{-# OPTIONS #-}

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module Holumbus.Crawler.Util

import           Control.Applicative                            ( liftA2 )

import           Data.List

import qualified Text.Regex.XMLSchema.String                  as RE

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-- | create temp file name

mkTmpFile                       :: Int -> String -> Int -> String
mkTmpFile n s i                 = (s ++) . reverse . take n . (++ replicate n '0') . reverse . show $ i

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-- | Simple predicate genertor for filtering of URIs
-- If the first predicate (isAllowed) holds and the second (isDenied) does not hold
-- the predicate holds. This can be used for constructing simple URL filters

simpleFollowRef                 :: (String -> Bool) -> (String -> Bool) -> (String -> Bool)
simpleFollowRef isAllowed isDenied
                                = isAllowed .&&. (not . isDenied)
                                  (.&&.) = liftA2 (&&)

-- | A convenient function, that takes two lists of strings in regexp syntax,
-- The first list are the patterns for the allowed strings,
-- the second one for the patterns to deny the string.
-- Two regular expressions are build from these lists of strings,
-- and the string to be tested is matched against both regexes

simpleFollowRef'                :: [String] -> [String] -> (String -> Bool)
simpleFollowRef' allowed denied
                                = simpleFollowRef allowed' denied'
    mkAlt                       :: [String] -> String
    mkAlt rs                    = "(" ++ intercalate "|" rs ++ ")"
        | null allowed          = const True
        | otherwise             = match $ mkAlt allowed
        | null denied           = const False
        | otherwise             = match $ mkAlt denied

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match                           :: String -> String -> Bool
match re                        = RE.matchRE (parseRE re)

sed                             :: (String -> String) -> String -> String -> String
sed edit re                     = parseRE re `seq` RE.sed edit re

split                           :: String -> String -> (String, String)
split re                        = parseRE re `seq` RE.split re

tokenize                        :: String -> String -> [String]
tokenize re                     = parseRE re `seq` RE.tokenize re

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parseRE                         :: String -> RE.Regex
parseRE re                      = check . RE.parseRegex $ re
    check re'
        | RE.isZero re'         = error $ "\nsyntax error in regexp: " ++ re ++ "\n" ++ RE.errRegex re'
        | otherwise             = re'

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