module Codec.Picture.Blp(
  , readBlpMipmaps
  , decodeBlp
  , decodeBlpMipmaps
  , writeBlpJpeg
  , writeBlpUncompressedWithAlpha
  , writeBlpUncompressedWithoutAlpha
  , encodeBlpJpeg
  , encodeBlpUncompressedWithAlpha
  , encodeBlpUncompressedWithoutAlpha
  , mipMapsUpTo
  ) where

import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Types
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word
import TextShow.Debug.Trace

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Codec.Picture.Blp.Internal.Convert
import Codec.Picture.Blp.Internal.Data
import Codec.Picture.Blp.Internal.Encoder
import Codec.Picture.Blp.Internal.Parser

-- | Read BLP from given file without mipmaps
readBlp :: FilePath -> IO (Either String DynamicImage)
readBlp fp = decodeBlp `fmap` BS.readFile fp

-- | Read BLP from given file with mipmaps
readBlpMipmaps :: FilePath -> IO (Either String [DynamicImage])
readBlpMipmaps fp = decodeBlpMipmaps `fmap` BS.readFile fp

-- | Decodes BLP without mipmaps
decodeBlp :: ByteString -> Either String DynamicImage
decodeBlp bs = do
  is <- decodeBlpMipmaps bs
  if null is then Left "No data in BLP"
    else return $ head is

-- | Decodes BLP and returns original image plus all mipmaps
decodeBlpMipmaps :: ByteString -> Either String [DynamicImage]
decodeBlpMipmaps bs = do
  blp <- parseBlp bs
  case blpExt $ traceTextShowId blp of
    BlpJpeg {..} -> do
      let jpegs = (blpJpegHeader <>) `fmap` blpJpegData
      mips <- mapM decodeJpeg jpegs
      return $ toPngRepresentable <$> mips

    BlpUncompressed1 {..} -> do
      let mkImage mip = ImageRGBA8 $ generateImage (gen mip) (fromIntegral $ blpWidth blp) (fromIntegral $ blpHeight blp)
      return $ mkImage `fmap` blpU1MipMaps
      palette :: Word8 -> PixelRGBA8
      palette i = blpU1Palette V.! fromIntegral i

      makeIndex x y = y*(fromIntegral $ blpWidth blp)+x
      takeColor mip x y = palette $ fst mip `BS.index` makeIndex x y
      takeAlpha mip x y = snd mip `BS.index` makeIndex x y
      gen mip x y = let
        PixelRGBA8 r g b _ = takeColor mip x y
        a = takeAlpha mip x y
        in PixelRGBA8 b g r a

    BlpUncompressed2 {..} -> do
      let mkImage mip = ImageRGBA8 $ generateImage (gen mip) (fromIntegral $ blpWidth blp) (fromIntegral $ blpHeight blp)
      return $ mkImage `fmap` blpU2MipMaps
      palette :: Word8 -> PixelRGBA8
      palette i = blpU2Palette V.! fromIntegral i

      makeIndex x y = y*(fromIntegral $ blpWidth blp)+x
      takeColor mip x y = palette $ mip `BS.index` makeIndex x y
      gen mip x y = let
        PixelRGBA8 r g b a = takeColor mip x y
        in PixelRGBA8 b g r (255 - a)

-- | Calculate needed count of mipmaps to cover sizes up to given minimum size (helper for 'writeBlp*' functions)
mipMapsUpTo :: Int -- ^ Minimum size of picture side for generation of mipmap (ex. 2, 4, 16, 32, 64, 512, 1024 and etc)
  -> DynamicImage -- ^ Image for which we generate mipmaps
  -> Int
mipMapsUpTo minSize img = maxNum - minSizeNum
    w = dynamicMap imageWidth img
    h = dynamicMap imageHeight img
    minSide = min w h
    maxNum = ceiling $ logBase 2 (fromIntegral minSide)
    minSizeNum = floor $ logBase 2 (fromIntegral (max 1 minSize))

writeBlpJpeg :: FilePath -> Int -> Int -> DynamicImage -> IO ()
writeBlpJpeg fp quality numMips img = do
  let bs = encodeBlpJpeg quality numMips img
  BSL.writeFile fp bs

writeBlpUncompressedWithAlpha :: FilePath -> Int -> DynamicImage -> IO ()
writeBlpUncompressedWithAlpha fp numMips img = do
  let bs = encodeBlpUncompressedWithAlpha numMips img
  BSL.writeFile fp bs

writeBlpUncompressedWithoutAlpha :: FilePath -> Int -> DynamicImage -> IO ()
writeBlpUncompressedWithoutAlpha fp numMips img = do
  let bs = encodeBlpUncompressedWithoutAlpha numMips img
  BSL.writeFile fp bs

encodeBlpJpeg :: Int -> Int -> DynamicImage -> BSL.ByteString
encodeBlpJpeg quality numMips = encodeBlp numMips {-. traceTextShowId-} . toBlpStruct BlpCompressionJPEG quality numMips

encodeBlpUncompressedWithAlpha :: Int -> DynamicImage -> BSL.ByteString
encodeBlpUncompressedWithAlpha numMips = encodeBlp numMips {-. traceTextShowId-} . toBlpStruct BlpCompressionUncompressed 100 numMips

encodeBlpUncompressedWithoutAlpha :: Int -> DynamicImage -> BSL.ByteString
encodeBlpUncompressedWithoutAlpha numMips = encodeBlp numMips {-. traceTextShowId-} . toBlpStruct BlpCompressionUncompressed 100 numMips