{-# LINE 1 "OpenSSL/EVP/Cipher.hsc" #-}
{- -*- haskell -*- -}
{-# LINE 2 "OpenSSL/EVP/Cipher.hsc" #-}

{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-}

-- |An interface to symmetric cipher algorithms.

{-# LINE 8 "OpenSSL/EVP/Cipher.hsc" #-}

module OpenSSL.EVP.Cipher
    ( Cipher
    , EVP_CIPHER -- private
    , withCipherPtr -- private

    , getCipherByName
    , getCipherNames

    , cipherIvLength -- private

    , CipherCtx -- private
    , EVP_CIPHER_CTX -- private
    , newCtx -- private
    , withCipherCtxPtr -- private

    , CryptoMode(..)

    , cipherStrictly -- private
    , cipherLazily -- private

    , cipher
    , cipherBS
    , cipherLBS

import           Control.Monad
import           Data.ByteString.Internal (createAndTrim)
import           Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as L8Internal
import           Foreign
import           Foreign.C
import           OpenSSL.Objects
import           OpenSSL.Utils
import           System.IO.Unsafe

{- EVP_CIPHER ---------------------------------------------------------------- -}

-- |@Cipher@ is an opaque object that represents an algorithm of
-- symmetric cipher.
newtype Cipher     = Cipher (Ptr EVP_CIPHER)
data    EVP_CIPHER

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_get_cipherbyname"
        _get_cipherbyname :: CString -> IO (Ptr EVP_CIPHER)

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsOpenSSL_EVP_CIPHER_iv_length"
        _iv_length :: Ptr EVP_CIPHER -> CInt

withCipherPtr :: Cipher -> (Ptr EVP_CIPHER -> IO a) -> IO a
withCipherPtr (Cipher cipherPtr) f = f cipherPtr

-- |@'getCipherByName' name@ returns a symmetric cipher algorithm
-- whose name is @name@. If no algorithms are found, the result is
-- @Nothing@.
getCipherByName :: String -> IO (Maybe Cipher)
getCipherByName name
    = withCString name $ \ namePtr ->
      do ptr <- _get_cipherbyname namePtr
         if ptr == nullPtr then
             return Nothing
             return $ Just $ Cipher ptr

-- |@'getCipherNames'@ returns a list of name of symmetric cipher
-- algorithms.
getCipherNames :: IO [String]
getCipherNames = getObjNames CipherMethodType True

cipherIvLength :: Cipher -> Int
cipherIvLength (Cipher cipherPtr) = fromIntegral $ _iv_length cipherPtr

{- EVP_CIPHER_CTX ------------------------------------------------------------ -}

newtype CipherCtx      = CipherCtx (ForeignPtr EVP_CIPHER_CTX)

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init"
        _ctx_init :: Ptr EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "&EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup"
        _ctx_cleanup :: FunPtr (Ptr EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> IO ())

foreign import ccall unsafe "HsOpenSSL_EVP_CIPHER_CTX_block_size"
        _ctx_block_size :: Ptr EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> CInt

newCtx :: IO CipherCtx
newCtx = do ctx <- mallocForeignPtrBytes ((140))
{-# LINE 107 "OpenSSL/EVP/Cipher.hsc" #-}
            withForeignPtr ctx $ \ ctxPtr ->
                _ctx_init ctxPtr
            addForeignPtrFinalizer _ctx_cleanup ctx
            return $ CipherCtx ctx

withCipherCtxPtr :: CipherCtx -> (Ptr EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> IO a) -> IO a
withCipherCtxPtr (CipherCtx ctx) = withForeignPtr ctx

{- encrypt/decrypt ----------------------------------------------------------- -}

-- |@CryptoMode@ represents instruction to 'cipher' and such like.
data CryptoMode = Encrypt | Decrypt

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_CipherInit"
        _CipherInit :: Ptr EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> Ptr EVP_CIPHER -> CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_CipherUpdate"
        _CipherUpdate :: Ptr EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_CipherFinal"
        _CipherFinal :: Ptr EVP_CIPHER_CTX -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

cryptoModeToInt :: CryptoMode -> CInt
cryptoModeToInt Encrypt = 1
cryptoModeToInt Decrypt = 0

cipherInit :: Cipher -> String -> String -> CryptoMode -> IO CipherCtx
cipherInit (Cipher c) key iv mode
    = do ctx <- newCtx
         withCipherCtxPtr ctx $ \ ctxPtr ->
             withCString key $ \ keyPtr ->
                 withCString iv $ \ ivPtr ->
                     _CipherInit ctxPtr c keyPtr ivPtr (cryptoModeToInt mode)
                          >>= failIf_ (/= 1)
         return ctx

cipherUpdateBS :: CipherCtx -> B8.ByteString -> IO B8.ByteString
cipherUpdateBS ctx inBS
    = withCipherCtxPtr ctx $ \ ctxPtr ->
      unsafeUseAsCStringLen inBS $ \ (inBuf, inLen) ->
      createAndTrim (inLen + fromIntegral (_ctx_block_size ctxPtr) - 1) $ \ outBuf ->
      alloca $ \ outLenPtr ->
      _CipherUpdate ctxPtr (castPtr outBuf) outLenPtr inBuf (fromIntegral inLen)
           >>= failIf (/= 1)
           >>  liftM fromIntegral (peek outLenPtr)

cipherFinalBS :: CipherCtx -> IO B8.ByteString
cipherFinalBS ctx
    = withCipherCtxPtr ctx $ \ ctxPtr ->
      createAndTrim (fromIntegral $ _ctx_block_size ctxPtr) $ \ outBuf ->
      alloca $ \ outLenPtr ->
      _CipherFinal ctxPtr (castPtr outBuf) outLenPtr
           >>= failIf (/= 1)
           >>  liftM fromIntegral (peek outLenPtr)

-- |@'cipher'@ lazilly encrypts or decrypts a stream of data. The
-- input string doesn't necessarily have to be finite.
cipher :: Cipher     -- ^ algorithm to use
       -> String     -- ^ symmetric key
       -> String     -- ^ IV
       -> CryptoMode -- ^ operation
       -> String     -- ^ An input string to encrypt\/decrypt. Note
                     --   that the string must not contain any letters
                     --   which aren't in the range of U+0000 -
                     --   U+00FF.
       -> IO String  -- ^ the result string
cipher c key iv mode input
    = liftM L8.unpack $ cipherLBS c key iv mode $ L8.pack input

-- |@'cipherBS'@ strictly encrypts or decrypts a chunk of data.
cipherBS :: Cipher        -- ^ algorithm to use
         -> String        -- ^ symmetric key
         -> String        -- ^ IV
         -> CryptoMode    -- ^ operation
         -> B8.ByteString    -- ^ input string to encrypt\/decrypt
         -> IO B8.ByteString -- ^ the result string
cipherBS c key iv mode input
    = do ctx <- cipherInit c key iv mode
         cipherStrictly ctx input

-- |@'cipherLBS'@ lazilly encrypts or decrypts a stream of data. The
-- input string doesn't necessarily have to be finite.
cipherLBS :: Cipher            -- ^ algorithm to use
          -> String            -- ^ symmetric key
          -> String            -- ^ IV
          -> CryptoMode        -- ^ operation
          -> L8.ByteString    -- ^ input string to encrypt\/decrypt
          -> IO L8.ByteString -- ^ the result string
cipherLBS c key iv mode input
    = do ctx <- cipherInit c key iv mode
         cipherLazily ctx input

cipherStrictly :: CipherCtx -> B8.ByteString -> IO B8.ByteString
cipherStrictly ctx input
    = do output'  <- cipherUpdateBS ctx input
         output'' <- cipherFinalBS ctx
         return $ B8.append output' output''

cipherLazily :: CipherCtx -> L8.ByteString -> IO L8.ByteString

cipherLazily ctx (L8Internal.Empty) =
  cipherFinalBS ctx >>= \ bs -> (return . L8.fromChunks) [bs]

cipherLazily ctx (L8Internal.Chunk x xs) = do
  y  <- cipherUpdateBS ctx x
  ys <- unsafeInterleaveIO $
        cipherLazily ctx xs
  return $ L8Internal.Chunk y ys