import Parser as P import TypeInfer as T import MatchCheck as MC import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Lazy import qualified Data.List as List -- TEST RELATED BEGIN import Types import TypedAst import qualified Data.Map as Map import Debug.Hoed.Pure failType = Record False [("a",IntType),("b",StringType)] m1 = (TRecordMatchExpr [("a",(TIntMatchExpr 42,IntType)),("b",(TStringMatchExpr "abc",StringType))],Record False [("a",IntType),("b",StringType)]) m2 = (TRecordMatchExpr [("a",(TVarMatch "n",IntType)),("b",(TStringMatchExpr "def",StringType))],Record False [("a",IntType),("b",StringType)]) m3 = (TRecordMatchExpr [("a",(TVarMatch "n",IntType)),("b",(TVarMatch "s",StringType))],Record False [("a",IntType),("b",StringType)]) testCovering ty matches = covering Map.empty (ideal Map.empty ty) matches == [Covered] -- TEST RELATED END concreteTest = testCovering failType [m1, m2, m3] main = printO $ concreteTest {- main :: IO () main = let path = "../test.z" in do content <- readFile path case P.parse content of Left err -> print err Right ast -> do (typed, env, subst) <- T.infer ast let (b, badMatches) = runWriter (MC.matchCheck env typed) mapM putStrLn ( MC.formatMatchWarning badMatches) case b of True -> return () --Continue compilation False -> return () --Abort compilation -}