Name: KiCS Version: 0.8.7 Cabal-Version: >= 1.6 Author: Bernd Braßel Maintainer: Bernd Braßel Homepage: License: OtherLicense License-File: LICENSE Category: Compiler build-type: Simple Synopsis: A compiler from Curry to Haskell Description: This package builds the Curry to Haskell compiler "kics". Note, that you need a functional curry module "Prelude.curry" to get started. The standard version of that file is contained in the package KiCS-libraries. Stability: experimental Executable kics main-is: kics.hs hs-source-dirs: src Build-Depends: base == 4.1.*, haskell98, mtl, filepath, old-time, directory, containers, curry-base >= 0.2.5, curry-frontend >= 0.2.5 Library hs-source-dirs: src Build-Depends: syb Exposed-Modules: Curry.RunTimeSystem.Store, Curry.RunTimeSystem.BaseCurry, Curry.RunTimeSystem Curry.Compiler.Config Curry.Compiler.CurryToHaskell Curry.Compiler.SafeCalls Curry.Compiler.Names Curry.Compiler.ShowFlatCurry Other-Modules: Curry.Compiler.KicsSubdir Curry.Compiler.FunctionalProg Curry.Compiler.ShowFunctionalProg Curry.Compiler.PreTrans Curry.Compiler.Simplification Curry.Compiler.Brace