativeTree t' _) -> do
             let msg = "Simpler tree suggested with complexity " ++ show (complexity t') 
                       ++ "(current tree has complexity of " ++ show c ++ ")"
             putStrLn $ "*** " ++ msg
             return $ replaceVertex curTree (setJudgement v (Assisted [InconclusiveProperty msg]))

-- MF TODO. We should in function judge also try in between restricted and forall to use the unrestricted subject function with bottom for unevaluated expressions. Note that also in that case we need to switch trees if Wrong.

-- |Use propositions to judge a computation statement.
-- First tries restricted and bottom for unevaluated expressions,
-- then unrestricted and random values for unevaluated expressions.
judge :: Trace -> Propositions -> Vertex -> (CompTree -> Int) -> CompTree -> IO Judge
judge trc p v complexity curTree = do
  putStrLn $ take 50 (cycle "-")
  putStrLn $ "Evaluating properties to judge statement: " ++ vertexRes v
  putStrLn $ take 50 (cycle "-")
  judgeBottom <- judge' Bottom trc p v complexity curTree
  case judgeBottom of
    (Judge (Assisted _)) -> judge' Forall trc p v complexity curTree
    (Judge _)            -> return judgeBottom

judge' Bottom trc p v complexity curTree = do
  pas <- evalPropositions Bottom trc p v
  let j | propType p == Specify && all holds pas  = (Judge Right)
        | any disproves pas                       = (Judge Wrong)
        | otherwise                               = advice pas
  return j

judge' Forall trc p v complexity curTree = do
  pas <- evalPropositions Forall trc p v
  let j | propType p == Specify && all holds pas  = return (Judge Right)
        | any disproves pas                       = do 
            let curComplexity = complexity curTree
            (bestComplexity,bestTree,bestTrace) <- simplestTree complexity (extraModules p) pas (curComplexity,curTree,[]) trc v
            if bestComplexity == curComplexity
              then return $ Judge $ Assisted $ [InconclusiveProperty $ "We found values for the unevaluated "
                                                ++ "expressions in the current statement that falsify\n"
                                                ++ "a property, however the resulting tree is not simpler."]
              else return (AlternativeTree bestTree bestTrace)
        | otherwise = return (advice pas)

holds :: PropRes -> Bool
holds (Hold _) = True
holds (HoldWeak _) = True
holds _         = False

disproves :: PropRes -> Bool
disproves (Disprove _)     = True
disproves (DisproveBy _ _) = True
disproves _                = False

disprovesBy :: PropRes -> Bool
disprovesBy (DisproveBy _ _) = True
disprovesBy _                = False

-- Using the given complexity function, compare the computation trees of the list of
-- property results and select the simplest tree.
simplestTree :: (CompTree -> Int) -> [Module] -> [PropRes] -> (Int,CompTree,Trace) -> Trace -> Vertex -> IO (Int,CompTree,Trace)
simplestTree complexity ms rs cur trc v = foldM (simple2 complexity trc v ms) cur (filter disprovesBy rs)

-- Using the given complexity function, read the computation tree of the given property
-- into memory and compare its complexity with the complexity of the currently best tree.
-- Return whichever of these two trees is simplest.
simple2 :: (CompTree -> Int)  -> Trace -> Vertex -> [Module] -> (Int,CompTree,Trace) -> PropRes -> IO (Int,CompTree,Trace)
simple2 complexity trc v ms (curComplexity,curTree,curTrace) propRes = do
  reEvalProposition propRes trc v ms
  maybeCandTree  <- restoreTree  $ treeFilePath  ++ resOf propRes
  maybeCandTrace <- restoreTrace $ traceFilePath ++ resOf propRes
  case (maybeCandTree,maybeCandTrace) of
    (Just candTree, Just candTrace) -> do 
      let candComplexity = complexity candTree
      return $ if candComplexity < curComplexity 
                 then (candComplexity,candTree,candTrace)
                 else (curComplexity,curTree,curTrace)
    _ -> do
      putStrLn $ "FAILED to to restore computation tree of " ++ resOf propRes
      return (curComplexity,curTree,curTrace)

advice :: [PropRes] -> Judge
advice rs' = case filter holds rs' of
  [] -> Judge $ Assisted $ errorMessages rs'
  rs -> Judge $ Assisted $ PassingProperty (commas (map resOf rs)) : errorMessages rs'

commas :: [String] -> String
commas = concat . (intersperse ", ")

errorMessages :: [PropRes] -> [AssistedMessage]
errorMessages = foldl (\acc (Error prop msg) -> InconclusiveProperty ("\n---\n\nApplying property " ++ propName prop ++ " gives inconclusive result:\n\n" ++ msg) : acc) [] . filter isError

isError (Error _ _) = True
isError _           = False

data UnevalHandler = Bottom | Forall | FromList [String] deriving (Eq, Show)

unevalHandler :: UnevalHandler -> PropVarGen String
unevalHandler Bottom       = propVarError
unevalHandler Forall       = propVarFresh
unevalHandler (FromList _) = propVarFresh

unevalState :: UnevalHandler -> PropVars
unevalState Bottom            = propVars0
unevalState Forall            = propVars0
-- unevalState (FromList _)      = propVars0
-- Replace last line with 
unevalState (FromList values) = ([],values)
-- to directly substitute unevaluated expressions with the FromList values.
-- This is only valid when all randomly generated values are actually substituting
-- unevaluated expressions (this is not always the case, consider e.g. testing f in
-- quickCheck p where p f x y = f x == g x y)

resOf :: PropRes -> String
resOf (Error p _)      = propName p
resOf (Hold p)         = propName p
resOf (HoldWeak p)     = propName p
resOf (Disprove p)     = propName p
resOf (DisproveBy p _) = propName p

evalPropositions :: UnevalHandler -> Trace -> Propositions -> Vertex -> IO [PropRes]
evalPropositions _ _ _ RootVertex = return []
evalPropositions handler trc p v = mapM (evalProposition handler trc v (extraModules p)) (propositions p)

evalProposition :: UnevalHandler -> Trace -> Vertex -> [Module] -> Proposition -> IO PropRes
evalProposition handler trc v ms prop = do
  putStrLn $ "property " ++ propName prop
  createDirectoryIfMissing True ".Hoed/exe"
  prgm <- generateCode handler trc v prop ms
  compile prop
  exit <- compile prop
  case exit of 
    (ExitFailure _) -> do
        err  <- readFile errFile
        putStrLn $ "failed to compile: " ++ err
        return $ Error prop $ "Compilation of {{{\n" ++ prgm ++ "\n}}} failed with:\n" ++ err
    ExitSuccess     -> do 
      exit <- run
      out <- readFile outFile
      putStrLn $ "evaluated to: " ++ out
      return $ mkPropRes prop exit (backspaces out)

reEvalProposition :: PropRes -> Trace -> Vertex -> [Module] -> IO PropRes
reEvalProposition (DisproveBy prop values) trc v ms = do
  putStrLn $ "RE-EVALUATE with " ++ concat (intersperse " " values) ++ " {"
  (Disprove p) <- evalProposition (FromList values) trc v ms prop
  putStrLn $ "} RE-EVALUATE"
  return (Disprove p)

clean = system $ "rm -f " ++ sourceFile ++ " " ++ exeFile ++ " " ++ buildFiles

compile prop = system $ "ghc  -i" ++ (searchPath . propModule) prop ++ " -o " ++ exeFile ++ " " ++ sourceFile ++ " > " ++ errFile ++ " 2>&1"

run = system $ exeFile ++ " > " ++ outFile ++ " 2>&1"

generateCode :: UnevalHandler -> Trace -> Vertex -> Proposition -> [Module] -> IO String
generateCode handler trc v prop ms = do 
  -- Uncomment the next line to dump generated program on screen
  -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "Generated the following program ***\n" ++ prgm ++ "\n***" 
  writeFile sourceFile prgm
  return prgm
  prgm = generate handler prop ms trc (getEventFromMap $ eventMap trc) i f
  i    = (stmtIdentifier . vertexStmt) v
  f    = (stmtLabel . vertexStmt) v

getEventFromMap m j = fromJust $ M.lookup j m

eventMap trc = M.fromList $ map (\e -> (eventUID e, e)) trc

mkPropRes :: Proposition -> ExitCode -> String -> PropRes
mkPropRes prop (ExitFailure _) out        = Error prop out
mkPropRes prop ExitSuccess out
  | out == "True\n"                       = Hold prop
  | out == "+++ OK, passed 100 tests.\n"  = HoldWeak prop
  | out == "False\n"                      = Disprove prop
  | "Failed! Falsifiable" `isInfixOf` out = DisproveBy prop (reverse . tail . lines $ out)
  | otherwise                             = Error prop out

shorten s
  | length s < 120 = s
  | otherwise    = (take 117 s) ++ "..."

backspaces :: String -> String
backspaces s = reverse (backspaces' [] s)
  backspaces' s []    = s
  backspaces' s (c:t)
    | c == '\b'       = backspaces' (safeTail s) t
    | otherwise       = backspaces' (c:s)        t

  safeTail []    = []
  safeTail (c:s) = s


type PropVars = ([String],[String]) -- A tuple of used variables, and a supply of fresh variables
type PropVarGen a = PropVars -> (a,PropVars)

comp :: PropVarGen a -> PropVarGen b -> (a -> b -> c) -> PropVarGen c
comp x y f vs = let (x', vs')  = x vs
                    (y', vs'') = y vs'
                in  (f x' y', vs'')

-- MF TODO: this is exactly like liftM2
liftPV :: (a -> b -> c) -> PropVarGen a -> PropVarGen b -> PropVarGen c
liftPV f x y = comp x y f

propVars0 :: PropVars
propVars0 = ([], map (('x':) . show)  [1..])

propVarError :: PropVarGen String
propVarError = propVarReturn "(error \"Request of value that was unevaluated in original program.\")"

propVarFresh :: PropVarGen String
propVarFresh (bvs,v:fvs) = (v, (v:bvs,fvs))

propVarReturn :: String -> PropVarGen String
propVarReturn s vs = (s,vs)

propVarBind :: UnevalHandler -> (String,PropVars) -> Proposition -> String
propVarBind (FromList _) (propApp,_)       prop = generatePrint prop ++ propApp
propVarBind _            (propApp,([],_))  prop = generatePrint prop ++ propApp
propVarBind _            (propApp,(bvs,_)) prop = "quickCheck (\\" ++ bvs' ++ " -> " ++ propApp ++ ")"
  bvs' = concat (intersperse " " bvs)

generatePrint :: Proposition -> String
generatePrint p = case propositionType p of
  IOProposition         -> ""
  BoolProposition       -> "print $ "
  QuickCheckProposition -> "(\\q -> do MkRose res ts <- reduceRose .  unProp . (\\p->unGen p  (mkQCGen 1) 1) . unProperty $ q; print . fromJust . ok $ res) $ "
  LegacyQuickCheckProposition -> "do g <- newStdGen; print . fromJust . ok . (generate 1 g) . evaluate $ "


generate :: UnevalHandler -> Proposition -> [Module ] -> Trace -> (UID->Event) -> UID -> String -> String
generate handler prop ms trc getEvent i f = generateHeading prop ms ++ generateMain handler prop trc getEvent i f

generateHeading :: Proposition -> [Module] -> String
generateHeading prop ms =
  "-- This file is generated by the Haskell debugger Hoed\n"
  ++ generateImport (propModule prop)
  ++ generateImport (Module "qualified Debug.Hoed.Pure as Hoed" [])
  ++ qcImports
  ++ foldl (\acc m -> acc ++ generateImport m) "" ms
  qcImports = case propositionType prop of
        BoolProposition -> generateImport (Module "Test.QuickCheck" [])
        IOProposition   -> generateImport (Module "Test.QuickCheck" [])
        LegacyQuickCheckProposition -> qcImports'
        QuickCheckProposition -> qcImports'
                                 ++ generateImport (Module "Test.QuickCheck.Property" [])
                                 ++ generateImport (Module "Test.QuickCheck.Gen" [])
                                 ++ generateImport (Module "Test.QuickCheck.Random" [])
    = generateImport (Module "System.Random" [])             -- newStdGen
      ++ generateImport (Module "Data.Maybe" [])             -- fromJust
      ++ generateImport (Module "Test.QuickCheck" [])

generateImport :: Module -> String
generateImport m =  "import " ++ (moduleName m) ++ "\n"

generateMain :: UnevalHandler -> Proposition -> Trace -> (UID->Event) -> UID -> String -> String
generateMain handler prop trc getEvent i f
  = "main = Hoed.runOstore \"" ++ (propName prop) ++"\" $ "
            ++ propVarBind handler (foldl accSig ((propName prop) ++ " ",unevalState handler) (signature prop)) prop
            -- ++ appValues handler
            ++ "\n"
    -- appValues (FromList values) = concat (map (" "++) values)
    -- appValues _                 = ""
    accSig :: (String,PropVars) -> Signature -> (String,PropVars)
    accSig (acc,propVars) x = let (s,propVars') = getSig x propVars in (acc ++ " " ++ s, propVars')
    getSig :: Signature -> PropVarGen String
    getSig SubjectFunction = cf
    getSig (Argument i) | i < length args = args !! i
    -- MF TODO: should we do something better when user gives index that is out of bounds?
    getSig Random = propVarFresh
    getSig _ = propVarError

    args :: [PropVarGen String]
    args = generateArgs (unevalHandler handler) trc getEvent i

    cf :: PropVarGen String
    cf | handler == Bottom = foldl1 (liftPV $ \acc c -> acc ++ " " ++ c)
                            [ propVarReturn $ "(" ++ genConAp (length args) f
                            , generateRes (unevalHandler handler) trc getEvent i
                            , propVarReturn $ ")"
       | otherwise = propVarReturn f

generateRes :: (PropVarGen String) -> Trace -> (UID -> Event) -> UID -> PropVarGen String
generateRes unevalGen trc getEvent i = case dfsChildren frt e of
  [_,_,_,Nothing] -> unevalGen
  [_,_,_,mr]      -> generateRes' unevalGen trc getEvent mr
  frt = (mkEventForest trc)
  e   = getEvent i

generateRes' :: PropVarGen String -> Trace -> (UID->Event) -> Maybe Event -> PropVarGen String
generateRes' unevalGen trc getEvent Nothing = unevalGen
generateRes' unevalGen trc getEvent (Just e)
  | change e == Fun = case dfsChildren frt e of [_,_    ,_,mr] -> generateRes' unevalGen trc getEvent mr
                                                [Nothing,_,mr] -> generateRes' unevalGen trc getEvent mr
                                                as  -> error $ "generateRes': event " ++ show (eventUID e) ++ ":FUN has " 
                                                               ++ show (length as) ++ " children!\nnamely: " ++ commas (map show as)
  | otherwise       = generateExpr unevalGen frt (Just e)
  frt = (mkEventForest trc)

generateArgs :: (PropVarGen String) -> Trace -> (UID -> Event) -> UID -> [PropVarGen String]
generateArgs unevalGen trc getEvent i = case dfsChildren frt e of
  [_,ma,_,mr]    -> generateExpr unevalGen frt ma : moreArgs unevalGen trc getEvent mr
  [Nothing,_,mr] -> unevalGen                     : moreArgs unevalGen trc getEvent mr
  xs             -> error ("generateArgs: dfsChildren (" ++ show e ++ ") = " ++ show xs)
  frt = (mkEventForest trc)
  e   = getEvent i

moreArgs :: PropVarGen String -> Trace -> (UID->Event) -> Maybe Event -> [PropVarGen String]
moreArgs _ trc getEvent Nothing = []
moreArgs unevalGen trc getEvent (Just e)
  | change e == Fun = generateArgs unevalGen trc getEvent (eventUID e)
  | otherwise       = []

generateExpr :: PropVarGen String -> EventForest -> Maybe Event -> PropVarGen String
generateExpr unevalGen _ Nothing    = unevalGen
generateExpr unevalGen frt (Just e) = case change e of
  (Cons _ s) -> let s' = if isAlpha (head s) then s else "(" ++ s ++ ")"
                in liftPV (++) ( foldl (liftPV $ \acc c -> acc ++ " " ++ c)
                                 (propVarReturn ("(" ++ s')) cs
                               ( propVarReturn ") "
  Enter      -> propVarReturn ""
  _          -> propVarReturn "error \"cannot represent\""

  where cs :: [PropVarGen String]
        cs = map (generateExpr unevalGen frt) (dfsChildren frt e)


-- only works if there is 1 argument
conAp :: Observable b => (a -> b) -> b -> a -> b
conAp f r x = constrain (f x) r

genConAp :: Int -> String -> String
genConAp n f = "(\\r " ++ args ++ " -> Hoed.constrain (" ++ f ++ " " ++ args ++ ") r)"
  where args = foldl1 (\a x -> a ++ " " ++ x) xs
        xs = map (\i -> "x" ++ show i) [1..n]

-- MF TODO: this should probably be part of the Observable class ...

class ParEq a where
  (===) :: a -> a -> Maybe Bool
  default (===) :: (Generic a, GParEq (Rep a)) => a -> a -> Maybe Bool
  x === y = gParEq (from x) (from y)

class GParEq rep where
  gParEq :: rep a -> rep a -> Maybe Bool

orNothing :: IO (Maybe Bool) -> Maybe Bool
orNothing mb = unsafePerformIO $ ourCatchAllIO mb (\_ -> return Nothing)

catchEq :: Eq a => a -> a -> Maybe Bool
catchEq x y = orNothing $ do mb <- evaluate (x == y); return (Just mb)

catchGEq :: GParEq rep => rep a -> rep a -> Maybe Bool
catchGEq x y = orNothing $ x `seq` y `seq` (evaluate $ gParEq x y)

-- Sums: encode choice between constructors
instance (GParEq a, GParEq b) => GParEq (a :+: b) where
  gParEq x y = let r = gParEq_ x y in r
    where gParEq_ (L1 x) (L1 y) = x `catchGEq` y
          gParEq_ (R1 x) (R1 y) = x `catchGEq` y
          gParEq_ _      _      = Just False

-- Products: encode multiple arguments to constructors
instance (GParEq a, GParEq b) => GParEq (a :*: b) where
  gParEq x y = let r = gParEq_ x y in r
    where gParEq_ (x :*: x') (y :*: y')
            | any (== (Just False)) mbs = Just False
            | all (== (Just True))  mbs = Just True
            | otherwise                 = Nothing
            where mbs = [(catchGEq x y) `seq` (catchGEq x y), (catchGEq x' y') `seq` (catchGEq x' y')]

-- Unit: used for constructors without arguments
instance GParEq U1 where
  gParEq x y = let r = gParEq_ x y in r
    where gParEq_ x y = catchEq x y

-- Constants: additional parameters and recursion of kind *
instance (ParEq a) => GParEq (K1 i a) where
  gParEq x y = let r = gParEq_ x y in r
    where gParEq_ (K1 x) (K1 y) = x === y

-- Meta: data types
instance (GParEq a) => GParEq (M1 D d a) where
  gParEq x y = let r = gParEq_ x y in r
    where gParEq_ (M1 x) (M1 y) = x `catchGEq` y

-- Meta: Selectors
instance (GParEq a, Selector s) => GParEq (M1 S s a) where
  gParEq x y = let r = gParEq_ x y in r
    where gParEq_ (M1 x) (M1 y) = x `catchGEq` y
-- Meta: Constructors
instance (GParEq a, Constructor c) => GParEq (M1 C c a) where
  gParEq x y = let r = gParEq_ x y in r
    where gParEq_ (M1 x) (M1 y) = x `catchGEq` y

instance (ParEq a)          => ParEq [a]
instance (ParEq a, ParEq b) => ParEq (a,b)
instance (ParEq a)          => ParEq (Maybe a)
instance ParEq Int          where x === y = Just (x == y)
instance ParEq Bool         where x === y = Just (x == y)
instance ParEq Integer      where x === y = Just (x == y)
instance ParEq Float        where x === y = Just (x == y)
instance ParEq Double       where x === y = Just (x == y)
instance ParEq Char         where x === y = Just (x == y)