-- |
-- Module      :  Windll
-- Copyright   :  (c) Tamar Christina 2009 - 2010
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  tamar@zhox.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- This module contains the lookup values to do type conversions.
-- These lists are the basic, build-in predefined lists.

module WinDll.Lib.Native where

type Defs = [(String, String)]

-- | List containing mapping to C/C++ Types   
nativeLisths2c :: [(String      , String          )]
nativeLisths2c = [("String"     , "wchar_t*"      )
                 ,("Int"        , "int"           )
                 ,("Int8"       , "int8_t"        )
                 ,("Int16"      , "int16_t"       )
                 ,("Int32"      , "int32_t"       )
                 ,("Int64"      , "int64_t"       )
                 ,("Word8"      , "uint8_t"       )
                 ,("Word16"     , "uint16_t"      )
                 ,("Word32"     , "uint32_t"      )
                 ,("Word64"     , "uint64_t"      )
                 ,("Float"      , "float"         )
                 ,("Double"     , "double"        )
                 ,("CWString"   , "wchar_t*"      )
                 ,("CInt"       , "int"           )
                 ,("Bool"       , "int8_t"        )
                 ,("FastString" , "wchar_t*"      )
                 ,("FastInt"    , "int"           )
                 ,("Char"       , "wchar_t"       )
                 ,("CWchar"     , "wchar_t"       )
                 ,("CChar"      , "char"          )
                 ,("Integer"    , "long long int" )
                 ,("Rational"   , "long long int" )
                 ,("StablePtr"  , "void*"         )
                 ,("()"         , "void"          )]  
-- | Contains a list of mapping types. 
--   This is the first list to be extended by the pragmas
--   We need to preserve the Haskell type name for later
--   transformations and for FFI
nativeConvList :: [(String,String)]
nativeConvList = [("String"     ,"CWString"  )
                 ,("Int"        ,"CInt"      )
                 ,("Bool"       ,"Int8"      )
                 ,("Float"      ,"CFloat"    )
                 ,("FastString" ,"CWString"  )
                 ,("CWString"   ,"CWString"  )
                 ,("CDouble"    ,"CDouble"   )
                 ,("CInt"       ,"CInt"      )
                 ,("CIntPtr"    ,"CIntPtr"   )
                 ,("CWchar"     ,"CWchar"    )
                 ,("CLLong"     ,"CLLong"    )
                 ,("FastInt"    ,"CInt"      )
                 ,("Double"     ,"Double"    )
                 ,("Char"       ,"CWchar"    )
                 ,("Integer"    ,"CLLong"    )
                 ,("Rational"   ,"CDouble"   )
                 ,("IO"         ,"IO"        )
                 ,("()"         ,"()"        )
                 ,("StablePtr"  ,"StablePtr" )
                 ,("Ptr"        ,"Ptr"       )
                 ,("FunPtr"     ,"FunPtr"    )]
-- | List of type conversion from C/C++ to C# types
nativeC2cslist :: [(String          , String          )]
nativeC2cslist =  [("wchar_t*"      , "char*"        )
                 ,("int"           , "int"           )
                 ,("int8_t"        , "SByte"         )
                 ,("int16_t"       , "Int16"         )
                 ,("int32_t"       , "Int32"         )
                 ,("int64_t"       , "Int64"         )
                 ,("uint8_t"       , "Byte"          )
                 ,("uint16_t"      , "UInt16"        )
                 ,("uint32_t"      , "UInt32"        )
                 ,("uint64_t"      , "UInt64"        )
                 ,("float"         , "float"         )
                 ,("double"        , "double"        )
                 ,("wchar_t"       , "char"          )
                 ,("void*"         , "void*"         )
                 ,("void"          , "void"          )
                 ,("long long int" , "long"          )]
-- | List containing mapping to C# Types             
nativeCslist :: Bool -> [(String      , String          )]
nativeCslist struct = [("String"     , str             )
                      ,("Int"        , "int"           )
                      ,("Int8"       , "SByte"         )
                      ,("Int16"      , "Int16"         )
                      ,("Int32"      , "Int32"         )
                      ,("Int64"      , "Int64"         )
                      ,("Word8"      , "Byte"          )
                      ,("Word16"     , "UInt16"        )
                      ,("Word32"     , "UInt32"        )
                      ,("Word64"     , "UInt64"        )
                      ,("Float"      , "float"         )
                      ,("Double"     , "double"        )
                      ,("CWString"   , str             )
                      ,("CInt"       , "int"           )
                      ,("Bool"       , "bool"          )
                      ,("FastString" , str             )
                      ,("FastInt"    , "int"           )
                      ,("Char"       , "char"          )
                      ,("CWchar"     , "Char"          )
                      ,("CChar"      , "char"          )
                      ,("Integer"    , "long"          )
                      ,("Rational"   , "long"          )
                      ,("StablePtr"  , "IntPtr"        )
                      ,("IntPtr"     , "IntPtr"        )
                      ,("()"         , "void"          )]
   where str = if struct then "char*" else "String" 
-- | List containing mapping to CSizes 
nativeC_sizes ::[(String            , Int)]
nativeC_sizes = [("*"               , 4)
                ,("wchar_t"         , 2)
                ,("int"             , 4)
                ,("int8_t"          , 1)
                ,("int16_t"         , 2)
                ,("int32_t"         , 4)
                ,("int64_t"         , 8)
                ,("uint8_t"         , 1)
                ,("uint16_t"        , 2)
                ,("wchar_t"         , 4)
                ,("uint32_t"        , 8)
                ,("float"           , 4)
                ,("double"          , 8)
                ,("char"            , 1)
                ,("long long int"   , 8)
                ,("void"            , 0)