-- | Combinators for Text.JSONb data types. <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/JSONb>
module Text.JSONb.Combinator where

import Data.Maybe
import Control.Arrow
import Text.JSONb
import Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Trie
import qualified Data.Trie as T
import qualified Data.Foldable as F

-- | The type of JSON arrays.
type JArray = [JSON]

-- | The type of JSON objects.
type JObject = Trie JSON

-- | Inverts the JSON value if it is a boolean.
jNot ::
  -> JSON
jNot (Boolean x) = Boolean (not x)
jNot j           = j

-- | Runs the given function if the JSON value is a number.
withNumber ::
  (Rational -> Rational)
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
withNumber f (Number r) = Number (f r)
withNumber _ j          = j

-- | Runs the given function if the JSON value is a string.
withString ::
  (ByteString -> ByteString)
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
withString f (String x) = String (f x)
withString _ j          = j

-- | Runs the given function if the JSON value is an array.
withArray ::
  (JArray -> JArray)
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
withArray f (Array x) = Array (f x)
withArray _ j          = j

-- | Runs the given function if the JSON value is an object.
withObject ::
  (JObject -> JObject)
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
withObject f (Object x) = Object (f x)
withObject _ j          = j

-- | Runs the given function on the fields if the JSON value is an object.
withObjectFields ::
  (ByteString -> ByteString)
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
withObjectFields f =
  withObject (fromList . fmap (first f) . toList)

-- | Runs the given function on the field values if the JSON value is an object.
withObjectValues ::
  (JSON -> JSON)
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
withObjectValues f =
  withObject (fromList . fmap (second f) . toList)

-- | Prepends the given association if the JSON is an object.
(->:) ::
  (ByteString, JSON)
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
(k, v) ->: Object x = Object (insert k v x)
_      ->: x        = x

-- | Prepends the given value if the JSON is an array.
(-->>:) ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
k -->>: Array x = Array (k : x)
_ -->>: x       = x

-- | A JSON number with the value zero.
jZero ::
jZero =
  Number 0

-- | A JSON string with a value of empty.
jEmptyString ::
jEmptyString =
  String S.empty

-- | A JSON array with a value of empty.
jEmptyArray ::
jEmptyArray =
  Array []

-- | A JSON object with a value of empty.
jEmptyObject ::
jEmptyObject =
  Object T.empty

-- | A JSON boolean with a value of true.
jTrue ::
jTrue =
  Boolean True

-- | A JSON boolean with a value of false.
jFalse ::
jFalse =
  Boolean False

-- | Returns a JSON array value with the given single value.
jSingleArray ::
  -> JSON
jSingleArray x =
  Array [x]

-- | Returns a JSON object value with the given single association value.
jSingleObject ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
jSingleObject k v =
  Object (T.singleton k v)

-- | Returns the potential boolean value of a JSON value.
getBool ::
  -> Maybe Bool
getBool (Boolean x) = Just x
getBool _           = Nothing

-- | Returns the potential number value of a JSON value.
getNumber ::
  -> Maybe Rational
getNumber (Number x) = Just x
getNumber _          = Nothing

-- | Returns the potential string value of a JSON value.
getString ::
  -> Maybe ByteString
getString (String x) = Just x
getString _          = Nothing

-- | Returns the potential array value of a JSON value.
getArray ::
  -> Maybe [JSON]
getArray (Array x) = Just x
getArray _         = Nothing

-- | Returns the potential object value of a JSON value.
getObject ::
  -> Maybe (Trie JSON)
getObject (Object x) = Just x
getObject _          = Nothing

-- | Returns the potential object fields of a JSON value.
getObjectFields ::
  -> Maybe [ByteString]
getObjectFields =
  fmap keys . getObject

-- | Returns the potential object field values of a JSON value.
getObjectValues ::
  -> Maybe [JSON]
getObjectValues =
  fmap (fmap snd . toList) . getObject

-- | Returns whether or not a JSON is a boolean value.
isBool ::
  -> Bool
isBool =
  isJust . getBool

-- | Returns whether or not a JSON is a boolean with the value true.
isTrue ::
  -> Bool
isTrue =
  F.or . getBool

-- | Returns whether or not a JSON is a boolean with the value false.
isFalse ::
  -> Bool
isFalse =
  not . F.and . getBool

-- | Returns whether or not a JSON is a number value.
isNumber ::
  -> Bool
isNumber =
  isJust . getNumber

-- | Returns whether or not a JSON is a string value.
isString ::
  -> Bool
isString =
  isJust . getString

-- | Returns whether or not a JSON is an array value.
isArray ::
  -> Bool
isArray =
  isJust . getArray

-- | Returns whether or not a JSON is an object value.
isObject ::
  -> Bool
isObject =
  isJust . getObject

-- | Returns a number value from a JSON value or if it is not a number, returns the given default.
numberOr ::
  -> JSON
  -> Rational
numberOr x =
  fromMaybe x . getNumber

-- | Returns a string value from a JSON value or if it is not a string, returns the given default.
stringOr ::
  -> JSON
  -> ByteString
stringOr x =
  fromMaybe x . getString

-- | Returns a rational value from a JSON value or if it is not a rational, returns the given default.
arrayOr ::
  -> JSON
  -> JArray
arrayOr x =
  fromMaybe x . getArray

-- | Returns an object value from a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns the given default.
objectOr ::
  Trie JSON
  -> JSON
  -> Trie JSON
objectOr x =
  fromMaybe x . getObject

-- | Returns an object's fields from a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns the given default.
objectFieldsOr ::
  -> JSON
  -> [ByteString]
objectFieldsOr x =
  fromMaybe x . getObjectFields

-- | Returns an object's values from a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns the given default.
objectValuesOr ::
  -> JSON
  -> [JSON]
objectValuesOr x =
  fromMaybe x . getObjectValues

-- | Returns a number value from a JSON value or if it is not a number, returns zero.
numberOrZero ::
  -> Rational
numberOrZero =
  numberOr 0

-- | Returns a string value from a JSON value or if it is not a string, returns an empty string.
stringOrEmpty ::
  -> ByteString
stringOrEmpty =
  stringOr S.empty

-- | Returns an array value from a JSON value or if it is not an array, returns an empty array.
arrayOrEmpty ::
  -> JArray
arrayOrEmpty =
  arrayOr []

-- | Returns an object value from a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns an empty object.
objectOrEmpty ::
  -> Trie JSON
objectOrEmpty =
  objectOr T.empty

-- | Returns an object's fields from a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns no fields.
objectFieldsOrEmpty ::
  -> [ByteString]
objectFieldsOrEmpty =
  objectFieldsOr []

-- | Returns an object's values from a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns no values.
objectValuesOrEmpty ::
  -> [JSON]
objectValuesOrEmpty =
  objectValuesOr []

-- | Runs a function on the number of a JSON value or if it is not a number, returns the given default.
usingNumber ::
  -> (Rational -> a)
  -> JSON
  -> a
usingNumber a f =
  maybe a f . getNumber

-- | Runs a function on the string of a JSON value or if it is not a string, returns the given default.
usingString ::
  -> (ByteString -> a)
  -> JSON
  -> a
usingString a f =
  maybe a f . getString

-- | Runs a function on the array of a JSON value or if it is not an array, returns the given default.
usingArray ::
  -> ([JSON] -> a)
  -> JSON
  -> a
usingArray a f =
  maybe a f . getArray

-- | Runs a function on the object of a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns the given default.
usingObject ::
  -> (Trie JSON -> a)
  -> JSON
  -> a
usingObject a f =
  maybe a f . getObject

-- | Runs a function on the fields of an object of a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns the given default.
usingObjectFields ::
  -> ([ByteString] -> a)
  -> JSON
  -> a
usingObjectFields a f =
  maybe a f . getObjectFields

-- | Runs a function on the values of an object of a JSON value or if it is not an object, returns the given default.
usingObjectValues ::
  -> ([JSON] -> a)
  -> JSON
  -> a
usingObjectValues a f =
  maybe a f . getObjectValues

-- | Whether or not a JSON value is an object with the given field.
hasField ::
  -> JSON
  -> Bool
hasField s =
  isJust . field s

-- | Whether or not a JSON value is an object with the given field. An alias for 'hasField'.
(-?) ::
  -> JSON
  -> Bool
(-?) =

-- | Returns the possible value associated with the given field if this is an object.
field ::
  -> JSON
  -> Maybe JSON
field s j =
  getObject j >>= T.lookup s

-- | Returns the possible value associated with the given field if this is an object. An alias for 'field'.
(-|) ::
  -> JSON
  -> Maybe JSON
(-|) =

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return the given default.
fieldOr ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOr s =
  flip fromMaybe . field s

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return a JSON null.
fieldOrNull ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOrNull s j =
  fieldOr s j Null

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return a JSON true.
fieldOrTrue ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOrTrue s j =
  fieldOr s j jTrue

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return a JSON false.
fieldOrFalse ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOrFalse s j =
  fieldOr s j jFalse

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return a JSON zero.
fieldOrZero ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOrZero s j =
  fieldOr s j jZero

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return a JSON string that is empty.
fieldOrEmptyString ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOrEmptyString s j =
  fieldOr s j jEmptyString

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return a JSON array that is empty.
fieldOrEmptyArray ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOrEmptyArray s j =
  fieldOr s j jEmptyArray

-- | Returns the value associated with the given field or if this is not an object or has no associated value, return a JSON object that is empty.
fieldOrEmptyObject ::
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
fieldOrEmptyObject s j =
  fieldOr s j jEmptyObject

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns true if the association graph exists.
hasField' ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> Bool
hasField' s =
  isJust . field' s

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns true if the association graph exists. An alias for 'hasField''.
(-??) ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> Bool
(-??) =

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value.
field' ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> Maybe JSON
field' =
  flip (F.foldrM field)

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value. An alias for 'field''.
(-||) ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> Maybe JSON
(-||) =

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or the given default.
field'Or ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  -> t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'Or d s =
  fromMaybe d . field' s

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or a JSON null.
field'OrNull ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'OrNull =
  field'Or Null

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or a JSON true.
field'OrTrue ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'OrTrue =
  field'Or jTrue

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or a JSON false.
field'OrFalse ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'OrFalse =
  field'Or jFalse

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or a JSON zero.
field'OrZero ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'OrZero =
  field'Or jZero

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or a JSON empty string.
field'OrEmptyString ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'OrEmptyString =
  field'Or jEmptyString

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or a JSON empty array.
field'OrEmptyArray ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'OrEmptyArray =
  field'Or jEmptyArray

-- | Traverses down JSON objects with the association fields and returns the potential value or a JSON empty object.
field'OrEmptyObject ::
  F.Foldable t =>
  t ByteString
  -> JSON
  -> JSON
field'OrEmptyObject =
  field'Or jEmptyObject

-- | Interacts by parsing the standard input for JSON, passing the result to the given function, then printing the result to standard output.
interactJSON ::
  (Either String JSON -> JSON)
  -> IO ()
interactJSON f =
  S.interact (encode Compact . f . decode)

-- | Interacts by parsing the standard input for JSON, passing a failed result with a string error message to the given function, or a successful result to the given function, then printing the result to standard output.
interactJSON' ::
  (String -> JSON)
  -> (JSON -> JSON)
  -> IO ()
interactJSON' l = interactJSON . either l

-- | Interacts by parsing the standard input for JSON, executing the given function for a failed result with a string error message, or printing a successful result to the given function and passing the result to standard output.
withJSON ::
  (String -> IO ())
  -> (JSON -> JSON)
  -> IO ()
withJSON f g =
  S.getContents >>= either f (S.putStr . encode Compact . g) . decode

-- | Interacts by parsing the given file for JSON, passing the result to the given function, then writing the result to the given file.
interactJSONFile ::
  (Either String JSON -> JSON)
  -> FilePath
  -> FilePath
  -> IO ()
interactJSONFile f i o =
  S.readFile i >>= S.writeFile o . (encode Compact . f) . decode

-- | Interacts by parsing the given file for JSON, passing a failed result with a string error message to the given function, or a successful result to the given function, then writing the result to the given file.
interactJSONFile' ::
  (String -> JSON)
  -> (JSON -> JSON)
  -> FilePath
  -> FilePath
  -> IO ()
interactJSONFile' l =
  interactJSONFile . either l

-- | Interacts by parsing the given file for JSON, executing the given function for a failed result with a string error message, or printing a successful result to the given function and writing the result to the given file.
withJSONFile ::
  (String -> IO ())
  -> (JSON -> JSON)
  -> FilePath
  -> FilePath
  -> IO ()
withJSONFile f g i o =
  S.readFile i >>= either f (S.writeFile o . encode Compact . g) . decode