-- | The virtual machine on which the specifications execute.
module Test.IOSpec.VirtualMachine
  -- * The Virtual Machine
  , Data
  , Loc
  , Scheduler
  , Store
  , ThreadId
  , initialStore
  -- * Primitive operations on the VM
  , alloc
  , emptyLoc
  , freshThreadId
  , finishThread
  , lookupHeap
  , mainTid
  , printChar
  , readChar
  , updateHeap
  , updateSoup
  -- * The observable effects on the VM
  , Effect (..)
  -- * Sample schedulers
  -- $schedulerDoc
  , roundRobin
  , singleThreaded
  -- * Executing code on the VM
  , Executable(..)
  , Step(..)
  , runIOSpec
  , evalIOSpec
  , execIOSpec

import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Stream as Stream
import Test.IOSpec.Types
import Test.QuickCheck

type Data         = Dynamic
type Loc          = Int
type Heap         = Loc -> Maybe Data

newtype ThreadId  = ThreadId Int deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary ThreadId where
  arbitrary                = liftM ThreadId arbitrary
  coarbitrary (ThreadId k) = coarbitrary k

newtype Scheduler =
  Scheduler (Int -> (Int, Scheduler))

instance Arbitrary Scheduler where
  arbitrary   = liftM streamSched arbitrary
  coarbitrary = internalError
    "Test.IOSpec: no definition of coarbitrary for Schedulers."

instance Show Scheduler where
  show _ = "Test.IOSpec.Scheduler"

data ThreadStatus =
     forall f b . Executable f => Running (IOSpec f b)
  |  Finished

type ThreadSoup = ThreadId -> ThreadStatus

data Store =
  Store { fresh :: Loc
        ,  heap :: Heap
        ,  nextTid :: ThreadId
        ,  blockedThreads :: [ThreadId]
        ,  finishedThreads :: [ThreadId]
        ,  scheduler :: Scheduler
        ,  threadSoup :: ThreadSoup

initialStore :: Scheduler -> Store
initialStore sch =
  Store { fresh = 0
        , heap = internalError "Access of unallocated memory "
        , nextTid = ThreadId 1
        , blockedThreads = []
        , finishedThreads = []
        , scheduler = sch
        , threadSoup = internalError "Unknown thread scheduled"

-- Auxiliary functions
modifyFresh :: (Loc -> Loc) -> VM ()
modifyFresh f           = do s <- get
                             put (s {fresh = f (fresh s)})

modifyHeap :: (Heap -> Heap) -> VM ()
modifyHeap f            = do s <- get
                             put (s {heap = f (heap s)})

modifyNextTid :: (ThreadId -> ThreadId) -> VM ()
modifyNextTid f         = do s <- get
                             put (s {nextTid = f (nextTid s)})

modifyBlockedThreads :: ([ThreadId] -> [ThreadId]) -> VM ()
modifyBlockedThreads f  = do s <- get
                             put (s {blockedThreads = f (blockedThreads s)})

modifyFinishedThreads :: ([ThreadId] -> [ThreadId]) -> VM ()
modifyFinishedThreads f  = do s <- get
                              put (s {finishedThreads = f (finishedThreads s)})

modifyScheduler :: (Scheduler -> Scheduler) -> VM ()
modifyScheduler f       = do s <- get
                             put (s {scheduler = f (scheduler s)})

modifyThreadSoup :: (ThreadSoup -> ThreadSoup) -> VM ()
modifyThreadSoup f = do s <- get
                        put (s {threadSoup = f (threadSoup s)})

-- | The 'VM' monad is essentially a state monad, modifying the
-- store. Besides returning pure values, various primitive effects
-- may occur, such as printing characters or failing with an error
-- message.
type VM a = StateT Store Effect a

-- | The 'alloc' function allocate a fresh location on the heap.
alloc :: VM Loc
alloc = do  loc <- gets fresh
            modifyFresh ((+) 1)
            return loc

-- | The 'emptyLoc' function removes the data stored at a given
-- location. This corresponds, for instance, to emptying an @MVar@.
emptyLoc :: Loc -> VM ()
emptyLoc l = modifyHeap (update l Nothing)

-- | The 'freshThreadId' function returns a previously unallocated 'ThreadId'.
freshThreadId :: VM ThreadId
freshThreadId = do
  t <- gets nextTid
  modifyNextTid (\(ThreadId n) -> ThreadId (n+1))
  return t

-- | The 'finishThread' function kills the thread with the specified
-- 'ThreadId'.
finishThread :: ThreadId -> VM ()
finishThread tid = do
  modifyFinishedThreads (tid:)
  modifyThreadSoup (update tid Finished)

-- | The 'blockThread' method is used to record when a thread cannot
-- make progress.
blockThread :: ThreadId -> VM ()
blockThread tid = modifyBlockedThreads (tid:)

-- | When progress is made, the 'resetBlockedThreads' function
-- | ensures that any thread can be scheduled.
resetBlockedThreads :: VM ()
resetBlockedThreads = modifyBlockedThreads (const [])

-- | The 'lookupHeap' function returns the data stored at a given
-- heap location, if there is any.
lookupHeap :: Loc -> VM (Maybe Data)
lookupHeap l = do  h <- gets heap
                   return (h l)

-- | The 'mainTid' constant is the 'ThreadId' of the main process.
mainTid :: ThreadId
mainTid = ThreadId 0

-- | The 'readChar' and 'printChar' functions are the primitive
-- counterparts of 'getChar' and 'putChar' in the 'VM' monad.
readChar :: VM Char
readChar = StateT (\s -> (ReadChar (\c -> (Done (c,s)))))

printChar :: Char -> VM ()
printChar c = StateT (\s -> (Print c (Done ((),s))))

-- | The 'updateHeap' function overwrites a given location with
-- new data.
updateHeap :: Loc -> Data -> VM ()
updateHeap l d  = modifyHeap (update l (Just d))

-- | The 'updateSoup' function updates the process associated with a
-- given 'ThreadId'.
updateSoup :: Executable f => ThreadId -> IOSpec f a -> VM ()
updateSoup tid p = modifyThreadSoup (update tid (Running p))

update :: Eq a => a -> b -> (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
update l d h k
  | l == k       = d
  | otherwise    = h k

-- | The 'Effect' type contains all the primitive effects that are
-- observable on the virtual machine.
data Effect a =
    Done a
  | ReadChar (Char -> Effect a)
  | Print Char (Effect a)
  | Fail String

instance Functor Effect where
  fmap f (Done x) = Done (f x)
  fmap f (ReadChar t) = ReadChar (\c -> fmap f (t c))
  fmap f (Print c t) = Print c (fmap f t)
  fmap _ (Fail msg) = Fail msg

instance Monad Effect where
  return = Done
  (Done x) >>= f = f x
  (ReadChar t) >>= f = ReadChar (\c -> t c >>= f)
  (Print c t) >>= f = Print c (t >>= f)
  (Fail msg) >>= _ = Fail msg

-- $schedulerDoc
-- There are two example scheduling algorithms 'roundRobin' and
-- 'singleThreaded'. Note that 'Scheduler' is also an instance of
-- @Arbitrary@. Using QuickCheck to generate random schedulers is a
-- great way to maximise the number of interleavings that your tests
-- cover.

-- | The 'roundRobin' scheduler provides a simple round-robin scheduler.
roundRobin :: Scheduler
roundRobin = streamSched (Stream.unfold (\k -> (k, k+1)) 0)

-- | The 'singleThreaded' scheduler will never schedule forked
-- threads, always scheduling the main thread. Only use this
-- scheduler if your code is not concurrent.
singleThreaded :: Scheduler
singleThreaded = streamSched (Stream.repeat 0)

streamSched :: Stream.Stream Int -> Scheduler
streamSched (Stream.Cons x xs) =
  Scheduler (\k -> (x `mod` k, streamSched xs))

-- | The 'Executable' type class captures all the different types of
-- operations that can be executed in the 'VM' monad.
class Functor f => Executable f where
  step :: f a -> VM (Step a)

data Step a = Step a | Block

instance (Executable f, Executable g) => Executable (f :+: g) where
  step (Inl x) = step x
  step (Inr y) = step y

-- The 'execVM' function essentially schedules a thread and allows
-- it to perform a single step. If the main thread is finished, it
-- returns the final result of the comptuation.
execVM :: Executable f => IOSpec f a -> VM a
execVM main = do
  (tid,t) <- schedule main
  case t of
    (Main (Pure x)) -> resetBlockedThreads >> return x
    (Main (Impure p)) -> do x <- step p
                            case x of
                              Step y -> resetBlockedThreads >> execVM y
                              Block -> blockThread mainTid >> execVM main
    (Aux (Pure _)) -> do finishThread tid
                         execVM main
    (Aux (Impure p)) -> do x <- step p
                           case x of
                             Step y -> resetBlockedThreads >>
                                       updateSoup tid y >>
                                       execVM main
                             Block -> blockThread tid >>
                                      execVM main
-- A Process is the result of a call to the scheduler.
data Process a =
     forall f . Executable f => Main (IOSpec f a)
  |  forall f b . Executable f => Aux (IOSpec f b)

-- Gets the ThreadId of the next thread to schedule.
getNextThreadId :: VM ThreadId
getNextThreadId = do
  Scheduler sch <- gets scheduler
  (ThreadId total) <- gets nextTid
  let allTids = [ThreadId i | i <- [0 .. total - 1]]
  blockedTids <- gets blockedThreads
  finishedTids <- gets finishedThreads
  let activeThreads = allTids \\ (blockedTids `union` finishedTids)
  let (i,s) = sch (length activeThreads)
  modifyScheduler (const s)
  return (activeThreads !! i)

-- The 'schedule' function tries to schedule an active thread,
-- returning the scheduled thread's ThreadId and the process
-- associated with that id.
schedule :: Executable f => IOSpec f a -> VM (ThreadId, Process a)
schedule main = do  tid <- getNextThreadId
                    if tid == mainTid
                      then return (mainTid, Main main)
                      else do
                        tsoup <- gets threadSoup
                        case tsoup tid of
                          Finished ->  internalError
                            "Scheduled finished thread."
                          Running p -> return (tid, Aux p)

-- | The 'runIOSpec' function is the heart of this library.  Given
-- the scheduling algorithm you want to use, it will run a value of
-- type 'IOSpec' @f@ @a@, returning the sequence of observable effects
-- together with the final store.
runIOSpec :: Executable f => IOSpec f a -> Scheduler -> Effect (a, Store)
runIOSpec io sched = runStateT
                       (execVM io)
                       (initialStore sched)

-- | The 'execIOSpec' returns the final 'Store' after executing a
-- computation.
-- /Beware/: this function assumes that your computation will
-- succeed, without any other visible 'Effect'. If your computation
-- reads a character from the teletype, for instance, it will return
-- an error.
execIOSpec :: Executable f => IOSpec f a -> Scheduler -> Store
execIOSpec io sched =
  case runIOSpec io sched of
    Done (_,s) -> s
    _ -> error $ "Failed application of Test.IOSpec.execIOSpec.\n" ++
                 "Probable cause: your function uses functions such as " ++
                 "putChar and getChar. Check the preconditions for calling " ++
                 "this function in the IOSpec documentation."

-- | The 'evalIOSpec' function returns the effects a computation
-- yields, but discards the final state of the virtual machine.
evalIOSpec :: Executable f => IOSpec f a -> Scheduler -> Effect a
evalIOSpec io sched = fmap fst (runIOSpec io sched)

internalError :: String -> a
internalError msg = error ("IOSpec.VirtualMachine: " ++ msg)