module Dungeon where import Prelude hiding (floor) import Control.Monad import Data.Map as M import Data.List as L import Data.Ratio import State import Geometry import Level import Monster import Item import Random type Corridor = [(Y,X)] type Room = Area -- | Create a random room according to given parameters. mkRoom :: Int -> -- ^ border columns (Y,X) -> -- ^ minimum size Area -> -- ^ this is an area, not the room itself Rnd Room -- ^ this is the upper-left and lower-right corner of the room mkRoom bd (ym,xm) ((y0,x0),(y1,x1)) = do (ry0,rx0) <- locInArea ((y0 + bd,x0 + bd),(y1 - bd - ym + 1,x1 - bd - xm + 1)) (ry1,rx1) <- locInArea ((ry0 + ym - 1,rx0 + xm - 1),(y1 - bd,x1 - bd)) return ((ry0,rx0),(ry1,rx1)) -- | Create a no-room, i.e., a single corridor field. mkNoRoom :: Int -> -- ^ border columns Area -> -- ^ this is an area, not the room itself Rnd Room -- ^ this is the upper-left and lower-right corner of the room mkNoRoom bd ((y0,x0),(y1,x1)) = do (ry,rx) <- locInArea ((y0 + bd,x0 + bd),(y1 - bd,x1 - bd)) return ((ry,rx),(ry,rx)) -- | Create a corridor, either horizontal or vertical, with -- a possible intermediate part that is in the opposite direction. mkCorridor :: HV -> (Loc,Loc) -> Area -> Rnd [(Y,X)] {- straight sections of the corridor -} mkCorridor hv ((y0,x0),(y1,x1)) b = do (ry,rx) <- findLocInArea b (const True) -- (ry,rx) is intermediate point the path crosses -- hv decides whether we start in horizontal or vertical direction case hv of Horiz -> return [(y0,x0),(y0,rx),(y1,rx),(y1,x1)] Vert -> return [(y0,x0),(ry,x0),(ry,x1),(y1,x1)] -- | Try to connect two rooms with a corridor. -- The condition passed to mkCorridor is tricky; there might not always -- exist a suitable intermediate point if the rooms are allowed to be close -- together ... connectRooms :: Area -> Area -> Rnd [Loc] connectRooms sa@((sy0,sx0),(sy1,sx1)) ta@((ty0,tx0),(ty1,tx1)) = do (sy,sx) <- locInArea sa (ty,tx) <- locInArea ta let xok = sx1 < tx0 - 3 let xarea = normalizeArea ((sy,sx1+2),(ty,tx0-2)) let yok = sy1 < ty0 - 3 let yarea = normalizeArea ((sy1+2,sx),(ty0-2,tx)) let xyarea = normalizeArea ((sy1+2,sx1+2),(ty0-2,tx0-2)) (hv,area) <- if xok && yok then fmap (\ hv -> (hv,xyarea)) (binaryChoice Horiz Vert) else if xok then return (Horiz,xarea) else return (Vert,yarea) mkCorridor hv ((sy,sx),(ty,tx)) area -- | Actually dig a corridor. digCorridor :: Corridor -> LMap -> LMap digCorridor (p1:p2:ps) l = digCorridor (p2:ps) (M.unionWith corridorUpdate newPos l) where newPos = M.fromList [ (ps,newTile Corridor) | ps <- fromTo p1 p2 ] corridorUpdate _ (Tile (Wall hv) is,u) = (Tile (Opening hv) is,u) corridorUpdate _ (Tile (Opening hv) is,u) = (Tile (Opening hv) is,u) corridorUpdate _ (Tile (Floor l) is,u) = (Tile (Floor l) is,u) corridorUpdate (x,u) _ = (x,u) digCorridor _ l = l -- | Create a new tile. newTile :: Terrain -> (Tile, Tile) newTile t = (Tile t [], Tile Unknown []) -- | Create a level consisting of only one room. Optionally, insert some walls. emptyroom :: (Level -> Rnd (LMap -> LMap)) -> LevelConfig -> LevelName -> Rnd (Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Level, Loc, Loc) emptyroom addWallsRnd cfg@(LevelConfig { levelSize = (sy,sx) }) nm = do let lmap = digRoom Light ((1,1),(sy-1,sx-1)) (emptyLMap (sy,sx)) let smap = M.fromList [ ((y,x),-100) | y <- [], x <- [] ] let lvl = Level nm (sy,sx) [] smap lmap "" -- locations of the stairs su <- findLoc lvl (const floor) sd <- findLoc lvl (\ l t -> floor t && distance (su,l) > minStairsDistance cfg) is <- rollItems cfg lvl su addWalls <- addWallsRnd lvl let addItem lmap (l,it) = M.update (\ (t,r) -> Just (t { titems = it : titems t }, r)) l lmap flmap lu ld = addWalls $ maybe id (\ l -> M.insert su (newTile (Stairs Light Up l))) lu $ maybe id (\ l -> M.insert sd (newTile (Stairs Light Down l))) ld $ (\lmap -> foldl' addItem lmap is) $ lmap level lu ld = Level nm (sy,sx) [] smap (flmap lu ld) "bigroom" return (level, su, sd) -- | For a bigroom level: Create a level consisting of only one, empty room. bigroom :: LevelConfig -> LevelName -> Rnd (Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Level, Loc, Loc) bigroom = emptyroom (\ lvl -> return id) -- | For a noiseroom level: Create a level consisting of only one room -- with randomly distributed pillars. noiseroom :: LevelConfig -> LevelName -> Rnd (Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Level, Loc, Loc) noiseroom cfg = let addWalls lvl = do rs <- rollPillars cfg lvl let insertWall lmap l = case lmap `at` l of Tile (Floor _) [] -> M.insert l (newTile (Wall O)) lmap _ -> lmap return $ \ lmap -> foldl' insertWall lmap rs in emptyroom addWalls cfg data LevelConfig = LevelConfig { levelGrid :: Rnd (Y,X), minRoomSize :: Rnd (Y,X), darkRoomChance :: Rnd Bool, border :: Int, -- must be at least 2! levelSize :: (Y,X), -- lower right point extraConnects :: (Y,X) -> Int, -- relative to grid -- (in fact a range, because of duplicate connects) noRooms :: (Y,X) -> Rnd Int, -- range, relative to grid minStairsDistance :: Int, -- must not be too large doorChance :: Rnd Bool, doorOpenChance :: Rnd Bool, doorSecretChance :: Rnd Bool, doorSecretMax :: Int, nrItems :: Rnd Int, -- range depth :: Int -- general indicator of difficulty } normalLevelSize :: (Y,X) normalLevelSize = (22,79) defaultLevelConfig :: Int -> LevelConfig defaultLevelConfig d = LevelConfig { levelGrid = do y <- randomR (2,4) x <- randomR (3,5) return (y,x), minRoomSize = return (2,2), darkRoomChance = chance $ 1%((22 - (2 * fromIntegral d)) `max` 2), border = 2, levelSize = normalLevelSize, extraConnects = \ (y,x) -> (y*x) `div` 3, noRooms = \ (y,x) -> randomR (0,(y*x) `div` 3), minStairsDistance = 676, doorChance = chance $ 2%3, doorOpenChance = chance $ 1%10, doorSecretChance = chance $ 1%4, doorSecretMax = 15, nrItems = randomR (5,10), depth = d } largeLevelConfig :: Int -> LevelConfig largeLevelConfig d = (defaultLevelConfig d) { levelGrid = return (7,10), levelSize = (77,231), extraConnects = const 10 } -- | Create a "normal" dungeon level. Takes a configuration in order -- to tweak all sorts of data. level :: LevelConfig -> LevelName -> Rnd (Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Maybe (Maybe DungeonLoc) -> Level, Loc, Loc) level cfg nm = do lgrid <- levelGrid cfg lminroom <- minRoomSize cfg let gs = M.toList (grid lgrid ((0,0),levelSize cfg)) -- grid locations of "no-rooms" nrnr <- noRooms cfg lgrid nr <- replicateM nrnr (do let (y,x) = lgrid yg <- randomR (0,y-1) xg <- randomR (0,x-1) return (yg,xg)) rs0 <- mapM (\ (i,r) -> do r' <- if i `elem` nr then mkNoRoom (border cfg) r else mkRoom (border cfg) lminroom r return (i,r')) gs let rooms :: [(Loc, Loc)] rooms = snd rs0 dlrooms <- (mapM (\ r -> darkRoomChance cfg >>= \ c -> return (r, toDL (not c))) rooms) :: Rnd [((Loc, Loc), DL)] let rs = M.fromList rs0 connects <- connectGrid lgrid addedConnects <- replicateM (extraConnects cfg lgrid) (randomConnection lgrid) let allConnects = L.nub (addedConnects ++ connects) cs <- mapM (\ (p0,p1) -> do let r0 = rs ! p0 r1 = rs ! p1 connectRooms r0 r1) allConnects let smap = M.fromList [ ((y,x),-100) | let (sy,sx) = levelSize cfg, y <- [], x <- [] ] let lmap :: LMap lmap = foldr digCorridor (foldr (\ (r, dl) m -> digRoom dl r m) (emptyLMap (levelSize cfg)) dlrooms) cs let lvl = Level nm (levelSize cfg) [] smap lmap "" -- convert openings into doors dlmap <- fmap M.fromList . mapM (\ o@((y,x),(t,r)) -> case t of Tile (Opening hv) _ -> do -- openings have a certain chance to be doors; -- doors have a certain chance to be open; and -- closed doors have a certain chance to be -- secret rb <- doorChance cfg ro <- doorOpenChance cfg rs <- if ro then return Nothing else do rsc <- doorSecretChance cfg fmap Just (if rsc then randomR (1, doorSecretMax cfg) else return 0) if rb then return ((y,x),newTile (Door hv rs)) else return o _ -> return o) . M.toList $ lmap -- locations of the stairs su <- findLoc lvl (const floor) sd <- findLocTry 1000 lvl (const floor) (\ l t -> distance (su,l) > minStairsDistance cfg) -- determine number of items, items and locations for the items is <- rollItems cfg lvl su -- generate map and level from the data let meta = show allConnects return (\ lu ld -> let flmap = maybe id (\ l -> M.update (\ (t,r) -> Just $ newTile (Stairs (toDL $ light t) Up l)) su) lu $ maybe id (\ l -> M.update (\ (t,r) -> Just $ newTile (Stairs (toDL $ light t) Down l)) sd) ld $ foldr (\ (l,it) f -> M.update (\ (t,r) -> Just (t { titems = it : titems t }, r)) l . f) id is dlmap in Level nm (levelSize cfg) [] smap flmap meta, su, sd) rollItems :: LevelConfig -> Level -> Loc -> Rnd [(Loc, Item)] rollItems cfg lvl ploc = do nri <- nrItems cfg replicateM nri $ do t <- newItem (depth cfg) itemFrequency l <- case itype t of Sword _ -> -- swords generated close to monsters; MUAHAHAHA findLocTry 200 lvl (const floor) (\ l t -> distance (ploc, l) > 400) _ -> findLoc lvl (const floor) return (l,t) rollPillars :: LevelConfig -> Level -> Rnd [Loc] rollPillars cfg lvl = do nri <- 100 *~ nrItems cfg replicateM nri $ do l <- findLoc lvl (const floor) return l emptyLMap :: (Y,X) -> LMap emptyLMap (my,mx) = M.fromList [ ((y,x),newTile Rock) | x <- [], y <- [] ] -- | If the room has size 1, it is assumed to be a no-room, and a single -- corridor field will be dug instead of a room. digRoom :: DL -> Room -> LMap -> LMap digRoom dl ((y0,x0),(y1,x1)) l | y0 == y1 && x0 == x1 = M.insert (y0,x0) (newTile Corridor) l | otherwise = let rm = M.fromList $ [ ((y,x),newTile (Floor dl)) | x <- [x0..x1], y <- [y0..y1] ] ++ [ ((y,x),newTile (Wall p)) | (x,y,p) <- [(x0-1,y0-1,UL),(x1+1,y0-1,UR),(x0-1,y1+1,DL),(x1+1,y1+1,DR)] ] ++ [ ((y,x),newTile (Wall p)) | x <- [x0..x1], (y,p) <- [(y0-1,U),(y1+1,D)] ] ++ [ ((y,x),newTile (Wall p)) | (x,p) <- [(x0-1,L),(x1+1,R)], y <- [y0..y1] ] in M.unionWith const rm l -- | Create a new monster in the level, at a random position. addMonster :: Level -> Player -> Rnd Level addMonster lvl@(Level { lmonsters = ms, lmap = lmap }) player@(Monster { mloc = ploc }) = do rc <- monsterGenChance (lname lvl) ms if rc then do -- TODO: new monsters should always be generated in a place that isn't -- visible by the player (if possible -- not possible for bigrooms) -- levels with few rooms are dangerous, because monsters may spawn -- in adjacent and unexpected places sm <- findLocTry 1000 lvl (\ l t -> not (l `L.elem` mloc (player : ms)) && open t) (\ l t -> distance (ploc, l) > 400 && floor t) m <- newMonster sm monsterFrequency return (updateMonsters (const (m : ms)) lvl) else return lvl