-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

{- |
  Module     : Holumbus.Index.Common.DiffList
  Copyright  : Copyright (C) 2011 Timo B. Huebel, Uwe Schmidt
  License    : MIT
  Maintainer : Timo B. Huebel (tbh@holumbus.org)
  Stability  : experimental
  Portability: portable
  Version    : 0.1
  Providing space efficient difference encoding for lists of integers. The encoded
  lists are compressed using "Holumbus.Data.Crunch" to save even more space. For
  convenience, conversion functions for "Data.IntSet" are provided. Only works
  for non-negative integers.


-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

module Holumbus.Index.Common.DiffList 
  -- * DiffList types
  -- * Conversion
  , fromPositions
  , toPositions
  , fromList
  , toList
  -- * Debug
  , diffs

import Data.List
import Data.Word                        ( Word32
                                        , Word64

import Holumbus.Data.Crunch

import Holumbus.Index.Common.BasicTypes ( Position )
import Holumbus.Index.Common.Occurences ( Positions
                                        , fromListPos
                                        , toAscListPos

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A single difference between two integers.
type Diff               = Word64

-- | A list of differences.
type DiffList           = [Diff]

-- | Convert a set of integers into a list of difference encoded values.

fromPositions           :: Positions -> DiffList
fromPositions           = fromList . toAscListPos

-- | Convert the difference encoded values to a list of integers.

toPositions             :: DiffList -> Positions
toPositions             = fromListPos . toList

-- | Convert a list of positions into a list of difference encoded values.

fromList                :: [Position] -> DiffList
fromList                = crunch32 . encode . sort

-- | Convert the difference encoded values to a list of integers.
-- The resulting list will be
-- sorted in ascending order

toList                  :: DiffList -> [Position]
toList                  = decode . decrunch32

-- | This is were the real work is done: Encoding a sorted list of integers.

encode                  :: [Position] -> [Word32]
encode                  = encode' 0
  encode'               :: Word32 -> [Position] -> [Word32]
  encode' _ []          = []
  encode' l (x:xs)      = n:(encode' x xs)
    n = fromIntegral (x - l)

-- | This is were the real work is done: Decoding a difference list.

decode                  :: [Word32] -> [Position]
decode                  = decode' 0
  decode'               :: Position -> [Word32] -> [Position]
  decode' _ []          = []
  decode' l (x:xs)      = n:(decode' n xs)
    n                   = (fromIntegral x) + l 

-- | Returns all differences. Used for debugging purposes.

diffs                   :: DiffList -> [Word32]
diffs                   = decrunch32

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