{-# OPTIONS #-}

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

module Holumbus.Crawler.Types

import           Control.DeepSeq

import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Monad.State
import           Control.Monad.ReaderStateIO

-- import                Control.Monad.State

import           Data.Binary                    ( Binary )
import qualified Data.Binary                    as B    -- else naming conflict with put and get from Monad.State

import           Data.Function.Selector

import           Holumbus.Crawler.Constants
import           Holumbus.Crawler.URIs
import           Holumbus.Crawler.RobotTypes
import           Holumbus.Crawler.XmlArrows                     ( checkDocumentStatus )

import           Text.XML.HXT.Core
import           Text.XML.HXT.Curl
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.RunIOStateArrow    as HXT ( theSysConfigComp )
import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState.TypeDefs           as HXT ( theInputOptions )

import           System.Log.Logger                              ( Priority(..) )

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | The action to combine the result of a single document with the accumulator for the overall crawler result.
-- This combining function runs in the IO monad to enable storing parts of the result externally
-- but it is not a CrawlerAction, else parallel crawling with forkIO is not longer applicable

type AccumulateDocResult a r    = (URI, a) -> r -> IO r

-- | The folding operator for merging partial results when working with mapFold and parallel crawling

type MergeDocResults       r    =        r -> r -> IO r

-- | The operator for saving intermediate results

type SavePartialResults    r    = FilePath -> r -> IO r

-- | The extractor function for a single document

type ProcessDocument     a      = IOSArrow XmlTree a

-- | The crawler action monad

type CrawlerAction a r          = ReaderStateIO (CrawlerConfig a r) (CrawlerState r)

-- | The crawler configuration record

data CrawlerConfig a r
    = CrawlerConfig
      { cc_sysConfig        :: SysConfig
      , cc_preRefsFilter    :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
      , cc_processRefs      :: IOSArrow XmlTree URI
      , cc_preDocFilter     :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree
      , cc_processDoc       :: ProcessDocument a
      , cc_accumulate       :: AccumulateDocResult a r              -- result accumulation runs in the IO monad to allow storing parts externally
      , cc_fold             :: MergeDocResults r
      , cc_followRef        :: URI -> Bool
      , cc_addRobotsTxt     :: CrawlerConfig a r -> AddRobotsAction
      , cc_clickLevel       :: ! Int
      , cc_maxNoOfDocs      :: ! Int
      , cc_maxParDocs       :: ! Int
      , cc_maxParThreads    :: ! Int
      , cc_saveIntervall    :: ! Int
      , cc_savePathPrefix   :: ! String
      , cc_savePreAction    :: FilePath -> CrawlerAction a r ()     -- SavePartialResults r
      , cc_traceLevel       :: ! Priority
      , cc_traceLevelHxt    :: ! Priority

-- | The crawler state record

data CrawlerState r
    = CrawlerState
      { cs_toBeProcessed    :: ! URIsWithLevel
      , cs_alreadyProcessed :: ! URIs
      , cs_robots           :: ! Robots                             -- is part of the state, it will grow during crawling
      , cs_noOfDocs         :: ! Int                                -- stop crawling when this counter reaches 0, (-1) means unlimited # of docs
      , cs_noOfDocsSaved    :: ! Int
      , cs_listOfDocsSaved  :: ! [Int]
      , cs_resultAccu       :: ! r                                  -- evaluate accumulated result, else memory leaks show up
      , cs_resultInit       :: ! r                                  -- the initial value for folding results
    deriving (Show)

instance (NFData r) => NFData (CrawlerState r) where
  rnf CrawlerState { cs_toBeProcessed    = a
                   , cs_alreadyProcessed = b
                   , cs_robots           = c
                   , cs_noOfDocs         = d
                   , cs_noOfDocsSaved    = e
                   , cs_listOfDocsSaved  = f
                   , cs_resultAccu       = g
                   , cs_resultInit       = h
                   }            = rnf a `seq` rnf b `seq` rnf c `seq` rnf d `seq`
                                  rnf e `seq` rnf f `seq` rnf g `seq` rnf h

instance (XmlPickler r) => XmlPickler (CrawlerState r) where
  xpickle               = xpElem "crawler-state" $
                          xpWrap ( \ ((d, e, f), (a, b, c, g, h)) -> CrawlerState a b c d e f g h
                                 , \ (CrawlerState a b c d e f g h) -> ( (d, e, f)
                                                                       , (a, b, c, g, h)
                                 ) $
                          xpPair ( xpTriple
                                   ( xpAttr "no-of-docs"       xpPrim )
                                   ( xpAttr "no-of-docs-saved" xpPrim )
                                   ( xpAttr "list-of-docs-saved" $
                                     xpList $
                                     xpElem "saved-at" $
                                 ( xp5Tuple
                                   ( xpElem "to-be-processed" $
                                   ( xpElem "already-processed" $
      xpURIs            = xpWrap ( fromListURIs, toListURIs ) $
                          xpList $
                          xpElem "doc" $
                          xpAttr "href" $
      xpURIsWithLevel   = xpWrap ( fromListURIs', toListURIs' ) $
                          xpList $
                          xpElem "doc" $
                          xpPair ( xpAttr "href" $
                                 ( xpAttr "clicklevel"

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | selector functions for CrawlerState

theToBeProcessed        :: Selector (CrawlerState r) URIsWithLevel
theToBeProcessed        = S cs_toBeProcessed    (\ x s -> s {cs_toBeProcessed = x})

theAlreadyProcessed     :: Selector (CrawlerState r) URIs
theAlreadyProcessed     = S cs_alreadyProcessed (\ x s -> s {cs_alreadyProcessed = x})

theRobots               :: Selector (CrawlerState r) Robots
theRobots               = S cs_robots           (\ x s -> s {cs_robots = x})

theNoOfDocs             :: Selector (CrawlerState r) Int
theNoOfDocs             = S cs_noOfDocs         (\ x s -> s {cs_noOfDocs = x})

theNoOfDocsSaved        :: Selector (CrawlerState r) Int
theNoOfDocsSaved        = S cs_noOfDocsSaved    (\ x s -> s {cs_noOfDocsSaved = x})

theListOfDocsSaved      :: Selector (CrawlerState r) [Int]
theListOfDocsSaved      = S cs_listOfDocsSaved  (\ x s -> s {cs_listOfDocsSaved = x})

theResultAccu           :: Selector (CrawlerState r) r
theResultAccu           = S cs_resultAccu       (\ x s -> s {cs_resultAccu = x})

theResultInit           :: Selector (CrawlerState r) r
theResultInit           = S cs_resultInit       (\ x s -> s {cs_resultInit = x})

-- | selector functions for CrawlerConfig

theSysConfig            :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) SysConfig
theSysConfig            = S cc_sysConfig        (\ x s -> s {cc_sysConfig = x})

theTraceLevel           :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Priority
theTraceLevel           = S cc_traceLevel       (\ x s -> s {cc_traceLevel = x})

theTraceLevelHxt        :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Priority
theTraceLevelHxt        = S cc_traceLevelHxt    (\ x s -> s {cc_traceLevelHxt = x})

theClickLevel           :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Int
theClickLevel           = S cc_clickLevel       (\ x s -> s {cc_clickLevel = x})

theMaxNoOfDocs          :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Int
theMaxNoOfDocs          = S cc_maxNoOfDocs      (\ x s -> s {cc_maxNoOfDocs = x})

theMaxParDocs           :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Int
theMaxParDocs           = S cc_maxParDocs       (\ x s -> s {cc_maxParDocs = x})

theMaxParThreads        :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Int
theMaxParThreads        = S cc_maxParThreads    (\ x s -> s {cc_maxParThreads = x})

theSaveIntervall        :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Int
theSaveIntervall        = S cc_saveIntervall    (\ x s -> s {cc_saveIntervall = x})

theSavePathPrefix       :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) String
theSavePathPrefix       = S cc_savePathPrefix   (\ x s -> s {cc_savePathPrefix = x})

theSavePreAction        :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (FilePath -> CrawlerAction a r ()) -- (SavePartialResults r)
theSavePreAction        = S cc_savePreAction    (\ x s -> s {cc_savePreAction = x})

theFollowRef            :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (URI -> Bool)
theFollowRef            = S cc_followRef        (\ x s -> s {cc_followRef = x})

theAddRobotsAction      :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (CrawlerConfig a r -> AddRobotsAction)
theAddRobotsAction      = S cc_addRobotsTxt     (\ x s -> s {cc_addRobotsTxt = x})

theAccumulateOp         :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (AccumulateDocResult a r)
theAccumulateOp         = S cc_accumulate       (\ x s -> s {cc_accumulate = x})

theFoldOp               :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (MergeDocResults r)
theFoldOp               = S cc_fold             (\ x s -> s {cc_fold = x})

thePreRefsFilter        :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree)
thePreRefsFilter        = S cc_preRefsFilter    (\ x s -> s {cc_preRefsFilter = x})

theProcessRefs          :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (IOSArrow XmlTree URI)
theProcessRefs          = S cc_processRefs      (\ x s -> s {cc_processRefs = x})

thePreDocFilter         :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree)
thePreDocFilter         = S cc_preDocFilter     (\ x s -> s {cc_preDocFilter = x})

theProcessDoc           :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) (IOSArrow XmlTree a)
theProcessDoc           = S cc_processDoc       (\ x s -> s {cc_processDoc = x})

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- a rather boring default crawler configuration

defaultCrawlerConfig    :: AccumulateDocResult a r -> MergeDocResults r -> CrawlerConfig a r
defaultCrawlerConfig op op2
    = CrawlerConfig
      { cc_sysConfig        = ( withCurl [ (curl_user_agent,                defaultCrawlerName)
                                         , (curl_max_time,          show $ (60 * 1000::Int))        -- whole transaction for reading a document must complete within 60,000 milli seconds, 
                                         , (curl_connect_timeout,   show $ (10::Int))               -- connection must be established within 10 seconds
      , cc_preRefsFilter    = this                          -- no preprocessing for refs extraction
      , cc_processRefs      = none                          -- don't extract refs
      , cc_preDocFilter     = checkDocumentStatus           -- default: in case of errors throw away any contents
      , cc_processDoc       = none                          -- no document processing at all
      , cc_accumulate       = op                            -- combining function for result accumulating
      , cc_fold             = op2
      , cc_followRef        = const False                   -- do not follow any refs
      , cc_addRobotsTxt     = const $ const return          -- do not add robots.txt evaluation
      , cc_saveIntervall    = (-1)                          -- never save an itermediate state
      , cc_savePathPrefix   = "/tmp/hc-"                    -- the prefix for filenames into which intermediate states are saved
      , cc_savePreAction    = const $ return ()             -- no action before saving state
      , cc_clickLevel       = maxBound                      -- click level set to infinity
      , cc_maxNoOfDocs      = (-1)                          -- maximum # of docs to be crawled, -1 means unlimited
      , cc_maxParDocs       = 20                            -- maximum # of doc crawled in parallel
      , cc_maxParThreads    = 5                             -- maximum # of threads running in parallel
      , cc_traceLevel       = NOTICE                        -- traceLevel
      , cc_traceLevelHxt    = WARNING                       -- traceLevel for hxt

theInputOptions         :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Attributes
theInputOptions         = theSysConfig
                          HXT.theSysConfigComp HXT.theInputOptions

theCrawlerName          :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) String
theCrawlerName          = theInputOptions
                          S { getS = lookupDef defaultCrawlerName curl_user_agent
                            , setS = addEntry curl_user_agent

theMaxTime              :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Int
theMaxTime              = theInputOptions
                          S { getS = read . lookupDef "0" curl_max_time
                            , setS = addEntry curl_max_time . show . (`max` 1)

theConnectTimeout       :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) Int
theConnectTimeout       = theInputOptions
                          S { getS = read . lookupDef "0" curl_connect_timeout
                            , setS = addEntry curl_connect_timeout . show . (`max` 1)

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Add attributes for accessing documents

addSysConfig            :: SysConfig -> CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
addSysConfig cf         = chgS theSysConfig ( >>> cf )

-- | Insert a robots no follow filter before thePreRefsFilter

addRobotsNoFollow       :: CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
addRobotsNoFollow       = chgS thePreRefsFilter ( robotsNoFollow >>> )

-- | Insert a robots no follow filter before thePreRefsFilter

addRobotsNoIndex        :: CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
addRobotsNoIndex        = chgS thePreDocFilter ( robotsNoIndex >>> )

-- | Set the log level

setCrawlerTraceLevel    :: Priority -> Priority -> CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
setCrawlerTraceLevel l lx
                        = setS theTraceLevel l
                          setS theTraceLevelHxt lx

-- | Set save intervall in config

setCrawlerSaveConf      :: Int -> String -> CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
setCrawlerSaveConf i f  = setS theSaveIntervall i
                          setS theSavePathPrefix f

-- | Set action performed before saving crawler state

setCrawlerSaveAction    :: (FilePath -> CrawlerAction a r ()) -> CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
setCrawlerSaveAction f  = setS theSavePreAction f

-- | Set max # of steps (clicks) to reach a document

setCrawlerClickLevel    :: Int -> CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
setCrawlerClickLevel mcl
                        = setS theClickLevel mcl

-- | Set max # of documents to be crawled
-- and max # of documents crawled in parallel

setCrawlerMaxDocs       :: Int -> Int -> Int -> CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
setCrawlerMaxDocs mxd mxp mxt
                        = setS theMaxNoOfDocs mxd
                          setS theMaxParDocs mxp
                          setS theMaxParThreads mxt

-- | Set the pre hook filter executed before the hrefs are collected

setCrawlerPreRefsFilter :: IOSArrow XmlTree XmlTree -> CrawlerConfig a r -> CrawlerConfig a r
setCrawlerPreRefsFilter f
                        = setS thePreRefsFilter f

-- ------------------------------------------------------------

instance (Binary r) => Binary (CrawlerState r) where
    put s               = do
                          B.put (getS theToBeProcessed s)
                          B.put (getS theAlreadyProcessed s)
                          B.put (getS theRobots s)
                          B.put (getS theNoOfDocs s)
                          B.put (getS theNoOfDocsSaved s)
                          B.put (getS theListOfDocsSaved s)
                          B.put (getS theResultAccu s)
                          B.put (getS theResultInit s)
    get                 = do
                          tbp <- B.get
                          alp <- B.get
                          rbt <- B.get
                          mxd <- B.get
                          mxs <- B.get
                          lsd <- B.get
                          acc <- B.get
                          ini <- B.get
                          return $ CrawlerState
                                   { cs_toBeProcessed    = tbp
                                   , cs_alreadyProcessed = alp
                                   , cs_robots           = rbt
                                   , cs_noOfDocs         = mxd
                                   , cs_noOfDocsSaved    = mxs
                                   , cs_listOfDocsSaved  = lsd
                                   , cs_resultAccu       = acc
                                   , cs_resultInit       = ini

putCrawlerState         :: (Binary r) => CrawlerState   r -> B.Put
putCrawlerState         = B.put

getCrawlerState         :: (Binary r) => B.Get (CrawlerState r)
getCrawlerState         = B.get

initCrawlerState        :: r -> CrawlerState r
initCrawlerState r      = CrawlerState
                          { cs_toBeProcessed    = emptyURIs
                          , cs_alreadyProcessed = emptyURIs
                          , cs_robots           = emptyRobots
                          , cs_noOfDocs         = 0
                          , cs_noOfDocsSaved    = 0
                          , cs_listOfDocsSaved  = []
                          , cs_resultAccu       = r
                          , cs_resultInit       = r

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- basic crawler actions

-- | Load a component from the crawler configuration

getConf                         :: Selector (CrawlerConfig a r) v -> CrawlerAction a r v
getConf                         = asks . getS

getState                        :: Selector (CrawlerState r) v -> CrawlerAction a r v
getState                        = gets . getS

putState                        :: Selector (CrawlerState r) v -> v -> CrawlerAction a r ()
putState sel                    = modify . setS sel

modifyState                     :: Selector (CrawlerState r) v -> (v -> v) -> CrawlerAction a r ()
modifyState sel                 = modify . chgS sel

modifyStateIO                   :: Selector (CrawlerState r) v -> (v -> IO v) -> CrawlerAction a r ()
modifyStateIO sel               = modifyIO . chgM sel

-- ------------------------------------------------------------