module StrategyState where import Data.List as L import Data.Map as M import Data.Set as S import Geometry import Level import Monster import Random import Perception import Strategy import State strategy :: Monster -> State -> Perception -> Strategy Dir strategy m@(Monster { mtype = mt, mloc = me, mdir = mdir }) (state@(State { splayer = player@(Monster { mloc = ploc }), stime = time, slevel = lvl@(Level { lmonsters = ms, lsmell = nsmap, lmap = lmap }) })) per = case mt of Eye -> slowEye FastEye -> fastEye Nose -> nose _ -> onlyAccessible moveRandomly where -- we check if the monster is visible by the player rather than if the -- player is visible by the monster -- this is more efficient, but -- won't be correct in the general situation playerVisible = me `S.member` pvisible per playerAdjacent = adjacent me ploc towardsPlayer = towards (me, ploc) onlyTowardsPlayer = only (\ x -> distance (towardsPlayer, x) <= 1) lootPresent = (\ x -> not $ L.null $ titems $ lmap `at` x) onlyLootPresent = onlyMoves lootPresent me onlyPreservesDir = only (\ x -> maybe True (\ d -> distance (neg d, x) > 1) mdir) onlyUnoccupied = onlyMoves (unoccupied ms lmap) me onlyAccessible = onlyMoves (accessible lmap me) me onlyOpenable = onlyMoves (openable 10 lmap) me smells = fst $ L.sortBy (\ (_,s1) (_,s2) -> compare s2 s1) $ L.filter (\ (_,s) -> s > 0) $ (\ x -> (x, nsmap ! (me `shift` x) - time `max` 0)) moves eye = onlyUnoccupied $ playerVisible .=> onlyTowardsPlayer moveRandomly .| lootPresent me .=> return (0,0) .| onlyLootPresent moveRandomly .| onlyPreservesDir moveRandomly slowEye = playerAdjacent .=> return towardsPlayer .| not playerVisible .=> onlyOpenable eye .| onlyAccessible eye fastEye = playerAdjacent .=> return towardsPlayer .| onlyAccessible eye nose = playerAdjacent .=> return towardsPlayer .| (onlyAccessible $ lootPresent me .=> return (0,0) .| foldr (.|) reject ( return smells) .| onlyLootPresent moveRandomly .| moveRandomly) onlyMoves :: (Dir -> Bool) -> Loc -> Strategy Dir -> Strategy Dir onlyMoves p l = only (\ x -> p (l `shift` x)) moveRandomly :: Strategy Dir moveRandomly = liftFrequency $ uniform moves wait :: Strategy Dir wait = return (0,0)