Name: HsOpenSSL Synopsis: (Part of) OpenSSL binding for Haskell Description: HsOpenSSL is a (part of) OpenSSL binding for Haskell. It can generate RSA keys, read and write PEM files, generate message digests, sign and verify messages, encrypt and decrypt messages. Version: 0.1.1 x-revision: 1 License: PublicDomain License-File: COPYING Author: PHO Maintainer: PHO Stability: experimental Homepage: Category: Cryptography Tested-With: GHC == 6.6.1 Build-Depends: base < 4.3, time >= 1.1.1 Exposed-Modules: OpenSSL OpenSSL.EVP.Base64 OpenSSL.EVP.Cipher OpenSSL.EVP.Digest OpenSSL.EVP.Open OpenSSL.EVP.PKey OpenSSL.EVP.Seal OpenSSL.EVP.Sign OpenSSL.EVP.Verify OpenSSL.PEM OpenSSL.PKCS7 OpenSSL.RSA OpenSSL.X509 OpenSSL.X509.Revocation OpenSSL.X509.Request OpenSSL.X509.Store Other-Modules: OpenSSL.ASN1 OpenSSL.BIO OpenSSL.BN OpenSSL.ERR OpenSSL.Objects OpenSSL.SSL OpenSSL.Stack OpenSSL.Utils OpenSSL.X509.Name Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface, EmptyDataDecls ghc-options: -O2 -fwarn-unused-imports C-Sources: cbits/HsOpenSSL.c Include-Dirs: cbits Install-Includes: HsOpenSSL.h Extra-Source-Files: NEWS cbits/HsOpenSSL.h configure examples/Makefile examples/GenRSAKey.hs examples/HelloWorld.hs examples/PKCS7.hs