{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | Module implementing GIF decoding. module Codec.Picture.Gif ( -- * Reading decodeGif , decodeGifWithMetadata , decodeGifWithPaletteAndMetadata , decodeGifImages , getDelaysGifImages -- * Writing , GifDelay , GifLooping( .. ) , encodeGifImage , encodeGifImageWithPalette , encodeGifImages , writeGifImage , writeGifImageWithPalette , writeGifImages , greyPalette ) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative( pure, (<*>), (<$>) ) #endif import Control.Arrow( first ) import Control.Monad( replicateM, replicateM_, unless ) import Control.Monad.ST( runST ) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class( lift ) import Data.Bits( (.&.), (.|.) , unsafeShiftR , unsafeShiftL , testBit, setBit ) import Data.Word( Word8, Word16 ) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as M import Data.Binary( Binary(..), encode ) import Data.Binary.Get( Get , getWord8 , getWord16le , getByteString , bytesRead , skip ) import Data.Binary.Put( Put , putWord8 , putWord16le , putByteString ) import Codec.Picture.InternalHelper import Codec.Picture.Types import Codec.Picture.Metadata( Metadatas , SourceFormat( SourceGif ) , basicMetadata ) import Codec.Picture.Gif.LZW import Codec.Picture.Gif.LZWEncoding import Codec.Picture.BitWriter -- | Delay to wait before showing the next Gif image. -- The delay is expressed in 100th of seconds. type GifDelay = Int -- | Help to control the behaviour of GIF animation looping. data GifLooping = -- | The animation will stop once the end is reached LoopingNever -- | The animation will restart once the end is reached | LoopingForever -- | The animation will repeat n times before stoping | LoopingRepeat Word16 {- ::= Header * Trailer ::= Logical Screen Descriptor [Global Color Table] ::= | ::= [Graphic Control Extension] ::= | Plain Text Extension ::= Image Descriptor [Local Color Table] Image Data ::= Application Extension | Comment Extension -} -------------------------------------------------- ---- GifVersion -------------------------------------------------- data GifVersion = GIF87a | GIF89a gif87aSignature, gif89aSignature :: B.ByteString gif87aSignature = B.pack $ map (fromIntegral . fromEnum) "GIF87a" gif89aSignature = B.pack $ map (fromIntegral . fromEnum) "GIF89a" instance Binary GifVersion where put GIF87a = putByteString gif87aSignature put GIF89a = putByteString gif89aSignature get = do sig <- getByteString (B.length gif87aSignature) case (sig == gif87aSignature, sig == gif89aSignature) of (True, _) -> pure GIF87a (_ , True) -> pure GIF89a _ -> fail $ "Invalid Gif signature : " ++ (toEnum . fromEnum <$> B.unpack sig) -------------------------------------------------- ---- LogicalScreenDescriptor -------------------------------------------------- -- | Section 18 of spec-gif89a data LogicalScreenDescriptor = LogicalScreenDescriptor { -- | Stored on 16 bits screenWidth :: !Word16 -- | Stored on 16 bits , screenHeight :: !Word16 -- | Stored on 8 bits , backgroundIndex :: !Word8 -- | Stored on 1 bit , hasGlobalMap :: !Bool -- | Stored on 3 bits , colorResolution :: !Word8 -- | Stored on 1 bit , isColorTableSorted :: !Bool -- | Stored on 3 bits , colorTableSize :: !Word8 } instance Binary LogicalScreenDescriptor where put v = do putWord16le $ screenWidth v putWord16le $ screenHeight v let globalMapField | hasGlobalMap v = 0x80 | otherwise = 0 colorTableSortedField | isColorTableSorted v = 0x08 | otherwise = 0 tableSizeField = (colorTableSize v - 1) .&. 7 colorResolutionField = ((colorResolution v - 1) .&. 7) `unsafeShiftL` 4 packedField = globalMapField .|. colorTableSortedField .|. tableSizeField .|. colorResolutionField putWord8 packedField putWord8 0 -- aspect ratio putWord8 $ backgroundIndex v get = do w <- getWord16le h <- getWord16le packedField <- getWord8 backgroundColorIndex <- getWord8 _aspectRatio <- getWord8 return LogicalScreenDescriptor { screenWidth = w , screenHeight = h , hasGlobalMap = packedField `testBit` 7 , colorResolution = (packedField `unsafeShiftR` 4) .&. 0x7 + 1 , isColorTableSorted = packedField `testBit` 3 , colorTableSize = (packedField .&. 0x7) + 1 , backgroundIndex = backgroundColorIndex } -------------------------------------------------- ---- ImageDescriptor -------------------------------------------------- -- | Section 20 of spec-gif89a data ImageDescriptor = ImageDescriptor { gDescPixelsFromLeft :: !Word16 , gDescPixelsFromTop :: !Word16 , gDescImageWidth :: !Word16 , gDescImageHeight :: !Word16 , gDescHasLocalMap :: !Bool , gDescIsInterlaced :: !Bool , gDescIsImgDescriptorSorted :: !Bool , gDescLocalColorTableSize :: !Word8 } imageSeparator, extensionIntroducer, gifTrailer :: Word8 imageSeparator = 0x2C extensionIntroducer = 0x21 gifTrailer = 0x3B graphicControlLabel, commentLabel, plainTextLabel, applicationLabel :: Word8 plainTextLabel = 0x01 graphicControlLabel = 0xF9 commentLabel = 0xFE applicationLabel = 0xFF parseDataBlocks :: Get B.ByteString parseDataBlocks = B.concat <$> (getWord8 >>= aux) where aux 0 = pure [] aux size = (:) <$> getByteString (fromIntegral size) <*> (getWord8 >>= aux) putDataBlocks :: B.ByteString -> Put putDataBlocks wholeString = putSlices wholeString >> putWord8 0 where putSlices str | B.length str == 0 = pure () | B.length str > 0xFF = let (before, after) = B.splitAt 0xFF str in putWord8 0xFF >> putByteString before >> putSlices after putSlices str = putWord8 (fromIntegral $ B.length str) >> putByteString str data DisposalMethod = DisposalAny | DisposalDoNot | DisposalRestoreBackground | DisposalRestorePrevious | DisposalUnknown Word8 disposalMethodOfCode :: Word8 -> DisposalMethod disposalMethodOfCode v = case v of 0 -> DisposalAny 1 -> DisposalDoNot 2 -> DisposalRestoreBackground 3 -> DisposalRestorePrevious n -> DisposalUnknown n codeOfDisposalMethod :: DisposalMethod -> Word8 codeOfDisposalMethod v = case v of DisposalAny -> 0 DisposalDoNot -> 1 DisposalRestoreBackground -> 2 DisposalRestorePrevious -> 3 DisposalUnknown n -> n data GraphicControlExtension = GraphicControlExtension { gceDisposalMethod :: !DisposalMethod -- ^ Stored on 3 bits , gceUserInputFlag :: !Bool , gceTransparentFlag :: !Bool , gceDelay :: !Word16 , gceTransparentColorIndex :: !Word8 } instance Binary GraphicControlExtension where put v = do putWord8 extensionIntroducer putWord8 graphicControlLabel putWord8 0x4 -- size let disposalCode = codeOfDisposalMethod $ gceDisposalMethod v disposalField = (disposalCode .&. 0x7) `unsafeShiftL` 2 userInputField | gceUserInputFlag v = 0 `setBit` 1 | otherwise = 0 transparentField | gceTransparentFlag v = 0 `setBit` 0 | otherwise = 0 packedFields = disposalField .|. userInputField .|. transparentField putWord8 packedFields putWord16le $ gceDelay v putWord8 $ gceTransparentColorIndex v putWord8 0 -- blockTerminator get = do -- due to missing lookahead {-_extensionLabel <- getWord8-} _size <- getWord8 packedFields <- getWord8 delay <- getWord16le idx <- getWord8 _blockTerminator <- getWord8 return GraphicControlExtension { gceDisposalMethod = disposalMethodOfCode $ (packedFields `unsafeShiftR` 2) .&. 0x07 , gceUserInputFlag = packedFields `testBit` 1 , gceTransparentFlag = packedFields `testBit` 0 , gceDelay = delay , gceTransparentColorIndex = idx } data GifImage = GifImage { imgDescriptor :: !ImageDescriptor , imgLocalPalette :: !(Maybe Palette) , imgLzwRootSize :: !Word8 , imgData :: B.ByteString } instance Binary GifImage where put img = do let descriptor = imgDescriptor img put descriptor case ( imgLocalPalette img , gDescHasLocalMap $ imgDescriptor img) of (Nothing, _) -> return () (Just _, False) -> return () (Just p, True) -> putPalette (fromIntegral $ gDescLocalColorTableSize descriptor) p putWord8 $ imgLzwRootSize img putDataBlocks $ imgData img get = do desc <- get let hasLocalColorTable = gDescHasLocalMap desc palette <- if hasLocalColorTable then Just <$> getPalette (gDescLocalColorTableSize desc) else pure Nothing GifImage desc palette <$> getWord8 <*> parseDataBlocks data Block = BlockImage GifImage | BlockGraphicControl GraphicControlExtension skipSubDataBlocks :: Get () skipSubDataBlocks = do s <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8 unless (s == 0) $ skip s >> skipSubDataBlocks parseGifBlocks :: Get [Block] parseGifBlocks = getWord8 >>= blockParse where blockParse v | v == gifTrailer = pure [] | v == imageSeparator = (:) <$> (BlockImage <$> get) <*> parseGifBlocks | v == extensionIntroducer = getWord8 >>= extensionParse blockParse v = do readPosition <- bytesRead fail ("Unrecognized gif block " ++ show v ++ " @" ++ show readPosition) extensionParse code | code == graphicControlLabel = (:) <$> (BlockGraphicControl <$> get) <*> parseGifBlocks | code == commentLabel = skipSubDataBlocks >> parseGifBlocks | code `elem` [plainTextLabel, applicationLabel] = fromIntegral <$> getWord8 >>= skip >> skipSubDataBlocks >> parseGifBlocks | otherwise = parseDataBlocks >> parseGifBlocks instance Binary ImageDescriptor where put v = do putWord8 imageSeparator putWord16le $ gDescPixelsFromLeft v putWord16le $ gDescPixelsFromTop v putWord16le $ gDescImageWidth v putWord16le $ gDescImageHeight v let localMapField | gDescHasLocalMap v = 0 `setBit` 7 | otherwise = 0 isInterlacedField | gDescIsInterlaced v = 0 `setBit` 6 | otherwise = 0 isImageDescriptorSorted | gDescIsImgDescriptorSorted v = 0 `setBit` 5 | otherwise = 0 localSize = gDescLocalColorTableSize v tableSizeField | localSize > 0 = (localSize - 1) .&. 0x7 | otherwise = 0 packedFields = localMapField .|. isInterlacedField .|. isImageDescriptorSorted .|. tableSizeField putWord8 packedFields get = do -- due to missing lookahead {-_imageSeparator <- getWord8-} imgLeftPos <- getWord16le imgTopPos <- getWord16le imgWidth <- getWord16le imgHeight <- getWord16le packedFields <- getWord8 let tableSize = packedFields .&. 0x7 return ImageDescriptor { gDescPixelsFromLeft = imgLeftPos , gDescPixelsFromTop = imgTopPos , gDescImageWidth = imgWidth , gDescImageHeight = imgHeight , gDescHasLocalMap = packedFields `testBit` 7 , gDescIsInterlaced = packedFields `testBit` 6 , gDescIsImgDescriptorSorted = packedFields `testBit` 5 , gDescLocalColorTableSize = if tableSize > 0 then tableSize + 1 else 0 } -------------------------------------------------- ---- Palette -------------------------------------------------- getPalette :: Word8 -> Get Palette getPalette bitDepth = Image size 1 . V.fromList <$> replicateM (size * 3) get where size = 2 ^ (fromIntegral bitDepth :: Int) putPalette :: Int -> Palette -> Put putPalette size pal = do V.mapM_ putWord8 (imageData pal) replicateM_ missingColorComponent (putWord8 0) where elemCount = 2 ^ size missingColorComponent = (elemCount - imageWidth pal) * 3 -------------------------------------------------- ---- GifImage -------------------------------------------------- data GifHeader = GifHeader { gifVersion :: GifVersion , gifScreenDescriptor :: LogicalScreenDescriptor , gifGlobalMap :: !Palette } instance Binary GifHeader where put v = do put $ gifVersion v let descr = gifScreenDescriptor v put descr putPalette (fromIntegral $ colorTableSize descr) $ gifGlobalMap v get = do version <- get screenDesc <- get palette <- if hasGlobalMap screenDesc then getPalette $ colorTableSize screenDesc else return greyPalette return GifHeader { gifVersion = version , gifScreenDescriptor = screenDesc , gifGlobalMap = palette } data GifFile = GifFile { gifHeader :: !GifHeader , gifImages :: [(Maybe GraphicControlExtension, GifImage)] , gifLoopingBehaviour :: GifLooping } putLooping :: GifLooping -> Put putLooping LoopingNever = return () putLooping LoopingForever = putLooping $ LoopingRepeat 0 putLooping (LoopingRepeat count) = do putWord8 extensionIntroducer putWord8 applicationLabel putWord8 11 -- the size putByteString $ BC.pack "NETSCAPE2.0" putWord8 3 -- size of sub block putWord8 1 putWord16le count putWord8 0 associateDescr :: [Block] -> [(Maybe GraphicControlExtension, GifImage)] associateDescr [] = [] associateDescr [BlockGraphicControl _] = [] associateDescr (BlockGraphicControl _ : rest@(BlockGraphicControl _ : _)) = associateDescr rest associateDescr (BlockImage img:xs) = (Nothing, img) : associateDescr xs associateDescr (BlockGraphicControl ctrl : BlockImage img : xs) = (Just ctrl, img) : associateDescr xs instance Binary GifFile where put v = do put $ gifHeader v let putter (Nothing, i) = put i putter (Just a, i) = put a >> put i putLooping $ gifLoopingBehaviour v mapM_ putter $ gifImages v put gifTrailer get = do hdr <- get blocks <- parseGifBlocks return GifFile { gifHeader = hdr , gifImages = associateDescr blocks , gifLoopingBehaviour = LoopingNever } substituteColors :: Palette -> Image Pixel8 -> Image PixelRGB8 substituteColors palette = pixelMap swaper where swaper n = pixelAt palette (fromIntegral n) 0 substituteColorsWithTransparency :: Int -> Image PixelRGBA8 -> Image Pixel8 -> Image PixelRGBA8 substituteColorsWithTransparency transparent palette = pixelMap swaper where swaper n | ix == transparent = PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 0 | otherwise = promotePixel $ pixelAt palette ix 0 where ix = fromIntegral n decodeImage :: GifImage -> Image Pixel8 decodeImage img = runST $ runBoolReader $ do outputVector <- lift . M.new $ width * height decodeLzw (imgData img) 12 lzwRoot outputVector frozenData <- lift $ V.unsafeFreeze outputVector return . deinterlaceGif $ Image { imageWidth = width , imageHeight = height , imageData = frozenData } where lzwRoot = fromIntegral $ imgLzwRootSize img width = fromIntegral $ gDescImageWidth descriptor height = fromIntegral $ gDescImageHeight descriptor isInterlaced = gDescIsInterlaced descriptor descriptor = imgDescriptor img deinterlaceGif | not isInterlaced = id | otherwise = deinterlaceGifImage deinterlaceGifImage :: Image Pixel8 -> Image Pixel8 deinterlaceGifImage img@(Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h }) = generateImage generator w h where lineIndices = gifInterlacingIndices h generator x y = pixelAt img x y' where y' = lineIndices V.! y gifInterlacingIndices :: Int -> V.Vector Int gifInterlacingIndices height = V.accum (\_ v -> v) (V.replicate height 0) indices where indices = flip zip [0..] $ concat [ [0, 8 .. height - 1] , [4, 4 + 8 .. height - 1] , [2, 2 + 4 .. height - 1] , [1, 1 + 2 .. height - 1] ] paletteOf :: (ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 px) => Image px -> GifImage -> Image px paletteOf global GifImage { imgLocalPalette = Nothing } = global paletteOf _ GifImage { imgLocalPalette = Just p } = promoteImage p getFrameDelays :: GifFile -> [GifDelay] getFrameDelays GifFile { gifImages = [] } = [] getFrameDelays GifFile { gifImages = imgs } = map extractDelay imgs where extractDelay (ext, _) = case ext of Nothing -> 0 Just e -> fromIntegral $ gceDelay e transparentColorOf :: Maybe GraphicControlExtension -> Int transparentColorOf Nothing = 300 transparentColorOf (Just ext) | gceTransparentFlag ext = fromIntegral $ gceTransparentColorIndex ext | otherwise = 300 hasTransparency :: Maybe GraphicControlExtension -> Bool hasTransparency Nothing = False hasTransparency (Just control) = gceTransparentFlag control decodeAllGifImages :: GifFile -> [PalettedImage] decodeAllGifImages GifFile { gifImages = [] } = [] decodeAllGifImages GifFile { gifHeader = GifHeader { gifGlobalMap = palette , gifScreenDescriptor = wholeDescriptor } , gifImages = (firstControl, firstImage) : rest } | not (hasTransparency firstControl) = let backImage = generateImage (\_ _ -> backgroundColor) globalWidth globalHeight thisPalette = paletteOf palette firstImage baseImage = decodeImage firstImage initState = (thisPalette, firstControl, substituteColors thisPalette baseImage) scanner = gifAnimationApplyer (globalWidth, globalHeight) thisPalette backImage palette' = Palette' { _paletteSize = imageWidth thisPalette , _paletteData = imageData thisPalette } in PalettedRGB8 baseImage palette' : [TrueColorImage $ ImageRGB8 img | (_, _, img) <- tail $ scanl scanner initState rest] | otherwise = let backImage :: Image PixelRGBA8 backImage = generateImage (\_ _ -> transparentBackground) globalWidth globalHeight thisPalette :: Image PixelRGBA8 thisPalette = paletteOf (promoteImage palette) firstImage transparentCode = transparentColorOf firstControl decoded = substituteColorsWithTransparency transparentCode thisPalette $ decodeImage firstImage initState = (thisPalette, firstControl, decoded) scanner = gifAnimationApplyer (globalWidth, globalHeight) thisPalette backImage in [TrueColorImage $ ImageRGBA8 img | (_, _, img) <- scanl scanner initState rest] where globalWidth = fromIntegral $ screenWidth wholeDescriptor globalHeight = fromIntegral $ screenHeight wholeDescriptor transparentBackground = PixelRGBA8 r g b 0 where PixelRGB8 r g b = backgroundColor backgroundColor | hasGlobalMap wholeDescriptor = pixelAt palette (fromIntegral $ backgroundIndex wholeDescriptor) 0 | otherwise = PixelRGB8 0 0 0 gifAnimationApplyer :: forall px. (ColorConvertible PixelRGB8 px) => (Int, Int) -> Image px -> Image px -> (Image px, Maybe GraphicControlExtension, Image px) -> (Maybe GraphicControlExtension, GifImage) -> (Image px, Maybe GraphicControlExtension, Image px) gifAnimationApplyer (globalWidth, globalHeight) globalPalette backgroundImage (_, prevControl, img1) (controlExt, img2@(GifImage { imgDescriptor = descriptor })) = (thisPalette, controlExt, thisImage) where thisPalette :: Image px thisPalette = paletteOf globalPalette img2 thisImage = generateImage pixeler globalWidth globalHeight localWidth = fromIntegral $ gDescImageWidth descriptor localHeight = fromIntegral $ gDescImageHeight descriptor left = fromIntegral $ gDescPixelsFromLeft descriptor top = fromIntegral $ gDescPixelsFromTop descriptor isPixelInLocalImage x y = x >= left && x < left + localWidth && y >= top && y < top + localHeight decoded :: Image Pixel8 decoded = decodeImage img2 transparent :: Int transparent = case controlExt of Nothing -> 300 Just ext -> if gceTransparentFlag ext then fromIntegral $ gceTransparentColorIndex ext else 300 oldImage = case gceDisposalMethod <$> prevControl of Nothing -> img1 Just DisposalAny -> img1 Just DisposalDoNot -> img1 Just DisposalRestoreBackground -> backgroundImage Just DisposalRestorePrevious -> img1 Just (DisposalUnknown _) -> img1 pixeler x y | isPixelInLocalImage x y && code /= transparent = val where code = fromIntegral $ pixelAt decoded (x - left) (y - top) val = pixelAt thisPalette (fromIntegral code) 0 pixeler x y = pixelAt oldImage x y decodeFirstGifImage :: GifFile -> Either String (PalettedImage, Metadatas) decodeFirstGifImage img@GifFile { gifImages = (firstImage:_) } = case decodeAllGifImages img { gifImages = [firstImage] } of [] -> Left "No image after decoding" (i:_) -> Right (i, basicMetadata SourceGif (screenWidth hdr) (screenHeight hdr)) where hdr = gifScreenDescriptor $ gifHeader img decodeFirstGifImage _ = Left "No image in gif file" -- | Transform a raw gif image to an image, without modifying the pixels. This -- function can output the following images: -- -- * 'ImageRGB8' -- -- * 'ImageRGBA8' -- decodeGif :: B.ByteString -> Either String DynamicImage decodeGif img = decode img >>= (fmap (palettedToTrueColor . fst) . decodeFirstGifImage) -- | Transform a raw gif image to an image, without modifying the pixels. This -- function can output the following images: -- -- * 'ImageRGB8' -- -- * 'ImageRGBA8' -- -- Metadatas include Width & Height information. -- decodeGifWithMetadata :: B.ByteString -> Either String (DynamicImage, Metadatas) decodeGifWithMetadata img = first palettedToTrueColor <$> decodeGifWithPaletteAndMetadata img -- | Return the gif image with metadata and palette. -- The palette is only returned for the first image of an -- animation and has no transparency. decodeGifWithPaletteAndMetadata :: B.ByteString -> Either String (PalettedImage, Metadatas) decodeGifWithPaletteAndMetadata img = decode img >>= decodeFirstGifImage -- | Transform a raw gif to a list of images, representing -- all the images of an animation. decodeGifImages :: B.ByteString -> Either String [DynamicImage] decodeGifImages img = fmap palettedToTrueColor . decodeAllGifImages <$> decode img -- | Extract a list of frame delays from a raw gif. getDelaysGifImages :: B.ByteString -> Either String [GifDelay] getDelaysGifImages img = getFrameDelays <$> decode img -- | Default palette to produce greyscale images. greyPalette :: Palette greyPalette = generateImage toGrey 256 1 where toGrey x _ = PixelRGB8 ix ix ix where ix = fromIntegral x checkGifImageSizes :: [(a, b, Image px)] -> Bool checkGifImageSizes [] = False checkGifImageSizes ((_, _, img) : rest) = all checkDimension rest where width = imageWidth img height = imageHeight img checkDimension (_,_,Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h }) = w == width && h == height checkPaletteValidity :: [(Palette, a, b)] -> Bool checkPaletteValidity [] = False checkPaletteValidity lst = and [h == 1 && w > 0 && w <= 256 | (p, _, _) <- lst , let w = imageWidth p h = imageHeight p ] areIndexAbsentFromPalette :: (Palette, a, Image Pixel8) -> Bool areIndexAbsentFromPalette (palette, _, img) = V.any isTooBig $ imageData img where paletteElemCount = imageWidth palette isTooBig v = fromIntegral v >= paletteElemCount computeMinimumLzwKeySize :: Palette -> Int computeMinimumLzwKeySize Image { imageWidth = itemCount } = go 2 where go k | 2 ^ k >= itemCount = k | otherwise = go $ k + 1 -- | Encode a gif animation to a bytestring. -- -- * Every image must have the same size -- -- * Every palette must have between one and 256 colors. -- encodeGifImages :: GifLooping -> [(Palette, GifDelay, Image Pixel8)] -> Either String L.ByteString encodeGifImages _ [] = Left "No image in list" encodeGifImages _ imageList | not $ checkGifImageSizes imageList = Left "Gif images have different size" | not $ checkPaletteValidity imageList = Left $ "Invalid palette size " ++ concat [show (imageWidth pal) ++ " "| (pal, _, _) <- imageList ] | any areIndexAbsentFromPalette imageList = Left "Image contains indexes absent from the palette" encodeGifImages looping imageList@((firstPalette, _,firstImage):_) = Right $ encode allFile where version = case imageList of [] -> GIF87a [_] -> GIF87a _:_:_ -> GIF89a allFile = GifFile { gifHeader = GifHeader { gifVersion = version , gifScreenDescriptor = logicalScreen , gifGlobalMap = firstPalette } , gifImages = toSerialize , gifLoopingBehaviour = looping } logicalScreen = LogicalScreenDescriptor { screenWidth = fromIntegral $ imageWidth firstImage , screenHeight = fromIntegral $ imageHeight firstImage , backgroundIndex = 0 , hasGlobalMap = True , colorResolution = 8 , isColorTableSorted = False , colorTableSize = 8 } paletteEqual p = imageData firstPalette == imageData p controlExtension 0 = Nothing controlExtension delay = Just GraphicControlExtension { gceDisposalMethod = DisposalAny , gceUserInputFlag = False , gceTransparentFlag = False , gceDelay = fromIntegral delay , gceTransparentColorIndex = 0 } toSerialize = [(controlExtension delay, GifImage { imgDescriptor = imageDescriptor lzwKeySize (paletteEqual palette) img , imgLocalPalette = Just palette , imgLzwRootSize = fromIntegral lzwKeySize , imgData = B.concat . L.toChunks . lzwEncode lzwKeySize $ imageData img }) | (palette, delay, img) <- imageList , let lzwKeySize = computeMinimumLzwKeySize palette ] imageDescriptor paletteSize palEqual img = ImageDescriptor { gDescPixelsFromLeft = 0 , gDescPixelsFromTop = 0 , gDescImageWidth = fromIntegral $ imageWidth img , gDescImageHeight = fromIntegral $ imageHeight img , gDescHasLocalMap = paletteSize > 0 && not palEqual , gDescIsInterlaced = False , gDescIsImgDescriptorSorted = False , gDescLocalColorTableSize = if palEqual then 0 else fromIntegral paletteSize } -- | Encode a greyscale image to a bytestring. encodeGifImage :: Image Pixel8 -> L.ByteString encodeGifImage img = case encodeGifImages LoopingNever [(greyPalette, 0, img)] of Left err -> error $ "Impossible:" ++ err Right v -> v -- | Encode an image with a given palette. -- Can return errors if the palette is ill-formed. -- -- * A palette must have between 1 and 256 colors -- encodeGifImageWithPalette :: Image Pixel8 -> Palette -> Either String L.ByteString encodeGifImageWithPalette img palette = encodeGifImages LoopingNever [(palette, 0, img)] -- | Write a greyscale in a gif file on the disk. writeGifImage :: FilePath -> Image Pixel8 -> IO () writeGifImage file = L.writeFile file . encodeGifImage -- | Write a list of images as a gif animation in a file. -- -- * Every image must have the same size -- -- * Every palette must have between one and 256 colors. -- writeGifImages :: FilePath -> GifLooping -> [(Palette, GifDelay, Image Pixel8)] -> Either String (IO ()) writeGifImages file looping lst = L.writeFile file <$> encodeGifImages looping lst -- | Write a gif image with a palette to a file. -- -- * A palette must have between 1 and 256 colors -- writeGifImageWithPalette :: FilePath -> Image Pixel8 -> Palette -> Either String (IO ()) writeGifImageWithPalette file img palette = L.writeFile file <$> encodeGifImageWithPalette img palette