Readme for KdTree-0.2

This is a simple library for k-d trees in Haskell, based on the algorithms at It enables efficient searching through collections of points in O(log N) time for randomly distributed points, using the nearestNeighbor function. Here is an example of an interactive session using this module: [ ~/haskell/KdTree ] ghci GHCi, version 7.0.3: :? for help ... Prelude> :m Data.Trees.KdTree Prelude Data.Trees.KdTree> import Test.QuickCheck Prelude Data.Trees.KdTree Test.QuickCheck> points <- sample' arbitrary :: IO [Point3d] ... Prelude Data.Trees.KdTree Test.QuickCheck> let tree = fromList points Prelude Data.Trees.KdTree Test.QuickCheck> nearestNeighbor tree (head points) Just (Point3d {p3x = 0.0, p3y = 0.0, p3z = 0.0}) Prelude Data.Trees.KdTree Test.QuickCheck> head points Point3d {p3x = 0.0, p3y = 0.0, p3z = 0.0}