-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
  Module     : Holumbus.MapReduce.Types
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2008 Stefan Schmidt
  License    : MIT

  Maintainer : Stefan Schmidt (stefanschmidt@web.de)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: portable
  Version    : 0.1

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Holumbus.MapReduce.Types
, encodeTuple
, decodeTuple
, decodeTupleList
, encodeTupleList

-- * TaskData
, TaskId
, TaskType(..)
, TaskState(..)
, getNextTaskState
, TaskOutputType(..)
, TaskData(..)

-- * JobData
, JobId
, JobState(..)
, getNextJobState
, getPrevJobState
, fromJobStatetoTaskType
, OutputMap
, JobAction(..)
, JobInfo(..)
, JobData(..)
, JobResultContainer(..)
, JobResult(..)

-- * TaskAction
, ActionName
, ActionInfo

, ActionEnvironment(..)
, mkActionEnvironment

, InputReader
, OutputWriter

, OptionsDecoder

, ActionConfiguration(..)
, SplitConfiguration(..)
, MapConfiguration(..)
, ReduceConfiguration(..)
, defaultActionConfiguration
, defaultSplitConfiguration
, defaultMapConfiguration
, defaultReduceConfiguration
, readActionConfiguration
, createJobInfoFromConfiguration
, createListsFromJobResult

, ActionData(..)
, getActionForTaskType
, ActionMap

-- * MapAction
, MapAction
-- , BinaryMapAction 
, MapFunction
, MapPartition

-- * Combine-Reduce-Action
, ReduceAction
-- , BinaryReduceAction
, ReduceMerge 
, ReduceFunction
, ReducePartition

import           Control.Concurrent
import           Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.HashTable as Hash
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.Time

import           System.Log.Logger

import           Text.XML.HXT.Arrow

import qualified Holumbus.Data.AccuMap as AMap
import           Holumbus.Common.FileHandling
import           Holumbus.Common.Utils
import qualified Holumbus.Data.AccuMap as AMap
import qualified Holumbus.Data.KeyMap as KMap
import qualified Holumbus.FileSystem.FileSystem as FS

localLogger :: String
localLogger = "Holumbus.MapReduce.Types"

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- general datatypes
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

data FunctionData
  = TupleFunctionData B.ByteString
  | FileFunctionData FS.FileId
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary FunctionData where
  put (TupleFunctionData t)  = putWord8 0 >> put t
  put (FileFunctionData f) = putWord8 1 >> put f
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
        1 -> get >>= \f -> return (FileFunctionData f)
        _ -> get >>= \b -> return (TupleFunctionData b)
instance XmlPickler FunctionData where
  xpickle = xpFunctionData
xpFunctionData :: PU FunctionData
  = xpElem "data" $
      xpAlt tag ps
      tag (TupleFunctionData _) = 0
      tag (FileFunctionData _)  = 1
      ps = [xpWrap (\p -> TupleFunctionData (encodeTuple p), \(TupleFunctionData p) -> decodeTuple p) xpRawFunctionData
           ,xpWrap (\f -> FileFunctionData f, \(FileFunctionData f) -> f) xpFileFunctionData ]
      xpRawFunctionData = xpPair (xpElem "key" xpText0) (xpElem "value" xpText0)
      xpFileFunctionData = xpElem "filename" xpText

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- general encoding / decoding
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

encodeTuple :: (Binary k, Binary v) => (k, v) -> B.ByteString
encodeTuple t = encode t

decodeTuple :: (Binary k, Binary v) => B.ByteString -> (k, v)
decodeTuple t = decode t

-- encodeTupleList :: (Binary k, Binary v) => [(k, v)] -> [B.ByteString]
-- encodeTupleList ls = map encodeTuple ls

-- decodeTupleList :: (Binary k, Binary v) => [B.ByteString] -> [(k, v)]
-- decodeTupleList ls = map decodeTuple ls

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Task DataTypes
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | the task id (should be unique in the system)
type TaskId = Integer

-- | which type (map, combine, reduce)
data TaskType = TTSplit | TTMap | TTCombine | TTReduce | TTError
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary TaskType where
  put (TTSplit)   = putWord8 1
  put (TTMap)     = putWord8 2
  put (TTCombine) = putWord8 3
  put (TTReduce)  = putWord8 4
  put (TTError)   = putWord8 0
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
       1 -> return (TTSplit)
       2 -> return (TTMap)
       3 -> return (TTCombine)
       4 -> return (TTReduce)
       _ -> return (TTError)

-- | the task state
data TaskState = TSIdle | TSSending | TSInProgress | TSCompleted | TSFinished | TSError
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)

instance Binary TaskState where
  put (TSIdle)       = putWord8 1
  put (TSSending)    = putWord8 2
  put (TSInProgress) = putWord8 3
  put (TSCompleted)  = putWord8 4
  put (TSFinished)   = putWord8 5
  put (TSError)      = putWord8 0
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
        1 -> return (TSIdle)
        2 -> return (TSSending)
        3 -> return (TSInProgress)
        4 -> return (TSCompleted)
        5 -> return (TSFinished)
        _ -> return (TSError)

getNextTaskState :: TaskState -> TaskState
getNextTaskState TSError    = TSError
getNextTaskState TSFinished = TSFinished
getNextTaskState s          = succ s

data TaskOutputType = TOTRawTuple | TOTFile
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum)
instance Binary TaskOutputType where
  put (TOTRawTuple) = putWord8 0
  put (TOTFile)     = putWord8 1
    = do
     t <- getWord8
     case t of
       0 -> return (TOTRawTuple)
       _ -> return (TOTFile)

instance XmlPickler TaskOutputType where
  xpickle = xpAttr "output" $ xpPrim

-- | the TaskData, contains all information to do the task
data TaskData = TaskData {
    td_JobId        :: ! JobId
  , td_TaskId       :: ! TaskId
  , td_Type         :: ! TaskType
  , td_State        :: ! TaskState
  , td_Option       :: ! B.ByteString
  , td_PartValue    :: ! (Maybe Int) 
  , td_Input        :: ! (Int, [FunctionData])
  , td_Output       :: ! [(Int,[FunctionData])]
  , td_OutputType   :: ! TaskOutputType
  , td_Action       :: ! ActionName
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

instance Binary TaskData where
  put (TaskData jid tid tt ts opt pv i o ot a)
    = put jid >> put tid >> put tt >> put ts >> put opt >> put pv >> put i >> put o >> put ot >> put a
    = do
      jid <- get
      tid <- get
      tt  <- get
      ts  <- get
      opt <- get
      pv  <- get
      i   <- get
      o   <- get
      ot  <- get
      a   <- get
      return (TaskData jid tid tt ts opt pv i o ot a)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Job Datatypes
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | the job id (should be unique in the system)
type JobId = Integer

-- | the job state
data JobState = JSPlanned | JSIdle | JSSplit | JSMap | JSCombine | JSReduce | JSCompleted | JSFinished | JSError
  deriving(Show, Eq, Ord, Enum)

instance Binary JobState where
  put (JSPlanned)    = putWord8 1
  put (JSIdle)       = putWord8 2
  put (JSSplit)      = putWord8 3
  put (JSMap)        = putWord8 4
  put (JSCombine)    = putWord8 5
  put (JSReduce)     = putWord8 6
  put (JSCompleted)  = putWord8 7
  put (JSFinished)   = putWord8 8
  put (JSError)      = putWord8 0
    = do
      t <- getWord8
      case t of
        1 -> return (JSPlanned)
        2 -> return (JSIdle)
        3 -> return (JSSplit)
        4 -> return (JSMap)
        5 -> return (JSCombine)
        6 -> return (JSReduce)
        7 -> return (JSCompleted)
        8 -> return (JSFinished)
        _ -> return (JSError)

getNextJobState :: JobState -> JobState
getNextJobState JSError    = JSError
getNextJobState JSFinished = JSFinished
getNextJobState s          = succ s

getPrevJobState :: JobState -> JobState
getPrevJobState JSIdle  = JSIdle
getPrevJobState JSError = JSError
getPrevJobState s       = pred s

fromJobStatetoTaskType :: JobState -> Maybe TaskType
fromJobStatetoTaskType JSSplit   = Just TTSplit
fromJobStatetoTaskType JSMap     = Just TTMap
fromJobStatetoTaskType JSCombine = Just TTCombine
fromJobStatetoTaskType JSReduce  = Just TTReduce
fromJobStatetoTaskType _         = Nothing

type OutputMap = Map.Map JobState (AMap.AccuMap Int FunctionData)

data JobAction = JobAction {
    ja_Name   :: ! ActionName
  , ja_Output :: ! TaskOutputType
  , ja_Count  :: ! Int
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Binary JobAction where
  put (JobAction n o c) = put n >> put o >> put c
    = do
      n <- get
      o <- get
      c <- get
      return (JobAction n o c)

instance XmlPickler JobAction where
  xpickle = xpJobAction
xpJobAction :: PU JobAction
xpJobAction =
    (\(n, o, c) -> JobAction n o c, 
     \(JobAction n o c) -> (n, o, c)) xpAction
  xpAction = xpTriple (xpFunction) (xpickle) (xpCount)
  xpFunction = xpAttr "name" xpText
  xpCount = xpWrap ((maybe 1 id), Just) $ xpOption $ xpAttr "count" xpickle

-- | defines a job, this is all data the user has to give to run a job
data JobInfo = JobInfo {
    ji_Description       :: ! String
  , ji_Option            :: ! B.ByteString
  , ji_SplitAction       :: ! (Maybe JobAction)
  , ji_MapAction         :: ! (Maybe JobAction)
  , ji_CombineAction     :: ! (Maybe JobAction)
  , ji_ReduceAction      :: ! (Maybe JobAction)
  , ji_NumOfResults      :: ! (Maybe Int)
  , ji_Input             :: ! [FunctionData]
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Binary JobInfo where
  put (JobInfo d opt sa ma ca ra nor i)
    = put d >> put opt >> 
      put sa >> put ma >> put ca >> put ra >> put nor >> put i
    = do
      d   <- get
      opt <- get
      sa  <- get
      ma  <- get
      ca  <- get
      ra  <- get
      nor  <- get
      i   <- get
      return (JobInfo d opt sa ma ca ra nor i)
instance XmlPickler JobInfo where
  xpickle = xpJobInfo
xpJobInfo :: PU JobInfo
xpJobInfo = 
    xpElem "jobInfo" $
      (\(n, (sa,ma,ca,ra), nor, i) -> JobInfo n (encode ()) sa ma ca ra nor i, 
       \(JobInfo n _ sa ma ca ra nor i) -> (n, (sa,ma,ca,ra), nor, i)) xpJob
    xpJob = 
        (xpAttr "name" xpText0)
    xpActions = xp4Tuple (xpSplitAction) (xpMapAction) (xpCombineAction) (xpReduceAction)
    xpSplitAction   = xpOption $ xpElem "split" $ xpJobAction
    xpMapAction     = xpOption $ xpElem "map" $ xpJobAction
    xpCombineAction = xpOption $ xpElem "combine" $ xpJobAction
    xpReduceAction  = xpOption $ xpElem "reduce" $ xpJobAction
      = xpWrap (filterEmptyList,setEmptyList) $ xpOption $
        xpElem "inputList" $ xpList xpFunctionData
    xpCount = xpOption $ xpAttr "numOfResults" xpickle

-- | the job data, include the user-input and some additional control-data
data JobData = JobData {
    jd_JobId       :: JobId
  , jd_State       :: JobState
  , jd_OutputMap   :: OutputMap
  , jd_Info        :: JobInfo
  , jd_startTime   :: UTCTime
  , jd_endTime     :: UTCTime
  , jd_Result      :: JobResultContainer

instance Show JobData where
  show (JobData jid state om _ t1 t2 _) =
    "JobId:\t" ++ show jid ++ "\n" ++
    "State:\t" ++ show state ++ "\n" ++
    "Info:\tJobInfo\n" ++
    "StartTime:\t" ++  show t1 ++ "\n" ++
    "EndTime:\t" ++ show t2 ++ "\n" ++
    "OutputMap:\n" ++ show om ++ "\n"

data JobResultContainer = JobResultContainer (MVar JobResult)

instance Show JobResultContainer where
  show _ = "JobResultContainer"

-- | the result of the job, given by the master
data JobResult = JobResult {
    jr_Output        :: [FunctionData]
  } deriving (Show)

instance Binary JobResult where
  put (JobResult o) = put o
    = do
      o <- get
      return (JobResult o)

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Reader and Writer
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | the ActionEnvironment contains all data that might be needed
--   during an action. So far, it only keeps the current task data and
--   a reference to the global filesystem and the options. 
--   This is a good place to implement counters for the map-reduce-system 
--   or other stuff...
data ActionEnvironment = ActionEnvironment {
    ae_TaskData   :: TaskData
  , ae_FileSystem :: FS.FileSystem

mkActionEnvironment :: TaskData -> FS.FileSystem -> ActionEnvironment
mkActionEnvironment td fs = ActionEnvironment td fs

type InputReader k1 v1 = B.ByteString -> IO [(k1,v1)]

type OutputWriter k2 v2 = [(k2,v2)] -> IO B.ByteString

  :: (Binary k1, Binary v1)
  => InputReader k1 v1
  -> ActionEnvironment
  -> [FunctionData] 
  -> IO [(k1,v1)]
readConnector ic ae ls
  = do
    debugM localLogger $ "readConnector: " ++ show ls
    os <- mapM (readInput (ae_FileSystem ae)) ls
    return $ concat $ catMaybes os
    -- readInput :: FS.FileSystem -> FunctionData -> IO (Maybe [(k1,v1)])
    readInput _  (TupleFunctionData t) = return $ Just $ [decode t] 
    readInput fs (FileFunctionData f)
      = do        
        debugM localLogger $ "loadInputList: getting content for: " ++ f
        mbc <- FS.getFileContent f fs
        debugM localLogger $ "loadInputList: content is: " ++ show mbc
        if isNothing mbc
          then do
            debugM localLogger $ "loadInputList: no content found"
            return Nothing
          else do
            d <- ic $ fromJust mbc
            return $ Just d

  :: (Binary k2, Binary v2)
  => OutputWriter k2 v2
  -> ActionEnvironment
  -> [(Int,[(k2,v2)])] 
  -> IO [(Int,[FunctionData])]
writeConnector oc ae ls
  = do
    debugM localLogger $ "writeConnector: "
    os <- mapM (writeOutput (ae_FileSystem ae) tot) ls
    return $ catMaybes os
    td   = ae_TaskData ae
    tot  = td_OutputType $ ae_TaskData ae
    -- writeOutput :: FS.FileSystem -> TaskOutputType -> (Int,[(k2,v2)]) -> IO (Maybe (Int,[FunctionData]))
    writeOutput _  TOTRawTuple (i,ts) 
      = return $ Just $ (i,bs)
      bs = map (\t -> TupleFunctionData $ encode t) ts
    -- TODO exception werfen 
    writeOutput fs _ (i,ts)
      = do
        c <- oc ts
        FS.appendFile fn c fs
        return $ Just (i,[FileFunctionData fn])
        fn = "j" ++ show (td_JobId td) ++ "_t" ++ show (td_TaskId td) ++ "_i" ++ show i

defaultInputReader :: (Binary k1, Binary v1) => InputReader k1 v1
defaultInputReader b
  = return $ parseByteStringToList b

defaultOutputWriter :: (Binary k2, Binary v2) => OutputWriter k2 v2
defaultOutputWriter ls
  = return $ B.concat $ map encode ls

type ActionName = String

type ActionInfo = String

data ActionConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2 v3 v4
  = ActionConfiguration {
    ac_Name          :: ActionName
  , ac_Info          :: ActionInfo
  , ac_OptEncoder    :: OptionsEncoder a
  , ac_OptDecoder    :: OptionsDecoder a
  , ac_InputEncoder  :: InputEncoder k1 v1
  , ac_OutputDecoder :: OutputDecoder k2 v4
  , ac_Split         :: Maybe (SplitConfiguration a k1 v1)
  , ac_Map           :: Maybe (MapConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2)
  , ac_Combine       :: Maybe (ReduceConfiguration a k2 v2 v3)
  , ac_Reduce        :: Maybe (ReduceConfiguration a k2 v3 v4)

data SplitConfiguration a k1 v1
  = SplitConfiguration {
    sc_Function :: SplitFunction a k1 v1
  , sc_Reader   :: InputReader k1 v1
  , sc_Writer   :: OutputWriter k1 v1

data MapConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2
  = MapConfiguration {
    mc_Function  :: MapFunction a k1 v1 k2 v2
  , mc_Partition :: MapPartition a k2 v2
  , mc_Reader    :: InputReader k1 v1
  , mc_Writer    :: OutputWriter k2 v2

data ReduceConfiguration a k2 v2 v3
  = ReduceConfiguration {
    rc_Merge     :: ReduceMerge a k2 v2
  , rc_Function  :: ReduceFunction a k2 v2 v3
  , rc_Partition :: ReducePartition a k2 v3
  , rc_Reader    :: InputReader k2 v2
  , rc_Writer    :: OutputWriter k2 v3

  :: (Binary a, Binary k1, Binary v1, Binary k2, Binary v4)
  => ActionName
  -> ActionConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2 v3 v4
defaultActionConfiguration name
  = ActionConfiguration
      (Just defaultSplitConfiguration)

  :: (Binary a, Binary k1, Binary v1)
  => SplitConfiguration a k1 v1
  = SplitConfiguration

  :: (Ord k2, Binary a, Binary k1, Binary v1, Binary k2, Binary v2)
  => MapFunction a k1 v1 k2 v2
  -> MapConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2
defaultMapConfiguration fct
  = MapConfiguration

  :: (Ord k2, Binary a, Binary k2, Binary v2, Binary v3)
  => ReduceFunction a k2 v2 v3
  -> ReduceConfiguration a k2 v2 v3
defaultReduceConfiguration fct
  = ReduceConfiguration

  :: SplitFunction a k1 v1
defaultSplit _ _ n ls 
  = return partedList
    partedList = AMap.toList $ AMap.fromList ps
    ns = [(x `mod` n) + 1 | x <- [0..]]
    is = map (\a -> [a]) ls 
    ps = zip ns is

  :: (Binary k2, Binary v2)
  => MapPartition a k2 v2
defaultPartition _ _ 1 ls
  -- To make it faster, wenn no partition is used
  = return [(1,ls)]
defaultPartition _ _ n ls
  = do
    -- calculate partition-Values
    let markedList = map (\t@(k,_) -> (hash k,t)) ls
    -- merge them
    -- TODO this might change (revert) the order of the Elements...
    let resultList = AMap.toList $ AMap.fromTupleList markedList
    return resultList
    -- calculate a hash-value, because we only have the Binary-Instance, we
    -- can only use the Bytestring of the Value
    hash k = ((fromIntegral $ Hash.hashString (show $ encode k)) `mod` n) + 1

  :: (Ord k2, Binary k2, Binary v2)
  => ReduceMerge a k2 v2
defaultMerge _ _ ls
  = return $ AMap.toList $ AMap.fromTupleList ls

data ActionData
  = ActionData {
    ad_Name    :: ActionName
  , ad_Info    :: ActionInfo
  , ad_Split   :: Maybe BinarySplitAction
  , ad_Map     :: Maybe BinaryMapAction
  , ad_Combine :: Maybe BinaryReduceAction
  , ad_Reduce  :: Maybe BinaryReduceAction

instance KMap.Key ActionData where
  getKey = ad_Name

instance Show ActionData where
  show (ActionData n i _ _ _ _) = "{ActionData name:\"" ++ n ++ "\" info:\"" ++ i ++ "\"}"

type ActionMap = KMap.KeyMap ActionData

type OptionsEncoder a = a -> B.ByteString
type OptionsDecoder a = B.ByteString -> a

defaultOptionsEncoder :: (Binary a) => OptionsEncoder a
defaultOptionsEncoder = encode

defaultOptionsDecoder :: (Binary a) => OptionsDecoder a
defaultOptionsDecoder = decode

type InputEncoder k1 v1 = [(k1,v1)] -> [FS.FileId] -> [FunctionData]
type OutputDecoder k2 v4 = [FunctionData] -> ([(k2,v4)],[FS.FileId])

defaultInputEncoder :: (Binary k1, Binary v1) => InputEncoder k1 v1
defaultInputEncoder ls1 ls2 = ls1' ++ ls2'
  ls1' = map (\t -> TupleFunctionData (encode t)) ls1
  ls2' = map (\f -> FileFunctionData f) ls2

defaultOutputDecoder :: (Binary k2, Binary v4) => OutputDecoder k2 v4
defaultOutputDecoder ls = (ls1, ls2)
  ls1 = map (\t -> decode t) $ catMaybes ls1'
  ls2 = catMaybes ls2'
  (ls1',ls2') = unzip $ map (splitter) ls
  splitter (TupleFunctionData t) = (Just t, Nothing)
  splitter (FileFunctionData f)  = (Nothing, Just f)

getActionForTaskType :: TaskType -> ActionData -> Maybe BinaryReduceAction
getActionForTaskType TTSplit   ad = ad_Split ad
getActionForTaskType TTMap     ad = ad_Map ad
getActionForTaskType TTCombine ad = ad_Combine ad
getActionForTaskType TTReduce  ad = ad_Reduce ad
getActionForTaskType _         _  = Nothing


  :: ( Ord k2, Binary a
     , Binary k1, Binary v1
     , Binary k2, Binary v2
     , Binary v3, Binary v4)
  => ActionConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2 v3 v4 
  -> ActionData
readActionConfiguration (ActionConfiguration n i _ optDec _ _ sc mc cc rc)
  = ActionData n i sf mf cf rf
  sf = maybe Nothing (\(SplitConfiguration f ir ow) -> Just $ performSplitAction optDec f ir ow) sc 
  mf = maybe Nothing (\(MapConfiguration f p ir ow) -> Just $ performMapAction optDec f p ir ow) mc
  cf = maybe Nothing (\(ReduceConfiguration m f p ir ow) -> Just $ performReduceAction optDec m f p ir ow) cc
  rf = maybe Nothing (\(ReduceConfiguration m f p ir ow) -> Just $ performReduceAction optDec m f p ir ow) rc

  :: ActionConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2 v3 v4
  -> a              -- ^ options
  -> [(k1,v1)]      -- ^ input (Tuples)
  -> [FS.FileId]    -- ^ input (Files)
  -> Int            -- ^ number of splitters
  -> Int            -- ^ number of mappers
  -> Int            -- ^ number of reducers
  -> Int            -- ^ number of results
  -> TaskOutputType -- ^ type of the result (file of raw)
  -> JobInfo
createJobInfoFromConfiguration (ActionConfiguration n _ optEnc _ inEnc _ sConf mConf cConf rConf) opts' ls1 ls2 sCnt mCnt rCnt nor' rt
  = JobInfo n opts sa ma ca ra nor i
  opts = optEnc opts'
  sa   = maybe Nothing (\_ -> Just $ JobAction n TOTFile sCnt) sConf
  ma   = maybe Nothing (\_ -> Just $ JobAction n TOTFile mCnt) mConf
  ca   = maybe Nothing (\_ -> Just $ JobAction n TOTFile mCnt) cConf
  ra   = maybe Nothing (\_ -> Just $ JobAction n rt      rCnt) rConf
  nor  = Just nor'
  i    = inEnc ls1 ls2
  :: ActionConfiguration a k1 v1 k2 v2 v3 v4
  -> JobResult
  -> ([(k2,v4)],[FS.FileId])
createListsFromJobResult ac jr = (ac_OutputDecoder ac) (jr_Output jr)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- SplitAction
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | general SplitAction
type SplitAction a k1 v1 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> Int -> [(k1,v1)] -> IO [(Int, [(k1,v1)])]

-- | SplitAction on ByteStrings
type BinarySplitAction = ActionEnvironment -> B.ByteString -> Maybe Int -> (Int,[FunctionData]) -> IO [(Int, [FunctionData])] 

type SplitFunction a k1 v1 = SplitAction a k1 v1

  :: (Binary a, Binary k1, Binary v1)
  => OptionsDecoder a
  -> SplitFunction a k1 v1
  -> InputReader k1 v1
  -> OutputWriter k1 v1
  -> ActionEnvironment
  -> B.ByteString
  -> Maybe Int
  -> (Int,[FunctionData])
  -> IO [(Int, [FunctionData])]
performSplitAction optDec fct reader writer env opts n (i,ls)
  = do
    let a = optDec opts
    infoM localLogger "performSplitAction"
    infoM localLogger "reading inputList"
    inputList <- readConnector reader env ls
    infoM localLogger "doing split"
    partedList <- case n of
      (Just n') -> fct env a n' inputList
      (Nothing) -> return [(i,inputList)]
    infoM localLogger "writing outputlist"
    outputList <- writeConnector writer env partedList
    return outputList

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- MapAction
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | general MapAction
type MapAction a k1 v1 k2 v2 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> Int -> [(k1,v1)] -> IO [(Int, [(k2,v2)])]

-- | MapAction on ByteStrings
type BinaryMapAction = ActionEnvironment -> B.ByteString -> Maybe Int -> (Int,[FunctionData]) -> IO [(Int, [FunctionData])] 

type MapFunction a k1 v1 k2 v2 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> k1 -> v1 -> IO [(k2, v2)]

type MapPartition a k2 v2 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> Int -> [(k2,v2)] -> IO [(Int, [(k2,v2)])]

  :: (Ord k2,
      Binary a, Binary k1, Binary v1, Binary k2, Binary v2)
  => OptionsDecoder a
  -> MapFunction a k1 v1 k2 v2
  -> MapPartition a k2 v2
  -> InputReader k1 v1
  -> OutputWriter k2 v2
  -> ActionEnvironment
  -> B.ByteString
  -> Maybe Int
  -> (Int,[FunctionData])
  -> IO [(Int, [FunctionData])]
performMapAction optDec fct part reader writer env opts n (i,ls)
  = do
    -- decode the options
    let a = optDec opts
    infoM localLogger "performMapAction"
    infoM localLogger "reading inputList"
    inputList <- readConnector reader env ls
    infoM localLogger "doing map"
    mappedList <- mapM (\(k1, v1) -> fct env a k1 v1) inputList
    let tupleList = concat mappedList
    infoM localLogger "doing partition"
    partedList <- case n of
      (Just n') -> part env a n' tupleList
      (Nothing) -> return [(i,tupleList)]
    infoM localLogger "writing outputlist"
    outputList <- writeConnector writer env partedList
    return outputList

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Combine- / ReduceTask
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | general MapAction
type ReduceAction a k2 v2 v3 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> Int -> [(k2,v2)] -> IO [(Int, [(k2,v3)])]

-- | MapAction on ByteStrings
type BinaryReduceAction = ActionEnvironment -> B.ByteString -> Maybe Int -> (Int,[FunctionData]) -> IO [(Int, [FunctionData])] 

type ReduceMerge a k2 v2 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> [(k2,v2)] -> IO [(k2,[v2])]

type ReduceFunction a k2 v2 v3 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> k2 -> [v2] -> IO (Maybe v3)

type ReducePartition a k2 v3 = ActionEnvironment -> a -> Int -> [(k2,v3)] -> IO [(Int, [(k2,v3)])]

  :: (Ord k2,
      Binary a, Binary k2, Binary v2, Binary v3)
  => OptionsDecoder a
  -> ReduceMerge a k2 v2
  -> ReduceFunction a k2 v2 v3
  -> ReducePartition a k2 v3
  -> InputReader k2 v2
  -> OutputWriter k2 v3
  -> ActionEnvironment
  -> B.ByteString
  -> Maybe Int
  -> (Int,[FunctionData])
  -> IO [(Int, [FunctionData])]
performReduceAction optDec merge fct part reader writer env opts n (i,ls)
  = do
    -- decode the options
    let a = optDec opts
    infoM localLogger "performReduceAction"
    infoM localLogger "reading inputList"
    inputList <- readConnector reader env ls
    infoM localLogger "doing merge"
    mergedList <- merge env a inputList
    infoM localLogger "doing reduce"
    maybesList <- mapM (\(k2,v2s) -> performReduceFunction a k2 v2s) mergedList
    let tupleList = catMaybes maybesList
    infoM localLogger "doing partition" 
    partedList <- case n of
      (Just n') -> part env a n' tupleList
      (Nothing) -> return [(i,tupleList)] 
    infoM localLogger "writing outputlist"
    outputList <- writeConnector writer env partedList
    return outputList
      performReduceFunction a k2 v2s
        = do
          mbV3 <- fct env a k2 v2s
          case mbV3 of
            (Nothing) -> return Nothing
            (Just v3) -> return $ Just (k2,v3)