-- |This module implements the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm.
-- It can search a word in a text in O(m+n) time, where m and n are the length of the word and the text.
-- This module can apply on any list of instance of Eq.
-- Donald Knuth; James H. Morris, Jr, Vaughan Pratt (1977).
-- Fast pattern matching in strings.
-- SIAM Journal on Computing 6 (2): 323-350. doi:10.1137/0206024
-- Sample usage:
-- @
--  let
--    word = \"abababcaba\"
--    text = \"abababababcabababcababbb\"
--    kmpTable = build word
--    result = match kmpTable text
--    -- the result should be [4, 11]
-- @
module Data.Algorithms.KMP
  ( Table
  , build
  , match
  ) where

import Data.Array
  ( Array
  , listArray
  , bounds
  , (!)

-- |The solid data type of KMP table
data Table a = Table
  { alphabetTable :: Array Int a
  , jumpTable :: Array Int Int

-- |The 'build' function eats a pattern (list of some Eq) and generates a KMP table.
-- The time and space complexities are both O(length of the pattern)
build :: Eq a => [a] -> Table a
build pattern =
    len = length pattern

    resTable = Table
      { alphabetTable = listArray (0,len-1) pattern
      , jumpTable = listArray (0,len-1) $ -1 : map genJump [1..]

    genJump i =
        ch = alphabetTable resTable ! i

        findJ j
          | alphabetTable resTable ! (j + 1) == ch = j
          | j == (-1) = -2
          | otherwise = findJ (jumpTable resTable ! j)

        j = findJ ( jumpTable resTable ! (i-1) )
        j + 1


-- |The 'match' function takes the KMP table and a list to be searched (might be infinite)
-- and then generates the search results as a list of every matched begining (might be infinite).
-- The time complexity is O(length of the pattern + length of the searched list)
match :: Eq a => Table a -> [a] -> [Int]
match table str =
    len = 1 + snd ( bounds (alphabetTable table) )

    go i j str =
        later = case str of
          (s:ss) ->
              (i', j', str')
                | j < len && s == alphabetTable table ! j = (i + 1, j + 1, ss)
                | j > 0 = (i, 1 + (jumpTable table ! (j - 1)), str)
                | otherwise = (i + 1, 0, ss)
              go i' j' str'
          _ -> []
        if j == len
          then i-len : later
          else later
    go 0 0 str